Impaired urinary Elimination: Nursing diagnosis and care plan

The body is a complex network of organs and systems that function in unison to create the nutrition necessary for the life of the organism. Among these organs, the urinary tract is essential to this process. It flushes your bloodstream with acids, electrolytes, extra water, and other compounds, stopping them from reabsorbing. Urine elimination issues could arise if you experience issues with any aspect of this procedure. This article will help you understand impaired urinary Elimination, its causes, nursing diagnosis, symptoms and highlight some of the interventions.

What is impaired urinary Elimination?

Impaired urinary Elimination is a diagnostic that describes any difficulty with urine elimination. It is often used to develop a nursing care plan for people suffering from genito-urinary illnesses such as renal diseases and urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Impaired urinary Elimination can drastically decrease quality of life, increase the risk of UTIs and skin deterioration, and cause incontinence-related dermatitis and pressure ulcers. Treatment methods vary according to the underlying cause; however, they can include pelvic medication, surgery floor muscle exercises, and catheterization.

Nurses can help patients understand the reasons for their symptoms and how to avoid and manage them.

What is urinary Elimination?

Urinary Elimination is the process of removing wastes from the body through urine. The kidneys eliminate waste materials and byproducts from the blood by converting them into the urine, which is then expelled from the body. The urinary tract system consists of the ureters, urethra, kidneys, and bladder.

Impaired urinary Elimination factors

Here are some factors that can lead to impaired urinary Elimination;

  • Lack of muscular bladder tone, or bladder atony
  • Environmental obstacles
  • Numerous wounds
  • Reduced bladder capacity
  • Disrupted bladder innervation
  • Closure of the bladder outlet
  • A dysfunctional bladder
  • Congenital bladder and gastrointestinal issues, including hypospadias, epispadias, or a tiny bladder
  • Sensory-motor dysfunction
  • Weakening bladder signals

Signs and symptoms

  • An increased need to urinate frequently and urgently
  • Slurring
  • Nocturia, or nighttime voiding, and
  • Reluctance
  • Bladder distention
  • Urinary retention, which is indicated by significant residual quantities of urine found on bladder scans
  • Dysuria – difficulty or painful struggle to urinate
  • Enuresis is a loss of bladder control

Nursing care plan for impaired urinary Elimination

Goals and outcomes

Here are some of the common goals and expected results for the impaired urinary Elimination care plan;

  • The patient expresses understanding of the illness verbally
  • The patient maintains normal I&O with clear, odorless urine that is free of urinary leakage or bladder distension
  • The patient determines the origin of the incontinence
  • The patient indicates efforts and methods to avoid urinary infection
  • The patient explains why the treatment is necessary

Nursing care plan 1: Urethritis

  • Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired urine elimination due to Urethritis, as shown by urinary frequency dysuria. The desired outcome is to see the patient resume regular urine elimination patterns.

Nursing interventions for impaired urinary Elimination

  1. Provide the Urethritis antibiotic as directed. The antibiotic is selected based on the urine sensitivity test results. The typical antibiotic treatment for Urethritis lasts up to 10 days. This is expected to deal with the virus at its source.
  2. Instruct the patient to urinate every two to three hours to enhance the process for the bladder to wash out bacteria and prevent urine buildup.
  • Examine the patient’s present urination pattern and contrast it with their regular pre-symptomatic pattern to determine whether the patient has benign prostatic hyperplasia or hypertrophy. The objective is to collect baseline information on urine elimination patterns.
  1. Ask the patient to refrain from or consume less of beverages that can cause urinary incontinence, such as tea, alcohol, colas, and coffee, to speed up the patient’s recovery.

Nursing care plan 2: Hyperplasia (BPH)/ Benign prostatic hypertrophy

  • Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired urinary elimination results from mechanical blockage caused by an enlarged prostate, as indicated by urinary frequency and dysuria. The desired outcome is that the patient’s urine elimination pattern will improve, as indicated by post-void remnants.


  1. Check for bladder distention by palpating the bladder to evaluate the bladder for retention and expansion.
  2. Observe the patient’s current elimination pattern and contrast it with their typical pattern before Urethritis. To collect baseline information on urine elimination patterns.
  • If necessary, put an indwelling catheter to facilitate bladder urine ejection. Catheterization may be painful for a BPH patient, though it efficiently improves discomfort caused by an overly inflated bladder.
  1. Reveal to the patient the benefits of sitz baths. Sitz baths help lower urinary edema and relax urinary muscles. In addition, owing to the enlarged prostate encourages relaxation and pain reduction.
  2. Instruct the patient to limit or stop consuming substances, including tea, alcohol, colas, and coffee, that might cause bladder irritation. To help promote the patient’s recovery.

Nursing care plan 3: Urolithiasis

  • Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired Urinary Elimination due to stone formation in the urine tract, as indicated by forfeiting pain, dysuria, urinary frequency, and an enlarged bladder. The patient will obtain a better pattern of urination, as demonstrated by painless urination, improved tone in the bladder muscles, and regular frequency of urination.


  1. Observe the patient’s current elimination pattern and contrast it with their typical pattern before urolithiasis to collect baseline data on urine elimination patterns
  2. Palpate the bladder and look for signs of bladder distention. Utilize a mobile bladder scanner to evaluate the bladder for retention and distention.
  • Apply alpha-blockers as directed. Urolithiasis cannot currently be treated directly with medicine. Alpha-blockers, however, can be used to relax the ureter’s muscles. Small renal calculi can pass through and be removed from the body.
  1. Strain and record the kidney stone and urine parameters for each urine discharge to check the signs of decreased urine output. The distinctive kidney stones and urine contribute critical information in the patient’s subsequent renal therapy.
  2. Encourage the patient to limit or stop consuming substances, including colas, alcohol, tea, and coffee that can cause bladder discomfort to help the patient’s rehabilitation.
  3. Ask the patient to urinate every two to three hours to make it easier to discharge the renal from the bladder and prevent urine retention.
  • Take blood samples to be tested for renal function to monitor kidney function.

Impaired urinary elimination nursing diagnosis

Impaired nursing elimination nursing diagnosis is given when a patient has difficulties properly and entirely flushing their bladder. It is a common occurrence in the elderly, persons with spinal cord injuries, and people with neurological diseases that disrupt nerve impulses to and from the bladder.

Signs and symptoms

  • Urinary frequency
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Urgency
  • Urinary retention
  • Urinary tract infections

The underlying factors of decreased urine elimination can range from physical problems such as nerve injury, structural abnormalities in the urinary system, or muscle weakness to psychological factors such as depression or anxiety.

Nursing care objectives for impaired urinary Elimination include encouraging regular voiding patterns, reducing complications, and promoting safety and dignity.

Impaired urinary elimination interventions

  • Helping someone use assistive technology
  • Medication Administration
  • Supporting catheterization
  • Encouraging hydration
  • Assisting with bathroom needs
  • Practicing pelvic floor workouts

It is essential for healthcare providers to study and assess the patient’s urine elimination habits, as well as identify and address any possible causes. This will help provide tailored care and encourage positive patient outcomes.

Scanty urination

Scanty urination reduces the quantity of urine produced or discharged during urination. It is a widespread condition with a number of potential causes, such as:

  1. Health issues

Several health issues, including diabetes and liver illness, can alter urine output and production.

  1. Obstruction of the urinary tract

A kidney stone or an enlarged prostate can clog the urinary tract and prevent urine from flowing freely.

  • Nervous system issues

Neurological diseases such as spinal cord injuries or neuropathy might impair the ability to empty the bladder.

  1. Dehydration

When the body is dehydrated, it excretes less urine.

  1. Medication

Some drugs, such as anticholinergics and diuretics, might reduce the flow of urine.

Scanty urination can cause a buildup of urine in the bladder, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections and bladder damage. You should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment if you have scanty urination. The healthcare provider can advise increasing fluid intake, changing medication, or trying another treatment depending on the underlying cause of the disease.

What is Dysuria?

Dysuria definition can be termed as a medical word that describes discomfort or pain during urinating. This may present as a burning or stinging feeling, a constant need to urinate, trouble to start and controlling the urine flow, or only passing a small volume of urine at once.

Dysuria can be caused by a number of medical issues, including urinary tract infections, bladder or urethral irritations, sexually transmitted diseases, bladder stones, prostate problems, and others. It’s critical to consult a doctor right away if you develop dysuria symptoms because timely care can help avoid complications and hasten healing.


Impaired urinary Elimination is a severe health issue that, if left untreated, can result in discomfort, suffering, and long-term health issues. It is brought on by several underlying diseases, including nerve damage, prostate issues, urinary tract infections, and more. Individuals should adopt healthy behaviors if they encounter signs of urinary difficulties to avoid decreased excretion. However, impaired urine elimination can be effectively treated and managed to enhance the quality of life and prevent serious problems. If you found this article educating and would like to read more educative articles like this, visit

Also Visit: Types of Nursing Care Plan: Ultimate Guide

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