Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health

Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health


Good morning. How are you? Greet
02/18/22 7:58 PM EST
you have a beautiful baby (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 7:58 PM EST
what brings you here? Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Question
02/18/22 7:59 PM EST
We’re here for Zachary’s wellness visit. It was hard to work it into our schedule, but I know it’s important.
I am glad you could make it. Empathize
02/18/22 8:00 PM EST
I appreciate it.
How is Zachary doing? Question
02/18/22 8:00 PM EST
Zachary is a very happy baby. He smiles quite a bit. It’s nice coming home from school or work to see him.
How old are you? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:01 PM EST
where do you work? (No matching questions found.) Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Question
02/18/22 8:01 PM EST
who do you leave him with when you work? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:02 PM EST
who do you leave him with when you work? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:02 PM EST
it is important to interact with baby Educate
02/18/22 8:03 PM EST
Ok, that sounds good.
How is he eating? Question
02/18/22 8:03 PM EST
Zachary only gets breastmilk, no formula at all.
how many times a day does he eat? (Clarified to How often do you feed your son?.) Question
02/18/22 8:03 PM EST
I try for 2-3 hours during the day and 3-4 at night. We don’t always manage it, though. (Clarified to how often I feed my son.)
how is he sleeping? Question
02/18/22 8:04 PM EST
Zachary always has a hard time sleeping on nights I come home late, Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s hard on me because I can barely get any sleep those nights, and I don’t get much as it is. I wake up early for class after taking care of Zachary all night. It’s a lot.
I understand it could be a lot, i am glad you are taking care of Zach Empathize
02/18/22 8:06 PM EST
I appreciate that.
Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health
Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health
what are your goals for breastfeeding? Question
02/18/22 8:31 PM EST
I want to only breastfeed Zachary. I know formula is an option, but that would be a last resort. I want to focus on giving my baby breast milk.
that is great. breast milk is the best for a baby Educate
02/18/22 8:32 PM EST
I understand.
where your son sleep? (Clarified to Where does your son sleep?.) Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Question
02/18/22 8:32 PM EST
Zachary sleeps in a bassinet at night or sometimes in his cradleboard. He’s always swaddled and always on his back. I keep the bassinet empty and in my room, so I’m always nearby Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health. I’m really afraid of SIDS or anything like that, so I did a lot of reading on sleep safety. (Clarified to where my son sleeps.)
how is your son sleeping? Question
02/18/22 8:33 PM EST
Zachary always has a hard time sleeping on nights I come home late, Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s hard on me because I can barely get any sleep those nights, and I don’t get much as it is. I wake up early for class after taking care of Zachary all night. It’s a lot.
it is important sleep supervision for safety Educate
02/18/22 8:34 PM EST
Good to know.
what do you know about developmental milestones? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:34 PM EST
developmental milestones? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:35 PM EST
milestones? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:35 PM EST
milestones?any verbal language? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:35 PM EST
any verbal language? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:36 PM EST
does your son makes any sound? (Clarified to Does your son make gestures?.) Question
02/18/22 8:36 PM EST
He squirms around a lot and smiles. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if my son makes gestures.) Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health
can your son make noise? Question
02/18/22 8:37 PM EST
He coos and burbles. It’s pretty cute.
are you reading books? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:38 PM EST
are you learning about kids? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:38 PM EST
are you learning about your son? (No matching questions found.) Question
02/18/22 8:38 PM EST
does your son follow sounds? (Clarified to Does your son track you with his eyes?.) Question
02/18/22 8:39 PM EST
He does, yes. He also loves staring at strangers. He seems curious about everything. (Clarified to if my son follows me with his eyes.)
does your son follows the sound of your voice? Question
02/18/22 8:39 PM EST
Zachary will look at me if I talk to him. Sometimes he’ll stare at me or make a little coo. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
are you depressed? Question
02/18/22 8:40 PM EST
Well . . . I don’t know? I don’t think I’m technically depressed, but I’ve just been so busy and tired that I barely have time to reflect on myself like that. I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how I am going to handle everything and raise Zachary. But I’ll figure it out. I have to. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
post partum depression is a frequent finding, please let us know if anything we can help with Educate
02/18/22 8:41 PM EST
Alright, thanks.
 Inspected head circumference growth chart Exam Action
02/18/22 8:41 PM EST
 Inspected weight and length growth chart Exam Action
02/18/22 8:51 PM EST
 Inspected head circumference growth chart Exam Action
02/18/22 8:57 PM EST
 Inspected nose Exam Action
02/18/22 8:58 PM EST
 Inspected ears Exam Action
02/18/22 8:59 PM EST
 Frenulum attached middle of mouth floor. Appropriate length and movements. Appears thin. Palate meets at the midline completely. Tongue appears smooth and uvula located at midline. Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Exam Action
02/18/22 8:59 PM EST
 Inspected ears Exam Action
02/18/22 9:00 PM EST
 Frenulum attached middle of mouth floor. Appropriate length and movements. Appears thin. Palate meets at the midline completely. Tongue appears smooth and uvula located at midline. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:00 PM EST
 Inspected skin Exam Action
02/18/22 9:00 PM EST
 Inspected skin: diaper area Exam Action
02/18/22 9:01 PM EST
 Inspected genitalia Exam Action
02/18/22 9:01 PM EST
 Assessed Musculoskeletal Barlow and Ortolani Exam Action
02/18/22 9:02 PM EST
 Assessed eyes: pupils Exam Action
02/18/22 9:04 PM EST
 Assessed red reflex Exam Action
02/18/22 9:05 PM EST
 Assessed Eye Tracking Exam Action
02/18/22 9:05 PM EST
 Assessed extremities Exam Action
02/18/22 9:05 PM EST
 Assessed grasp: Able to lift shoulders off table with expected head lag. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:06 PM EST
 Assessed Moro Reflex: Infant briskly abducts arms and legs symmetrically, then brings legs up against trunk. Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Exam Action
02/18/22 9:06 PM EST
 Assessed Moro Reflex: Infant briskly abducts arms and legs symmetrically, then brings legs up against trunk. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:06 PM EST
 Assessed Tonic Reflex and neck range of motion. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:06 PM EST
 Assessed pulse Exam Action
02/18/22 9:06 PM EST
 Assessed Rooting Reflex: Infant turns head in direction of stimulus and opens mouth. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:07 PM EST
 Infant response with sucking motion. Tongue protrudes past lips. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:07 PM EST
 Assessed neurological stepping/walking reflex Exam Action
02/18/22 9:07 PM EST
 Palpated abdomen Exam Action
02/18/22 9:08 PM EST
 Anterior fontanelle palpated is diamond-shaped, soft, flat, approximately 2-3 cm in width and 3-4 cm in length. Posterior fontanelle is triangle shaped 0.5-1 cm in size, soft, and flat. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:08 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Right Abdomen: Abdomen rounded, appropriate for age. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:09 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Left Abdomen: Abdomen rounded, appropriate for age. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:09 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Abdomen: Abdomen rounded, appropriate for age. Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Exam Action
02/18/22 9:09 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Right Abdomen: Abdomen rounded, appropriate for age. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:09 PM EST
 Auscultated Top Right Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Top Left Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Left Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Chest: Apical pulse palpated reveals rate steady and regular intervals. Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Upper Right Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Upper Left Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Right Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Left Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Right Chest Exam Action
02/18/22 9:10 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Right Back Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST
 Auscultated Lower Left Back Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Left Back Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Right Back Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Upper Right Back Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST
 Auscultated Upper Upper Left Back Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Exam Action
02/18/22 9:11 PM EST


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