Walden University NURS 6320 Integrating Technology Into Nursing Education

Walden University NURS 6320 Integrating Technology Into Nursing Education

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Walden University NURS 6320 Integrating Technology Into Nursing Education Required Course Readings

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The links are for required readings found in the Walden databases ONLY. For all other readings, see your course resources.

Akin, L., & Neal, D. (2007). CREST+ Model: Writing Effective Online Discussion Questions. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3(2).

Alexander, B. (2006). Web 2.0: A new wave of innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE Review, 41(2), 32-44.

Alexander, L. K., Dail, K., Davis, M. V., Hajat, A., Rothney, E., Rybka, T., et al. (2005). A pilot hybrid internet/classroom-based communicable disease continuing education course for public health nurses in North Carolina: Lessons learned. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, (Suppl. 6), S119–S122.

Avery, M. D., Cohen, B. A. & Walker, J. D. (2008) Evaluation of an online graduate nursing curriculum: examining standards of quality. International Journal of Nursing Education and Scholarship. 5:Article 44.

Barton, A. J. (2005). Cultivating informatics competencies in a community of practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29(4), 323–328.

Carnevale, D. (2006). E-mail is for old people.The Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(7), A27–29.

Ciesielka D. (2008). Using a wiki to meet graduate nursing education competencies in collaboration and community health. Journal of Nursing Education, 47, 473-476.

Comer, S. K. (2005). Patient care simulations: Role playing to enhance clinical understanding. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(6), 357–361.

Delgado, C. (2004). Technology in nursing education: Five axioms. Nurse Educator, 29(1), 13–14.

Diekelmann, N., & Mendias, E. P. (2005). Being a supportive presence in online courses: Attending to students’ online presence with one another. Journal of Nursing Education, 44(8), 393–395.

Educause Learning Initiative. (2006). 7 things you should know about mapping mashups.

Educause Learning Initiative. (2007). 7 things you should know about Twitter.

Edwards, P. A. (2005). Impact of technology on the content and nature of teaching and learning. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(6), 344–347.

George, L., & Davidson, L. (2005). PDA use in nursing education: Prepared for today, poised for tomorrow [Electronic Version]. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 9(2).

Gilbert, P. K., & Dabbagh, N. (2005). How to structure online discussions for meaningful discourse: A case study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(1), 5–18.

Gilmer, M. J., Murley, J., & Kyzer, E. (2003). Web-based testing procedure for nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(8), 377–380.

Guimond, M. E. & Salas, E. (2009). Linking the science of training to nursing simulations. Nurse Educator. 34(3). pp. 105-106

Harrison, D. (2009). Real-life teaching in a virtual world. Campus Technology.

Huang, H. (2002). Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(1), 27–37.

Kaminski, J. (2005). Moodle—a user-friendly, open source course management system [Electronic Version]. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 9(1).

Lamb, B. (2007). Dr. Mashup; or, why educators should learn to stop worrying and love the remix. EDUCAUSE Review, 42(4), 12–25.

Lemley, T., & Burnham, J. (2008). Web 2.0 tools in medical and nursing school curricula. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(1), 49-51.

Leppa, C. J. (2004). Assessing student critical thinking through online discussions. Nurse Educator, 29(4), 156–160.

Lorenzetti, J. P. (2005). Beyond multiple choice: Assessment for online learning. Distance Education Report, 9(18), 1–2, 7.

Menchaca, M., & Bekele, T. (2008). Leaner and instructor identified success factors in distance education. Distance Education, 29(3), 231-252.

Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. U.S. Department of Education.

Oblinger, D. G. & Hawkins, B. L. (2006). The myth about online course development. Educause, 41(1), 14-15.

Online Colleges (2009). 50 ways to use Twitter in the college classroom.

Palmer, S., Holt, D., & Bray, S. (2008). Does the discussion help? The impact of a formally assessed online discussion on final student results. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 847-858.

Parry, D. (2008). Twitter for academia. [AcademHacK Blog].

Phillips, J. M. (2005). Strategies for active learning in online continuing education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 36(2), 77–83.

Read, B. (2007). The classroom, remixed. Chronicle of Higher Education, Wired Campus.

Rhodes, M. L., & Curran, C. (2005). Use of the human patient simulator to teach clinical judgment skills in a baccalaureate nursing program. CIN: Computers, Informatics. Nursing, 23(5), 256–262.

Ryan, M., Carlton, K. H., & Ali, N. S. (2004). Reflections on the role of faculty in distance learning and changing pedagogies.Nursing Education Perspectives, 25(2), 73–80.

Shaffer, S. C., Lackey, S. P., & Bolling, G. W. (2006). Blogging as a venue for nurse faculty development. Nursing Education Perspectives. 27(3), 126-128.

Shank, P. (2005). Writing learning objectives that help you teach and students learn (Part 1). Online Classroom, 4–5, 7.

Shank, P. (2005, December). Writing learning objectives that help you teach and students learn (Part 2). Online Classroom, 4–5.

Shea, P., Li, C., & Pickett, A. (2006). A study of teaching presence and student sense of learning community in fully online and web-enhanced college courses. Internet and Higher Education, 9, 175-190.

Skiba, D. (2009). Emerging Technologies Center Nursing Education 2.0: A second look at second life. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(2), 129-131.

Skiba, D. (2008a). Emerging Technologies Center Nursing Education 2.0: Twitters & Tweets. Can you post a nugget of knowledge in 140 characters or less? Nursing Education Perspectives, 29(2), 110-112.

Skiba, D. (2007a). Emerging Technologies Center Nursing Education 2.0: Are mashups useful for nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(5), 286-288.

Skiba, D. (2007b). Nursing Education 2.0: Second Life. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(3), 156-157.

Smith, T. (2005). Fifty-one competencies for online instruction. The Journal of Educators Online, 2(2), 1–18.

Teaching, Learning, and Technology (TLT) Group (n.d.). Exploration guide: Educational uses of blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, etc.

Vonderwell, S. (2004). Assessing online learning and teaching: Adapting the minute paper. Tech Trends, 48(4), 29–31.

Wang, X. (2007). What factors promote sustained online discussions and collaborative learning in a web-based course.International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 2(1), 17-38. 

Wright, T. (2008, September). Second Life Education: Second Life as a virtual learning environment.

Young, J. (2008). A professor’s tips for using Twitter in the classroom. Chronicle of Higher Education.

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