Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example
This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcome (CO).
• CO1 Applies the theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities from entry to the healthcare system through long-term planning. (PO 1)
What are some of the models and frameworks of EBP currently in use? How does the strength of the evidence determine translation into practice? Why is it important to integrate both evidence-based practice and patient and family preferences? What is the nurse’s responsibility when EBP and patient and family practice do not match? Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example.
Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP
What are some of the models and frameworks of EBP currently in use? How does the strength of the evidence determine translation into practice? Why is it important to integrate both evidence-based practice and patient and family preferences? What is the nurse’s responsibility when EBP, patient and family practice do not match?
Nursing models and frameworks of EBP are action-oriented simulations that originate from nursing-led research utilization fields. Example of these models include Ottawa Model, Iowa Model, Knowledge-to-Action Framework, ACE (Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice) Star Model of Knowledge Transformation, and Stetler Model. These models and frameworks apply theoretical approaches to nursing implementation with three objectives. Firstly, they describe and guide the process of translating evidence collected from research into nursing practice. Secondly, they explain an understanding of what influences outcomes when evidence is applied Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example. Finally, they evaluate and assess evidence implementation (Nilsen, 2015). In this respect, nursing models and frameworks are tools that guide and explain the results of applying evidence in nursing practice.
It is undeniable that evidence implementation in nursing has progressed towards the application of theoretical approaches (models and frameworks) to offer a better explanation and awareness of nursing successes and failures, particularly when new methodologies are applied. In addition, it is irrefutable that theoretical approaches in nursing are resultant from the aspiration to address the problems linked with research to realize more evidence-based practice (EBP). Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example. Ultimately, the theoretical approaches denote the strength of evidence through explaining the how and why it would fail thereby determining translation into practice. Still, it is important to note that models and frameworks as basically overarching guiding theoretical approaches and their application should be tailored for each case. Tailoring these models and frameworks during practice translation by integrating input from all key stakeholders (such as the preferences of nurses, patients and family members) improves the chances of success and reduces the possibility of failure (Ellis, 2016). It is clear that nurses should understand EBP as integrating the best available nursing expertise evidence with the preferences and values of their clients to include family and community members. This is based on the assumption that offering optimal nursing care is only possible if the nurse (as a decision-maker) has access to the latest evidence (drawn from consensus opinion from experts ), and can use the evidence to influence judgment in the planning and provision of care that considers personal and cultural preferences and values. This means that the nurse’s responsibility is to always act in the best interest of the patients’ health even when EBP, patient and family practice do not match (Ellis, 2016) Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example.
Ellis, P. (2016). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing (3rd ed.). London: Learning Matter/SAGE Publications Ltd.
Nilsen, P. (2015). Making sense of implementation theories, models and frameworks. Implement Sci., 10, 53. doi: 10.1186/s13012-015-0242-0 Types of Nursing Models and Frameworks of EBP Essay Example