Transcultural care Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the integration of knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for delivering culturally competent care.
2. Examine the socioeconomic impact of patient cultural needs based upon primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of care.
3. Apply the concepts of culture diversity and their relevance in nursing practice.


This course begins with an exploration of transcultural nursing’s history and literature regarding how cultural influences can affect patient care. Madeline Leininger’s transcultural nursing model is utilized to determine the nurse’s responsibility in providing such care. We will examine health care at the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels as such levels of care relate to socioeconomic impacts of the patients’ cultural needs.


1. Post Your Introduction. 1st Post Due by Day 1. Welcome to the class! Please take a few moments to introduce yourself. In addition to sharing your name, please review the course guide linked at the bottom of the page on the Course Materials page, and include the following information in your post:
• Describe what you believe Transcultural Nursing encompasses and share your initial thoughts on the topic.
• Discuss previous or current professional work that relates to diverse populations.
• Identify two things you look forward to learning from the class.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ introduction posts. Welcome a minimum of three of your peers and comment on one or more aspects of their introductions. Now is a great opportunity to meet and greet your colleagues for the next five weeks!

2. Assessing Cultural Needs. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Review the video Competent Care in a Culturally Diverse Nation. Considering the methods presented in the video, describe a situation you have experienced in your nursing practice and explain the nurse’s responsibilities when assessing a patient in order to provide culturally competent care. Use Leininger’s theory and model to justify your answer.
Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the University Library, cited in APA format, to justify your choices.
Guided Response: Choose two of your classmates’ posts, and identify two specific patient needs that were not addressed based on the information provided on nursing responsibilities. Include in your response how you would address those needs. Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) for each of your replies. List at least one scholarly source, cited in APA format, to support your rationale.

3. Levels of Care. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Review the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of care.
• From the nursing manager role, discuss the socioeconomic impact that might be experienced by the patient at the primary, secondary, or tertiary level of care associated with the first letter of your last name in the list below:
o Primary Care – Last names A through I
o Secondary – Last names J through Q
o Tertiary – Last names R through Z
• Include nursing interventions that would need to be considered in order to meet the patient’s cultural needs.
Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library, cited in APA format, to justify your choices.
Guided Response: Choose two of your classmates’ posts covering each of the levels of care not addressed in your initial post. For example, if you were assigned primary care for your initial post, you will respond to one student who was assigned secondary care and one student who was assigned tertiary care. In your responses, address information they did not consider. Justify your choices as to why the information should be considered.
Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) for each of your replies. List at least one scholarly source, cited in APA format , to support your rationale.

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