Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers
Create a 3–5-page draft for a strategic plan for your selected organization using a TOWS matrix and portfolio analysis in addition to any other appropriate tool of your choosing.
Note: The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
The TOWS Matrix is a decision-making process for developing strategic alternatives. You will be able to better develop a more effective strategic plan based upon an in-depth understand of the current environment. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.
Apply methodologies from the knowledge-economy management approach appropriately to the organization.
Integrate recent research into a strategic management plan.
Competency 2: Develop a strategic organizational plan that provides human and financial resources to support targeted organizational outcomes.
Synthesize operational and financial components into a strategic planning process.
Analyze strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers
Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan.
Recommend an alternative organizational structure model that aligns with organizational goals.
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Development of strategies involves awareness of the environment, intellectual curiosity, and a willingness to be open to creative ideas and solutions.
The Assessment 2 Context document contains important information about the following topics related to Adaptive and Market Entry strategies:
The TOWS Matrix.
Service/Product Life Cycle.
Product (or service) Development Process. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Strategy Implementation & Organizational Culture.
When Cultures Need Changing.
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Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
How does value chain analysis and planning logic enhance strategy formulation and/or implementation?
What recommendations would you give to a CEO of a health care facility when creating a service and contingency operations?
What assumptions are being taking for granted by stakeholders? What alternative assumptions exist?
What information do you currently have and what kind of information are you missing?
How would someone demonstrate intellectual and intercultural fairness when considering the community at large (outside the walls of the institution)?
What criteria would you use to evaluate the quality of the information, implementation and/or effectiveness of existing or suggested strategies?
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Resources. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Required Resources
The following resources are required to complete the assessment. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Capella Multimedia
Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces:
Riverbend City: Ruby Lake Evacuation Mission | Transcript.
TOWS Matrix.
Assessment Instructions
Note: Assessment 1, Current Environmental Analysis, must be completed before beginning this assessment. You will be revisiting and revising strategies throughout each of the assessments in this course. Each assessment builds on your previous work. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Step One: Critical Thinking Skills Practice
The TOWS Matrix is a decision-making process for developing strategic alternatives. Your ability to think critically is key to organizing your thoughts throughout the strategic planning process.
In preparation for this assessment, you are required to view the Riverbend City: Ruby Lake Evacuation Mission simulation (linked in the Resources). This activity is an ideal setting to practice thoughtful application of critical thinking skills. This media piece addresses multiple competencies, some of which are difficult to practice and assess without a real world or a simulated setting. As you begin your TOWS matrix, keep the following categories of critical thought in mind as you consider the threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of the Ruby Lake Evacuation scenario.
Assumptions: What assumptions are being taking for granted by the people in this simulation? What alternative assumptions could be useful in this situation?
Information: What information did people have and what kind of information were they missing?
Fairness: How was intellectual and intercultural fairness demonstrated?
Criteria for Evaluation: What criteria would you use to evaluate the quality of the information, implementation and/or effectiveness?
Complete a practice TOWS Matrix for this scenario before proceeding to Step Two. This practice matrix does not need to be submitted. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Step Two: Complete a TOWS Matrix
Apply the same critical thought process to a real world setting that is relevant for your selected health care organization’s future success. In addition to completing a TOWS matrix, you may use any other appropriate analysis tools to determine alternative strategies.
Include the following as you develop alternative strategies:
Incorporate the use of new methodologies from the knowledge-economy management approach that might be appropriate for this organization.
Correlate recent research findings regarding strategy management into your approach.
Synthesize operational and financial components in your strategic planning process.
Incorporate your findings from your current environment analysis. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Determine the organizational structure that best facilitates the strategy—functional, divisional, or matrix.
Step Three: Draft Strategic Plan
Re-examine your work from Assessment 1 and create a high level draft of a strategic plan that incorporates insights from your environmental analysis and the TOWS matrix exercise.The goal is to focus upon application of the concepts and new insight. Keep it brief and substantive. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Preface your draft with the core assumptions regarding environmental opportunities and threats, organizational strengths and weaknesses, and organizational behavior dynamics that are foundational to the strategy.
Include a brief description of the proposed strategy that reflects the choices made regarding:
Service/product domain.
Market domain.
Level of investment in the respective service/product and market domains.
Positioning approach for achieving competitive advantage.
Maneuvers that will be used to implement the positioning approach.
Distinctive competencies or assets that will be relied on to gain and sustain competitive advantage.
Additional Requirements. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Submit your selected health organization’s TOWS Matrix from Step Two, with the high-level components of a strategic plan, as an attachment to this assessment.
Length: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages. Note: Feel free to construct images/diagrams to summarize information where appropriate (for example, TOWS matrix…). Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Resources: Use evidence from the literature to support your recommendations. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Assessment 3
Directional Strategies Report
Create a 3–5-page directional strategy report, as if you were preparing to present your assessment to a representative panel of employee stakeholders of a health care organization.
Note: The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.
Directional strategies allow organizational leaders to define what the organization should be doing and how the organization plans to achieve results. As industry dynamics shift, strategies need to be adjusted. Directional strategies are all about sustainability. For example a directional strategy of growth needs to be carefully evaluated with respect to internal capacity, external community fit, and financial feasibility. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.
Analyze an organization’s mission, vision, and values statements in terms of directional strategies. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Analyze the gap between the desired outcome and the actual state of the current environment.
Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan.
Examine organizational ethics as expressed in mission, vision, and value statements, and its relationship to health care strategy.
Propose changes to vision, mission, and values statements that align organizational structure and strategies.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Write in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner, supporting conclusions with relevant evidence.
Follow current APA guidelines for format and style.
Competency Map
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The primary directional strategies discussed in strategic management literature are mission, vision, and values. It is important to note that strategic goals also provide direction to the organization and are an important part of the strategic planning process. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
The process of creating authentic and congruent vision and mission statements hinges on filtering the creation process through an organization so that ownership of the strategic plan is shared by everyone. All employees should have a say in their specific goals within the structure of an organizational strategy. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Read the Assessment 3 Context document for additional information about the following topics:
Strategy Formulation Process.
Directional Strategies.
Creating Momentum.
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Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
In a health care organization or your choosing, what are the major categories of employee stakeholders (such as, executives, senior management, middle management, caregivers, maintenance, administrative support personnel, volunteers, et cetera)? Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
What role does the board of directors play in your health care organization?
What are the important elements of an effective board of directors?
What is the process your organization uses to select members?
How effective is that process?
What are industry best practices for selecting board members for a health care organization?
How well does your organization’s strategies align with its published vision, mission, and values? Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
How does this organization’s environment support or hinder its alignment with its vision, mission, and values?
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Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Capella Resources
Click the links provided to view the following resources:
Assessment 3 Context.
APA Paper Template.
APA Paper Tutorial.
Library Resources
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:
Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 5: Directional Strategies.
Kotalik, J., et al. (2014). Framework for ethical decision-making based on mission, vision and values of the institution. HEC Forum, 26(2), 125–133.
Kronenburg, M. A. (2014). Evaluating important healthcare management competency areas and preparation for healthcare reforms. International Journal of Business and Public Administration, 11(1), 31–40.
McSherry, R., & Warr, J. (2010). Implementing excellence in your health care organization: Managing, leading and collaborating. Berkshire, GBR: Open University Press. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Newhouse, J. J., & Balotsky, E. R. (2013). Factors motivating hospital CEOs to commit to ethical integration in their institutions: A quantitative analysis. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 10(2), 46–54.
Scott, B. C. (2015). Hospital boards—Why quality and safety matter. Physician Leadership Journal, 2(1), 62–64.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the MHA-FP5010 – Strategic Health Care Planning Library Guide to help direct your research. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
Kukreja, D. (2013). Strategic planning: A roadmap to success. Ivey Business Journal. Retrieved from
Parsons-Miller, S. (2016). Directional strategies in the development of strategy for a healthcare organization. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Bradley, J. (2016). Operational versus functional level strategy. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from
Johnson, S. (2015). The triangle of corporate strategy. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from
Assessment Instructions
Note: Assessments 1 and 2 must be completed before beginning this assessment.
Analyze the relevance of the organization’s directional strategy, including its vision, mission, values, and organizational culture. The goal is to focus upon application of the concepts and new insight. Keep it brief and substantive. Note: Feel free to construct images/diagrams to summarize information where appropriate (for example, TOWS matrix…). Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Complete the following:
Review the mission, vision, and values statements of your health care organization.
Examine how well each statement addresses the components of a directional strategy.
Analyze the gap between the desired outcome and the actual state of the current environment.
Analyze the organization’s directional strategy, including its vision, mission, and values. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Examine the strategic “fit.”
Does the directional strategy fit the environment?
Is the organization headed in the right direction given the environmental assessment?
Does growth make sense right now or does maintaining the status quo or even contraction make better sense?
Recommend changes you would make to ensure a foundation necessary for the current structure and strategies of the organization. Note: Support your recommendations with relevant resources from the literature. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Additional Requirements
Length: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Resources: Use evidence from the literature to support your recommendations. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
TOWS Matrix
Internal and external factors are combined to develop and evaluate specific strategic alternatives using a TOWS matrix. The threats-opportunities-weaknesses-strengths (TOWS) matrix is an important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of strategies as the basis for strategic planning. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Managers consider internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to external opportunities and threats. The internal strengths and weaknesses–or competitive advantages and disadvantages–are summarized on the horizontal axis, and the external environmental opportunities and threats are summarized on the vertical axis. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
Managers can then develop adaptive strategic alternatives by matching the organization’s strengths with the external environmental opportunities and threats, and in turn, matching the organization’s weaknesses with the external opportunities and threats. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
TOWs Matrix | ||
Opportunities (O) | Threats (T) | |
Strengths (S) | SO Strategies | ST Strategies |
Weaknesses (W) | WO Strategies | WT Strategies |
SO = strategies for pursuing opportunities.
ST = strategies for using strengths to reduce threats.
WO = strategies for overcoming weaknesses.
WT = strategies to prevent or reduce weaknesses to external threats.
To add additional rows to the tables, use Microsoft Word’s “Table > Insert > Rows” command. Right click on a cell and following the prompts. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers.
SWOT Matrix
(to achieve the objective) |
(to achieve the objective) |
Internal origin
(service/organization attributes) |
Strengths | Weaknesses |
External origin
(environmental/market attributes) |
Opportunities | Threats |
Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers
TOWS Matrix Scoring Guide
Apply methodologies from the knowledge economy management approach appropriately to the organization. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers. | Does not apply methodologies from the knowledge economy management approach appropriately for the organization. | Applies methodologies from the knowledge economy management approach appropriately for the organization, but the application is unclear or incomplete. | Applies methodologies from the knowledge economy management approach appropriately for the organization. | Applies methodologies from the knowledge economy management approach appropriately for the organization and impartially explains the pros and cons of more than one approach. |
Integrate recent research into a strategic management plan. | Does not integrate recent research into a strategic management plan. | Integrates recent research into a strategic management plan, but the integration is unclear or incomplete. | Integrates recent research into a strategic management plan. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers. | Integrates recent research into a strategic management plan, and identifies assumptions on which the strategies are based. |
Synthesize operational and financial components into a strategic planning process. | Does not synthesize operational and financial components into a strategic planning process. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers, | Synthesizes operational and financial components into a strategic planning process, but the synthesis is unclear or incomplete. | Synthesizes operational and financial components into a strategic planning process. | Synthesizes operational and financial components into a strategic planning process, and supports with appropriate examples and resources. |
Analyze strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage. | Does not analyze strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage. | Analyzes strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage, but the analysis is unclear or incomplete. | Analyzes strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers. | Analyzes strategy in relation to achieving competitive advantage, and identifies criteria that could be used to evaluate the strategies. |
Recommend an alternative organizational structure model that aligns appropriately with an organization’s goals. | Does not recommend an alternative organizational structure model that aligns appropriately with an organization’s goals. Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers. | Recommends an alternative organizational structure model that aligns with organizational goals, but the recommendation is unclear or incomplete. | Recommend an alternative organizational structure model that aligns appropriately with an organization’s goals. | Recommends an alternative organizational structure model that aligns with organizational goals, supported by relevant real world examples and scholarly references. |
Tows Matrix and Portfolio Analysis Essay Assignment Papers