Student Essay for Revision – Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic

Student Essay for Revision – Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic

There were several sections in the project that you did not put anything for Focus the Evaluation, Implementation, Evaluation and Maintenance. Most of the rest of the sections were superficial and/or not specific to your agency and program.



Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic

The audience of “Healthy Living Classes” are students and common people who need life support for living a healthy life. There are lots of people who need to learn how to live a healthy live in a society, thus the “Healthy Living Classes” at Maliheh Free Clinic are the classes that can play its parts to teach student how to deal with health related issues and how to deal with emergency cases as well. Through these classes students will be able to deal with emergency situation as well because such classes will teach them how to manage common health issues within short period of time. Healthy Living Classes is the program design to generate healthy communities as well as to teach student how to deal with emergency cases in difficult situations.

Overall, Healthy Living Classes are the classes that provide students with important information regarding the life threatening injuries, illness because in many situation people are dying with the passive of time. To overcome from such situation healthy living class play a vital role and also provide a mechanism to deal with emergency cases as well. There are different segments of audience of “Healthy Living Classes” including students, common people, and people suffering from long diseases and injuries and so on. Overall, these classes are design to provide people with necessary information about living a good life and to teach people/students that how they can help other people in emergency situations.

However, the audience of “Healthy Living Classes” can be divided into different segments like students, patients, doctors, physicians, injured people, people suffering from long or short term disease and many more. Patient suffering from poisoning, injuries, wounds, patient who need first aid, even the staff of healthcare organization, politicians, leads, businessman, and the list is going on. The operations of “Healthy Living Classes” are done by certified instructor or worker at Maliheh Free Clinic.

The operation of “Healthy Living Classes” is based on different staff members including from first step (check in desk) and the last step is meeting with physician or doctor. Basically the process of “Healthy Living Classes” is consisting of every staff member that working in the Maliheh Free Clinic from check in desk to the physician. Overall, we can say that “Healthy Living Classes” operation involved all the staff members of Healthy Living Classes.

However, if we specifically talk about the “Healthy Living Classes” at Maliheh Free Clinic than there is a hierarchy system which start from lower level (check in desk), after that the patient or student shifted to the Healthy Living Department which then patient/student start learning how to live a healthy live as well as how to deal with emergency cases. On other hands, as we know that every clinic is not limited or based on these staff members, yes there are other members also indirectly impact on the Healthy Living Classes like lobby assistants, transporters, nurses and the list is going on.

“Healthy Living Classes” users are varying from individuals to the communities and countries as well. It is because the information from the evaluation of this program may be used by patients, students, leaders, communities, societies, countries, medical organization, agencies, governments departments related with health, nurses, doctors, physicians, staff members or hospitals, different managers and directors are clinic or hospitals, and so on.

“Healthy Living Classes” process is same like other process at any clinic or hospital, in which a patient/student enter in the hospital/clinic and the process end when student or patient leave the clinic or hospital after getting treated or understand the ways of living a healthy life. “Healthy Living Classes” users are varying from individuals to the communities and countries as well. It is because the information from the evaluation of this program may be used by patients, students, leaders, communities, societies, countries, medical organization, agencies, governments departments related with health, nurses, doctors, physicians, staff members or hospitals, different managers and directors are clinic or hospitals, and so on.

For collecting information from different segments of society I believe that survey method is the best because in survey we can ask important as well as basic information without any hesitation to common people as well as to the higher authorizes related to healthcare. There will lots of people will involve in this process of collecting information that may be consists of students, patients, clinic staff members, governments agencies and NGOs members as well. However, I would like to focus on students and patients because I believe that these both are directly impacted by the “Healthy Living Classes” at Maliheh Free Clinic.

Describe Program

I believe that there is not a single reason for selecting this program for evaluation. There are bundle of reasons for selecting this program like such classes will help student and patient to learn that how to help other people suffering from emergency situation because if someone have information that how to deal with different emergency than there are greater number of chances of survival of patients. Furthermore, the importance of “Healthy Living Classes” is not limited to a boundary rather it’s spread in the entire world because every human being wants to live a healthy life. So such classes or program becomes an important part of every human being so he/she can improve his health as well as improve other people health status as well.

Basically, I selected this program to evaluate because I wanted to find out its importance and effectiveness among students as well as among patients as well. Because such program consists of huge importance not limited to single human rather it deals with a communities and so on. Like American Health Organization and WHO reveals that Healthy Living Classes are very important for the survival of human being as well as for the longer life spam of human beings.

The mission of “Healthy Living Classes” is to improve the health quality of human being for the people living in Greater Salt Lake Area. The mission is to provide free medical services to patients and students even for those who are uninsured and have low income status. The mission also reveals that families that seeking for medical help free of cast then the Maliheh Free Clinic is there to provide them with important and basic health care facilities and “Healthy Living Classes” is one of the free medical services by Maliheh Free Clinic.

The basic objective of “Healthy Living Classes” is that no patient/student will clinic without any chance of survival because surviving life of people is the basic goal of this program. Furthermore, there is not discrimination among races, dignity, respect, and everyone is treated with care, love and equal grace. The basic objective of “Healthy Living Classes” is to provide people with necessary information or techniques through which they can easily manage to live a healthy live and also save the lives of others as well.

Maliheh Free Clinic is a non-profit health clinic with support from an advisory board. Maliheh Free Clinic is organization that provides free medical services for the poor people and for the uninsured or low income population of the Greater Salt Lake Area. The basic thing about this organization is that they believe that nobody should leave the clinic without positive hope. The organization treats everybody with dignity, respect as well as grace and without gender biasness. Maliheh Free Clinic believes to provide free medical services without biasness in ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Maliheh Free Clinic staff believes in providing care on the basis of kind and compassionate acts. Maliheh Free Clinic has qualified staff, with licensed from health department.

Maliheh Free Clinic provides healthy living classes in which people from different income categories can apply. In this program people learn how to survival and how to live a healthy life. This program is based on teaching in which a highly qualified staff member teaches how to tackle difficult situation by using minimum resources. It is an important class for poor and low income class because they ignore many of the important things which they should care for. In this program people learn that what are important things in our life that we must care and we must keep in our mind.

Healthy Living Class teaches and information peoples how to deal with EMS cases and what should they do in any type of EMS cases. As we have experience that sometimes people facing EMS but they have less information regarding such case so they don’t know how to deal with different EMS cases. Healthy living classes will provide them enough information to deal different kind of EMS cases. Such classes will also enable people to know that what EMS equipment are available with different building, mall, stores, shop, homes, so it will also enable them for proper and effective use of EMS boxes and other equipment at time of emergency.

Overall, “Healthy Living Classes” is not only important that it is providing necessary information but also it provide ways of living healthy life. In some situation, people leave hope of survival but “Healthy Living Classes” basic value is to produce hope of survival for every patient and also its worker help other people to produce hope of survival because everyone in this world has the right to live as much as he/she want and we must provide him/her important medical facilities for living a longer life as much as possible.


Maliheh Free Clinic is a non-profit health clinic with support from an advisory board. Maliheh Free Clinic is organization that provides free medical services for the poor people and for the uninsured or low income population of the Greater Salt Lake Area. The basic thing about this organization is that they believe that nobody should leave the clinic without positive hope. The organization treats everybody with dignity, respect as well as grace and without gender biasness. Maliheh Free Clinic believes to provide free medical services without biasness in ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Maliheh Free Clinic staff believes in providing care on the basis of kind and compassionate acts. Maliheh Free Clinic has qualified staff, with licensed from health department.

Maliheh Free Clinic provides healthy living classes in which people from different income categories can apply. In this program people learn how to survive and how to live a healthy life. This program is based on teaching in which a highly qualified staff member teaches how to tackle difficult situation by using minimum resources. It is an important class for poor and low income class because they ignore many of the important things which they should care for. In this program people learn that what are important things in our life that we must care and we must keep in our mind.

Basically I am going to evaluate this program to find out the importance, success, effectiveness, and assess effects of the program. Maliheh Free Clinic provides lots of medical services free of cost so I want to evaluate the effectiveness of this program among citizen of Salt Lake Area. Furthermore, there are many other reasons of selecting and evaluating this program as well like I want to know the strength and weakness of this program and how it is impacting on the common people life as well as the students lives. As Maliheh Free Clinic basic mission is to provide such services free of cost to people so what feel and believe about the program as well as about the Clinic as well.

The mission of “Maliheh Free Clinic” is to improve the health quality of human being for the people living in Greater Salt Lake Area. The mission is to provide free medical services to patients and students even for those who are uninsured and have low income status. The mission also reveals that families that seeking for medical help free of cast then the Maliheh Free Clinic is there to provide them with important and basic health care facilities and “Healthy Living Classes” is one of the free medical services by Maliheh Free Clinic.

So far, the organization has managed to change the lives of many residents of this area by improving their access to quality health services an information that they use to improve their health conditions. The organization has developed mission statement and core values.

Core Values

Hope– No one leaves the clinic without hope.

Respect– We treat everyone with grace, dignity and respect.

Fairness– Ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

Compassion– Our staff offers kind and compassionate care for everyone.

Professionalism– Healthcare is provided by qualified, licensed health care professionals and well-trained staff and volunteers.

These above mission statement and core values align well with goal and objectives of this project. This is so because both of them are guided by the same underlying principle-helping people in the society to learn and lead healthy lives.

Maliheh Free Clinic is an organization that consists of different board of directors and advisory board. The members of boards of directors are:

Dr. Scott Browing                             Chairman

Elaine Ellis                                          Vice Chairman

Doug White                                        Secretary

Dr. Mansoor Emam

Sue Ferry

Kym McChelland

Dr. Karen Miller

Mikelle Moore

Ghazaleh Semnani

Khosrow Semnani

Dr. David Sundwall


The Advisory board members of Maliheh Free Clinic are:

Meghan Holbrook

Scott Anderson

Patricia Morton

Pamela Athinson

Steve Starks

Carol Hunter

David Jordan, Esq.

Dr. Brent Wallace

Lane Beattie

Georgiana Knudson

Doug Wright

Sen. Peter Knudson

Kent Cannon

Larry Hancock

The Financial Statement of Maliheh Free Clinic is mentioned below:

Total net assets                                    2015                                                                2014

3, 969, 7943,551,992                                      $ 3,610,874

Logic Model

Title – Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic

Maliheh Free Clinic is basically providing people with different medical services free of cost and Healthy living classes is one of them. The objectives of Maliheh Free Clinic are to provide people with every possible facility without any charges and to make people healthier and happier.

Goal – To provide best, fast and effective facilities to make people life healthy

Secondary Goal – increase the life span of people life especially dealing with emergency cases

Influential Factors – Funding, Staff, Governmental Influence, Weather, Equipment, Politic,

NGOs, etc

Inputs Activities Outputs Initial Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes
Funding Public Relations Fast Health Gaining Increase level facilities of healthier life Improvement in health care facilities Develop careers in Healthy Living
Staff Increase Health Status Educate the society,


Experienced public to deal with emergency cases Funding increases Increase in the development of health life




Living Healthier life Knowledge about techniques of healthier living Increase survival rate of people Healthier community
Equipment Training First aid response Build trust among people Increase salary rate
Time Faster Patient Care Better Status of health Increase medical facilities Good relations in employees and organization

The Survey

Hello all, I am student of EMS Planning & Evaluation. I have to conduct a survey about the effectiveness of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic. The responses from the participants will only be used for academic purpose and there is not any misuse of such information. Thanks for your participation.

  1. Your Name ____________________________
  2. Age       _____________________________
  • Gender _____________________________
  1. Status ____________________________
  2. Are you working at Maliheh Free Clinic?
  3. Yes
  4. No
  5. How much do you believe that Healthy Living Classes increase Health Status of people?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never


  • How much do you are satisfy with the progress of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never


  • How much do you think that Healthy Living Classes achieving success in building healthier community?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never



  1. How much do you believe that Maliheh Free Clinic is best place for Healthy Living Class?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never



  1. In what ways we can improve the quality of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic?






I want to find the Gain insight, Change practice, Assess Effect of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic. It is because I believe that this evaluation will be used by not only patient but also by organization to know its program success as well as if there is need of any change in the program. I have selected survey method to collect information from patients, students, staff members, instructions, authorities of Maliheh Free Clinic, and NGOs as well. However, I believe that students and patients are the major sources of information because they are directly related with the program as well as with the organization.  As per available information patients/student are satisfy from this program at Maliheh Free Clinic.

Students and patients believe that Healthy Living Classes is going on its right direction and produce desire outcomes for students, communities and countries as well. As per available information patients/students are satisfy from cost of Healthy Living Classes, but few of them complain regarding the charges as well. I believe that students are the major source of information I am looking for because students are directly related with the program and producing the output as well. The other credible sources for getting information are including Maliheh Free Clinic members, government authorizes, patients, students etc.

Getting Credible Information

As I already mentioned that I will use survey method to collect creditable information and this information will be used to evaluate the program that being discussed in this paper. Getting credible information is very important for any evaluation because we can only evaluate program on the basis of credible information that gathered from different sources including students, patients, authorities, staff members and so on. The questions that I would like to ask to my participants are mentioned below:

  1. Your Name ____________________________
  • Age       _____________________________
  • Gender _____________________________
  • Status ____________________________
  1. Are you working at Maliheh Free Clinic?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  • How much do you believe that Healthy Living Classes increase Health Status of people?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never


  • How much do you are satisfy with the progress of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never





  • How much do you think that Healthy Living Classes achieving success in building healthier community?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never



  • How much do you believe that Maliheh Free Clinic is best place for Healthy Living Class?
Very Much Much Somewhat Little Never



  1. In what ways we can improve the quality of Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic?


As I have selected Survey method for getting information and I will use probability sampling technique as well as simple random sampling to get the information from my participants. The sample size of evaluation paper would be at least 250 participants because I believe that the higher the number of participant the accurate the data will be collected.

Justify Conclusion:

As we know that it is the most important part of the evaluation because the basic outcomes of any paper are mentioned in the conclusion section. The conclusion of my evaluation will consists of all the finding (the results of data collected through survey method from at least 250 participants) that I will collect during the evaluation. Conclusion is also based on different other elements to verified the details or information we utilized or collect during this evaluation program project.

Ensure Use and Distribution

As every evaluation report should reach to its audience the stakeholders of the programs so in this case I will ensure the distribution of the evaluation report to the program stakeholders by publishing the report in National and International Journals. After getting this evaluation report the stakeholders of the program would be used it as guidelines for their future framework regarding the program and the organization as well.

Introduction to Planning

Planning is a very critical steps in “Healthy Living Classes” program because it helps to give an insight of how each and every other activity in the program implementation and evaluation will be conducted.  Failure to panning is a sure recipe to fail and this is why a lot of attention and time will be spent on planning. Our planning will focus on decision on which activity will be done when, why, and by who. For instance, our planning will employ the results obtained from the survey to find out what urgent issues the healthy workers fee mist be given priority.   In other words, the healthy workers will help in determining the main local health problems at Greater Salt Lake Area and this will be a very critical step in tailoring everything else towards meeting this health problem in order to ensure needy individuals and groups gain access to quality healthcare.

In addition, planning will be to explore the community feelings on the subject of this project.  It is of utmost importance to ensure that the program is focus on the critical needs of the community in order to ensure that the resources, energy, and time spent to carry out the program do not go to waste but are well accounted for. When compared to other individuals other upper social classes,  low income earners tend to be more disadvantage because they lack the financial muscle to purchase good health insurance covers.

Needs Assessment

Just like any other area of the U.S, the Greater Salt Lake Area is faced by a number health problems that need to be addressed effectively in order to ensure that every individual in the area has access to quality and affordable care.  Maliheh Free Clinic and the other healthcare providers in this area face rising demand for healthcare, limited resources and inequalities in healthcare because, as mentioned earlier, low income earners lack the financial ability to pay for quality healthcare services. Teaching them about ways to live healthy lives is one of the strategies to improve health among the residents of Greater Salt Lake Area.

The primary of “Healthy Living Classes” are students and common people who need life support for living a healthy life. In Greater Salt Lake area, there many people who need to learn how to live a healthy live in a society, thus the “Healthy Living Classes” at Maliheh Free Clinic are the classes that can play its parts to teach student how to deal with health related issues and how to deal with emergency cases as well.

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was signed into law in 2010, all non-profit organizations are required to conduct community health needs assessment (CHNA) regularly in order to identify and prioritize the unmet needs of the community order to develop effective interventions to satisfy those needs.  Maliheh Free Clinic employed this CHNA to conduct needs assessment of the primary targets of s “Healthy Living Classes” who are majorly students and low income earners. A multifaceted CHNA process was conducted and it encompassed the following:

  1. Epidemiological and socio-demographic analysis-An extensive data analysis was conducted and it drew on several national state, and county public data sources. In this process, we compared the health needs of students and common people who are majorly low income earners to those of the Utah and Health People 2020 goals.
  2. Data gathering-
  • Primary Data –Interviews about the conducted using qualitative interviews whereby 10 students and 10 common people were surveyed. These interviews provided us with perspective on the emerging health problem in the area and also the different emerging community an environmental situations that and can potentially impact health and quality of life.
  • Focus group discussions- In order to ensure each and every segment of the community was represented, a focus group discussion comprising of two target groups was convened. These groups also involved Maliheh Free Clinic healthcare providers because they are one of the major agencies who serve under-deserved populations in the area.
  • Secondary Data-epidemiological information and lit searches were employed to obtain data about the prevalence of the various health problems mentioned in the next section.
  1. Priority setting-The next step was identification of potential priority health risks and gaps in access to care from the above-mentioned stages of research. The criteria for priority-setting included:
  2. Severity of the issue.
  3. Availability of effective interventions with measurable impact that can potentially improve quality of life.
  • The level of understanding of health problems such as emergencies among students and common people.
  1. Maliheh Free Clinic synergies (special expertise and strategic priority.
  2. Development and implementation strategies- Next, outlining of various implementation strategies flowed and this was achieved through a wide range of Maliheh Free Clinic clinical and administrative leadership.

Key Findings

From this nee assessment exercise, number of critical findings were established. The key health needs of the people Great Salty Lake Area in comparison with the Healthy People 2020 goals included;

  1. Heart Disease
  2. Cancer
  3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
  4. Accidents
  5. Stroke
  6. Alzheimer’s Disease
  7. Diabetes
  8. Influenza/Pneumonia
  9. Kidney Disease
  10. Suicide


According to Stats of the Utah, (2014) heart diseases, cancer, and accidents are some of the leading causes of death in Utah. Below is a summary of these statistics as reported by Stats of the Utah.

U.S Leading Cause of Death Total deaths Death Rate State Rank U.S Rate
1.  Heart Disease 3,323 149.0 37th 169.8
2. Cancer 2,971 127.6 50th 163.2
3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 718 32.0 45th 42.1
4. Accidents 1,103 43.4 25th 39.4
5. Stroke 836 38.2 18th 36.2
6. Alzheimer’s Disease 412 19.4 38th (tie) 23.5
7. Diabetes 578 25.3 8th 21.2
8. Influenza/Pneumonia 413 18.6 11th (tie) 15.9
9. Kidney Disease 312 14.1 21st 13.2
10. Suicide 579 21.4 4th 12.6


Other causes of death that are specific to the state of Utah are firearms, homicide and drug poisoning. The status of the factors as reported by State of Utah, (2014) have been provided below.

Cause of Death State Deaths State Rate U.S Deaths U.S Rate
Firearms 339 12.6 33,636 10.4
Homicide 53 1.9 16,121 5.2
Drug Poisoning Deaths 594 22.1 43,982 13.8


Factor  State U.S
Infant Mortality Rate (2013  , deaths per 1,000 live births) 5.16 5.96
People without Health Insurance Percentage (2014) 12.9 11.5
Marriage Rate (2011) 8.6 6.8
Divorce Rate 3.7 3.6


The Great Salty Lake Tribune, (2014) also reported that poisoning and suicide are the leading causes of death in the country.  According their report, 762 suicides were reported in the area between 2005 and 2009.  The next most common cause of death country was found out to be “undetermined” poisoning which typically involved prescription drugs. Moreover, the rate of deaths in the area was found to be 66 percent higher than he Utah norms.


The above statistics indicate that Great Salty Lake Area and the whole of U.S is losing too many precious lives to various causes of death.   While factors such as heart diseases and care somewhat understandable because they cut across the world, suicide, homicide, poisoning, andto a givn extend, accidents are avoidable and therefore, the country and specifically, Salty Lake Area Should not be losing too many lives to such causes.  It is a matter that calls for urgent attention from al the relevant stakeholders because it left unattended, it will certainly escalate and too many precious live ill continue to perish robing the country labor and also worsening the challenge of organs in the U.S.

This is the opportune moment for the creation of plans such as “Health Living Classes” in order to help reverse trend because it is extending towards undesirable levels.  Through these classes, students, healthcare providers and the common people will be educated on how to deal with emergency situation such as fire, poisoning, suicide attempts and the other causes of death mentioned above. In addition, these classes will teach this audience how to manage common health issues within short period of time so as to avoid avoidable deaths. These classes represent a program design to generate healthy communities and also to teach student how to deal with the above-mentioned emergency cases and difficult situations.

It is expected that upon the implementation of “Health Living Classes”, the trend will be reversed and Great Salty Lake area will realize more healthy living standards whereby no or very few lives are lost to avoidable causes of death such as fire, poisoning, homicide and the rest. This program aims to cut down death rates by 90 percent in the next one to two years.  For these reasons, every resource committed to support the implementation of “Health Living Classes” will be accounted for. It is an exercise whose outcomes will be far outweigh the money, tie, and energy during the preparation, implementation, and evaluation, and every other efforts made to make the program a success.

Current Services and Coalition

There are a number of non-profit organizations that provide similar survives in this area. The first major organizations is American Red Cross which provides first-line disaster response services to victims of disasters in the region such as traffic accidents.  The other organizations include Mennonite Central Committee, Direct Relief International, International Red Cross, Brethren Disaster Ministries, The Nazarene Disaster Response, and All Hands. While each of these nonprofit organizations deal with various incidents, they can also partners with “Healthy Living Classes” to help address the various health problems and causes of death mentioned earlier.  Such partnership is advantageous because it will allow each of the groups to contribute its own expertise in areas where it is most specialized.


Implementation of the “Healthy Living Classes” is a program that addresses a myriad of health issues and for this reason, several stakeholders will be involved in various processes and activities. The main stakeholder of “Healthy Living Classes” include  students, patients, doctors, physicians, injured people, people suffering from long or short term disease and many more. Patient suffering from poisoning, injuries, wounds, patient who need first aid, even the staff of healthcare organization, politicians, leads, businessman, and the list is going on. Other important stakeholders who will be involved in the program include Mennonite Central Committee, Direct Relief International, International Red Cross, Brethren Disaster Ministries, The Nazarene Disaster Response, and All Hands.


Funding is of utmost importance in ensuring that “Healthy Living Classes” meets its objectives. Just like any other nonprofit organizations programs, Healthy living Classes” will rely on external funding in order to meet its mission, goal and objectives.  Since its inception, Maliheh Free Clinic has relied on funding from funding from foundations such as the Semnani Family Foundation, the I.J. and Jeanne Wagner Foundation and Layton Construction Co., Inc., and several other corporations, foundations and individuals in the Great Salty Lake area and Utah in general.  In the same way, it will sources funding from such sources to implement the “Health living Classes”.

Maliheh Free Clinic will require adequate budget that can take care of the various activities it must undertake while implementing the “Healthy Living Classes” program. Nonprofit organizations such as Maliheh Free Clinic typically have four types of budgets namely operating, cash, capital, and grant/contract budgets.

  • Operating budget

This is the annual financial plan that will show he expected revenues and cost for is current operations.  This type of budget will support the “Health Livings Classes” activities and related services. Noteworthy, this operating budget gives a clear illustration of the revenue from contributions, events, and grants.  In addition, this budget will list all expenses incurred by the organization during the entire of the project implementation.  These expense include fringe benefits, salaries, and professional feeds.

  • Cash Budget

This type of budget will detail all the short term cash flows and outflows. It will be used in conjunction with other types of budgets such as operating budget in order to synchronize expenses. In so doing, Maliheh Free Clinic will use cash budget to ensure that availability of cash for its current expenses and also to determine cash shortages or overages.

  • Grant/Contract Budget

A specific budget that is set aside for the implementation of “Health Living Classes” will be created. This is the grant budget that is specific to the particulars of this program. This budget will stipulate that Maliheh Free Clinics establish a specific budget unique to the “Health Living Classes” and separate from the organization’s overall operating budget.

General Sources of Funding

Below are the four general sources of funding that will provide Maliheh Free Clinics with the much needed funds to see the implementation of “Health Living Classes” through.

  1. Agency

There are a number of donor agencies that will provide financial sources that fund all activities of “Health Living Classes.” Some of the agencies where the organization can obtain donor funds include George S. Eccles and Delores Dore Eccles Foundation, The Jon and Karen Huntsman Foundation, The Utah Community Foundation, The Ashton Family Foundation, Simmons Family Foundation, B.W. Bastian Foundation among others.

These are some of the top giving foundation in the state of Utah with a proven track record. The agencies have the staff, they issue RFPs and hey also give indications of interest in receiving proposals.

  • Grants

In addition, Maliheh Free Clinics will seek funding from grans. In the Great Salty Lake area, there are agencies that provide grants to nonprofit organizations such as Maliheh Free Clinics. For example, Maliheh Free Clinics will present the proposal for its “Health Living Classes” grant agencies such as Children’s Health Grant, Community Facility Loans, Daniels Fund Grants, May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust Grant Program, and Utah Conrad State 30-J-1 Visa Waiver Program. Grant from these agencies will enable the organization effectively.  The others source funding for Maliheh Free Clinics include foundation and donations.


In order to ensure everything is geared towards the ultimate goal of this program- to provide students and common people with important information regarding the life threatening injuries, illness because in many situation people are dying with the passive of time- the program implementation of this program will carry out several planning activities.  The first step will be to establish the mission of “Health Living Classes” program.

Mission: “to provide students with important information regarding the life threatening injuries, illness because in many situation people are dying with the passive of time in order to generate healthy communities in the Great Salty Lake area.”

The second important step in this planning exercise will be to develop the objectives of “Healthy Living Classes” program. These include:

  • To increase students understanding of the different ways to address life threatening injuries, and illness early enough to prevent avoidable deaths.
  • To increase the public’s awareness about their roles in addressing life threatening injuries, and illness early enough to prevent avoidable deaths.
  • To build healthy lives for all the residents of Great Salty Lake area.


“Healthy Living Classes” aims to prevent avoidable deaths and to build healthy lives for all the residents of Great Salty Lake area.

Enabling Factors

While “Healthy Living Classes “aims at helping the residents of Great Salty lake area to live better and healthier lives, there are a number of enabling factors  that must be ensured for smooth implementation  of this program and realization of its mission, vision, goals and objectives.

  1. Willingness to learn

The students and the other people involved in this program will be required to be willing and ready to learn the various concepts, skills and information offered to them by the trainers. Willingness to learn will be a very important step because to enable the participants to develop their own skills and also, it gives them the ability to innovate strategies to effectively meet the goals and objective of this program.

  1. Commitment

For the students and the other participants to effective support this program, they will need be committed to every activity they’re involved in this program. “Healthy Living Class” will involve a lot of reading and practice and all these activities require a lot of time.  There are also different challenges that will be faced in the implementation of this program. This calls for the participants to be resilient and passionate about all the various activities they will be involved in during the whole process of actualizing “healthy living classes”.














Inputs Funding-Healthcare providers, residents, referral networks, standards of care protocols, facilities, travel equipment





Program”: “Healthy living Classes”


Short                                            Medium                                  Long

Outputs-At least 90% reduction in voidable deaths from accidents, poisoning, suicide etc



Activities                            Participation







100% of the students will be trained
100% of the participates will show improved skills and knowledge abut management of emergenceis  about


100% of the participates will show improved skills and knowledge about management of emergencies about



1.     Students and local people will support the program.

2.     Participants are willing to participate in the program.

3.     Trainers have the skills to train the participant

knowledge abut management of emergenceis  about













Impact and Outcomes

After the implementation of “Healthy living classes”, it is expected that students will show  increased  understanding of the different ways to address life threatening injuries, and illness early enough to prevent avoidable deaths. In addition, it is expected that students will show  increased  awareness about their roles in addressing life threatening injuries, and illness early enough to prevent avoidable deaths. In so doing, it will be easy to build to build healthy lives for all the residents of Great Salty Lake area.





4.     Students and local people will support the program.

5.     Participants are willing to participate in the program.

6.     Trainers have the skills to train the participant



Student Essay for Revision – Healthy Living Classes at Maliheh Free Clinic

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