Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example

Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example

I have many questions as I begin my journey of becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. I feel like I have so many that sometimes they all just swarm around in my head.  My admissions counselor told me that I should begin looking for preceptors and preceptor sites in the first term of school. So one of my biggest questions is, “How do I start finding preceptors and preceptor sites?” A friend of mine graduated from the Acute Care NP program at Walden, and she said that finding preceptor sites proved to be the biggest challenge for her throughout the entire program. Nurse preceptors play a considerable role in developing any student, including both undergraduate and graduate-level nurses (Hugo & Botma, 2020). I feel lucky and had many good clinical instructors and preceptors in my undergrad, which may be why I have such a great appreciation for the nursing profession today. However, there is a significant shortage of nurse practitioners and primary care providers in the United States today. In 2012, it was estimated that the United States healthcare system would need 50,000 more primary care practitioners by 2025 to meet societal demands (Miner, 2019, p. 51). My admissions counselor told me that finding a preceptor will be a challenge because clinical hours are only available Monday through Friday, and I often work during the weekdays. The shortage of preceptors throughout the nation may cause an additional challenge. I could speak to my friend who graduated from Walden and ask what her recommendations are about finding preceptor sites. I could also talk to my academic advisor and ask how to begin this process. I am worried about this because I currently work inpatient, so I do not have many personal contacts in the clinic setting Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example.

Another general question I have is, “How should I prepare for boards?” I know the national average for passing is only 86%, and my admissions counselor told me that Walden sits right at that level. This is something that my co-workers could help me with, as I have several colleagues who are finishing FNP programs. I also work with many NPs who could advise me on this subject. I would like to find ways to study over the next two years to try and set myself up for success. Being successful will probably boil down to good time management once I have a plan in place of what I need to study. According to Hanshaw et al., (2019, p.14), students that graduated between 2008-2018 average over nine hours of phone use per day. While I know I do not use my phone this much, I  could cut back on how much I use my phone and other electronics to make more time for my studies.


Hanshaw, A., Mason, P. M., & Loh, C.-P. A. (2019). Time Usage by College Students: Knowledge Acquisition, Degree Value, Work, Sleep and Fun. Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice, 19(5), 98–118.

Hugo, L., & Botma, Y. (2020). The contribution of nursing preceptors to the future nursing workforce. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 12(3), 109–113.

Miner, M. A. (2019). Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and the Shortage in Primary Care Providers: Professional Autonomy in the Public Discourse. Sociological Imagination, 55(1), 51–67. Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example

samle response


      Hello Devon.  I think all of your questions regarding the FNP Program at Walden are great questions and very similar to mine. I am thinking about finding and researching clinical preceptor sites now, even though I have just started in the program. I also work during the week, specifically Monday-Friday, so I planned to find clinical sites that are possibly open on Saturdays. That may be wishful thinking, but I am hoping that I find that one clinic that has weekend hours.

Another suggestion, since you currently work during the week, would you be able to switch your workdays to weekend shifts? I work Monday-Friday, and I hope to perform an alternative schedule of four 10 hour shifts and have one day off during the week reserved for clinical rotations. Since you work inpatient and most weekdays, would you be able to work your three shifts at the beginning of the week and dedicate the last couple of days for clinical rotations? It seems as though this part of our MSN-FNP program will take a lot of planning, flexibility, and the “ability to adapt well to change” (10 Traits of a Successful Online Learner, 2021, 3 section).

As for finding Nurse Practitioners who are willing to precept, you are all about professional networking. “Professional networking can help nurses achieve the fundamental knowledge required to take the next step” and “can develop relationships with individuals who work in their desired fields or roles with the intent of gaining knowledge” (Schmidt, 2020). A suggestion I would make, if you have not already done so, is to join a local Nurse Practitioner Association and network within that group. This way, you meet with local Nurse Practitioners to precept you in the future alternatively, know someone who is also willing to precept you.

I hope some of these suggestions help you find preceptorships or give ideas on what to do when looking for clinical sites. I know it will be a challenge to navigate when the time comes, but I hope that we both will be able to figure it out Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example.


            Have you great rest of your week!


10 Traits of a Successful Online Learner. (2021). Online Retrieved March 10, 2021, from

Schmidt, K. (2020). 5 Reasons Nurses Should Engage in Professional Networking. BluePipes. Retrieved March 6, 2021, from


sample post

Reflect on questions or concerns you might have as you begin the MSN Program

      Matriculating into the MSN program was a critical decision-making moment for me. A decision still laden with apprehension and real concerns of attaining success given the demanding work/life schedule I currently have to juggle. 

 Additionally, online learning is an entirely new frontier that adds to the challenge mentioned above as I begin my journey into the MSN program. 

 With these concerns laid out, I take solace in the fact that minor hurdles like these can be overcome with a determined mind and humility. Asking for help early on as opposed to allowing problems to compound will be a major component of my success. This approach is underscored in the resource article 10 Traits of a successful online learner where confidence and humility is encouraged. The student learner is prompted to have no doubts in their decision on this path but to also reach out for help as needs arise. (10 Traits of a Successful Online Learner, 2011)

Also addressed in the 10 Traits of a successful online learner are a myriad of salient points but what stands out to me is emphasis on Self-direction and Self-efficiency in which prioritizing school and working to complete assignments on time or  in advance will go a long way in garnering the student’s success. (10 Traits of a Successful Online Learner, 2011)

 Reading these different guidelines and pointers alleviates my angst and helps me to course correct Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example . Heather Kauffman also sites studies of students achieving success with online learning by having a good grasp of EI- Emotional Intelligence- where controlling ones’ feelings or lack thereof impacts outcomes. (Kauffman, 2015)

 Studies of individuals with low Emotional Intelligence generally did not yield the desired outcomes, demonstrating that having a good grasp of self-control in any circumstance is as germane to achieving success of ones’ goals  as rigorous studies and timely submission of course work. (Kauffman, 2015)

 My questions and concerns are not insurmountable and the fact that many have come through this prestigious University with similar concerns and have gone on to achieve their goals is testament that my concerns can be addressed by strengthen my resolve to achieve my goals as well. 


Consider the Individuals, Teams and Departments you previously considered in Module 1 as well as how they may provide support with addressing the questions and concerns


 Networking as explored in our previous assignment then becomes pivotal in navigating hurdles perceived and seen that obstruct my path to success, and identifying resources and individuals in place to facilitate my success is critical to the process. As mentioned in previous articles in networking, liaising with individuals who have gone through the process like Maria Ohiaeri, FNP, PMH-NP, from my professional Network, who specifically stresses time management; or my student advisor who stresses the importance of the use of a daily calendar, so that adhering to due dates come with ease of use, provides solutions that will help alleviate some of the load I currently juggle. 

 I will draw on the connections of Dr. Bobba and Dr. Farid Ghebleh in my professional network to help me connect with preceptors critical to fulfilling the clinical component of my program. More importantly, staying connected with my instructors give me first-hand knowledge of what their expectations are of the work assigned, and also how to effectively manage my time to get the work done. 

 In conclusion, using professional networking, I will strive to achieve knowledge needed in taking the next step in succeeding in my career. (“5 Reasons Nurses Should Engage in Professional Networking,” n.d.)

I am not an Island and interactions with my Instructors, collogues, professional and academic network,  my goals are made more attainable Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example. 


5 Reasons Nurses Should Engage in Professional Networking. (n.d.). BluePipes Blog. Retrieved March 5, 2021, from

10 Traits of a Successful Online Learner. (2011, July 14). OnlineCollege.Org.

Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23. Strategies for Addressing Questions discussion example


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