SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis
General Information about Course Assignments 1-4
The assignments for this course include a combination of individual assignments (1 and 2) and group assignments (3 and 4), all done in collaboration with an assigned Content Cluster (groups of 4-5 students) focused on one of five broad content areas (Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, Education, Health/Mental Health, and Poverty), a common social problem and an identified area of systemic reform. For example, a content cluster focused on Child Welfare may identify the social problem of Transition Age Youth and Homelessness upon exiting the foster care system. Cluster members as their focus area. SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis. They should then begin by assessing what type of systemic reform is happening around their identified issue and then each member should choose a policy that contributes and/or is related in some way to the social problem, population and area of systemic reform. Content Cluster areas/groups will be decided on no later than Class Session 2 and Content Cluster. SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.
Assignment 1 will be an individual assignment focused on a policy change in support of an identified target population within the assigned content area. Assignment 2, also an individual assignment, will build off of Assignment 1 and asks students to research available quantitative and qualitative data (obtained through informant interviews) to support implementation of their chosen policy at the organizational level (agency or system). SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis. Assignments 3 (Capstone paper) and 4 (Capstone presentation), both group assignments, ask content clusters to shift their research from individual policy change to large scale reform, identifying relevant policy changes and available data in support of a previously identified area of systemic reform related to their content area. Groups will also be responsible for developing and presenting an innovative model for change to address the identified area of systemic reform based on one of the models/approaches discussed during class sessions 8-11. The focus should be on systemic reform rather than a specific program for a specific agency. Because group assignments 3 and 4 build off of individual assignments 1 and 2, it is essential that content clusters consult early on in the semester with one another and throughout the semester to ensure that their individual work completed for Assignments 1 and 2 will contribute to successful completion of Assignments 3 and 4. Content Clusters should identify and determine no later than Week 3 what their common social problem and large scale reform area will be and no later than Week 4 what their individual policy topics for Assignments 1 and 2 will be. SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.
Assignment 1 Guidelines
Provide an analysis of a recent policy (policies may include an enacted law, resolution or ordinance) approved at the federal, state level (state legislature) or County level (County governing body) that is related to your identified content cluster area, target population and agreed upon (by content cluster) area of systemic reform SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis. The policy should have been enacted within the last 5 years. We will spend some time in class discussing strategies for identifying and researching relevant policies.
Each Content Cluster should email their instructor by Week 4 with this information to ensure that the individual policies chosen by each cluster member for Assignments 1 and 2 will serve as a foundation for the successful completion of Assignments of 3 and 4.
Your paper should follow the below outline:
- Introduction, Social Issue and Context for change – (Suggested 2-3 pages)
- Introduction, title and summary of the chosen policy
- What need/social problem and target population(s) does the policy seek to address? Provide relevant research/data to help the reader understand the need for the policy and who it was intended to help.
- Discuss the context for change – was it driven by demographic or socioeconomic changes? By lawsuits or complaints from the field? Was it informed by human rights or social justice concerns? SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis. Describe the relevant historical and social context.
- Is this policy part of a larger reform effort or was it developed to address a single issue? If part of a larger reform effort, briefly discuss the larger reform effort and how this policy fits into these efforts?
- Explain why/how you chose this topic? What if any connection does the policy/ topic area have to you personally and/or or professionally?
- Key elements of the legislative decision making process. (Suggested 2-3 pages)
- When, where (decision making body) and by whom (author) was it introduced?
- Summarize the most relevant parts of the policy (what it aims to do and how)?
- Describe the legislative process from idea to enactment. Who were the key decision makers? How long did it take to go through the legislative process? Describe any barriers the policy took toward enactment.
- What is the current status of the policy? Is it time limited?
- Who are the proponents/opponents of the policy and what are key arguments?
- What is the budget/fiscal impact for this policy? What resources will be needed to ensure implementation of the policy? SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.
- What impact or outcomes are expected and/or have been seen since implementation? (Suggested 1-2 pages)
- Based on available research, has the policy met its intended goal(s) and/or is it likely to address the intended goal(s)?
- In what ways might/are social workers be involved in the implementation of this policy?
- If the policy is already in implementation, discuss briefly what implementation has been like thus far, including any challenges/barriers to implementation. If it has not yet been implemented, discuss what is expected?
- Conclusion- discuss the implications of this policy for social work, social workers or and/or intended target populations. In what way does/will this policy advance social justice? SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.
SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis
Section 1 | 7 points |
Section 2 | 7 points |
Section 3 | 4 points |
APA, General Grammar, Structure and Flow | 2 points |
TOTAL | 20 points |
The paper should:
- Be APA-formatted throughout and include a title page, reference page(s), running header and page numbers. Use of first person should be avoided per APA.
- Use double spacing, 12-point font and 1 inch margins all around
- Be between 6-8 pages, not including references and appendices. Points will be deducted for papers that exceed the page limit.
- Include a minimum of 7 academic references. Academic references may include journal articles, policy/research reports/data from state, county or non-profit/private agencies and/or documents obtained from government/policy source as well as course readings.
- Include a link to your policy in the reference section OR include a copy of your policy as an attachment to your paper.
- Late submissions will result in a 5% deduction for each day of late submission (absent prior agreement between student and instructor)
Unit 4 Activity
- What is AB 12?
AB 12 is the bill that allows foster care for eligible youth to extend beyond the age of 18 and up to age 21.
- Who led the Implementation Planning?
Implementation Planning was led by was led by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), and involved a diverse group of stakeholders. CDSS and the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.
- What are the elements of their proposed four-tiered framework?
The first tier is made up of stakeholders and informants which sustained the vision. The second tier is made up of a coordinating leadership team which was responsible for overseeing implementation. The third tier was made up of the Five Focus Area Teams which was responsible for guiding the efforts around the bill. The fourth tier was for stakeholder input. SOWK 627 Assignment 1: Policy Analysis.