Social Movements Assignment

Week 5 Social Movements Assignment

A grassroots way to facilitate change in society is through a social movement. Often these movements are created after an injustice to change the way a society thinks and acts towards a sect of people.  Your assignment this week focuses on using social psychology concepts to explain the development of a social movement and the change in society that has occurred from the social movement.


Some examples of social movements you may want to research are:

Black Lives Matter                  Blue Lives Matter                   Pro-Choice

Defend Science                       LGBTQ                                     Human Rights

Environment                           Animal Rights                          Anti-Bullying



Your assignment for this week is to find two articles that discuss one social movement. Social Movements Assignment. To help guide your analysis, complete the following steps:


– Summarize each article, focusing on main ideas and primary examples (2-4 Paragraphs)

– Discuss the relationship between the articles and key terms and ideas in social psychology (2-3 Paragraphs)

– Describe social change that has come about from the movement and utilize social psychology ideas to support your recommendation (1-2 paragraphs)

– Provide APA citations for both articles and additional references.



50 points – summarizes two articles related to a specific social movement Social Movements Assignment.

20 points – discusses the issues the topics of the articles in relation to social psychology terminology

15 points – conclusion using social psychology ideals on changes that have come about due to the social movement discussed

15 points – for orderly presentation in subsections, freedom from spelling and grammar errors, and use of APA style citations and reference page.


Expectation Points Possible
Summaries Summaries are included for two articles and provide specific details about main arguments, key claims, and examples. 50
Social Psychology Terminology and Use The analysis includes a strong use of social psychology terminology and thoughtful applies concepts to current events. 20
Conclusion Conclusion includes recommendations for social change and provides a specific plan of action to support a culture of change. 15
APA Format and Style Paper uses APA format and utilizes style and grammar to promote clarity. Social Movements Assignment. 15


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