Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique
Journal Article Critiques
These critiques should be between 1.5 and 2 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman (12 point) font, and with 1” margins on all sides. Please include and APA style cover page, page numbers and headers/sub headers, in text citations, and works cited page.
Summary: The summary should be between 1 and 2 paragraphs. This should briefly explain the authors’ purpose(s), method, and results (main findings in your own words. No numbers.) Keep the summary informative, but concise (less than a page) Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique.
Critique: You should critique the articles based on the following criteria. Be sure to completely and concisely address each point. Remember this should be a critical assessment or the study (objective). DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR OPINION. Paraphrase , no direct quotes.
1. Purpose/Research Question: Determine the authors’ purpose of the research and state it in your own words. Comment on how clearly this was presented in the article.
2. Method: Comment on how appropriate the method used was for addressing the purpose. State if the method was employed effectively.
3. Evidence of Support: Examine the method and results of the article and determine if they helped the authors effectively address the purpose presented. Also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and the study as a whole.
4. Real World Application: After reading the discussion section summarize any real world implications the authors suggest. Also give your own suggestions for the real world application of the study and its’ findings.
5. Recommendations: Determine who might benefit from the article, what the benefit may be, and the importance of the benefit. Here you may summarize your subjective judgments of the work and suggestions on how to improve or extend the work.
Cases of childhood obesity have been on the rise in the modern society eliciting various studies on its causality with parental care. In one study, investigating the roles of parental care in childhood obesity, Knutson and associates found out that child neglect had a high correlation with childhood obesity (Knutson, Taber, Murray, Valles, & Koeppl, 2009). Notably, child neglect amongst the disadvantaged children was the greatest risk factor for childhood obesity. However, the study also highlighted that neglect was not limited to the disadvantaged but was also evident to children in the middle and high-class families. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique. This critic indulges in the specifics of Knutson and colleagues study before concluding with a discussion on its implications to the real word and recommendations to build on highlighted gaps.
Purpose/Research Question:
The primary objective of this study was to assess the roles of childcare and supervisory neglect as a factor contributing to childhood obesity. The study was founded on the assertion that parental supervisory plays a significant role in child development and young children are more likely to be neglected which is liable to facilitate obesity. To ascertain or nullify the hypothesis two research questions can be deduced including; what is the influence of parental care in facilitating childhood obesity? and, is a child’s age a factor in childhood obesity. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique.
The study employed a multi-source survey analysis approach with questionnaires as the primary data collection tools. Notably, the scope of the study was in two counties in Southeastern Lowa with the sample derived from the neglected and disadvantaged children between the age of 3 years 7 months to 9 years 6 months with the children 571 children constituting the study sample. The methodology was employed effectively since by adopting a multi-source survey and the structured parent-child interaction the study eliminated possible interviewee (parents) bias, which was further heightened by the child’s BMI tests. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique.
- Evidence of Support:
Use of an age range for the sampled children and conducting structured parent-child interaction was effective for the study’s objective. Notably, the Bivariate correlations between the BMI, demographic variables, and the indices of neglect were found to be less than 10 which ascertained the study’s hypothesis. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique. For instance, the study results highlighted the B.M.I of the neglected children as ranging from11.6 to 37 (M ¼ 16.7, SD ¼ 3.03; n ¼ 569. Additionally, 14.9% of the children in the study sample was found to be within the at-risk range, with 16.3% considered obese.
- Real World Application:
The findings of this study exemplify the correlation between parental care neglect and childhood obesity. As a result, the study pinpoints the need for parental care intervention in controlling childhood obesity. Moreover, although factors such as hereditary genetics and social disadvantage do facilitate the occurrence of childhood obesity, the study underlines childhood obesity as a multidimensional aspect thus the magnitude of parental care. As such, the findings of this study are insightful to both health practitioners and parents, in diagnosing and controlling the health issues emanating from childhood obesity Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique.
- Recommendations:
Future research studies need to adopt a wider scoop by involving children with a broader age in the study sample. Such an approach will facilitate clarification the link between childhood obesity and differential care neglect in the different aspects of parenting. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique. Additionally, prospective research studies should purposely isolate the unique implications of child neglect in facilitating the occurrence of child obesity.
Knutson, J. F., Taber, S. M., Murray, A. J., Valles, N. L., & Koeppl, G. (2009). The role of care neglect and supervisory neglect in childhood obesity in a disadvantaged sample. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35(5), 523-532. Role of Care Neglect and Supervisory Neglect in Childhood Obesity Article Critique.