Recruiting Plan

Recruiting Plan

Assume your learning team is the hiring manager.  Pick an entry level or supervisory position in healthcare or HR (for example a home health aide, a patient services representative, an HR representative) and prepare a detailed recruiting plan, of approximately 1,000 – 1,250 words, to hire for that position.

The plan should be written so that you could submit it to your manager and HR for approval, but is must also include the educational support (description of concepts with citations).  Include:

  • Describe how you would conduct a job analysis to confirm the duties and responsibilities of the job.
  • Prepare a summary of the job description including the essential functions and job specifications.
  • Advertising – where and why will you post/advertise the job.
  • Screening – criteria that you will use to review resumes and determine who to interview.
  • Interviewing – who (by position) will interview and areas they will cover.
  • Selection process – how will you make a final choice?

Do the paper in APA format (cover page, headings, reference page) but first person is fine.  Cite the educational resources that you use to support your plan.

The recruitment matrix is not required for this assignment.

Grading Rubric Week 3 – Recruiting Plan Points
Description of Job Analysis process 1
A summary of the job description including essential tasks and job specifications 1
Recruiting Plan

  • Advertising – where and why
  • Screening – criteria and process for determining who you will interview
  • Interviewing – who (by position) will interview and areas they will cover
  • Selection process – how will you make a final choice?





Appropriate research – minimum of 2 – and use throughout the paper 2
Adherence to UOP standards for written work

  • APA format
  • Major points are organized in a logical fashion.  Each paragraph is clear and contains one major idea.
  • Rules of grammar and punctuation are followed.
  • No spelling errors
  • Word count approximately 1,000-1,250 words.
Total Points 10.0


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