Week 1 Assignment
Quantitative Annotated Bibliography
In this week’s discussion question you were asked to consider a potential problem (appropriate to your role option) that you would like to investigate through nursing research. For this QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101 WEEK 1 assignment you will review current research from South’s Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue’s OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/
A total of four annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a quantitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101 WEEK 1
Each annotation must address the following critical elements:
- Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
- Brief description of the research conducted
- Value and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration. QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101.
- Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
- Conclusions or observations reached by the author
- Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role option.
Please submit to the QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101 WEEK 1 W1 Assignment 3 Dropbox by Monday, May 22, 2017.
NSG 6101 Week 2 Qualitative Annotated Bibliography
Week 2 Assignment
Qualitative Annotated Bibliography
For this assignment you will continue to review current research from South’s Online Library and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue’s OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/
A total of four annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a qualitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.
Each annotation must address the following critical elements:
- Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
- Brief description of the research conducted
- Value and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration
- Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
- Conclusions or observations reached by the author
- Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role specialization.
NSG 6101 Week 3 Research Proposal Draft
Week 3 Assignment
Research Proposal Draft
By Monday, June 5, 2017, write a 3–4-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.
- Background and Significance of the Problem
- Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study
- Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions
- Research Question
- Hypothesis: Research and Null
- Identifying and Defining Study Variables
- Operationalize Variables
Post your assignment to the W3 Assignment 2 Dropbox. You will find the assigned text helpful in identifying the salient points to cover.
NSG 6101 Week 4 Research Proposal Draft
Week 4 Assignment
Research Proposal Draft
By Monday, June 12, 2017, write a (5–6 pages) paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.
This week you will submit the Literature Review section of your proposal. Each week you have been adding to your growing body of evidence to support your problem and proposed innovation to address the problem. The review of literature is a critical, analytical summary and synthesis of the current knowledge of your research topic. Thus it should compare and relate different theories, findings, etc., rather than just summarize them individually.
The following resources will help guide you (in addition to our course textbooks):
- http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html
- http://www.duluth.umn.edu/~hrallis/guides/researching/litreview.html
- http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/literature-reviews/
- Writing the Literature Review: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students:
- Writing the Literature Review (Part Two): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students:
- Submit your assignment to the W4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Monday, June 12, 2017.
NSG 6101 Week 6 Research Proposal Draft
Week 6 Assignment
Research Proposal Draft
By Monday, June 26, 2017, write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.
Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
Sampling Strategy
Research Design: Type (e.g., Quasi-Experimental), description, and rationale for selection. Post your assignment to the W6: Assignment 2 Dropbox. QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101.
NSG 6101 Week 7 DQ Latest
Discussion Question
Part One: Please begin by responding to the following questions.
What factors must a researcher consider in selecting an existing instrument for use in a study?
How does a researcher locate an existing instrument?
Part Two: Search and locate an existing instrument that will be used to address your research question. Post the title of the instrument selected and the level of measurement on the tool. QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101. Next, post a description of the type of scale used in the instrument. Include a brief discussion of data collection procedures that will be presented in your proposal.
Provide constructive, supportive feedback to your classmates’ posts.
NSG 6101 Week 7 Research Proposal Draft
Week 7 Assignment
Research Proposal Draft
By Monday, July 3, 2017, write a 2–3-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.
Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
Description of the Intervention
Data Collection Procedures
Post your assignment to the W7: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
NSG 6101 Week 9 Assignment Latest
Informed Consent Form and IRB Application
Week 9 Assignment
By Monday, July 17, 2017, submit the Informed Consent Letter and the South University IRB Application (please note that this is only an example and no data may be collected).
Informed Consent Letter
Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).
Submit your QUANTITATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NSG 6101 assignment to the W9: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Monday, July 17, 2017.