Psychological and Financial Elder Abuse Sample Essay
Psychological abuse entails cases where by the care giver humiliates and handles the elderly without respect. Notably, in most cases these type of abuse is characterized by name calling, and harsh disregard for the elderly person opinion. Abolishing this type of abuse is coupled with myriad challenges including in ability to recognize signs of occurrence since in most cases there is no physical evidence. Moreover, this abuse is mostly perpetrated by care givers and the elderly are likely to normalize it and might find it hard to report it. Although, psychological abuse has detrimental effects including instigation of mental problem, WHO (2017) highlights it as the most under reported form of elderly abuse.
Financial elder abuse occurs when an individual mostly a family member misappropriates resources of the elderly or uses financial power to subdue the elderly. Unlike other forms of abuse, financial abuse is subtle and hard to notice and thus difficult to abolish Psychological and Financial Elder Abuse Sample Essay. Further according to WHO (2017), curbing financial abuse is also complicated by the fact that the perpetrators are by closely attached with the elderly such as care givers or family members. In some cases the elderly person has no knowledge of its occurrence and thus no reporting occurs.
Key Strategies to advocate and protect the elderly from psychological and financial abuse include encouraging the community members to help by heightening scrutiny for plausible cases of abuse and report them to the authority. As such, community members should be taught the signs manifest in psychological abuse such as observing behavior changes in the elderly. In this case increased fearfulness, uncommunicative tendencies and isolation among others should be taken to signify possibility of psychological abuse. Manifestations of financial abuse on the other hand include cases of massive withdraws from the elderly accounts and sudden cases of unpaid bills.
The community members should also be encouraged to observe behavioral change by the care giver. In this regard, inhibiting visitors to the elderly and cases whereby the care giver portrays indifference and heightened hostility to the elder such as name calling should also warrant report of possible elderly financial or psychological abuse Psychological and Financial Elder Abuse Sample Essay. Further, I would encourage the need for the authorities and other agencies involved with the elderly take any reported suspicion seriously and take immediate action to curtail the abuse and accrued effects to the elderly.
World Health Organization. (2017). Prevention of Elderly Abuse. WHO Psychological and Financial Elder Abuse Sample Essay