Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example
Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your practice in psychotherapy.
Explain why you selected Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic Theory and Peplau\’s nursing theory. Support your approach with evidence-based literature within last five years.
Develop at least three goals and at least three objectives for the practicum experience in this course.
Create a timeline of practicum activities based on your practicum requirements listed below.
Week 2:You will write about two clients from a family you observed or counseled. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 4)
Week 3: You will complete a comprehensive client family assessment. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 4)
Week 5: You will write about two clients from a family you observed or counseled and explain whether solution-focused or cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with the family. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 7) Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Week 7: You will write a progress note and privileged psychotherapy note for the client family you assessed in Week 3 for the comprehensive client family assessment. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 7.)
Week 8: You will write about two clients you observed or counseled during a group therapy session and explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with the group. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 10). Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Week 10: You will write about two clients you observed or counseled during a group therapy session for children and adolescents. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 10)
Week 10: You will write a client termination summary for a client who is ready to complete group therapy. (Assignment to be submitted by Day 7 of Week 11). Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Nursing and Counselling Theories
Varying theories guiding the nursing practice coupled with those of counseling provide a concrete framework in the practice of psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example. According to Carvalho and Cordeiro (2018), psychotherapy practice should be grounded in theoretical frameworks that facilitate interpretation of patient’s behavior, emotions, and thought. In this regard, my psychotherapy practicum will be grounded in the Psychodynamic Theory of counseling and Peplau’s nursing theory both of which offer integral approaches befitting Psychotherapy’s therapeutic processes. Consequently, this paper provides a detailed review on the efficacy of the two theories in relation to the psychotherapy practicum, the goals, and objectives of the practicum and the timeline of practicum activities. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic Theory
Psychodynamic theory is counselling theory embedded on Sigmund Freud conviction that the projected behavior emanates from deeply rooted unconscious forces. As such, by exploring the history of the patient, the theory presumes that the unconscious forces can be unearthed facilitating behavioral adjustments ( Sampaio, Sequeira, & Lluch, 2015). Greater emphasis is placed on the experiences and their possible contribution to the current problems. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example. D’antonio and colleagues assert that psychoanalysis theory still employs various techniques developed by Sigmund Feud including free association and transference (D’antonio, Beeber, Sills, & Naegle, 2014). The theory and its techniques would provide significant insight during my practicum and enhance my interaction with the patients. Moreover, the theory tenets will also provide a framework to help the clients to review their backgrounds and possibly enact measures towards their psychological wellbeing. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example. Notably, the theory will especially be integral in cases requiring alteration of deeply engrained behaviors.
Peplaus nursing theory
Peplaus nursing theory is grounded on the presumption that nursing should strive to help individuals to understand and ease their discomfort. As such, the theory emphasizes the need for nurses to master and employ principles of human interaction when dealing with clients. According to Townsend and Morgan (2017), Peplaus theory has four key tenets, first the theory highlights interaction between nurses and patients is integral. Moreover, Peplau asserts that through the therapeutic interaction the nurse and patient enhance their maturity. Consequently, the theory underlines communication skills as essential in nursing practice. Lastly, the theory stresses the need for nurses to be open minded and self-aware to facilitate adequate client development. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Peplaus nursing theory will come in handy in the cause of the practicum enabling me to benefit from my interactions with patients. The theory will also facilitate focus on polishing of interviewing skills and interacting with the patients without instigating personal biases.
Practicum goals and objectives
In the course of the practicum besides putting into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in class the practicum offers me a chance to cultivate a professional identity illuminated through heightened observe of the set standards and conduct. However, to reap maximum benefit from the practicum one should construct specific goals and objectives to establish and sustain focused development. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example. Meany, Davis‐and Lindo (2016), highlight goals as what one intends to accomplish while the objectives underline the planned steps to facilitate achievement of the goals. In this regard, my practicum goals are three fold: personal goal professional goal and educational goal.
Personal goals
To cultivate interaction, communication and interviewing skills as required when dealing with clients
To nurture assertive attributes when interacting with clients and colleagues
Professional goal
To understand the responsibilities and rules governing psychotherapy practitioners including the underlying ethical considerations in the practice Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
To develop expertise in case assessment, preparation of case materials, treatment plans and professional articulation of views with other practitioners
Academic goals
To apply the classroom acquired psychotherapy theoretical knowledge in my practice and expound this knowledge adequately by the end of the practicum.
To practice counseling skills by demonstrating empathy and genuineness during interaction with patients and conduct a self-review after every session. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
To document my progress through a weekly outline of the activities and lessons acquired from the activities
To review and understand the institutions guidelines by reviewing the available material and consultation with other colleagues
To acquire professional conduct by observing keenly as other practitioners carry out their constantly and consulting them whenever in doubt.
To take notes on the recommendations offered by other practitioners
Timeline for practicum activities
Week 1
Tour the institution and interact with practitioners to understand their roles and practice.
Review the institutions guidelines
Prepare a summary of the institutions mission vision and core values
Week 2
Highlight the activities happening in different departments
Highlight cases of interest and the interventions enacted by the practitioners.
Prepare a summary of two family cases as observed
Week 3
Observe the strategies employed in the two family cases selected in week two
Collect additional material on the case
Prepare detailed analysis of the family assessment process as observed. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example,
Week 4
Prepare a review on the therapy strategies enacted on the family two cases
Interact with the practitioners for in-depth understanding of varying therapies
Submit the Prepare a detailed summary of two family cases as observed and prepared in week 2
Submit the a comprehensive client family assessment prepared in week 3
Week 5
Prepare a critical analysis of the varying therapy strategies in relation to the two family cases under review.
Write the final draft on two clients from a family you observed or counseled and explain whether solution-focused or cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with the family. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Week 6
Observe the varying family cases handled in the week and prepare a summary of the case
Assess the efficacy of either solution-focused or cognitive behavioral therapy in two select family cases
Prepare a detailed write-up on the efficacy of solution-focused or cognitive behavioral therapy in two cases selected in week five
Week 7
Prepare a write up progress note and privilege psychotherapy note for the client family assessed in Week 3 for the comprehensive client family assessment
Submit the write up prepared in week 5 about two clients from a family observed or counseled explaining whether solution-focused or cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with the family
Week 8
Prepare a write up note for the two clients observed during a group therapy session explaining whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with the group
Week 9
Observe and summarize sessions for children and adolescents
Highlight the therapeutical strategies for the session
Week 10
Prepare a detailed write up for the two clients observed and counseled during a group therapy session for children and adolescents in week 9.
Prepare a client termination summary for a client willing to complete the week 10 group therapy. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Submit the week 8 write up for two clients observed or counseled during the group therapy session and explaining the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for the group.
Week 11
Submit the client termination summary for a client willing to completing group therapy prepared in week 10.
Carvalho, J.., & Cordeiro, R. (2018). Theories of the Interpersonal Relationships, Transitions and Humanistic Theories: Contribution to Frameworks of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing in Europe. In European Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing in the 21st Century (pp. 49-58). Springer, Cham.
D’antonio, P., Beeber, L., Sills, G., & Naegle, M. (2014). The future in the past: Hildegard Peplau and interpersonal relations in nursing. Nursing inquiry, 21(4), 311-317. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.
Meany, K., Davis‐, D., & Lindo, N. (2016). The Impact of Wellness‐Focused Supervision on Mental Health Counseling Practicum Students. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94(4), 464-472.
Sampaio, F, Sequeira, C., & Lluch ,M. (2015). Nursing psychotherapeutic interventions:A review of clinical studies. Journal of clinical nursing, 24(15-16), 2096-2105.
Townsend, M.., & Morgan, K. (2017). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. FA Davis. Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic and Peplau’s Nursing Counselling Theory Essay Example.