PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay

The purpose of this PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay assignment is to get students thinking about how personality impacts real life behaviors outside the classroom.

Using any of the resources you have available, read, listen to, or watch a short documentary on a specific criminal of your choice. Ensure the media is factual. When making a choice consider the wide variety of crimes a person may engage in; violent crime, property crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and “victimless” crime.

In 600-750-words use the document, “Introduction to Personality Media Analysis,” under the assignment tab, to complete this PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay assignment.


This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
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Name: Class: PSY-255 Date:

Introduction to Personality Media Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to get students thinking about how personality impacts real life behaviors outside the classroom. Using any of the resources you have available, read, listen to, or watch a short documentary on a specific criminal of your choice. Ensure the media is factual. When making a choice consider the wide variety of crimes a person may engage in; violent crime, property crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and “victimless” crime PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.

  1. Identify the following.

Location of the media (Youtube, Netflix, PBS, GCU Library, etc):

Title of the media:

Name of the criminal:

Crime(s) committed:


  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description of the individual. PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. Provide the information you think someone will need to understand who this person is, consider demographics and psychological data.







  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description as to why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media.







  1. Using chapter 1 of the textbook, identify the theory/ies of personality that appear/s to best fit your description.







  1. Glance ahead in the text. Briefly examine the chapter connected to the theory that appeared closest to your personal view of human nature. Use some of the ideas presented in that chapter to explain why the individual engaged in criminal activity PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.







  1. Based on the description of your preferred theory, what additional information might you need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified? What sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview?


Name: Anika Bascom Class: PSY-255 Date:4/29/2020


Introduction to Personality Media Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to get students thinking about how personality impacts real life behaviors outside the classroom. Using any of the resources you have available, read, listen to, or watch a short documentary on a specific criminal of your choice PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. Ensure the media is factual. When making a choice consider the wide variety of crimes a person may engage in; violent crime, property crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and “victimless” crime.

  1. Identify the following.

Location of the media: YouTube

Title of the media: The Man Who Stole $65 Billion (Bernie Madoff)

Name of the criminal: Bernie Madoff

Crime(s) committed: White-collar crime – federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, perjury, and money laundering


  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description of the individual. Provide the information you think someone will need to understand who this person is, consider demographics and psychological data.


Bernie Madoff, a former financier who was raised in a significantly underprivileged neighborhood, is infamous for executing the largest Ponzi scheme in history, which culminated in thousands of investors being defrauded of more than 65 billion dollars over a span of several years (ColdFusion, 2019). Madoff is among the most prominent contributors to the development of electronic trading and was at the helm of Nasdaq in 1990, 1991, and 1993 (ColdFusion, 2019). Although Madoff claimed to make enormous, steady financial returns, in actuality, he ran an elaborately structured Ponzi scheme PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. From a psychological perspective, Madoff mostly exhibited sociopathic tendencies, as he lied to investors with the full knowledge that he stood to gain from his deceitful actions, demonstrated little to no empathy for the people hurt by his choices, committed white-collar-related crimes repeatedly, and reveled in the power that came with his position as a financier (Winarick, 2010). He was eventually arrested and sentenced to 150 years in prison after pleading guilty to eleven federal felony counts in 2009.


  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence description as to why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media.



Personally, I believe that Bernie Madoff committed the crimes because he was seeking success by any means necessary (Winarick, 2010). Madoff was not raised in an affluent household, thus his commitment to pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors from an early age to achieve the American dream. Unfortunately, his initial investments failed to take off. In hindsight, his early travails in the business world most likely set the foundation for his malicious behavior, one that was largely typified by profit and loss falsification following a period of poor performance (ColdFusion, 2019). PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. After becoming entangled in a scheme that reaped untold financial rewards, Madoff felt as if it was virtually impossible to discontinue his involvement, with the fear of slipping back into a lifestyle characterized by economic instability and hardship playing a key role in his resolution.


  1. Using chapter 1 of the textbook, identify the theory/ies of personality that appear/s to best fit your description.


The most prominent theory of personality that best fits my description of Bernie Madoff is the trait perspective. Despite being described by a significant number of those who knew him as affable and charismatic, Madoff kept his real attributes hidden from even his closest of friends and family members. A dangerous charlatan, Madoff ultimately proved to be an avaricious schemer bent on accumulating immense wealth without regard for his innocent, trusting victims (Winarick, 2010). Madoff shares the majority of traits with which sociopaths, psychopaths, and people with antisocial personality disorder are associated. Aside from his manipulative behavior, Madoff lied callously, engaged in long-running deceitful conduct, and showed feelings of grandiosity (Burger, 2019). For years, Madoff portrayed himself as a protector of the interests of every investor, yet the true aim of his elaborate financial charade was to defraud unsuspecting individuals through his ruse (Winarick, 2010). During his interactions with investors, Madoff excelled at impression management, allowing him to mask his actual intentions from friends, family members, and others for so long PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. Later, several of his friends mentioned that they were left dumbfounded by Madoff’s crimes, as they had believed that he was an honest man who was committed to ethical business practices and philanthropic activities. Overall, Madoff was a master manipulator who, despite painting himself as a hero for numerous years, was eventually exposed as a devious character who was solely out to cause others harm.



  1. Glance ahead in the text. Briefly examine the chapter connected to the theory that appeared closest to your personal view of human nature. Use some of the ideas presented in that chapter to explain why the individual engaged in criminal activity.


A particularly crucial theory that aligns with my personal perspective of human nature is the psychoanalytic approach. Bernie Madoff has been described numerous times as having a psychopathic personality (Winarick, 2010). While the use of traits, such as callousness, grandiosity, sense of entitlement, and lying, in light of his disposition mostly allows for a better understanding of Madoff’s conscious, external thought process, it also offers a hint into his unconscious self (Burger, 2019). PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay. Internally, it is safe to surmise that Madoff tended to fantasize about having control over people’s finances, ruining the lives of others by taking their money (Winarick, 2010). Madoff’s unconscious thoughts about stealing from others and undermining their sense of security/safety were tantamount to hurtful, damaging behavior in his view. He eventually decided to act on his internal thought process by devising an elaborate Ponzi scheme, hoping to wreak havoc on the lives of investors.


  1. Based on the description of your preferred theory, what additional information might you need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified? What sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview?


To confirm if Madoff fits the psychoanalytical perspective, it would be prudent to determine whether he uses specific wordings often and, most importantly, attain a clear understanding of his behavioral patterns. If, for instance, it is determined that Madoff frequently employs the statement “You will be an incredible success with my connections,” it could imply that he is attempting to exploit investors’ weak spots and vulnerabilities through his charisma. It would be beneficial to evaluate his communications to pinpoint commonalities in his phrasings. Additionally, an assessment of the history of his conduct, including during his younger and adult years, could confirm whether he meets the criteria for antisocial or psychopathic behavior and, in turn, his conscious and unconscious thinking patterns (Burger, 2019). During the intake interview, asking questions regarding a description of self, motivations behind seeking therapy, coping mechanisms so far, living conditions growing up, thoughts about harming others, connection to others, and expectations from the counseling process can offer priceless insights into what he is today PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.


Burger, J. M. (2019). Personality. Cengage.

ColdFusion. (2019, November 12). The man who stole $65 billion (Bernie Madoff) [Video]. YouTube.

Winarick, K. (2010). Thoughts on greed and envy. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis70(4), pp. 317-327.


PSY-255 Topic 1 Rubric: Media Analysis

No of Criteria: 8 Achievement Levels: 5
Achievement Levels
0.00 %
Less Than Satisfactory
65.00 %
75.00 %
85.00 %
100.00 %
Identify the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed
Worksheet omits or incompletely identifies the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately identifies the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Worksheet adequately identifies the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Worksheet clearly identifies the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly identifies the location of the media, title of the media, name of the criminal, and crime(s) committed. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Describe the individual (consider demographics and psychological data)
Worksheet omits or incompletely describes the individual. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately describes the individual, but description is weak. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Worksheet adequately describes the individual, but description is limited. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Worksheet clearly describes the individual, and description is strong with sound analysis. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly describes the individual, and description is comprehensive and insightful. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic. PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Describe why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media
Worksheet omits or incompletely describes why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately describes why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media, but description is weak. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Worksheet adequately describes why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media, but description is limited. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Worksheet clearly describes why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media, and description is strong with sound analysis. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly describes why you think this person engaged in the acts identified in the media, and description is comprehensive and insightful. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Theory(ies) of Personality
Worksheet omits or incompletely identifies the theory(ies) of personality that appear(s) to best fit your description. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately identifies the theory(ies) of personality that appear(s) to best fit your description. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Worksheet adequately identifies the theory(ies) of personality that appear(s) to best fit your description. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Worksheet clearly identifies the theory(ies) of personality that appear(s) to best fit your description. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly identifies the theory(ies) of personality that appear(s) to best fit your description. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Explain why the individual engaged in criminal activity
Worksheet omits or incompletely explains why the individual engaged in criminal activity. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately explains why the individual engaged in criminal activity, but description is weak. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Worksheet adequately explains why the individual engaged in criminal activity, but description is limited. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Worksheet clearly explains why the individual engaged in criminal activity, and description is strong with sound analysis. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly explains why the individual engaged in criminal activity, and description is comprehensive and insightful. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic.
Additional Information and Intake Interview Questions
Worksheet omits or incompletely explains what additional information you might need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified and what sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview. Worksheet does not demonstrate understanding of the topic.
Worksheet inadequately explains what additional information you might need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified and what sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview, but description is weak. Worksheet demonstrates a poor understanding of the topic.
Worksheet adequately explains what additional information you might need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified and what sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview, but description is limited. Worksheet demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic.
Worksheet clearly explains what additional information you might need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified and what sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview, and description is strong with sound analysis. Worksheet demonstrates an understanding that extends beyond the surface of the topic.
Worksheet expertly explains what additional information you might need to confirm whether this individual fits the theory identified and what sort of questions might be helpful to ask during an intake interview, and description is comprehensive and insightful. Worksheet demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Worksheet Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)
Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.
Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.
Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.
Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.
All format elements are correct.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied PSY 255 Media Analysis Essay.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.
The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.


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