Planning Your Brand


60 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
The student wrote a plan for building his or her personal brand. In the plan, the student addressed the following:


·         skills needed for his or her future career

·         What strategies to employ to gain the required skills needed for his or her career choice

·         How to project a professional image to potential employers

·         What strategies to employ to search for, find, and get a job

·         How to know if strategies are effective


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
·         The plan is 700 to 1,050 words in length.

·         The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

·         The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
·         The plan is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The plan is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.

·         Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

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