Planning for Change Essay Assignment
Planning for Change, Implementing and Evaluating EBP Assignment
Planning for Change
Change can be difficult—and implementing new practices based on evidence can present challenges. How can you effectively prepare your work environment for change? What factors need to be considered (e.g., financial, legislative, systems)?
This week you begin working on Application 4, which builds on this week’s Discussion and is a continuation of your EBP Assignment. For this first section of the assignment, determine the factors that would impact stakeholders or end users as you create change and implement a new process/project to address your EBP issue.
Prepare for this week’s section of Application 4 as follows:
- Continue (from this week’s Discussion) to analyze the impact of implementing change in your practice environment. What factors need to be considered regarding stakeholders or end users? How would you communicate with them to address their questions or concerns? How would you enlist their support? Planning for Change Essay Assignment.
- Develop a summary of the methods you would use to ensure that those factors are adequately addressed.
By Day 7 of Week 10 of Planning for Change, Implementing and Evaluating EBP Assignment
Application 4 is due. You do not need to submit anything this week.
Practicum- Planning for Change, Implementing and Evaluating EBP Assignment
Continue to keep a time log and journal of your practicum experiences. See the Practicum Guidelines located in the Practicum area of the Course Overview page for a complete description of the practicum Planning for Change Essay Assignment.
By Day 7 of Week 11 of Planning for Change, Implementing and Evaluating EBP Assignment
Reminder: You will submit your time log and a journal entry in Week 11.
Week in Review
This week, you assessed change readiness in a practice environment and developed theory-based strategies to facilitate the implementation of change.
Next week, you will assess an issue within an organization—analyzing the system at the macro- and micro-level—and identify strategies that can be used to assess the clinical environment and the associated nonclinical units that support the provision of quality.
NURS 8410 Week 8: Creating an Environment for Evidence-Based Practice
“What health care needs most are effective leaders who understand innovation and how it spreads, who respect the diversity of change itself, and who can nurture innovation in all its rich and many costumes” (Hyrkäs & Harvey, 2010, p. 1).
As a nurse engaged in advanced practice, you are uniquely positioned to motivate your colleagues and contribute toward the development of a culture that embraces change Planning for Change Essay Assignment. Yet, even with the worthwhile goal of translating evidence into practice, barriers present a formidable challenge in many settings in today’s health care system.
This week you examine barriers that may inhibit the adoption and implementation of evidence-based practice. You also explore change theories and consider how they can be applied to help create an environment that facilitates practice grounded in evidence and, ultimately, to promote the achievement of outcomes related to quality and safety.
In addition, you continue your practicum experience and begin Application 4 this week.
Planning for Change Essay Assignment Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Assess the readiness for change in a practice environment
- Develop theory-based strategies to facilitate the implementation of change in a practice environment
Photo Credit: [Sam Edwards]/[Caiaimage]/Getty Images
Planning for Change Essay Assignment Learning Resources
Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terharr, M. F. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.
- Review Chapter 3, “Change Theory and Models: Framework for Translation”
- Chapter 14, “Creating a Culture That Promotes Translation”
- Chapter 15, “Best Practices in Translation: Challenges and Barriers in Translation”
Darling, F. (2016). Practitioners’ views and barriers to implementation of the Keeping Birth Normal tool: A pilot study. British Journal of Midwifery, 24(7), 508-519. Planning for Change Essay Assignment.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Sadeghi-Bazargani, H., Tabrizi, J.S., & Azami-Aghdash, S. (2014). Barriers to evidence-based medicine: a systematic review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 20, 793-802.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Smith, E.L., Rice, K.L., & Agrell-Kann, M. (2015). Improving quality outcomes using a champion model for ancillary nursing staff, Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46(12), 539-541.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases Planning for Change Essay Assignment.