PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay

PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay

Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:

In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:
What is ultimate reality?
What is the nature of the universe?


What is a human being?
What is knowledge?
What is your basis of ethics?
What is the purpose of your existence?
Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.


Personal Worldview Inventory


The first paragraph of your paper is your introduction paragraph. Per APA 6th ed, paragraphs must be a minimum of three sentences long. In addition, think of your introduction paragraph as a funnel. The beginning of the paragraph starts out broad and then funnels down into something more specific with regards to content. The first or the last sentence in your introduction paragraph is usually your thesis sentence. This sentence describes for your audience what your paper will include. PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.

Meanings of Spirituality

In this area you will discuss in 5-7 sentences the various meanings of spirituality. You want 5-7 separate sentences or a separate paragraph from the subheadings provided below.

Christian Perspective on the Nature of Spirituality and Ethics within Healthcare

The subheading above would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled in a heading. The subheading is flush left and bolded, with each word of four letters or more capitalized.  In this area you want to explain sociological perspectives and its relevance to spirituality in the context of managed care.  This area should be about 5-7 sentences in length.

Postmodern Relativism Views of Spirituality and Ethics within Healthcare

APA dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not use any at all.  In this area make sure that you explain the philosophical perspectives and its relevance to spirituality in the context of managed care.  This section should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences. PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.

Religious and Cultural Context of Modern Health Care and Medicine

REMEMBER to cite AND reference all sources used for this paper. If you paraphrase information, cite and reference and if you use direct quotes cite and reference also. In this area please explain the areas such as pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism and how they impact modern health care and medicine.  Use the subheadings below that I provide (or any others that you can think of that relate to this topic).  Each subheading should have at least 3-5 sentences to meet APA formatting.


In this area please briefly explain the concept of pluralism.  Give brief arguments against this concept. Make sure you have at least 3-5 sentences in this area.


            In this area please briefly explain the concept of scientism. Give brief arguments against this concept. Make sure you have at least 3-5 sentences in this area.


            In this area please briefly explain the concept of postmodernism. Give brief arguments against this concept. Make sure you have at least 3-5 sentences in this area. PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.

Seven Basic Worldview Questions

In this area you will address each of the questions with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will use the subheadings that are provided below.

What is prime reality?

In this area you will answer this question in 3-5 sentences.  You will want to explain what you think gives a person a sense of what is real or what reality is in your own life. Who or what defines what is real for you personally?

What is the nature of the world around us?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain if you think the world is chaotic and senseless or if it has meaning and order created by God. Does the universe have order and significance or does it just simply exist? PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.

What is a human being?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain what makes a person a human being.  Things like is a person created with value in the image of God or is a person just made from scientific matter with not much purpose and value in life.

What happens to a person at death?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain exactly what you think happens to a person when they die.  What happens to their body and soul?

Why is it possible to know anything at all?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain how a person gains knowledge and insight in this world.  In other words does it come from God or does it come from within?  What is the authority and source of all knowledge?  How does our understanding of these things help obtain knowledge in life and how does this impact what we know in life? PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.

How do we know what is right and wrong?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain how you know what is right and wrong in life.  Is there ultimate truth that helps decide what is right and wrong or are things relative and everyone decides what is right and wrong for their self?

What is the meaning of human history?

In this area you will answer this question with a 3-5 sentence response.  You will explain what the significance of human history is in our lives.  Does our history and our past influence our future and how we live our lives today?  Can we find meaning in this life?  Can we find purpose?

When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. However, one item that you will have to change is the page header, which is placed at the top of each page along with the page number. The words included in the page header should be reflective of the title of your paper, so that if the pages are intermixed with other papers they will be identifiable. I have done this for you in this sample. PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay.


The conclusion reviews and wraps up what you have discussed in your paper. This area needs to be 3-5 sentences in length. The conclusion also kind of restates your thesis for your paper. The conclusion is not a place to bring up new information that has not been previously discussed in the body of the paper. The conclusion should bring a feeling of completion to the audience. All paragraphs of your paper should also be about the same uniform length. One mistake that I frequently see in academic papers is that of nice robust paragraphs in the body of the paper and then the conclusion is much shorter. This adds to the audience feeling of the paper being unfinished. Therefore aim to look at your paragraphs and make sure that they are at least similar in length.

For most assignments, you are required to have a minimum of 3 references. Of these three references, at least one of these must be a scholarly, peer reviewed journal article from the GCU library with a working permalink

In addition, remember that you are going to have to have a biblical verse present in this paper. For APA writing, the bible is considered a “Classical work”. This means that the bible is cited with the verse & translation in the body of the paper; the bible does not appear as a reference on your reference page PHI 413V Personal Worldview Inventory/ spirituality in nursing Essay

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