Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

NSG 6620 Week 9 Assignment 1 Discussion

Discussion Question 1: Patient Safety

High-performing teams in healthcare organizations are the key to success in creating cultures of quality and safety.A high-performing team that works collaboratively enhances communication and patient safety.Healthcare teams that are not high performing and do not work well together are actually a liability in patient safety.For example, it is apparent to patients and their families when healthcare teams are not working collaboratively and communicating with each other.Kaiser Permanente has developed a framework of communication that healthcare staff can use to communicate about their patients, called the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) technique (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.).This technique can be used to foster a culture of teamwork and patient safety.


Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Discuss the role of the nurse leader in fostering and promoting initiatives related to patient safety.

Examine the relationship between patient safety and high-performing interprofessional healthcare teams.

Discuss how the use of communication strategies like SBAR improves the high-performing interprofessional healthcare teams. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Discussed the role of the nurse leader in fostering and promoting initiatives related to patient safety.

Examined the relationship between patient safety and high-performing interprofessional healthcare teams.

Discussed how the use of communication strategies like SBAR improves the high-performing interprofessional healthcare teams.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

NSG 6620 Week 9 Discussion 2

Discussion Question 2: Quality of Care

There are many variables influencing the definition of quality of care.For example, patients and their families may perceive quality in one way and the healthcare provider may perceive quality of care in a much different manner.In assessing quality of care, the nurse leader must create a culture of quality through the structures, processes, and outcomes in the healthcare organization.It is only through commitment and the creation of a culture of quality and safety that healthcare organizations in the twenty-first century can succeed and excel.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Explain the relationship between quality of care and Medicare reimbursement.

Summarize two contemporary external influences to the healthcare organization that are impacting reimbursement to healthcare organizations based on quality of care.

Describe one strategy your current or former healthcare organization uses to assess and measure quality of care.

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Explained the relationship between quality of care and Medicare reimbursement.

Summarized two contemporary external influences to the healthcare organization that are impacting reimbursement to healthcare organizations based on quality of care.

Described one strategy your current or former healthcare organization uses to assess and measure quality of care.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

NSG 6620 Week 10 Assignment 1 Discussion

Discussion Question 1: Ethical Dilemmas and Nurse Leaders

Almost every day, nurse leaders confront challenges or issues involving ethical dilemmas.Ethical dilemmas occur with respect to staff, patients and their families, or the business or strategic decisions made by the healthcare administration.One of the essential skills and competencies of twenty-first-century nurse leaders is the ability to peel away the layers of each ethical dilemma and determine the underlying ethical principle.There are numerous ethical decision-making models, and it truly does not matter to which model the nurse leader subscribes.However, it does matter that the nurse leader applies concepts of an ethical decision-making model in this executive leadership capacity.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Explain the various steps that nurse leaders can take to prepare themselves and staff nurses for dealing effectively with dilemmas arising from the clash between clinical and organizational ethics.

Identify one ethical decision-making model that is of interest to you for identifying ethical dilemmas.

What is an ethical principle? How you would apply an ethical principle in your current or a former setting to inform ethical decision making on a particular healthcare issue?

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Explained the various steps that nurse leaders can take to prepare themselves and staff nurses for dealing effectively with dilemmas arising from the clash between clinical and organizational ethics.

Identified one ethical decision-making model that is of interest to you for identifying ethical dilemmas.

Described what an ethical principle is, and how you would apply an ethical principle in your current or a former setting to inform ethical decision making on a particular healthcare issue.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

NSG 6620 Week 10 Discussion 2

Discussion Question 2: Care Models and the Nurse Leader

There are many ways to organize and deliver nursing care to individual patients and groups of patients.Groups of patients with similar symptoms or like disease diagnoses are referred to as aggregates.There are many different ways nurse leaders organize and determine how the work should be distributed for individuals and aggregate patient populations.Regardless of the care model selected, nurse leaders have many variables to balance to find the right care model that meets and satisfies all key stakeholders.For example, it is not enough to use a care model that meets the nurses’ needs and preferences; finding the balance between comprehensive patient care and satisfaction and nurse satisfaction is required.Patients must have their healthcare needs met and be satisfied, and nurses must be satisfied and want to work in the healthcare organization.

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, respond to the following:

Describe the role of the nurse leader in determining the model of care.

Describe a model of care and include the pros and cons of this model in your description.

Examine the benefit and return on investment to patient quality and outcomes as a result of implementing a model of care.

Explain the human and financial resources needed to implement a selected nursing model of care.

Comment on the postings of at least two peers.

Evaluation Criteria:

Described the role of the nurse leader in determining the model of care.

Described a model of care and included the pros and cons of this model.

Examined the benefit and return on investment to patient quality and outcomes as a result of implementing a model of care.

Explained the human and financial resources needed to implement a selected nursing model of care.

Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

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NSG 6620 Week 1 Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Practicum I Journal Entry 1

In this course, you will write six journal entries.These journal entries are reflective exercises to facilitate academic learning and self-development as a nurse leader.Reflective journaling provides the opportunity to increase self-awareness as a nurse leader.The journal also offers you an opportunity to reflect on nonacademic components of the practicum experience, including emotions, decision making, critical thinking, and stress associated with the nurse leadership role.There is no “right” or “wrong” in reflective journaling; however, the Practicum I Journal will create a link between the application of course concepts and the content of your specific practicum experience.Practicum journals may be written in first person.

Practicum I Journal entries are graded assignments.They will not be viewed by or shared with other students, only with course instructors.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Where are you completing your Practicum I experience? Be certain to include the name, location, and contact information of the healthcare organization in which you are completing your practicum experience.

Identify your preceptor.Be certain to include the preceptor’s name, title, and contact information (including telephone number and e-mail address).

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 1 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

NSG 6620 Week 2 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 2

This is your second out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 2 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

NSG 6620 Week 3 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: SWOT Analysis Draft

The CNO constantly needs to evaluate and assess various components of the healthcare organization’s structure, process, and outcomes as they relate to organizational effectiveness in meeting the mission and vision statement.It is relevant to have a method for rapid evaluation and assessment of these components because often, the CNO does not have much time in which to conduct these activities.One method that allows CNOs to effectively and efficiently evaluate and assess healthcare organizations and pinpoint issues is the SWOT analysis.SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, outcomes, and threats.The SWOT analysis is easy to administer in order to evaluate the following:

Strengths that are positive and internal

Weaknesses that are negative and internal

Opportunities that are positive and external

Threats that are negative and external

Upon completion of the SWOT analysis, the CNO can set major goals to be achieved and get the organization back on track by linking the SWOT analysis findings to strategic planning.

This week, you will begin preparing a SWOT analysis of a nursing department or unit.The purpose of this assignment is to assess your progress on the final SWOT analysis due in Week 5.This assignment provides you the opportunity to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved prior to completing and submitting the final assignment.

Week 3 Tasks

Begin this assignment by having a discussion with your practicum preceptor.Discuss and agree upon a nurse leadership issue or topic on which you will base your SWOT analysis.

Then, write a 1–2-page SWOT analysis of the nursing department or unit in which you work or have worked in the past.

Cover the following:

Explain why you selected the leadership issue or topic.

Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your nursing department or unit based on this issue.

Your final SWOT analysis will be presented in a SWOT matrix.This week, you will begin filling this matrix.Click here to download the SWOT analysis matrix template you can use for this assignment.

Prepare a brief note on the implications of this analysis for your nursing department or unit and the selected issue.

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment.Make sure to include separate title and reference pages in your assignment.

Submit your paper in a Microsoft Word document to the W3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, September 19, 2017.Name your document SU_NSG6620_W3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

NSG 6620 Week 4 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 3

This is your third out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 4 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submit your journal entry to the Journal area by Tuesday, September 26, 2017.Name your journal entry SU_NSG6620_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.

NSG 6620 Week 5 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: SWOT Analysis

In W3: Assignment 2, you began preparing a SWOT analysis of your nursing department or unit based upon a selected leadership issue or topic.This week, you will finalize your SWOT analysis and submit your assignment in the format of a presentation.

Week 5 Tasks

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the SWOT analysis you submitted in Week 3.

Then, prepare a 6–8-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following:

Provide a brief explanation of your selected leadership issue or topic.

Identify a minimum of four strengths, four weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats for your nursing department.Provide a rationale for each. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Provide a note on the relevance and implications of your SWOT analysis.Include a minimum of four peer-reviewed references in support of your note.

Suggest at least one recommendation or change based on your analysis.Provide a rationale in support of your suggestion.

Explain how you will use this information to create a strategic plan for your nursing department or unit.

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment.Make sure to include the following in your presentation:

A title and a reference slide (these do not count toward the number of slides in your assignment)

Headings for each slide or section

Speaker notes in support of the information in each slide

Submit your assessment as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, October 3, 2017.Name your document SU_NSG6620_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.ppt.

On a separate page, cite all sources using the APA format.

NSG 6620 Week 6 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 4

This is your fourth out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 6 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submit your journal entry to the Journal area by Tuesday, October 10, 2017.Name your journal entry SU_NSG6620_W6_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.

NSG 6620 Week 7 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Zero-Based Operational FTE Budget Draft

Typically, healthcare organizations already have a budget worksheet or spreadsheet for preparing the operational budget.The budget worksheet or spreadsheet contains information identified with an account number or a subcode depicting the cost center.This worksheet or spreadsheet is generally provided when the nurse leader begins to work on the next operational budget.

This week, you will begin preparing a zero-based operational FTE budget based on the results of targeted HPPD and the previous year’s average daily census (ADC).For this assignment, you will use the operating worksheet or spreadsheet from the organization in which you are completing your Practicum I experience.Then, you will create a zero-based FTE operational budget for one year.The year may be a calendar year or fiscal year depending on your practicum setting.

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your progress on the final zero-based operational FTE budget due in Week 10.This assignment provides you the opportunity to self-assess and determine any issues or challenges that need to be resolved prior to completing and submitting the final assignment. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Week 7 Tasks

Begin this assignment by having a discussion with your practicum preceptor.Make sure you complete the following based on your discussion:

Select one nursing unit you will use for this assignment.This can be your own nursing unit in your practicum setting.

Make sure you have access to the data required to complete this assignment.

If the healthcare organization of your practicum setting does not have or will not share its budget worksheet or spreadsheet, then you should create your own worksheet or spreadsheet in a Microsoft Excel format.

Then, write a draft budget for the nursing unit.Your final version of the FTE budget, which is due in Week 10, should include all of the components listed below.However, for this week, your instructor will assign the components that need to be completed.

Prepare a draft of a zero-based operational budget that includes the following based on your selected nursing unit:

Operating expenses with subcodes

Description of subcodes

Prior-year expenses of subcodes

Original budget allocations for subcodes

Annualized expense for subcodes

Budget adjustments for subcodes

Approved budget for subcodes

Personnel costs for one nursing unit

Personnel Costs for One Nursing Unit—Components

The nursing personnel budget is based on the total number of hours of care needed, which is determined by patient-acuity levels.Complete the following budget calculations using the information given and add these to the zero-based operational budget as a line item and subcode. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Patient-Acuity Levels

HPPD (Hours Per Patient Day)


4.0 hours


6.4 hours


10.5 hours


16.0 hours

The staffing formula is: (Average census x Nursing hours x 1.4 x 1.14) / 7.5

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment.Make sure to include a title and a reference section for the assignment.

Submit your budget in a Microsoft Excel worksheet to the W7: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, October 17, 2017.Name your document SU_NSG6620_W7_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.xls.

NSG 6620 Week 8 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 5

This is your fifth out of six journal assignments in this course.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week. Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 8 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submit your journal entry to the Journal area by Tuesday, October 24, 2017.Name your journal entry SU_NSG6620_W8_A2_LastName_FirstInitial

NSG 6620 Week 9 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 6

This is your sixth and final journal assignment.

Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following:

Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I.

Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week.

Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 9 into your practicum experience this week.

Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

Submit your journal entry to the Journal area by Tuesday, October 31, 2017.Name your journal entry SU_NSG6620_W9_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.

NSG 6620 Week 10 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Zero-Based Operational FTE Budget

In Week 7, you began preparing a zero-based operational FTE budget draft for your nursing unit.This week, you will finalize your budget and submit your assignment in the format of a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Week 10 Tasks

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the worksheet you submitted in Week 7.

Then, finalize your zero-based operational FTE budget, and ensure that it covers the following:

Identify and describe the selected nursing unit on which the zero-based operational FTE budget is performed.What is the type of service provided by the nursing unit (for example, fifteen-bed intensive care unit or twenty-bed oncology unit)?

Finalize the budget worksheet or spreadsheet with subcodes.Make sure to include the following:

Operating expenses with subcodes Patient Safety and Ethical Dilemmas & Nurse Leaders Essays

Description of subcodes

Prior-year expenses of subcodes

Original budget allocations for subcodes

Annualized expense for subcodes

Budget adjustments for subcodes

Approved budget for subcodes

Personnel costs for one nursing unit

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment.Make sure to include a title and a reference section for the assignment.

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