For this Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay Discussion, you explore the culture and climate of your current organization or one with which you are familiar. You also consider decisions and day-to-day practices and the way they relate to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
To prepare:
Review the information related to planning and decision making in health care organizations presented in the textbook, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Consider how planning and decision making relate to an organization’s mission, vision, and values, as well as its culture and its climate. Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Familiarize yourself with the mission, vision, and values of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Consider how the statements and actions of leaders and others within the organization support or demonstrate the organizational mission, vision, and values. In addition, note any apparent discrepancies between word and deed. Think about how this translates into expectations for direct service providers. Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay. Note any data or artifacts that seem to indicate whether behaviors within the organization are congruent with its mission, vision, and values.
Begin to examine and reflect on the culture and climate of the organization. How do culture and climate differ?
Why is it important for you, as a master’s-prepared nurse leader, to be cognizant of these matters?
Post a description of your selected organization’s mission, vision, and values. Describe relevant data, or artifacts, words, and actions of leaders and others in the organization that support, or perhaps appear to contradict the organization’s mission, vision, and values statement. In addition, discuss the organization’s culture and its climate, differentiating between the two. Explain why examining these matters is significant to your role as a nurse leader. Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Please references should be within the last five years. With in text citation please include page number or paragraph number. Thank You.
Organizational Culture and climate
Description of selected organization’s mission, vision, and values
My organization’s mission statement lays emphasis on provision of quality care to all patients, assurance of heightened safety, and commitment to offer unparalleled healthcare. Consequently, the institution envisions being a revered community member recognized for commitment in provision of highest standards of patient care for the wellbeing of the society. The institution operations are grounded in values of dignity, trust, teamwork, and integrity Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Supportive actions of leaders
The conduct of the management and employees in my organization serves to strengthen the underlying mission and vision. For instance, the organization’s leadership lays a significant emphasis on open communication and interaction with the employees. This interactivity and openness in turn has facilitated teamwork and commitment in service delivery, which illuminates reverence to the institutions values (Spear, 2017, p162). Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Culture and climate
An organization culture denotes values that guide the conduct of individuals in an institution. According to Huber (2017, p57), culture acts as map defining the most appropriate way to conduct ones duty. My organization has developed a safety culture illustrated by the heightened emphasis on corroboration amongst practitioners to ensure patient safety. This culture has been cultivated by the institutions values including dignity and teamwork, and the mission statement’s emphasis on provision of highest standards of safety. On the other hand, organizational climate is the product of underlying culture and is defined as the manner in which individuals experience culture (Taplay, Jack, Baxter, Eva, & Martin, 2014, p2). In this regard, climate denotes what employees view as the disposition of the values emphasized in an institution. Notably, my organization harbors a safety climate in whereby all employees view patient safety and quality healthcare as an individual responsibility Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Why examining these matters is significant to your role as a nurse leader
As a nurse leader, it is imperative to understand the correlation between an institution’s mission, and values and the resultant organizational culture and climate. For instance, when the leaders cultivate certain values and lay emphasis on given behaviors the other employs follow suit which with time becomes the culture of the organization (Taplay, et al., 2014, p2).. As such, nurse leaders should strive to cultivate the values that strengthen the mission since the resultant culture and climate would uphold the same enabling the organization to achieve its vision (McNaught, & Shaw, 2017, p6) Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Huber, D. (2017). Leadership and Nursing Care Management-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Retrieved from.
McNaught, K., & Shaw, G. (2017). Orientation to mission: Assessing the perceptions of effectiveness of an in-house orientation program focused on mission, vision and values within a large-scale, not-for-profit, private hospital. Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay.
Spear, S. (2017). Impression management activity in vision, mission, and values statements: A comparison of commercial and charitable organizations. International Studies of Management & Organization, 47(2), 159-175.
Taplay, K., Jack, S. M., Baxter, P., Eva, K., & Martin, L. (2014). Organizational culture shapes the adoption and incorporation of simulation into nursing curricula: a grounded theory study. Nursing research and practice, 2014. 1-12 Organizational Culture and climate Sample Essay