NYU HPAM-GP 4822 Carolinas Healthcare System Consumer Analytics
The template for Case 3:Carolinas Healthcare System: Consumer Analytics is attached. Question 3 is intended to have you think through the type of actions you take to ensure a projects success especially when they represent a significant organizational change. Your answer to this question may need to be addressed in 2-4 paragraphs and should align with steps you would find in the PMLC and SDLC we covered in class this past week. The other questions can be answered as usual in 1-2 paragraphs.
CASE OVERVIEW (1 – 2 Para.)
Set the scene: environment, main characters, challenges, goals, decisions, etc.
1. What rationale did CHS have in investing in Dickson Advanced Analytics (DA2). Include any relevant environmental factors that CHS had for this decision including government policy, organizational strategy, external threats. NYU HPAM-GP 4822 Carolinas Healthcare System Consumer Analytics.
2. How successful were DA2 and its precursor? Explain what they accomplished and why it was a success/failure. NYU HPAM-GP 4822 Carolinas Healthcare System Consumer Analytics.
3. The creation of DA2 represented a significant organization change for CHS in the unification of individual analytics groups under one team. If you were leading this change, what steps would you take to ensure success? [hint, think about this in terms of a project as discussed in class 3 and your final presentation]
4. What are Dulin’s most important challenges moving forward?? NYU HPAM-GP 4822 Carolinas Healthcare System Consumer Analytics.