Nursing Theory Essays and Paper Assignments

Nursing Theory Essays and Paper Assignments

  • Nursing theory is like a road map
    • Recognize what is familiar
    • How to response in situation
    • Confidence o try something different
    • Anticipate what will happen
  • Components of a theory
    • Phenomenon- aspect of reality that can be conscious sensed
      • Empirical – experience through senses
      • Abstract – not observable (ex, hope)
      • Concept – idea that are important to discipline
      • Definition – convey meaning of concepts
      • Assumption – can describe concepts or connect concepts, help to describe values, beliefs, goals

    • Theory In Action
      • Define and enrich practice
      • Give focus on important/ essential to care
      • Create knowledge that is unique to nursing
      • Role of nursing theory
        • Explain, describe, predicts, prescribes care
      • Theory will
        • Assessment, planning implantation of care
        • More research about practice with theory
        • Look at client that is unique to that theory and then choose a theory to help guide treatment
        • Informs practice
        • Tanners clinical judgment
      • What Is Meant By A Theoretical Perspective
        • Gottlieb – image of a compass
          • Like an internal compass for a nurse to use to guide his or her practice
          • Nurses cannot practice without a theoretical perspective
          • In absence of a well explained theory of nursing that nurses will create their own perspective or adopt dominant model in practice (usually medical model)
          • Theory makes clear what is valued by profession (ex, wholeness, family centered care, etc.)
          • Nursing theoretical orientation is result of selecting different bodies of knowledge that accurately affect values
        • Types of Theories
          • Systems
          • Developmental
          • Interactive


  • Grand Theory
  • Middle Range theory
  • Descriptive theory
  • Prescriptive theory
  • The Nursing Metaparadigm
    • Substantive work that was done in the 50’s
    • Metaparadigm = model intended to define a very broad world of through (general)
    • Meta = that which is behind (supports our thinking)
    • Paradigm = theoretical framework
    • Linked science, philosophy and theory and apply to profession
    • In every nursing theory you can find definitions of these concepts from that theorists perspective
      • Four concepts (what they all have in common) (important concepts)
        • Person
        • Health
        • Environment
        • Nursing


  • Person
    • Defined as individual with whom the nurse in interacting in a therapeutic manner
    • Person may include more then one (families communities, populations)
    • Can be referred to as patient or client but not in all setting
    • Recipient of nursing care
    • Unique and should be treated as such
    • Subject is not just an object of professional care
    • People we interact with are much more then the person who receives our care


  • Health
    • Focus of care
    • Typically s defined as optimal level of ones potential in relating to environment
    • Wellness- someone who has diagnosis of disease can also experience wellness
    • Health is metaconcepts is a large and general concept
    • Doesn’t deal with health in a strictly clinical way
    • Not an absolute concepts
    • Need to open mind to what the word health actually means
    • Many factors that contribute to individuals perception of health


  • Environment
    • Where therapeutic interaction occurs
    • Not only external environment but also inner thoughts and feelings and relationships with others that influences health
    • Many factors that can influence environment
      • Body, mind, health, social
    • Includes culture, faith, attitude


  • Nursing
    • Assessment and planning intervention and evaluation
    • Not only responsible for physical care but also involved in relationship with client
    • Incorporate all aspect of person when developing care plan
    • What are its purpose and goals
      • Compassion
      • Ethics
    • Beyond task – more then what we do but how we choose to be with person


  • Watson’s Theory of Caring
    • Body, Mind, Spirit


  • Jean Watson
    • “maybe this one moment, with this one person, is the very reason we’re here on earth at this time”
  • Theory of Human Caring
    • Caring is a global ontology of relation
      • Evolving ontology (way of being)
      • Take commitment and intentionality and conscious awareness
      • Take nursing away from doing to being
    • Nursing is more then ‘just a job’
    • Caring is important to the client and the nurse
      • More important to client then nurse but should be important to all of us
    • Major concepts
      • Transpersonal caring relationship
        • Focus is on relationship between nurse and person
      • The caring occasion/caring moment
      • Carative factors
    • Watson Metaparadigm concepts
      • Person
        • Mindbodyspirit = embodied spirit
          • Unity of m,b,s
          • Unique individuals that have bio, phis, and social interpersonal need
          • Support and care for person
          • Highly value person


  • Environment
    • Internal and external aspects
      • Healing space
      • Energy in environment
      • Field of vibration where person is
      • Nurse is the environment
      • Need for environment to be conducive to healing
      • Expands environment to whole planet
      • Aim for nursing is to create healing places/space for clients


  • Health
    • Harmony and unity within the mindbodyspirit
    • One can have health despite disease
    • Function mental, physical, social, spiritual, to full capacity
    • Looks for degree of congruent that happen between perceiving and experiencing
    • Good alimenting between self as perceived and lf as experienced
    • How we think of ourselves and perceive our self is also how we experience our self, not aligned = not healthy


  • Nursing
    • Occurs in human to human transpersonal caring
    • Promotes harmony in mindbodyspirit
    • Nurse experiences positive from person receiving care
    • Bond between 2 individuals in nursing
    • Provide thoughtful interactions to promote holistic health


  • Transpersonal Caring Relationship
    • Moral commitment
      • Protect and enhance patient dignity
    • Caring consciousness
      • Perceive and honor spirit of person
      • Nurse believe in and stay in others frame of reference (unknowing)
      • Respectful of believe system of others
    • Potential for healing
      • SBC


  • Caring Moment/ Caring Occasion
    • Human to human interaction
      • Occurs when nurse and other come together an causes phenomenal interaction
    • Each feels connection
    • Both are changed
    • Involves action and choice
      • Negative thoughts lead to mental detrition
      • Positive is light and soothing and healing


  • Intentionality
    • Believes nurse can choose his or her thoughts and by choosing you determine the effects you will have on others
    • Prior to encounter with human that you have to pause to put yourself in that space to create healing space, needs to be intentional
    • Power of intent is important as conventional treatments

Barriers to Nursing Theory Development

  • Nurses like to consider themselves as doers more then thinkers
  • Theory demands some detached thinking
  • Hard to connect to abstract thinking
  • Come from within profession
  • People want to help and assist but don’t have values of thinking on metaphysical issues
  • Nurses hold more theory in their heads then they realize
  • There is a lot of stress on doing, lots of pressure to get tasks done, makes it hard to appreciate amount thinking gone into doing
  • Can sometime be reduced to application of medical techniques without appreciation for medical thinking application
  • Knowledge based profession – need to be backed up by theory
  • Can train monkey to do IV but cant train him to understand why you do IV and what are the risks and what is the treatment plan etc. Nursing Theory Essays and Paper Assignments
  • Activity: Johnson
  • person, health nursing and environment
  • person – biological system – medicine focus and behavioural system nusng focus
  • biophysical being who is a behavioral system with 7 subsystems of behaviors
  • health – believes individual is attempting to maintain some balance or equilibrium
  • efficient and effective functioning of system; behavioral system balance and stability
  • nursing – primary goal is to foster equilibrium with the individual which allows for the practice with individuals at any point in the health – illness continuum
  • external regulatory force that acts to preserve the organization and integrity of the patients behavior at an optimal level under those conditions in which the behavior constitute a threat to physical or social health or I which illness is found
  • environment – relates to the environment in which the individual exists and
  • influenced by all events in the environment

Nursing Theory Essays and Paper Assignments

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