Nursing literature review example

Nursing is a profession that requires adequate research and investigation. The profession requires primarily qualitative and current investigations that influence disease or a specific body part. Are you a nursing student looking for a nursing literature review example to get writing ideas? You are in the right place.

This article explains how to write a nursing literature review in detail. It provides different topics you can use for your paper and highlights different nursing literature review examples. Before getting into the task, knowing what a nursing literature review is essential.

What is a nursing literature review?

A nursing literature review is an academic paper that provides an overview of a topic to show the reader that a particular topic has been researched. You may be asked to write a literature review as part of your research paper or separately.

A nursing literature review should compare ideas from different scholarly pieces highlighting inconsistencies and trends within specific research. It should also suggest any gaps in the research that need to be investigated in the future.

How do you write a literature review for nursing?

Writing a literature review for nursing is not different from writing other research papers. Students are flooded online with searches like, how do you write a literature review for healthcare? Follow these steps to come up with a nursing literature review;

  1. Choose a topic

The first step of doing any assignment is choosing a suitable topic. Choose something that you can manage to investigate within the timeframe provided. The shorter the timeline, the more specific your research should be. If your timeline is longer, you can choose a broad topic.

If refining your research becomes difficult, talk to your professor or instructor. Ask yourself, what are nursing-related topics for the literature review? This will help you stick to the relevant areas.

  1. Check the assignments instructions

Before indulging in research, ensure you read and understand all the instructions your instructor or professor provided. Check if there are any restricted research areas and ensure you keep them off when selecting your literature review articles.

  1. Search for relevant articles to use

After refining your research topic, begin looking for the evidence to answer your set question. You can use tools like PICOT or SPIDER to break your research into searchable concepts. When you have a search strategy, you can translate it into different databases. Some research will use two to three databases, while others may use up to 9. This depends on the type of research you are conducting.

If you are writing a paper for class or require a brief, non-comprehensive literature evaluation, you ought to:

  • Have 1-2 biological sciences databases for research
  • The use of keywords alone will suffice for this search
  • Have a PICO-based search strategy built
  • Prepare a list of a few alternatives and alternate words for each of your searchable topics

If a more thorough literature search is required for your dissertation, thesis, comprehensive review, feasibility review, or any other assignment, you should:

  • Perform a minimum of five database searches; the databases you choose will depend on the subject of your study
  • Have a PICO-based search strategy built (or another version)
  • Have a long list of alternate, related, and substitutes for each of your searchable concepts. Be prepared to include a specific word in your selection method
  • Set up clear search parameters. Languages, Date Of publication, Design Of the study, Publications Type, etc., are a few examples
  • Choose your management strategy for the citations you find. Researchers frequently employ a citation manager
  • Utilize screening tools like Covidence is something else you might want to think about
  1. Consider the quality articles you have

Even if you have a publication that is closely related to your research subject, if it has bad-quality information, it may not be as helpful as you believe. Using a critical evaluation method specific to your particular manuscript’s study design is a good idea in general. If your literature review topic calls for you to examine a wide range of material, this may require you to employ a few different critical analysis tools.

Assess the weaknesses and strengths of the material you found using the critical evaluation technique and the contribution each paper makes to answering your research question.

  1. Read and evaluate the articles

At this point, you have your evidence. You can sit and read different articles. Ensure you read beyond the abstract and title to fill text of the selected articles. Record any conflicting evidence, patterns, methodologies, recurring expert names, definitions, and anything else that attracts your interest. Create a citation manager at this stage to help you manage your citations. You can check scholarly books to assist you in managing your citations better.

  1. Organize and synthesize the evidence

Make connections that will help you organize and synthesize the information collected. Examine if the evidence you have collected supports your original hypothesis. Also, explain how you have selected your articles.

Identify the core concepts and themes using 3 to 4 strong comments. Use the evidence collected from papers to demonstrate the more significant concepts and explain the relationship with the original hypothesis. Present the trends and patterns by summarizing your evidence. Connect ideas that are related before relating with your hypothesis.

You can use different ways to present your findings. This can be an evidence table, pinch table, or by narration. You can talk to your professor or instructor to know how to present your findings.

  1. Write your nursing literature review example

After going through all the above steps, you can finally write your nursing literature review. Provide an overview of the necessary literature and highlight the critical concepts. Do not be afraid to address any critiques and gaps in the field of research.

Elements of a good nursing literature review example

  • A good literature review describes and summarizes selected articles while contextualizing them to the research question.
  • Compares and contrasts arguments, theories, and papers
  • A good nursing literature review evaluates and analyzes papers critically

Use a basic structure to organize your nursing literature review, including headings and subheadings. A well-organized literature review paper will motivate your readers to keep reading your work. The basic format of a literature review involves the following;

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • conclusion

What are the types of literature reviews in nursing?

  1. Traditional/ narrative nursing literature review

This type of literature review locates and evaluates published research on a subject that may be broad. Usually, it uses a narrative style to present the review’s results. This review can cover a broad range of relevant topics.

  1. Scoping nursing literature reviews

Scoping nursing literature review evaluates the possible depth of the study literature on a specific subject. It also aids in identifying research gaps

  1. Rapid literature reviews

A rapid literature review assesses what is recognized about a topic by searching for, evaluating, and choosing the finest available research.

  1. Systematic nursing literature reviews

This type of literature review aims to methodically gather, evaluate, and synthesize research data to support decision-making and identify best practices. The method used can vary and is frequently particular to the study, which may involve investigations into efficacy, qualitative studies, economic analysis, prevalence, causation, or the reliability of diagnostic tests.

The 5cs in the literature review

Many people keep asking, what are the 5 Cs in a literature review? To frame and write your nursing literature review, consider the following;

  1. Citing the information to help in defining the research problem you have studied
  2. Comparing different arguments, findings, theories, and methods used in the literature
  3. Contrasting various methods, controversies, themes, approaches, and arguments described in your literature
  4. Critique the literature by describing the arguments you find persuasive that others
  5. Connecting various studies you have reviewed and described draws upon previous research studies and synthesizes

Nursing literature review topics

As mentioned earlier, choosing a topic for your nursing literature review example is among the initial stages of writing your paper. Choose a topic that is interesting and researchable, depending on the timeframe of your research. Also, consider different attitudes and values in

nursing before choosing a topic. Here are some nursing literature review topics you can use;

  1. Guidelines based on evidence for fostering high-quality healthcare
  2. Exercise practices and how they relate to cardiovascular epidemiology trends
  3. HIV aids and its social implications: A public health research
  4. Practical and theoretical application of evidence-based practice. healthcare interventions
  5. Drunkenness and excessive drinking among youths, a significant public health concern
  6. Whether the National Health Service is effective and efficient in offering services to the old
  7. Doctors, clinicians, mental health workers, and policymakers working together at a community nursing centre
  8. The emphasis on public health policies established by the Ministry of Health in the UK
  9. Assessing how wellness initiatives have affected UK public health
  10. Significant dangers in the clinical care of cancer patients
  11. Issues with management in the treatment of elderly individuals
  12. Enhancing maternal health and care with midwives’ assistance
  13. The contribution of healthcare settings to enhancing senior citizens’ quality of life
  14. How is Evidence-based therapy used to manage diseases?
  15. Using community nursing to promote health
  16. factors affecting healthcare study, growth, and strategic directions
  17. Management and ethics in the practice of evidence-based nursing
  18. Utilizing evidence and knowledge creation in clinical practice
  19. The World Health Organization’s methods and regulations for analyzing child development

To sum up

Writing a nursing literature review example differs from writing other nursing essay assignments. You must gather various study articles and compare studies on a particular topic. To write a good nursing literature review example, you should choose a topic, compare different articles, and write your findings.

Do you need different examples of nursing literature reviews to read and get ideas on how to write a perfect one? Reach out to We have the best samples to help you get the best ideas to compose the best nursing literature reviews.

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