Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay

Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay


Groups are tools that allow individuals to congregate so as to pursue the same or similar objectives. In this case, the group allows the individual members to have a common forum where they can explore their issues and collective present effective strategies for addressing the issues. For that matter, the group is formed with set objectives and ceases to exist once these objectives have been achieved. This is also true for psychotherapy, where individuals with similar psychiatric issues are congregated to explore these issues in a common forum and within a controlled environment (Wheeler, 2014). The present analysis explores the unique features of groups as they apply to an identified psychotherapy case Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay.



Explain the group’s processes and stage of formation.

The psychotherapy case involves a group that is comprised of members who are seeking psychiatric care. The members have similar psychiatric issues and have been enrolled into the same group. This is intended allow the members to use social interactions to draw on collective experiences so as to identify effective solutions (, 2011). A review of the interaction between the group members at the session reveals that the group is at the storming stage of formation. In this case, the group has just been formed, the members are getting to know each other, and none of the treatment objectives are yet to be met. The members’ personalities conflict as they get familiar with each other. This is evident in the interaction between Philip and Pam whose personalities conflicted. Since the group is yet to achieve any of its set objectives, the members are not heavily invested in the group and could leave the group if the present conflict is not addressed. The group will move into the norming stage of formation should the conflict be addressed and cohesion improved (Wheeler, 2014).

Explain curative factors that occurred in the group. Include how these factors might impact client progress.

The formation of the group is a curative factor since it is an indication that the members acknowledge that they have an issue that is best addressed in consultative forums with others who have a similar issue. This implies that the group members are receptive to psychiatric treatment. Another curative factor is that the group members are openly interacting with each other, honestly expressing themselves even in the face of conflict. This is an indication that they are opening up and will remain honest in future group interactions. Yet another curative factor is the presence of the therapist who moderates and guides the interactions between the group members while ensuring that they are on the right track to address their treatment objectives (Allen & Spitzer, 2015). Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay.

Explain intragroup conflict that occurred and recommend strategies for managing the conflict.

The interaction between Pam and Philip is an indication of intragroup conflict. The conflict begins with Pam and Philip but draws in other group members with the result that the group could break down (, 2011). The conflict is best addressed through considering it as an opportunity for improving cohesion. This would require that the conflicting group members be taken through a conflict resolution program where they explore the conflict and how it can be addressed without breaking down the group. Resolving the conflict will improve interactions between group members, making them more cohesive, and allowing them to address the group objectives as a priority (Bitter, 2014).


Groups are important tools for psychotherapy, allowing for persons seeking treatment to have a common forum in which to explore their psychiatric issues. Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay. In addition, one must acknowledge that groups go through different stages of formation that act as an evolution in the treatment process. Also, conflicts are not uncommon in the initial stages of a group being forms, and these conflicts should be addressed to improve cohesion between group members while enabling them to address the treatment objectives.


Allen, K. & Spitzer, W. (2015). Social work practice in healthcare: advanced approaches and emerging trends. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay

Bitter, J. (2014). Theory and practice of family therapy and counseling (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. (Producer). (2011). Group therapy: a live demonstration. [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA: Author.

Wheeler, K. (Eds.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Nurs 6640 Group Processes and Stages of Formation Essay

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