NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

NURS-6501 Module 1, week1 discussion. Topic: Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Alterations of cellular responses are caused by multiple changes occurring within the cell in response to the environmental stressors. When signals sent by the signaling molecules are received by the target cell, the normal cellular response is the end of the line. However, diseases cause alterations of cellular responses resulting in abnormal changes in the normal response processes and is often caused by…


A 16-year-old boy comes to clinic with chief complaint of sore throat for 3 days. Denies fever or chills. PMH negative for recurrent colds, influenza, ear infections or pneumonias. NKDA or food allergies. Physical exam reveals temp of 99.6 F, pulse 78 and regular with respirations of 18. HEENT normal with exception of reddened posterior pharynx with white exudate on tonsils that are enlarged to 3+. Positive anterior and posterior cervical adenopathy. Rapid strep test performed in office was positive. His HCP wrote a prescription for amoxicillin 500 mg po q 12 hours x 10 days disp #20. He took the first capsule when he got home and immediately complained of swelling of his tongue and lips, difficulty breathing with audible wheezing. 911 was called and he was taken to the hospital, where he received emergency treatment for his allergic reaction. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:
•The role genetics plays in the disease.
•Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
•The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
•The cells that are involved in this process.
•How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.
Use three scholarly peer review article not later than FIVE YEARS eg 2015 to 2020 in writing this NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay paper.



McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.


Use this textbook and the YouTube videos and three scholarly peer reviewed articles related to cell and immunity and disease to write this 2 page discussion. The articles must be from 2015 to 2020. Cite in APA format. The link following the textbook is the E version of the textbook. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay.


Rubric Detail


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Name: NURS_6501_Discussion_Rubric

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Main Posting 45 (45%) – 50 (50%)

Answers all parts of the Discussion question(s) with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

Supported by at least three current, credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

Responds to the Discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

Responds to some of the Discussion question(s).

One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Post is cited with two credible sources.

Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

Does not respond to the Discussion question(s) adequately.

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible sources.

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Post: Timeliness 10 (10%) – 10 (10%)

Posts main post by Day 3.

0 (0%) – 0 (0%)


0 (0%) – 0 (0%)


NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not post main post by Day 3.

First Response 17 (17%) – 18 (18%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.

Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of Learning Objectives.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

Responses posted in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

Second Response 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.

Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of Learning Objectives.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

Responses posted in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

Participation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Meets requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.

0 (0%) – 0 (0%)


0 (0%) – 0 (0%)


0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.

Total Points: 100
NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

Name: NURS_6501_Discussion_Rubric



NURS-6501 Module 1, week1 discussion. Topic: Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes

Alterations of cellular responses are caused by multiple changes occurring within the cell in response to the environmental stressors. When signals sent by the signaling molecules are received by the target cell, the normal cellular response is the end of the line. However, diseases cause alterations of cellular responses resulting in abnormal changes in the normal response processes and is often caused by diseases and are demonstrated as signs and symptoms. This paper examines a case study of a 16-year-old boy who visits the clinic with a chief complaint of sore throat for 3 days presenting in multiple symptoms. However, he experiences a severe allergic reaction after the administration of amoxicillin 500 mg. therefore, the role of genetics, presentation of specific symptoms and the impact of age factor are explored in this assignment.

Role of genetics

Recurrent sore throat is common particularly in children. It is caused by a Streptococcus group A bacteria and is often linked to genetics. Genetic variations taking place at the HLA region are linked to the recurrent nature of sore throat (Chauhan et al., 2016). In essence, these specific variations of the gene are evident during genetic testing and are associated with the immune systems interaction with pathogens. As such, the patient becomes more susceptible to sore throat following the genetic changes causing variations. Notably, insufficient responses of the antibody responses against SpeA bacteria are connected to immunologic and genetic factors (Chauhan et al., 2016). This challenges the recognition of the Streptococcus group A bacteria factor. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

Why the patient presents with the specific symptoms

The alteration of normal responses within the cells of the body results in the development of signs and symptoms of diseases. For instance, the invasion of Streptococcus group A bacteria in the body causes the secretion of pus and reddening as well as the inflammation of the throat. Clinical manifestations are thus associated with the pharynx colonialization by the fibronectin-binding proteins of Streptococcus pyogenes (Soderholm, Barnett, Sweet & Walker, 2018). On the other hand, the symptoms occurring on the patient after the administration of the first capsule of amoxicillin 500 mg are as a result of allergic reactions to antibiotics. Severe nausea and vomiting, dizziness, swelling of lips and face, fast heart rates, shortness of breath, wheezing and shock are common allergic responses to antibiotics.

Physiologic response and cells involved in the process

The physiologic responses evident in this patient include reddened posterior pharynx with white exudate on tonsils that are enlarged to 3+. Positive anterior and posterior cervical adenopathy is also observed. On carrying out the rapid strep test, the patient turned out positive of Streptococcus group A bacteria. The adaptive and innate responses are responsible for the physiologic responses as they create a defense mechanism to fight the infection. Cellular mediators produce PGE2 and leukotriene B4 (LTB4 ), chemokines, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), eicosanoids and proinflammatory cytokines among other substances which induce and maintain host responses. These cells include epithelial cells, macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay

How age factor would change the response

Age influences the risks of contracting diseases. This is to mean that some illnesses are more common in the young persons while others are common among the elderly. The increased prevalence of sore throat is recorded in children of between 5 to 15 years. According to Campbell et al. (2018), a 5 to 10% risk of sore throat infection exists among the adults regardless of the already established strong immune system. Safe pharmacologic treatment of sore throat patients should thus be guided by the age of the patient to prevent adverse reactions and allergies.




Campbell, P. T., Frost, H., Smeesters, P. R., Kado, J., Good, M. F., Batzloff, M., … & Steer, A. (2018). Investigation of group A Streptococcus immune responses in an endemic setting, with a particular focus on J8. Vaccine36(50), 7618-7624.

Chauhan, S., Kashyap, N., Kanga, A., Thakur, K., Sood, A., & Chandel, L. (2016). Genetic diversity among group A streptococcus isolated from throats of healthy and symptomatic children. Journal of tropical pediatrics62(2), 152-157.

Soderholm, A. T., Barnett, T. C., Sweet, M. J., & Walker, M. J. (2018). Group A streptococcal pharyngitis: Immune responses involved in bacterial clearance and GAS‐associated immunopathologies. Journal of leukocyte biology103(2), 193-213. NURS-6501 week 1 discussion – sore throat essay




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