NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay

NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay

Emerging Trends in Health Care

Health care systems are complex entities that make transformation and reform a difficult task for all stakeholders.  Current emerging trends in health care aim to positively influence the health care system and health care spending so that it can evolve into a system where high cost no longer remains a driving force.  This discussion will provide a brief description of three emerging trends that affect health care today.  One of the trends will be evaluated for the implications it poses on the delivery of health care from the perspectives of doctors, nurses and patients.  I will also explain how this trend might impact the quality of care.


Three Emerging Trends Affecting Health Care Today

            Over the past few years, health care has seen its share of trends emerge that are intended to reshape health care spending and the methods through which health care services are delivered with efforts to decrease cost.  Numerous factors have contributed to the rising cost of health care including technology advancements, the rising cost of health care, and a lack of leaders competent in the financial aspect of their organization (Zelman, McCue, & Glick, 2009; Sanford, 2011).  One trend that is leaving its footprint on the rising cost of health care is technology advancements.  New, innovative technology from information technology (IT) improvements that allow analytics from data to assist health care organizations in making more informed decisions, to high tech medical equipment that allows providers to diagnose diseases much faster, is costly but if organizations do not follow suit with these types of advancements they risk lagging behind. NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay Eventually technology will help reduce rising health care costs, but in order to provide a lasting effect the technology incorporated must have a meaningful return on the overall investment (Vogenberg & Santilli, 2018).

Another emerging trend affecting health care is organizational leadership and the lack of knowledge about organizational financial infrastructure.  Cost awareness provides the information nurse managers need to make sound financial business decisions, but often times health care organizations do not place emphasis on developing a nurse manager’s financial skills. NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay Health care organizations may not always understand the importance of its clinical managers to have a better understanding of the business side of things.  Sanford (2011) pointed out that a strong investment in the development of clinical leadership to understand the business side of operations will assist in ensuring that they are fully supporting the organization’s goals and strategies.  A health care organization’s work culture is largely influenced by its leaders and can have a significant effect on employee turnover and organizational finance (Sanford, 2011).

Lastly, an emerging health care trend that has been growing faster than any other type of care is the emergence of telehealth options for care (American Medical Association [AMA], 2019).  Telehealth care utilizes technology to allows an individual an option to virtual health.  Telehealth lines are staffed by all levels of health care providers including registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and sometimes physicians.  Access to care via telephone or computer saves the consumer money they may have spent on travel and is a less expensive option when compared to an office visit.  Health care spending is decreased because consumers are able to be treated for common ailments without needing to be physically seen by the provider also saving the physician time. NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay.

Implication of Telehealth and Quality of Care Impact

            Telehealth care is a cost-effective delivery method of patient care and it allows health care providers to expand their patient access.  Physicians are able to increase patient access without physically seeing the patient, which allows the patient to get fast, timely care improving quality.  There are situations which require a patient to been physically seen by a health care provider, which if they speak with telehealth and reserve an appointment, they are essentially taking more time away from the providers.  Although telehealth care is becoming increasingly popular, telehealth services are not always covered by insurance providers.  The patient is responsible for knowing what their health insurance policy covers, however when illness occurs, patients do not always read the fine print causing them higher costs in the end. NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay.  Federal and state funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid have limited access options for telehealth, even though evidence has shown that telehealth lowers health care costs, while also improving patient access to medical care (American Hospital Association [AHA], n.d.).  Telehealth also improves health care delivery by nurses because it allows better access to patients and potentially more engagement improving the quality of care a patient receives.  All health care providers that utilize telehealth must practice with care because of the increased risk of legal implications such as malpractice litigation can contribute to increased health care spending.


American Hospital Association. (n.d.). Telehealth: Helping hospitals deliver cost-effective care. Retrieved from NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay

American Medical Association. (2019). Telehealth up 53%, growing faster than any other place of care. Retreived from telehealth-53-growing-faster-any-other-place-care

Sanford, K. (2011). The case for nursing leadership development. Health care financial management, 65(3), 100-104, 106. Retrieved from

Vogenberg, F. R., & Santilli, J. (2018). Healthcare trends for 2018. American Health and Drug Benefits, 11(1), 48-54.

Zelman, W., McCue, M., & Glick, N. (2009). Financial management of health care organizations: An introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from NURS 6211 Week 2 Discussion Emerging Trends in Health Care Essay


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