NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment
Help Info: Creating a Personal/Professional Development Plan
This assignment is due Week 4 and is introduced to you Week 1 to provide sufficient time for you to reflect, research and design a personalized professional development plan. Why does the professional MSN nurse need a Professional Development Plan? Purpose? What should and should not be included? Where do you start? Each nurse’s professional plan should be based on personal and professional goals. There is a reason you enrolled in an MSN program at this point in your life/career. NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment.
Consider reading the IOM report (in your Week 1) reading list. Underline each time the report cites the importance of preparing for leadership! The Future of Nursing report (Institute of Medicine, 2010) clearly calls for nursing to shape its own future, which requires nurses to be prepared as leaders who can lead change to improve the nation’s health through the leadership and influence of nurses! It is therefore essential for the professional nurse to take the time to assess their own personal leadership style. See Module 3 progress section for info on leadership styles! Here’s a site with good info. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. content/uploads/2014/10/NHSLeadership-LeadershipModel-colour.pdf Ethical leadership development is another critical component of the nurse leader. How do we develop our ethical leadership? NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment. What skills are a component of ethical leadership? These and many more questions are what you need to consider as you sit and write your own personal/professional development paper. Another help is to read Chapter 4 of your textbook (Roussel, Thomas & Harris). The first few chapters clearly identify the “why” nurses must prepare for leadership. Next step, review the rubric and start writing!
Rubric: Personal/Professional Development Plan
Section | Exemplary | Meets Expectations | Does not meet Expectations |
Introduction | A thorough and complete summary of the paper that includes the main points of the assignment. (10 points) | Summary covers main points accurately. Needs minor revisions to improve clarity, and/or detail. (8 points) NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment | Summary lacks sufficient and/or complete discussion of the main points of the paper or no summary included. Major revision required to improve clarity and/or detail. (5 points) |
Leadership Skills Development | |||
Assessment of personal leadership style | Accurate and thorough descriptions of personal key leadership concepts and characteristics citing a leadership theory assessment. (10 points) | Evidence that leadership assessment was completed with at least one personal leadership characteristic or concept described and developed. (8 points) | Leadership theory assessment is incomplete or missing. Lacks description of personal leadership concepts or characteristics using a leadership theory assessment. (5 points) |
Plan for ethical leadership | Well thought out and developed plan for ethical leadership. Plan is linked and compared to the ANA Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, #7. (10 points) | Plan for ethical leadership is completed. Needs more information on the plan and/or lacks comparison and link to ANA Scope and Standards of Practice #7. (8 points) | Plan for ethical leadership is incomplete or missing. Section is brief without link or comparison to ANA Scope and Standards of Practice #7. (5 points) |
SMART Goals | SMART goals are clearly written for at least three leadership characteristics/skills identified as needing improvement. All components of SMART goals are addressed for each of the three characteristics including measurable objectives and outcomes. (10 points) | SMART goals address at least 2 leadership characteristics/skills with measurable objectives/outcomes.(8 points)
NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment |
SMART goals address at least 1 leadership characteristic/skill and/or SMART goals are missing or incomplete. (5 points) |
Personal Skills Development | |||
Level of Practice | Well-developed plan with goals and objectives for practicing at the highest level of education and competency. Plan is detailed including timeline for achieving goals. (10 points) | Plan with goals and objectives for practicing at the highest level of education and competency is developed with adequate information. (8 points) | Plan with goals and objectives is missing and/or discussion is brief and lacks sufficient details. (5 points) |
Life-long Learning | Thorough discussion on personal goals and plans to achieve life-long learning. Details include self-reflection on personal meaning of life-long learning and its role in nursing practice. (10 points) | Goals for life-long learning are discussed with brief details on personal meaning of life-long-learning. (8 points) | Life-long learning is briefly mentioned and/or is missing. (5 points)
NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment |
Self-care | Well-developed plan for implementing and sustaining future self-care activities. Plan is linked and well-related to the ANA Code of Ethics, Provision 5. (10 points) | Plan for implementing and sustaining future self-care activities. Plan is linked to the ANA Code of Ethics, Provision 5.(8 points) | Plan for self-care is brief or missing. Plan lacks discussion or linkage to ANA Code of Ethics, Provision 5. (5 points) |
Involvement in Professional Organizations | Discussion on past, current or future plans and goals for involvement in professional organizations. Discussion includes rationale for involvement and benefits to self-professional development. (10 points) NURS 6110F – Personal/Professional Development Plan Assignment | Plans and goals on past, current or future involvement in professional organizations with discussion on importance of involvement. (8 points) | Plan for involvement is brief or missing. Discussion does not relate to professional growth or development. (5 points)
NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment |
Promoting Nursing’s Future | Well-develop plan with goals and objectives, for promoting nursing’s future through policy involvement, community advocacy or leadership. Plan contains professional goals and timeline. (10 points) | Plan for promoting nursing’s future through policy involvement, community advocacy or leadership. (8 points) NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment | Plan for promoting nursing’s future through policy involvement, community advocacy or leadership is brief or missing. (5 points) |
Organization & Clarity | Page count adheres to limits (10-15 pages). Consistent clarify of ideas, thought & language throughout paper. Logical flow from beginning to end; paper is well organized. (5 points) NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment | Page count slightly exceeds limit by only half to one page. Ideas, thoughts and language are mostly clear throughout paper. There are some minor issues with logical flow of the paper. The paper could be organized better to improve flow and clarity. (4 points)NURS 6110F – Personal/Professional Development Plan Assignment | Page count is not adhered to either notably exceeds or fails to meet page limit. Ideas, thoughts and language lack clarity throughout paper. There are obvious issues with the logical flow of the paper. Paper is poorly organized and lacks clarity and smooth flow of ideas. (3 points) |
Grammar & APA
Paper is written in APA format with no noted errors-title and reference page, font, line spacing, etc. Sentence structure, word choice, spelling, etc. reveal no noted errors. (5 points) | Paper is written in APA format with only minor errors – title and reference page, font, line spacing, etc. Sentence structure, word choice, spelling, etc. have only minor errors. (4 points)NURS 6110F – Personal/Professional Development Plan Assignment | Paper attempt to follow APA format, but multiple APA errors are present and/or including multiple grammatical errors. Paper suggests inadequate editing prior to submission. (3 points)NURS 6110 The Nurse Leader – Personal/Professional Development Plan Essay Assignment |