NURS-6053N Module 3: Discussion 2 YOUR LEADERSHIP PROFILE

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    Module 3: Discussion 2


    StrengthsFinder 2.0 Results

    Gallup published the first version of StrengthsFinder 2.0 in 2001 (Gallup, 2022a). Written by Tom Rath, this tool has been a best seller for five years (Gallup, 2022a). The tool, and accompanying book, help the user identify and apply their strengths (Gallup, 2022a). The StrengthsFinder assessment listed my top five themes of talent as futuristic, empathy, positivity, connectedness, and responsibility (Rath, 2007). This is actually very true. I always look to the future and try to have a positive and empathetic attitude. I do believe in connectedness and am a responsible person. What a very interesting test; I was excited to complete this.

    Two core values that I would like to strengthen, based on the results of my StrengthsFinder assessment, are strategic thinking and influencing (Gallup, 2022b). I would like to be more analytic in my thinking. I find I tend to make decisions quickly and with more emotion than I’d like. I would like to work on being more comfortable being a leader and

    Two strengths that I would like to strengthen further, based on the results of my StrengthsFinder assessment, are positivity and responsibility (Gallup, 2022b).  It is easy to get sidetracked with positivity when nursing staffing and morale is in such crisis. I also want to work on feeling more comfortable taking more responsibility. I do charge nurse and preceptor but have never done administration, management, or joined a unit council.

    Two characteristics that I would like to strengthen, based on the results of my StrengthsFinder assessment, are focus and communication (Gallup, 2022b). Nurses are constantly doing twenty things at once, I am always working on this, telling myself to focus on just the one patient at hand at a time. Nursing requires a ton of communication; there are a few times I have text a nurse after I have left to tell her just one more thing in report. This is just one example.

    This was an interesting topic of discussion. It was also interesting to find that I do agree with my results.


    Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0 – with Access Code. Gallup Press.

    Gallup, Inc. (2022a). Live your best life using your strengths.            

    Gallup, Inc. (2022b). The 34 Clifton Strengths themes explain your talent DNA.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJacqueline Keener

      RESPONSE 1


      Thank you for sharing your experience with the StrengthsFinder 2.0. I was also excited to complete this evaluation and discover my own talents in regards to leadership. I found my results to hold true as well and it helped highlight some areas I can improve. I am looking forward to seeing how many of us share similar traits! Faville, Turner, & Armitstead (2020) found that pharmacists taking this evaluation often had similar top five results! I imagine nursing will provide similar results. I also picked focus and communication as two areas I would like to strengthen. Hong & Lee (2022) explain that communication is an essential part of nursing school curriculum. I have found several classes in school and some classes at my current place of employment that have been essential in helping to grow my own communication skills. I’m glad to see your results were on point like mine. I am looking forward to continue to improve on my current talents and grow in the areas I am not already strong! Thank you for another great week of discussion!

      Jackie K.


      Faville, E., Turner, S., & Armitstead, J. A. (2020). Strengths in numbers: Assessing the use of StrengthsFinder 2.0 in a pharmacy residency program. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy77, S66–S70. to an external site.

      Hong, S., & Lee, J. Y. (2022). Evaluation of therapeutic communication education for nursing students based on constructivist learning environments: A systematic review. Nurse Education Today119.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionHarmon Mann

      Great post Ashtyn. The StrengthFinder 2.0 was a great tool to use to take a look at what type of talents we have. As a leader our talents are what would make us an effective leader. In Anonson,, 2013 researchers questioned nurses about what would make an effective leader to which they stated optimism and forming a bond with the staff as being the two important talents a leader must possess. I chose optimism and communication as my talents to work on as I found those to be two key factors in being a good leader. As a nurse leader it’s important to have good communication with your staff as well as your patients, because it can lead to better outcomes (Kourtouta & Papthanasious, 2014). A nurse leader needs to know how to communicate with their staff so they can explain goals that need to be reached and how they will be reached. It’s also important for staff to feel comfortable approaching their nurse leaders and discussing any issues with them. The StrengthFinder assessment allowed us to look at what our strengths are and allowed us to think about area that we need to work on.


      Anonson, J., Walker, M., & Arries, E. (2013, July 4). Qualities of exemplary nurse leaders. Wiley Online Library.

      Kourkouta, L., & Papathanasiou, I. V. (2014, February). Communication in nursing practice. Materia socio-medica. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from


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      • Collapse SubdiscussionSherwin Jackson

        Harmon Mann

        Following your discussion desire to improve your resolve and optimism, work ethic, leadership abilities, self-assurance, and communication abilities. Think about making precise goals and fragmenting them into more achievable chores to boost your resolve and positivity. This can keep you inspired and on the right path to accomplishing your objectives. Also, try constructively talking to yourself and reinterpreting your negative thoughts. You may keep a positive mindset by associating with uplifting and encouraging people.

        Establish boundaries and become better at saying no when you feel frustrated to enhance your work ethic.  Consider assigning responsibilities to others when it makes sense and looking for chances to pick up new abilities that will make you more efficient and productive. Think about enrolling in a mentorship program for leadership to polish your leadership abilities and learn about strong leadership techniques.

        Think about enrolling in a seminar on communication to boost your self-assurance and communication abilities. Developing your skills of active listening and asking for input from others can also make you a better communicator.  Also, try establishing modest, doable objectives in each of these domains and making moderate progress toward them (Bullington et al., 2019).



        Bullington, J., Söderlund, M., Sparén, E. B., Kneck, Å., Omérov, P., & Cronqvist, A. (2019). Communication skills in nursing: A phenomenologically based communication training approach. Nurse education in practice, 39, 136-141.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionLeslie Sandoval

      Hello Ashtyn,

      You did a great job of giving the history of StrengthsFinder 2.0 and its use. Although you and I have no common themes, the themes in your discussion post are exciting. I always thought I was empathetic. Unfortunately, the test says otherwise. As a future nurse leader, your positive and empathetic attitude will go a long way in developing team unity with coworkers and improving patient satisfaction. (Gallup, 2022). On the other hand, being more analytic is one of my strengths that I need to tone down is the same strength that you are interested in boosting.

      The need to improve the quality of the healthcare work environment has been identified as a top priority. (Stuart et al., 2020). Empathetic people can improve the work environment’s quality and staff retention, and patient satisfaction. Empathetic people can perceive what others feel, process the information, and respond effectively. (Riess, 2018). Empathy underpins many leadership theories, including as a component of emotional intelligence. (Stuart et al., 2020). As an empathetic leader, you will be attentive to the well-being of your employees and understand that patient and staff outcomes are intertwined. Empathy is an excellent quality to have. You did a great job on your discussion post.


      Stuart, W. P., Moore, B., & Sims, B. M. (2020). Understanding Nurse Perception of Leader Empathy. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 44(1), 78-86.

      Riess H, Neporent L. The Empathy Effect: Seven Neuroscience-Based Keys for Transforming the Way We Live, Love, Work and Connect Across Differences. Boulder, CO: Sounds True; 2018

      Gallup, Inc. (2022). The 34 Clifton Strengths themes explain your talent DNA.

      Gallup Analytics and Reporting.pdf

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionSherwin Jackson

      Ashtyn Mcquaid

      The discussion reveals that you would like to improve your influencing abilities, your concentration and skills in communication, and strategic thinking. To enhance and strengthen strategic thinking skills, suggest reading books on the subject, taking a strategic planning curriculum or conference, or looking to find out coaches who could assist you in developing this skill (Sloan, 2019). I recommend you also begin practicing logical thinking by devoting time to reflecting on challenges and issues and strategizing alternative approaches.

      Research more concerning persuasive communication and persuasion strategies, like utilizing narration to illustrate your point, utilizing data to back up your assertions, and developing connections with others to strengthen your ability to influence others. Think about enrolling in a leadership-training course. Try creating precise goals for every day and split them into manageable activities to improve your ability to communicate and focus. To assist in concentrating and prioritizing your activities, try utilizing strategies for time management like the Eisenhower Matrix Technique (Johnson and Hackman, 2018). Also, join a program or conference on communication. It is imperative to practice active listening exercises and solicit feedback from other individuals to assist you to get more productive in your contacts with everyone if you want to enhance your communication abilities.


      Johnson, C. E., & Hackman, M. Z. (2018). Leadership: A communication perspective. Waveland Press.

      Sloan, J. (2019). Learning to think strategically. Routledge.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionShawntel Wright

               Great post, Ashtyn. Your top five themes of talent are interesting. I like how they labeled you as futuristic, which is a fundamental trait to carry, especially in nursing, as it is constantly evolving. Futurism, the ability to adjust, and interest in the future can make a strong leader and nurse. The article The Evolution of Nursing Research said it best “This article highlights nursing’s efforts to facilitate the growth of the research culture by developing theory, establishing the importance of a research-based practice, advancing education, and providing avenues for the dissemination of research.” (Stolley,2019)


      You also mentioned that you’d like to improve the core value of strategic thinking and to influence as well based on the strength finder assessment. I find that these are very qualities necessary in healthcare leaders. There are many ways that you can work on improving these core values. One is to challenge yourself and join a council to think strategically with a team. Another is to obtain a management position to work on influencing, as this is a large part of management’s job description. From personal experience, I find that it is more effective to form your own opinion by getting the experience of being in management. While in a position of administration or management, it can also be a time to strengthen responsibility, communication, and focus. This article outlines all the requirements it typically takes to be a successful nurse leader, “Nurse managers are recognized as leaders who can create practice environments that influence the quality of patient care, nurse job satisfaction levels, and the achievement of performance goals.” (Duquesne University,2020)




      Stolley, J. M., Buckwalter, K. C., & Garand, L. (2000). The Evolution of Nursing Research. Journal of the neuromusculoskeletal system: JNMS : a journal of the American Chiropractic Association, Inc. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

      6 tips for being a successful nurse manager: Duquesne University. Duquesne University School of Nursing. (2020, May 23). Retrieved December 30, 2022, from


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionMorayo Oloidi

      Response 2

      Hello Ashtyn,

      A very good and informative post. I enjoyed reading your information and concur with you that cultivating leadership skills necessitates being aware of one’s values, traits, and abilities. In addition to what you said, a leader is someone who sets goals while also encouraging others to use their skills to achieve them. The best leaders know their followers well and focus more on their virtues than their flaws. A person needs to be self-assured enough to make sure other people follow him. The self-assurance of a leader in his decisions and deeds is crucial. People won’t want to follow someone who is hesitant, unfortunately. In the results of your Strengths Finder test, you identified positivity as a theme you would like to strengthen. One of the traits of transformative leadership is optimism. It is a strategy that focuses on the qualities and behaviors of leadership required to inspire and motivate team members (Collins et al., 2020). Followers need to be encouraged in order to express their creativity. My idea of what it means to be a leader is to be able to uplift others, support them, create a vision, communicate clearly, show respect for others, and, of course, lead by example. Excellent leaders are formed, not born, in my opinion. If you have the desire and determination, you can succeed as a leader.


      A competent leader should present new challenges while offering adequate support to achieve these goals. Leadership is the ability to lead and inspire a group of people to achieve a common goal (Laureate Education, 2014). Someone who inspires and leads one person could have little or no impact on another. Every day offers you the chance to direct your career in the manner of your choosing and to motivate others in the process. It’s important to develop your communication and empathy skills as a leader. Effective leaders are aware of both their speaking and listening cues (Broome & Marshall, 2021). By seeking out the opinions, suggestions, and feedback of your workers, you may show that you care about them. Take part in the conversation by asking questions, prompting them to elaborate, and taking notes when they do share. Understanding people’s needs and being aware of their feelings and thoughts are key components of empathetic leadership. Empathy teaches managers to find the root causes of underwhelming performance, to help struggling employees advance and succeed, and to build relationships with the individuals they supervise.




      Collins, E., Owen, P., Digan, J., & Dunn, F. (2020). Applying transformational leadership in nursing practice. Nurse Stand, 35(5), 59-66. doi:10.7748/ns.2019.e11408


      Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

      Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Leadership [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJoseph Markeseines

      Great post. I noticed that communication is strength that you would like to work on for yourself. As we all know communication is huge part of nursing either between the nurse and the doctor, patient, other nurses, or other medical staff relaying information is vitally important. Its great that you notice you have room to grow in this area. Harvard has developed 8 ways to help improve your communication skills (Sharp Emerson, 2022). I always like to find new ways to approach things. I hope that this blog is education and helpful on your journey to better communication.



      Sharp Emerson, M. (2022, August 9). Eight things you can do to improve your communication skills – professional development: Harvard DCE. Professional Development | Harvard DCE. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJulia Said

      Thank you for sharing, Ashtyn!

      I have found it fun to read everyone’s Strength Finder Assessment and then read what qualities they would like to improve on. You mentioned joining a unit council in your post, which I really enjoyed. It was not something I thought of when considering nursing leadership roles. However, being involved in a nursing committee is a great way to get involved and take on some leadership roles within a department. When I worked inpatient at my local hospital, I joined a committee that was focused on improving employee satisfaction and workplace morale. At that time, my unit needed desperate help improving the culture and retaining staff. Nurse engagement has been linked to employee satisfaction and decreased turnover rates. Joining a nursing committee allows you to build communication skills with the interdisciplinary team and be part of important decision-making processes for your unit (Brooks Carthon et al., 2019). Joining a committee as a nurse is a great way to network within your department so that you increased access to leadership positions (Van Hecke et al., 2019). When I joined a committee, I became actively involved with unit decisions and was eventually offered the position of nurse educator. I truly believe that door would not have opened for me if I did not participate in the committee and put myself out there.


      Brooks Carthon, J. M., Hatfield, L., Plover, C., Dierkes, A., Davis, L., Hedgeland, T., Sanders, A. M., Visco, F., Holland, S., Ballinghoff, J., Del Guidice, M., & Aiken, L. H. (2019). Association of nurse engagement and nurse staffing on patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality34(1), 40–46. to an external site.

      Van Hecke, A., Goemaes, R., Verhaeghe, S., Beyers, W., Decoene, E., & Beeckman, D. (2019). Leadership in nursing and midwifery: Activities and associated competencies of advanced practice nurses and midwives. Journal of Nursing Management27(6), 1261–1274.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionHanna Sacher

      Hi Ashtyn,

      Some of my themes listed by The Gallup StrengthsFinder were similar to yours including empathy, positivity and responsibility. I was pleased to see this because like you, I always make it a point to be positive and empathetic. Evidence supports that practicing empathy leads to better patient outcomes, fewer problematic circumstances among healthcare providers as well as greater satisfaction among patients (River Terrace Rehabilitation & Healthcare, 2022). Also, similarly to you I would like to improve my strategic thinking skills. Often, it feels difficult to think outside the box while feeling overwhelmed with current tasks that need to be completed. As you said, nurses are expected to tackle multiple tasks at once and quality of patient care decreases as a result. Nursing communication is extremely important. It enables nurses to be more effective in their duties, improve the patient experience and the nurses well-being (University of Houston, 2021).


      The importance of communication in nursing. University of Houston-Victoria Online. (2021, April 16).,the%20nurse’s%20own%20well%2Dbeing.

      Why empathy is a critical attribute in healthcare. River Terrace Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center. (2022, September 21).,Empathy%20in%20Healthcare,patients%20a%20more%20rewarding%20experience.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJayne Crider

      Hello Ashtyn

      I enjoyed learning about your strengths and how they can be used on your leadership journey. The futuristic theme is one of your strengths that should be used to achieve your personal leadership goals. People with the futuristic trait have a detailed vision of the future. Visionaries should surround themselves with people who have activator talents (Rath & Gallup, 2007, p. 114-115). People with the activator talent will keep futuristic people grounded by reminding them to create the future they visualize (Rath & Gallup, 2007, p. 114-115). People with futuristic skills can use charisma to get people to buy into their vision and use their talents to make the vision a reality. “Transformational leaders influence others by high expectations with a sight toward the desired future” (Marshall & Broome, 2021, p. 17). Futuristic people can use their strengths to coach others to understand a vision and motivate them to use their strengths to achieve it(Rath & Gallup, 2007, p. 114-115).

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  • Collapse SubdiscussionHarmon Mann

                  The StrengthsFinder assessment is a tool that provides you with your personality traits and talents you possess. My top five talents were: Consistency, Empathy, Belief, Harmony and Responsibility (Gallup, 2022). I would agree with my top five talents. I like to keep harmony with everyone and try to avoid friction whenever possible, because I don’t believe anything comes out of arguing. I take responsibility for all tasks I agree to and ensure I complete them. I like consistency in life, so I try to find balance in everything I am doing.

    Two core values that I would like to strengthen would be determination and optimism. Sometimes it’s difficult to find balance in life, so it can lead to you losing your determination and optimism in accomplishing a  goal. It has been found that optimism can lead to better physical and mental well being by promoting “ problem solving capacity and a more efficient elaboration of negative information” (Conversano,, 2010). Having optimism can help you overcome any negative feelings and thoughts you may have about meeting your goal.

    Strengths that I would want to improve would be work ethic and leadership. I have a great work ethic, but at times I feel I take on too much which can be stressful. On my floor I have been on the unit the longest, so whenever I am having a good day I try to help out other nurses as much as I can. It’s not bad to help my fellow colleagues, but at times I get dragged into too much and it leaves me feeling stressed. I need to find balance in this area. I can continue to help my fellow colleagues with tasks, but when I feel that I am having to take over for one of their patients I should draw the line. Leadership is another characteristic I would like to work on. I am often the nurse others will come to and ask questions and I have worked as a charge nurse for the floor but, I would like to get into management. My colleagues have often told me I would make a good leader and it’s something I would like to pursue later.

    Two characteristics I would like to strengthen are confidence and better communication skills. I tend to be a pretty shy person, so at times I lack confidence which affects my communication skills. I come off as not knowing anything, because I can’t find the words to express what I want to say at times, especially around new people.  As a nurse it’s very important to have good communication skills, since the majority of our work involves talking to various people throughout the day. “ Being confident is one of the most important personal factors influencing clinical decision making” (Hecimovich & Volet, 2009). Being an effective communicator is very important especially when discussing things with patients and physcians. If I could build up my confidence a bit more, I feel my communication skills would also improve. Especially since I would one day like to take a management position.


    Conversano, C., Rotondo, A., Lensi, E., Della Vista, O., Arpone, F., & Reda, M. A. (2010, May 14). Optimism and its impact on mental and physical well-being. Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH.

    Gallup, I. (2022, December 20). Cliftonstrengths. to an external site.

    Hecimovich, M., & Volet, S. (2009). Importance of building confidence in patient communication and clinical skills among chiropractic students. The Journal of chiropractic education.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJoseph Markeseines

      Hello I enjoyed reading your post. Optimism is a great core value and can lead you to continue pushing on even when times look grim. I believe all nurses have some degree of optimism. Optimism has a lot of positive effects on individuals like increasing life spans, decreasing depression, reduced health risks, and much more (Staff, 2022) The sad part of this is is that not everyone naturally thinks this way. To help get you to be more optimistic you need to learn to think positive of yourself (Staff, 2022) If you believe in yourself and that you can do something or achieve something then nothing can stand in your way. On the other hand if you doubt yourself then it becomes much easier to make excuses or fail. We are always learning and growing as people which makes me wonder if we would get different results on the test in 10 -15 years and how different they would be.


      Staff. (2022, February 3). How to stop negative self-talk. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from



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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJada Sewell

    Strength Finder 2.0 Main Post

    This assessment tool was unique in the sense that it did not allow for ample time to decide which end of the spectrum I swung towards, and I timed out at least four times. I am very analytical and thus I am more likely to not be impulsive in making decisions or rushing to judgment, which is a welcomed change from the thriving in fast-paced environments, swiftly moving through life existence I once ascribed to.  I guess that I can also attribute this to getting older.

    My Top five themes were Empathy, Restorative, Developer, Deliberative. and Responsibility. The summation of these themes was that I genuinely value others and want them to know that their talents and contributions matter in life. I strive to push people to their level of greatness and am able to reach people at a personal and individual level. I enjoy working independently and spend a lot of time doing introspective assessments to improve upon my weaknesses, I tend to be a no-nonsense person to certain people, I desperately seek to be truthful in all situations and I am highly reliable and dependable. All of the traits my wonderful mother taught me.

    Two core values that I would like to strengthen are courage and openness. The pair intertwine for me because it takes courage to be open. As revealed through this assessment I am not an open book, and rarely if ever insert myself into conversations that would reveal my life and those involved in it. There is a reason for this, and I am diligently working on improving letting people in.

    Two strengths that could be stronger are updating my ideas and streamlining my tasks and activities. I find that because I juggle a lot at work, at home and for school, I tend to complete tasks and activities, but know that my ideas for completing tasks and activities would be executed much more smoothly if I wrote them down, instead of just performing them. Recording ideas for tasks and activities make for better outcomes because I streamline the processes in their entirety, therefore eliminating working harder instead of smarter.

    And lastly, two characteristics that I would like to strengthen is being patient and forgiving of myself. Being a perfectionist who is rarely perfect (lol), I find that I struggle with these two characteristics. I expect nothing less than the best for myself and for others and when I do not meet the expectations that I set forth, I am very critical of myself. Extending grace to oneself is extremely important and when applied personally, it becomes easier to extend it to others.


    Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0 – with Access Code. Gallup Press


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJacqueline Keener

      RESPONSE 2


      Thank you for sharing your experience with StrengthsFinder 2.0! I also timed out a number of times during the assessment and each time I started to feel a little more rushed. Some of the questions were challenging for me to choose which side to lean towards! It sounds like your talents are a great foundation for leadership. I feel that I got a good start from the example of my mother as well. Updating my ideas was not a strength to improve, but now I can see how that would be a good area to focus on for myself. I think this would most closely fall under “futuristic” theme as it deals with looking for solutions and energizing others (Rath, 2007). I too tend to be a perfectionist and give myself the least grace. Masmoue (2020) found that there were a number of personality traits that were common among nurses. I have often said it takes a special type of person to be in a field that requires compassion, patients, and care. I would be interested to see further studies in the US to show how many traits and characteristics we have in common. There will always be outliers, but I truly believe there is something different about this profession and we share a lot in common. Thank you for another great discussion this week!

      Jackie K.


      Masmoue, B., Bazvand, H., Harorani, M., Bazrafshan, M., Karami, Z., & Jokar, M. (2020). Relationship Between Personality Traits and Nursing Professionalism. Journal of Client-Centered Nursing Care6(3), 157–162.

      Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0 – with Access Code. Gallup Press

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJessica Velez

      Hello Jada,

      the strengths of an individual play a vital role in his/her development. The ability to identify and take advantage of strengths plays a crucial role in therapeutic relationship which is the integral part of nursing. Strengths can be developed by understanding the core characteristics of one’s self, improving weak points, expanding one’s knowledge and experiences (Hegg et al., 2022). I always strive to develop my strengths and encourage others to do the same. I must uphold altruistic beliefs to become a more ethical and reputable nurse leader. These principles, when combined with the other strengths and recognizing other people’s strengths, give a better understanding of how I can build positive relationships. I believe that my core abilities such as communication, solid relationships, and empathy are crucial to further developing my nurse leader abilities (Kerfoot, 2022). Therefore, I must consciously work to integrate these capacities through my nurse leader activity and make progress in my nurse leadership activities. Additionally, I must further develop my communication and relational abilities and am capable of building close and trustful relationships with co-workers and their families.


      Hegg, R. M., Bell, K., Bente, A., & Beisland, E. G. (2022). Baccalaureate Nursing Students’ Reflections on Professional Development Within the Nursing Leadership Role When Participating in Student-run Teams: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Student’s Reflection Notes. SAGE Open Nursing, 8


      Kerfoot, K. M., (2022). Chaos, Teamwork, Compassion, and Leadership: Disasters and Nursing’s Finest Hours. Pediatric Nursing, 48(4), 205.

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionHarmon Mann

      Great post Jada, I struggled with answering the questions fast enough as well. The StrengthFinder was a great tool to use to highlight our talents, and give us insight on what improvements we can make. It allows us to think about areas we need to work on to make ourselves better leaders. This tool would be great for anyone in a leadership position to use to take a look at what their strong points are and what area’s need focusing. This tool was also used by schools to test their pharmacy students on what areas the student needs to build their strengths (Corner,, 2019). The school then encouraged the students to focus on these areas to make them stronger. I believe this is something that should be incorporated in other places as well, including the workplace. Nursing leaders should take this assessment so they can determine what their strong points are and what areas they need to work on. In Brunt,, 2020 researchers discussed how things like having a clear vision, focusing on goals and  making a commitment to achieving these goals are main areas that leaders should focus on (Brunt,, 2022).  Once areas of strengths and weakness are discovered then efforts can be made to improve oneself.

      Brunt, B., & Bogdan, B. (2022, November 27). Nursing professional development leadership – NCBI bookshelf. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from to an external site.

      Comer, R. D., Schweiger, T. A., & Shelton, P. (2019, February). Impact of students’ strengths, Critical Thinking Skills and disposition on academic success in the first year of a pharmd program. American journal of pharmaceutical education. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from


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  • Collapse SubdiscussionMonica Kowalczyk

    Strengths Finder 2.0 by Gallup provides assessment of personal traits and finds strengths of individuals that can assist in future planning and leadership skills (Strengths Finder 2.0, 2009). For this assignment, we completed a survey and were given five “signature themes of talent” that described how we tackle life (Strengths Finder 2.0, 2009). The five themes that I was given are deliberative, consistency, harmony, maximizer, and adaptability. I found that the analysis and descriptions were very accurate and was surprised to find that I was happy to see my results.

    Two core values that I would like to strengthen are relationship building and influencing. I tend to be a private person and by being more vulnerable and by sharing my visions of the future or goals, I can inspire others around me. I can also create a more cohesive team that can highlight other people’s achievements. Two strengths that I would like to improve are achievement and responsibility. I would like to take more ownership for what matters to me and bring intensity and focus to the important areas. Two characteristics that I would like to strengthen are being a better communicator and consistency. There are times that I can lack drive to complete tasks, follow through with projects, and work on things earlier than they are due. I would feel more fulfilled if I were able to not constantly work under pressure and deadlines and I think it would improve several areas of my life.

    I really enjoyed doing this assignment and I would love to learn more about how to develop my strengths as a leader.


    Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0 – with Access Code.

    Strengths Finder 2.0. (2009). Critical Care Nurse29(1), 89.


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    • Collapse SubdiscussionJulie Baker


      While reading your post I see that you feel deadlines and pressure make you feel like you don’t have the drive to complete tasks. I also feel like I’m always under a tremendous amount of pressure with family, work and school obligations. With that being said, I would like to share with you some ideas that others have shared with me to help calm, refocus and center myself. Some of helped me and some seemed more time consuming than I can allow but I want to at least give you the options.  One of easiest ways to focus and center yourself in meditation. When I first received this suggestion, I almost dismissed it but then I saw an article about how to meditate in place without setting up in a traditional way. For this post, I found a similar article and it states you can even meditate in a busy location by focusing on the sounds and using them to help you instead of considering them a hindrance (Winston, 2022). Other tips include self care days, massage therapy, music and art lessons and aromatherapy. As someone who would make time for a massage at every opportunity, I’m happy to share that studies show numerous positive health benefits including some you may not even think of and the study attached is not even a current article so imagine the benefits that have been discovered in recent years (Field, 1998). I really feel like we have to take time to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others but I know its easier said than done.



      Field, T. (1998, January 1). Massage therapy effects.: Semantic scholar. The American psychologist. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

      Winston, D. (2022, November 25). How to meditate with noise: A 3-minute practice for anywhere. Mindful. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

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    • Collapse SubdiscussionShawntel Wright

                    Monica, I too enjoyed this assignment. I thought this was a great tool to show what could assist with personal development in leadership. It would be great to strengthen your skills in communication. Communication is huge in leadership. Being able to effectively communicate with your subordinates allows you to lead them in a way in which aligns with a facility’s goals and mission. “Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information.” (CommonSenseMedia, 2020). Morganelli,  states, “A primary role of the nurse leader is to serve as a role model to healthcare and team members. Being able to effectively communicate the goals and expectations of each team member is key.” (Morganelli, 2021) I hate deadlines as well.  I would love to start completing tasks early to alleviate stress and pressure of the actual deadline. You have spotlighted key characteristics that will help to shape your career as being a leader. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment.










      Dr. Marie Morganelli Jul 13, 2021, Nov 4, 2022 H., Nov 2, 2022 H., & Oct 21, 2022 H. (n.d.). What is nurse leadership?Southern New Hampshire University. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

      What is communication? Common Sense Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from to an external site.



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  • Collapse SubdiscussionJacqueline Keener

    StrengthsFinder Assessment

    After reviewing my top five themes from the StrengthsFinder results, I believe I have the strengths and traits to be an effective leader. My top five themes are relator, harmony, achiever, responsibility, and intellection. Rath (2007) explains that these themes are more talents than strengths, but can be used to improve and strengthen that talent and learn to improve in other areas. Using my own StrengthsFinder results I will be able to use my current talents effectively and work on areas that could use improvement.

    Two core values I would like to strengthen are communication and focus. Rath (2007) describes communication as being able to story tell and liven up conversation. I feel I could do better to be a person people want to listen to. Being stronger in focus would benefit me by setting more timelines and sticking to them. Focus is a core value I would like to improve both professionally and personally. Broome & Marshall (2021) explain that core values help guide us in action and behaviors and communication and focus are important.

    Two of my strengths I would like to further strengthen are harmony and responsibility. Harmony involves a balance for me between wanting to avoid conflict and knowing when to speak up or out for the greater good. Yordy, Lambert, & Parker (2021) explain that we “must be able to recognize and respect the contributions each member of a team contributes for complete and safe patient care.” I think I do a good job of this as a leader, but there is always room to improve. My own sense of responsibility is a great strength, but it can also be to my own detriment if I put too much on my plate. Again, finding a balance is key to using the strengths I already possess.

    Two characteristics I would like to strengthen are self-assurance and consistency. Autonomy and self-assurance are closely related. Lockwood et al. (2022) highlight how “stepping up” is important, and I can do that more readily if I have a strong self-assurance. Consistency is an area for me to improve because I tend to be more or less accepting of people and situations depending on my overall mood. Moods are not consistent and there is little room for consistency if I allow my behavior to be effected by my feelings.

    I enjoyed discovering that my top five themes are relator, harmony, achiever, responsibility, and intellection. I was not surprised by any of these themes, but I would say I was surprised that relator was my top theme. I would have thought achiever and responsibility would fall to the top, but upon reading the analysis attached, it makes sense. I hope to use this tool to better strengthen the talents I have and grow in the areas I have to improve!

    Jackie K


    Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

    Lockwood, E. B., Lehwaldt, D., Sweeney, M. R., & Matthews, A. (2022). An exploration of the levels of clinical autonomy of advanced nurse practitioners: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Nursing Practice28(1), 1–17.

    Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0 – with Access Code.

    Yordy, M., Lambert, A., & Parker, F. (2021). Introduction to Interdisciplinary Roles in a Nursing Leadership Course: If I Understand You, Then I Know How to Work With You. Nursing Education Perspectives (Wolters Kluwer Health)42(6), E127–E128. to an external site.


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