NURS-6051N Transforming Nursing & HC


Post a description of the focus of your scenario. Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data? NURS-6051N Module 1: Week 1: Discussion THE APPLICATION OF DATA TO PROBLEM-SOLVING How would a nurse leader use clinical reasoning and judgment in the formation of knowledge from this experience?


Electronic health record (EHR) systems are now widely used, making it easy to retrieve patient records digitally and extract helpful clinical data. As a result, several ancillary applications, including translational research, quality control, and health management, have become available. These supplementary uses are all intended to raise patient care. Data quality has a major impact on how well patients are treated and how well healthcare is provided overall. Therefore, having erroneous, lacking, and inconsistent data and documentation may lead to mistakes and unfavorable outcomes that may compromise patient safety, restrict the exchange of health information, and impede clinical research(Alzu’bi et al.,2021). The most efficient treatment plan can be created by gathering information on the patient’s health in addition to determining whether they fit the admittance standards. Making a new and more successful treatment plan for a patient requires considering previous treatment plans and their effectiveness. When establishing a treatment strategy that results in positive patient and healthcare outcomes, data from earlier treatment methods and their level of success must be considered. 

Patients experiencing adverse reactions to several types of pharmaceuticals and the measures taken to ensure that the patient does not receive the same medicine while undergoing treatment are common occurrences in practice that profit from the collection and application of data. In my experience as a psychiatric nurse, I have worked with patients who had adverse responses to mental drugs, which not only complicated care processes but also created a fresh crisis and caused the patient tremendous distress. Because of this, it is essential for medical providers to know whether a patient has had unfavorable side effects from a prescription provided during a prior hospitalization. To effectively treat the patient in the scenario I just described, knowledge of previous hospital stays and treatments, bad drug reactions, notes from medical specialists about the patient’s condition, and a clear understanding of the diagnosis would all be essential (Nagle et al., 2017). Evidence-based techniques may need to be applied, the patient may need to be involved in the assessment process, and earlier evaluations may need to be identified using electronic health records. This information could enhance evidence-based practice by broadening the body of knowledge on the subject and providing an in-depth understanding of the patient’s condition and effective treatments without using drugs with unfavorable side effects. Psychiatric patients should be reminded that while it is important to discuss any prior medications with them even if they were not in the correct frame of mind, they might not remember any negative side effects. As a result, by evaluating the staff notes of those who have worked with the patient and the prior physicians, we may create an effective treatment plan using the patient’s medical record. 

 Knowing that a patient has had a certain response to a medication or simply a setting is extremely helpful when counseling patients, especially in the psychiatric field. If the patient had previously exhibited manic, aggressive, or self-destructive behaviors in response to a medication, we would make sure that the medication was never given to them again (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). We could also flag the medical record, if it has not already been done, to alert others of the reaction. Before providing the doctor with information on the patient, nurses should be aware of any allergies since they are plainly listed on the patient’s chart. Before administering medication to a patient, it should be scanned. If the patient is allergic to the medication, a warning will appear and prompt them with questions if nurses intend to ignore the allergies. I have encountered dangerous situations like this before, but fortunately, the patient’s treatment was promptly modified throughout the process.  

Gaps will persist if clinicians are not involved in creating and implementing. The development of a robust product that is accessible to all healthcare team members can be facilitated by the involvement of healthcare informaticists. Despite the information acquired from the patient record being helpful, it is essential to have first-hand knowledge about the patient from practitioners who have direct contact with them (Sweeney,2017). The prior care team is typically the first to notice even the smallest changes in the patient, therefore I want to discuss the patient’s habits with them before sharing that information with my own. Clinical nursing judgment encompasses cognitive, psychomotor, and emotional processes that are expressed through actions and behaviors, whereas clinical reasoning is the metacognitive and cognitive process of interpreting knowledge that is relevant to a certain patient or clinical circumstance (Nagle et al., 2017). When applied correctly, clinical reasoning and judgment contribute to knowledge generation and the development of normative orders in nursing and healthcare. Nursing leaders must thoroughly compile and analyze data regarding the patients’ conditions before implementing any treatment strategies. They must also meticulously document the course of the treatment for future use. The nurse leader accomplishes this by using clinical judgment and reasoning to assess and modify information and data for better decision-making processes inside the information system (Sweeney,2017). 



 Alzu’bi, A. A., Watzlaf, V. J. M., & Sheridan, P. (2021). Electronic Health Record (EHR) Abstraction. Perspectives in health information management18(Spring), 1g. to an external site. 


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Nagle, L. M., Sermeus, W., & Junger, A. (2017). Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist…NI 2016, Switzerland. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics232, 212–221. to an external site. 


Sweeney, J. (2017). Healthcare Informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics21(1), 4–1.  



Criteria Ratings Pts
Develop a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:· Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.· Define and explain nursing informatics.

25 to >22.0 pts

Ably synthesize the literature and course resources to present a clear and accurate explanation of the 2 concepts….The presentation clearly and accurately explains the concept of a knowledge worker….The presentation clearly and accurately defines and explains nursing informatics.

22 to >19.0 pts

Summarize the literature and course resources to present a clear and accurate explanation of the 2 concepts….The presentation explains the concept of a knowledge worker. …The presentation defines and explains nursing informatics.

19 to >17.0 pts

The presentation is missing one of the concepts or one of the concepts is superficially addressed.

17 to >0 pts

The presentation is missing two concepts or the concepts are superficially addressed.
25 pts
Develop a graphic visual representation of the role of the nurse leader as a knowledge worker. On the slide, include an explanation of the role.

15 to >13.0 pts

The presentation includes a detailed graphic and explanation of the role of the nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

13 to >11.0 pts

The presentation includes a graphic and an adequate explanation of the role of the nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

11 to >10.0 pts

The presentation includes a graphic, yet the explanation of the role is not addressed or is superficially addressed.

10 to >0 pts

The presentation is missing a graphic, an explanation of the role, or both the graphic and explanation of the role are missing.
15 pts
Present the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from the data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ replies.

35 to >31.0 pts

The presentation clearly and thoroughly includes the hypothetical scenario originally shared in the Discussion Forum, including a detailed and accurate examination of the data used, how the data might be accessed/collected, and the knowledge that could be derived from the data. …The presentation incorporates peer feedback.

31 to >27.0 pts

The presentation includes the hypothetical scenario originally shared in the Discussion Forum, including an accurate examination of the data used, how the data might be accessed/collected, and the knowledge that could be derived from the data. …The presentation incorporates peer feedback.

27 to >24.0 pts

The presentation includes the hypothetical scenario originally shared in the Discussion Forum; one or two of the criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

24 to >0 pts

The presentation is missing the hypothetical scenario originally shared in the Discussion Forum or three or more of the criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.
35 pts
PowerPoint presentation:The presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

5 to >4.0 pts

The presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

4 to >3.0 pts

Eighty percent of the presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

3 to >2.0 pts

Sixty to seventy nine percent of the presentation follows these guidelines: presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.

2 to >0 pts

Less than sixty percent of the presentation follows these guidelines: presentation is professional; images are appropriately attributed; images are clear. The presentation text is readable. Presentation flows well and is presented in a logical order.
5 pts

10 to >8.0 pts

Presentation includes: 3 or more peer-reviewed articles and 2 or more course resources.

8 to >7.0 pts

Presentation includes: 2 peer-reviewed articles and 2 course resources.

7 to >6.0 pts

Presentation includes: 1 peer-reviewed article and 1 course resource.

6 to >0 pts

Presentation includes: 1 or no resources.
10 pts
Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

5 to >4.0 pts

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 to >3.5 pts

Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3.5 to >3.0 pts

Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3 to >0 pts

Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
5 pts
Written Expression and Formatting – APA:The reference list and image attribution list follow correct APA format

5 to >4.0 pts

Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 to >3.5 pts

Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.

3.5 to >3.0 pts

Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.

3 to >0 pts

Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
5 pts
Total Points: 100


Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.

The observations I have made with technology specialists in my current position with other healthcare professionals have been limited. I mentioned that I work with two child psychiatrists at a behavioral health outpatient clinic with most patients utilizing telehealth services. Telehealth medicine is only beginning to expand and has “received a boost with the COVID-19 pandemic” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022, p. 618). Our clinic allows patients to come to the clinic and access their provider via telehealth in a patient exam room, or they can access their provider from home within their EHR (Electronic health records MyAspirus), or Doxylink. Since Aspirus is trying to move away from Doxylink, I will not include further input on this system.

I do think we all know that with this technology comes technological glitches, connectivity issues, and barriers. That is the only time I have seen the providers I work with reach out to IT, if we cannot get them back online. Typically, we call the patient if they are not onsite and have them go back into the “waiting room” and we reboot the telehealth device before calling IT. What happens in the background with IT and the provider where they are located, I am unsure. What I am curious about and a strategy on how these interactions might be improved is if our nurse informaticists are collecting big data on connectivity issues within their EHR visits and could present this information to us. Big data is information that nurse informaticists work with, collect, analyze, interpret, they notice trends and patterns that could be used to enhance not only our nursing practice but patient/provider outcomes as well (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). This data could help our IT specialists and patients and providers potentially with decreasing these issues.

The American Hospital Association (2022) states that 76% of U.S. hospitals connect with patients via telehealth, video, or other technology (AHA, 2022). Within the behavioral health world, many behavioral health patients may not have the patience or intellectual ability to troubleshoot when technology complications arise. With telehealth just beginning to touch most of the U.S. I was not able to find data on telepsychiatry, connectivity concerns with mental health patients. I do believe the impact of telehealth on primary care, hospital care, and specialty care is only going to grow and with that hopefully we will get more data for improvements. Siegel et al (2021) has assessed benefits to telepsychiatry and has found it to include convenience, and timesaving for both the providers and the clients, a decrease in cancellations, and an increase in parental involvement because “barriers such as different households, travel or scheduling conflicts are not as prominent. This has been particularly beneficial for young patients with mood disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders” (Siegel et al, 2021, p. 442). Nursing informatics is going to, telemedicine, and big data are all going to impact our nursing practice.


AHA. (2022). Fact Sheet: Telehealth. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from to an external site.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Siegel, A., Zuo, Y., Moghaddamcharkari, N., McIntyre, R., & Rosenblat, J. (2021). Barriers, Benefits, and Interventions for Improving the Delivery of Telemental Health Services during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Systematic Review. Current Opinions in Psychiatry. 34 (4): p.434-443. DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000714


  Interactions Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists.

As a specialist in the collection and application of data, Nurse Informaticists (NI) collaborates with other specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions, which will bring about the general wellbeing of patients.

One way to improve the efficient distribution of information gathered among health care professionals is to ensure that information is shared between disciplines and professions, with compatible organizational approaches (Nordstein & Bystrom, 2018).

Nursing Informaticists supports nurses, consumers, patients, interprofessional healthcare team, and other stakeholders in their decision-making in all roles and settings to achieve desired outcomes (ANA, 2015). Nurse Informaticists can help with assessing and evaluating projects to see if policies and procedures implemented are having the desired impact on patient care. McGonigle and Mastrian (2018) explained the importance of standardized language in nursing practice. Standardized language is important in the improvement of healthcare. Standardized language help to translate information from discipline to discipline, from provider to administrator.

                            Strategy to improve interactions between Nurse Informaticists and other Specialists.

At the institution where I work, information is communicated via work email platform to all employees. There is Nurse Informaticist (NI) assigned within the nursing department to disseminate pertinent information among nurses and other professionals. NI frequently update nurses with recent and information to bring about better patient outcome. Due to recent technology, NI can communicate efficiently with thousands of nurses and other professionals via work email. For me, I make sure I check my email daily to keep me informed of any new updates that will help deliver adequate and optimum patient care. Also, we make use of EPIC to document patient care, information on this is updated at least weekly. This approach of communication makes it easier to inform health care team members on ways to improve patient’s outcome. The strategy I will recommend improving interaction between NI and other specialist is occasional in-service training for all employees at all levels. This approach will bring about exchange of ideas and help build more knowledge and 4also bring about better patient outcomes (Laureate, 2012).

                               Impacts of continued evolution of Nursing Informatics as a Specialty.

Nurse Informaticists (NI) specialty will continue to be beneficial to healthcare system. As the general saying, “Information is Knowledge”, efficient communication and timely access to information among health care professionals will bring about improvement in patient care. Adequate communication among health care professionals will enhance nursing interventions, better patient outcome, easy access to patient data for outcome analysis, and increased adherence to care standards (Rutherford, 2008).


American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of practice; P.1-2(2nd Ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Laureate Education. (2012). Data, information, knowledge, and wisdom continuum. Baltimore, MD: Author.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the foundation of knowledge. (4th ed.). [Kindle version]. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett learning.

Nordsteien, A., & Bystrom, K. (2018). Transitions in workplace information practices and culture: The influence of newcomers on information use in healthcare. Journal of Documentation, 74(4), 827-843. to an external site.

Rutherford, M.A. (2008). Standardized Nursing Language: What Does it Mean for Nursing, 13(1), 1-12.


When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone to reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the door to gain entrance to the facility. And before finally reaching your workstation, you may stop by the cafeteria to purchase a coffee.

From the moment you wake, you are in fact a data-generation machine. Each use of your phone, every transaction you make using a debit or credit card, even your entrance to your place of work, creates data. It begs the question: How much data do you generate each day? Many studies have been conducted on this, and the numbers are staggering: Estimates suggest that nearly 1 million bytes of data are generated every second for every person on earth.

As the volume of data increases, information professionals have looked for ways to use big data—large, complex sets of data that require specialized approaches to use effectively. Big data has the potential for significant rewards—and significant risks—to healthcare. In this Discussion, you will consider these risks and rewards.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs.
  • Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have experienced or observed.


Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, by offering one or more additional mitigation strategies or further insight into your colleagues’ assessment of big data opportunities and risks.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

  • Benefits of Big Data

    Yang et al. (2018) stated that “big data analytics capability refers to the ability to manage a huge volume of disparate data to allow users to implement data analysis and reaction” (p.6). The use of big data in healthcare is improving information accumulation and processing. Big data helps to store a large amount of information for a long period of time which healthcare providers can access to better understand patients’ health conditions and provide appropriate medical interventions. “In health care, it is being used to improve efficiency and quality, resulting in better healthcare practices and improved patient outcomes” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 1234). In addition, the use of big data over time in healthcare can help providers monitor patient health trends and improve patient care over time based on these trends due to a large amount of information stored.

    Challenges of Big Data

    As with everything backed up by technology, there are downsides to it as well. The major challenge associated with the use of big data is that it will require the allocation of large resources to maintain or manage it. Combing through high magnitudes of data can be overwhelming and time-consuming and often the manpower and time required to analyze this data can prove to be quite a challenge. According to Thew (2016), “when a chief nurse executive (CNE) is analyzing and synthesizing data, it’s typically done manually and is a very time- and labor-intensive process, in part, because technology systems have traditionally been built in silos” (para. 7).

    Mitigation of Big Data

    While working at the hospital, one thing I often notice is the lack of access to certain patient information when in another department. Although storing information in silos might have its benefits, it does not benefit healthcare workers if they must navigate twice as hard to access the same information because they are in different hospital departments. “Healthcare silos prevent information exchange and limit sharing of quality data, which constricts efforts to improve care” (Reams, n.d., para. 9). Understanding that the integration of technology in healthcare should bring about unity and not division is a way to mitigate challenges posed by using big data. Collaborating to eliminate or decrease the use of data silos in healthcare and shifting to integrated data will help improve patient care and outcomes.


    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Reams, k. (n.d.). 3 Ways Disrupting Healthcare Silos Helps Achieve Triple Aim Goals. Freedassociates.com to an external site.

    Thew, J. (2016). Big data means big potential, challenges for nurse execs., to an external site.

    Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126(1), 3–13, to an external site.

     Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionRaymond Mwanje

    Big Data Risks and Rewards

    The benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system

    According to Wang et al. (2018), one perceived benefit of utilizing big data as a component of a clinical system is the capability to enhance care delivery by analyzing and evaluating vast amounts of information from multiple sources. A clinic, for instance, might use big data to spot patterns in health outcomes, such as the therapeutic interventions that are most suitable for particular illnesses. Such information can be utilized to enhance medical decisions and clinical outcomes.

    One challenge of using big data as part of a clinical system

    Dash et al. (2018) indicate that the concern of security and data privacy is one potential challenge or danger of employing big data in a clinical system. With the increased collection and digital storage of personal health-related information, there is a high chance of security breaches or mishandling of such data. Such acts can result in patient privacy violations and possibly dire consequences for individuals and medical institutions (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022).

    Strategy to mitigate the challenge

    According to Glassman (2017), implementing solid security protocols, like secure data storage and authentication controls, is one strategic approach for mitigating the risks and challenges of utilizing big data in a medical system. It is also critical to have concise policies established for the utilization and dissemination of patient data, along with continuing employee training on data protection and information system security practices. It might be beneficial to collaborate with outside specialists or institutions specializing in the security and privacy of data to ensure that all necessary protective measures are in place. Thew (2016) concludes that it is critical for care providers to contemplate the potential advantages and hazards of big data and begin taking the steps needed to safeguard and use patients’ data ethically.




    Dash, S., Shakyawar, S. K., Sharma, M., & Kaushik, S. (2019). Big data in healthcare: management, analysis, and future prospects. Journal of Big Data, 6(1), 1-25.

    Glassman, K. (2017). Using data in nursing practice. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 45-47.

    McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Thew, J. (2016, April 19). Big data means big potential, challenges for nurse execs. Retrieved from

    Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological forecasting and social change, 126, 3-13.

     Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionDawn Cahill

      First response


      I believe security and privacy will continue to be the most concerning issue with big data. Having almost immediate access to all this data seems like a cybersecurity problem waiting to happen. More data is available every day, as our technology and education expand which can lead to more data breaches. According to McKeon (2022) there have been 48.6 million data breaches in 2022 vs. the previous year of 40 million breaches, 2021 (p.1). Having a plan in place to reduce this risk is exactly what is needed. It is critical that organizations have security measures in place. One such method could be implementing a program of monitoring and auditing the organizations network to catch an intrusion and quickly deeming it malicious (Abouelmehdi et al, 2018).


      McKeon, J. (2022). This Year’s Largest Healthcare Data Breaches. HealthIT Security. to an external site.

      Abouelmehdi, K., Beni-Hessane, A. & Khaloufi, H. (2018).  Big healthcare data: preserving security and privacy. Journal of Big Data5(1).

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionDamacrine Morangi Anyuga

      Response #1

      Hi Raymond,

      It is true that one of the challenges of big data in Clinical setting is the risk for breach of privacy. With healthcare being one of the biggest generators of big data of different varieties. This is more likely to happen especially as data is handled by various people in different departments and due to the personal nature of the data. This could lead to ethical and legal issues due to flaws in analyzing the data and lack of infrastructures for proper storage of data (Pastorino et al., 2019). It is therefore important to implement security measures like encryption and authentication and use multi-level security to protect these data from hackers using data mining techniques to gain access to this sensitive data (Bahri et al., 2018)


      Bahri, S., Zoghlami, N., Abed, M., & Tavares, J. M. R. (2018). Big data for healthcare: a survey. IEEE access7, 7397-7408.

      Pastorino, R., De Vito, C., Migliara, G., Glocker, K., Binenbaum, I., Ricciardi, W., & Boccia, S. (2019). Benefits and challenges of Big Data in healthcare: an overview of the European initiatives. European journal of public health29(Supplement_3), 23-27.

       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionImelda Briones Balili

      Hi Raymond,


      Thank you for your thorough discussion post regarding big data, its benefits, disadvantages, and informative strategy for implementing a solid security protocol to prevent cybersecurity issues. Healthcare organizations store highly sensitive information, such as medical research and patient records. Exposure, theft, and destruction of these data have devastating consequences. Electronic health records (EHRs), commonly used in a healthcare setting as the primary digital storage of personal health-related information, offer time-efficient patient data access; however, EHRs also present security challenges. According to Advent Health University (2020), based on a 2019 report, there were 41,335.889 patients’ records leaked. Hackers sell this valuable information for up to $1,000 for just a single medical record, which results in fraud and identity theft extortion. In addition, 90% of hospitals face email-based cyberattacks in their pursuit to access private data. Mobile devices used by healthcare institutions are also under attack; according to Verizon there where 38% of health organizations reported breaches to their devices. In response to this vicious cycle, strategic actions were implemented by healthcare administration leaders to safeguard patients’ information and systems by promoting access control in managing the organization’s data by authenticating a user’s identity and monitoring log-in attempts. Secondly, performing ongoing risk assessments allows organizations to act preemptively to prevent security breaches. Healthcare organizations should implement risk assessments for third-party networks and comply with government regulations on healthcare data protection, such as HIPAA security standards.


      The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (2022) highlighted its goal to fill gaps in the healthcare system’s preparedness capabilities in a timely, innovative way to share information in the prevention of large-scale cyberattacks. Effective mitigation of cyberattacks involves careful planning by the facility’s leadership, providers, and ancillary departments. When vulnerabilities are detected, patch management, blocking, and the management should apply other effective practices for addressing weaknesses within the organization. The ASPR recommends implementing cyber hygiene programs and services by promoting education, training, and drills for medical staff in response to a possible cyber event. In addition, investment in data backup and redundancy across the IT department while observing external mirroring is crucial for protecting vulnerable systems and reporting a cyber incident as soon as it is identified. The Cyber Event Information Sharing Factsheet (CISA) provides details and guidance on incident reporting, ensuring personnel across the health system are familiarized with its mitigating process while ensuring its reporting policies comply with federal, state, or local reporting mandates.



      Advent Health University. (2020). Five Important Elements to Establish Data Security in Healthcare. to an external site.

      Healthcare System Cybersecurity (2022). Readiness & Response Considerations. to an external site.



       Reply to Comment

    • Collapse SubdiscussionShannon Marlar

      Yes, in my job I have an email address the corporation issued to me when I started. The email address has so much security that it will really only allow me to receive corporate email correspondence. I can send emails to others outside the corporation, but not receive them. Even emails from Access Medical (where are NPs are employed) are not received. In the group me app we use, there is a protocol to follow in order not to reveal HIPAA information. The integration of Big Data from electronic health records and other information systems within and across healthcare enterprises provides an opportunity to develop actionable predictive models that can increase confidence of nursing leaders’ decisions to improve patient outcomes and safety and control costs. As health care shifts to the community, mobile health applications add to the Big Data available. There is an evolving national action plan that includes nursing data in Big Data science, spearheaded by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing (Westra et al, 2015).


      Pruinelli L. (2021). Nursing and Data: Powering Nursing Leaders for Big Data Science. Revista brasileira de enfermagem74(4), e740401. to an external site.

      Westra, B. L., Clancy, T. R., Sensmeier, J., Warren, J. J., Weaver, C., & Delaney, C. W. (2015). Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science-Implications for Nurse Leaders. Nursing administration quarterly39(4), 304–310. to an external site.





       Reply to Comment

  • Collapse SubdiscussionAlicia Brooke Richardson

    When working in nursing one never thinks much about what big data is until they reach a point in their career where data becomes important and is monitored for statistics. What is big data? According to McGonigle and Mastrian, big data is a large collection of large data yet growing exponentially with time. Big data is so large and complex that none of the traditional data management tools can store it or process it efficiently (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2022). So, what does this mean for a nurse? Big data can be used in research or to pinpoint out issues that are happening but going unknown to the ones doing it every day.

    One potential benefit of using big data is its ability to pinpoint an issue that most people would never notice was happening. Such as Sepsis protocols and the amount that are being used in the emergency department. Most nurses just click the box and go on about their day not thinking anything else about the sepsis protocol or how many times that shift it has been used. Big data however keeps up with this and tracks the sign and symptoms that led to the clicking of that button. According to Using Big Data to See the Big Picture in Sepsis, the authors evaluated all critically ill patients in their database to break down the criteria and pinpoint the different types of septic patients. This allowed them to see how many patients met the criteria upon arrival at the hospital compared to how many met it after admission. This is where big data was a benefit to the health care system.

    One potential challenge of using big data is that data is not a static entity, but rather a volatile being. With many elements in place, healthcare data must be periodically updated so the most recent and accurate information is always at hand. Additionally, data comes from many sources, which is another challenge for organizations. Aggregating data that is spread across multiple sources helps healthcare organizations pull and arrange all data into a more collaborative space but leaves them open to leaks or hacking for personal information.

    One strategy I have experienced in big data is the sepsis protocol collection within the emergency department. Before the use of big data patients were often overlooked when sepsis showed its nasty face. Nobody was taking the time to put the pieces together and say yes, this patient has sepsis, and we must treat them now. After the use and collection of big data, systems were put in place where the computer picks up on the main symptoms and says “hey do something” whether it is a popup box or a set protocol that automatically comes into play. This is where I feel big data has been a benefit. It has helped to save many lives. “Big data will help us manage the upcoming transformation into value-based care,” (Thew, 2016).



    Mastrian, k., & McGonigle, D. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Savel, Richard H. MD, FCCM; Shiloh, Ariel L. MD; Simon, Ronald J. MD, FACS; Kupfer, Yizhak MD, FCCP. Using Big Data to See the Big Picture in Sepsis*. Critical Care Medicine 46(4): p 640-641, April 2018. | DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002976

    Thew, J. (2016, April 19). BIG DATA MEANS BIG POTENTIAL, CHALLENGES FOR NURSE EXECS. Retrieved from healthleaders:


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