NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Main Question Post

My main professional development goal is to contribute to improved patient outcomes using evidence-based best practices as an acute care nurse practitioner. While there are several strategies to help me incorporate my academic activities and accomplishments into my professional development goal, the creation of a professional portfolio and reflection are two approaches that I will take NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios.

A professional portfolio is a “dynamic tool that allows and records professional growth” (Casy & Egan, 2013, pp. 550). It provides an opportunity for a professional to show competence by compiling current certifications, achievements, awards, projects, educational background, and how each has positively affected professional practice (Casy & Egan, 2013). With the increased use of e-portfolios by recruiters and hiring managers (Leahy & Filiatrault, 2017), I will create an e-portfolio to show how my academic activities and accomplishments relate to my professional development goal. A professional portfolio will also allow me to provide documentation of my competence as a professional nurse and a student nurse practitioner (Biedermann, et al., 2022). An e-portfolio will also document how my academic activities and accomplishments influence my practice and contribute to my goal (Casy & Egan, 2013).


By utilizing the strategy of reflection, I will be able to reflect on each activity and accomplishment to understand how they support my professional development ad contribute to my goal (McMillan, et al., 2014). An additional benefit from self-reflection will be an increased engagement in my learning and a better understanding of the value of academic activities to my professional development (Biedermann, et al., 2022). NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios Self-reflection also shows self-awareness and helps one identify skills and areas of improvement (Casy & Egan, 2013).

East (2015) discussed the importance of starting a professional profile early, helping them to reflect and understand the importance and relevance of each academic activity to their professional goals (East, 2015). I intend to use this strategy of starting early on an e-portfolio to provide me plenty of time and opportunity to reflect on each academic activity, how those activities support my goals, and to identify any areas for self-improvement.

Goal Alignment with Walden University’s Emphasis on Social Change

My professional development goal aligns with Walden University’s commitment to positive social change because I am working towards becoming a “principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioner” (Walden University, 2022b) who contributes to improving patient outcomes. My professional development goal allows me to “transform health outcomes” (Walden University, 2022a) and contribute to improving humanity and society through evidence-based practice (Walden University, 2022a), which is the very essence of positive social change (Walden University, 2022b).


Biedermann, N., Ahern, T., & Harrison, H. (2022). Professional portfolio development: personally and professionally rewarding and satisfying. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 27(6), 41.

Casy, D., & Egan, D. (2013). The use of professional portfolios for career enhancement. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547-552 NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios.

East, R. (2015). Developing a nurse practitioner portfolio. ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, 28(4), 35.

Leahy, R., & Filiatrault, A. (2017). Employers’ perceptions of the benefits of employment electronic portfolios. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 217-223.

McMillan, L. R., Parker, F., & Sport, A. (2014). Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio as an effective hiring assessment tool. Nursing Management, 45(4), 52-54.

Walden University. (2022a). Master of science in nursing (MSN). Retrieved July 15, 2022, from

Walden University. (2022b). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

By Day 3 of Week 8
Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 8
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.

NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios sample 2

Main post – Discussion – Week 8
A professional portfolio is a tool for demonstrating and documenting skills, knowledge, and experience. Portfolios are used for professional development, academic achievement, or as support for a career change. Hannans & Olivo (2017) describe multiple benefits of an ePortfolio, such as an opportunity to reflect on experience and skill to evaluate if you are qualified for a potential position and demonstrate career growth from a new graduate to an experienced nurse.

Hannans & Olivo (2017) state that “ePortfolios are an innovative way to share your experience and skills” with potential employers. One strategy for developing a professional portfolio is identifying a platform to support an e-portfolio. The platform should allow for building a profile, networking, and easy accessibility (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). I already have a basic LinkedIn profile with links to my past employers. Still, I have not utilized my profile to network with professional organizations or colleagues who align with my professional goals. I also have not thought of using LinkedIn to demonstrate academic achievement. I need to take the time to utilize my LinkedIn profile to network and create a profile that demonstrates proficiency as I move from registered nurse to advanced practice registered nurse.

Secondly, a professional portfolio needs short and long-term goals. Per Mcmillan et al., “reflection is one of the most important aspects of e-portfolio use because it can facilitate self-evaluation and development of future goals” (2014). I have desires and goals that motivated me to apply to the Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Program (PMHNP) and long-term career goals; however, I have not formulated my academic plans other than completing the PMHNP program NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios. As I finish this educational program, I need to continually reflect on learning with each course and home in on short and long-term goals. My goals should indicate how my education has prepared me for professional standards in the workforce.

Establishing an online identity to reflect who I am professional and personally is essential. According to Hannans & Olivo (2017), “an estimated 60% to 80% of employers do online searches of potential hires.” Leahy & Filiatrault (2017) found that recruiters with less than two years of experience were more likely to view a student’s ePortfolio than recruiters who’d been in the field longer than three or more years. Employers seek employees who’ve set and attained academic and career goals, demonstrate good communication skills, and successfully work in a team. Creating my ePortfolio will allow me to add my academic and professional achievements to my online identity NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios.

Emphasis on Social Change

Walden University’s mission for social change is “to be a connective hub that promotes, facilitates, and supports collaborative alliances, action research, and projects that lead to purposeful action for sustainable positive social change” (Walden University LLC, n.d.) One of my short and long-term goals after becoming a PMHNP is to advocate for a positive view of mental health, especially in children and teens. NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios I want to listen carefully to how children and teens view mental health. I also want to inspire peers and schools to adopt a positive view of mental health to foster change in the classroom setting.

Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49.

Leahy, R. & Filiatrault, A. (2017). Employers’ perceptions of the benefits of employment electronic portfolios. Internation Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 217-223.

Mcmillan, L. R., Parker, F., & Sport, A. (2014, April) Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio as an effective hiring assessment tool. Nursing Management, 45(4), 52-54.
Walden University LLC. (n.d.). Social change. Retrieved on July 19, 2022 from

NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios sample response

Before reading the resources in this module about professional nursing portfolios, I had minimal knowledge about the benefits of a nursing portfolio. I looked at it briefly in the past, but I did not know in detail all the information to include in a portfolio. I had a similar experience with you about having a LinkedIn account. I created it and have not used it much as I did not see the need to use it for career advancement and building a professional profile. NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios I updated my resume, but limited social media use with personal information. Hannans and Olivio (2017) reminded nursing professionals that LinkedIn is one popular platform for nurses to start creating professional profiles and connecting with other nursing professionals (p. 48). Creating a nursing portfolio is the first step; maintaining and updating it is also needed to have an up-to-date portfolio. The information in a portfolio shows how a nurse grows professionally. I agree with you about having long-term and short-term goals on a portfolio. Having those goals are essential in the planning process for academic and professional advancement. Portfolios help nurses plan their professional careers and assist them with self-assessment to see where they are in their planning (Casey & Egan, 2010, p. 550). A portfolio is the evidence of professional growth that nurses want to show potential employers of their competence, skills, and accomplishments. I have not created an official nursing portfolio for myself and certainly not an ePortfolio. I gathered different information over time and have not put them together in one place. Starting to put them all together is my first step, and I plan to do it soon.


Casey, D. & Egan, D. (2010). The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547-552.

Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49. Retrieve July 19, 2022, from

NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios sample post 3

Every RN and APRN should have a professional development goal to help and guide them in the areas of their specialties. I believe having professional and academic portfolios is like a blueprint attestation to one’s credentials, achievements, and goals. It is essential for personal growth and will help one find and maintain their path to success (Burns, 2022).

In my case, I have always wanted to be a patient advocate and champion patients’ causes. I believe in treating others as you want to be treated.

To be a great patient advocate and to provide excellent patient care, two strategies I must implement include making sure I am up to date with my compulsory educational classes, making sure my licenses are up to date, clinical experiences updated, and staying informed by belonging to professional Nursing association with full rights to get all the current innovative benefits and information regarding my practice.

Another strategy to improve my professional goals and credentials is to be current with research in my study area; this I plan to maintain by keeping informed through networking and following evidence-based research on how best to improve patient care (Casy & Egan, 2013) NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios.

My professional development goal aligns with Walden University’s commitment to positive social change because Walden university’s greatest gift to nursing professionals is to help them grow academically(Walden, 2022a) also by keeping them informed through education, and that is my main goal of getting an education in Walden University, online networking is a must now in this day and age. Building solid allies through nursing networking is in line with Walden’s university commitments and also finally utilizing quality patient’s care through acquiring new skills and learning evidence-based practices will be an added plus to my academic and professional portfolios (Walden University,2022).


Burns, M. (2022). Creating a Nursing Portfolio [Ebook]. Retrieved 5 July 2022, from http://file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/240176_nur6003WK8DissRef1%20(2).pdf

Casy, D., & Egan, D. (2013). The use of professional portfolios for career enhancement. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547-552.

Walden University. (2022a). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Retrieved July 15, 2022, from

Walden University. (2022b). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios sample post 4

One of my professional development goals includes networking to expand my professional growth as a novice ARNP. I believe networking will connect me with fellow colleagues who can teach me about other work environments and increase my access to patients by working via telehealth. A strategy I intend to pursue to include my academic activities and accomplishments in this professional development goal is by utilizing LinkedIn as my ePortfolio. According to Hannans & Olivo (2017), LinkedIn is a “social media platform designed specifically for building career profiles and making professional connections” (p. 48). By utilizing LinkedIn, I can easily connect with many other healthcare professionals who could lead me to potential colleagues when I open my own practice. Another benefit of using an ePortfolio is showing future employers you are up to date with current healthcare trends and technology. LinkedIn is a great tool to collect all your professional work in one free, easy-to-access website.

Another professional development goal of mine is obtaining my psychiatric-mental health nursing certification while enrolled in my MSN program. I intend to research further the credentials and requirements needed before completing the exam by exploring the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) website. I believe having my psychiatric-mental health certification will give me a leg-up when future employers are sifting through hundreds of resumes and ePortfolios looking for a fitting candidate. Having this certification shows my colleagues that I am an expert in managing mental health disorders and ensuring high-quality care for patients suffering from mild to severe mental health disorders (, 2022, para. 1-3) NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios. Being able to list that I am board-certified in psychiatric-mental health disorders on my ePortfolio will help set my profile apart when companies have this listed as a requirement for employment. I believe completing this certification will prepare me for the PMHNP board exam and will only advance my professional career.


My professional development goals align with Walden University’s emphasis on social change because of my drive and passion for changing the stigma surrounding mental health. Becoming change agents in our field to use in our communities and beyond is just one of the goals of the university to effect positive social change (Walden University, n.d., para. 1). With networking, I can work with professionals in rural areas with very little access to mental health resources and provide telehealth treatment. Otherwise, I would be limited to only providing resources within driving distance of my home. I could expand my outreach to the communities that would otherwise not reach out for help because the nearest psychiatric resources are hours away NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios. Ending the stigma surrounding mental health starts with educating our children about the importance of mental health. Providing mental health and psychiatric resources to every child as they go through school and improving access to care would be of great benefit to providing a positive social change.


Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48–49. Retrieved from, (2022, March 4). Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Certification. Retrieved from,

Walden University. (n.d.) Social Change. Retrieved from NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

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