NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

NUR 681

Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

3 credit hours

Verse of the Year

“If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.”

I John 1:7 (NIV)

Spring Arbor University Concept

“Spring Arbor University is a community of learners distinguished by our lifelong involvement in the study and application of the liberal arts, total commitment to Jesus Christ as the perspective for learning, and critical participation in the contemporary world.” NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

Table of Contents

NUR 681: Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice   3

Course Description                                                                                          3

Course Overview                                                                                              3

Learning Outcomes                                                                                         3

Professional Skills                                                                                        4

Critical Reasoning                                                                                        4

Theory Application                                                                                      4

Evidence-Based Practice                                                                           4

Resources                                                                                                            5

Required Texts                                                                                              5

Repeating Textbooks                                                                                  5

Supplemental Resources on Blackboard                                              5

Grading Guidelines                                                                                          6

Course Schedule                                                                                               7

Week 1                                                                                                            8

Week 2                                                                                                          12

Week 3                                                                                                          15

Week 4                                                                                                          18

Week 5                                                                                                          20

Week 6                                                                                                          23

Week 7                                                                                                          26

Course Expectations                                                                                     29

Academic Integrity                                                                                    30

SAU-MSN Academic Integrity (SafeAssign)                                       30

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities                               31

Attendance and Financial Aid                                                                32

Attendance and Participation Policy                                                   32

Blackboard Netiquette                                                                            32

Course Evaluation                                                                                     34

Discussion Boards (DB)                                                                            34

Faculty Interaction                                                                                    35

Faith and Learning                                                                                    35

Inclusivity Statement                                                                               35

Late Submission of Assignments                                                          36

Late Point Deductions by Calendar Day                                             36

Naming Convention                                                                                  36

Prayer Requests, Chapel, and Break Room                                       37

Quiz/Examination Settings                                                                     37

Rounding Policy                                                                                         37

Technical Support                                                                                     38

Writing Standard                                                                                       38

Right to Modify                                                                                          38

Rubrics                                                                                                               39

Discussion Board Assignments Rubric                                                40

Section A: (Week 1) Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment Rubric                                                                                    41

Section B: (Week 2) Problem Description Rubric                            43

Section C: (Week 3) Literature Support Rubric                                45

Section D: (Week 4) Solution Description Rubric                            47

Section E: (Week 5) Change Model                                                     50

Section F: (Week 6) Implementation Plan Rubric                           52

(Week 7) EBP Proposal Final Paper Rubric                                        54

(Week 7) Presentation Discussion Board Rubric                             56


Revised October 2020

Syllabus Disclaimer: This syllabus is intended as a set of guidelines for NUR 681. Spring Arbor University and your instructor reserve the right to make modifications in content, schedule, and requirements as necessary to promote the best education possible within prevailing conditions affecting this course NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

NUR 681: Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

Course Description

Students will examine the evidence base for resolving a current health problem, design and evaluate a project specific to their practice setting. Students will utilize evidence-based practice skills learned earlier in the program.


Course Overview

This course provides an opportunity for students to develop an evidence-based practice project proposal that addresses a problem, issue, or concern in professional practice. Students identify a problem amenable to research-based intervention; search literature; propose a solution; and develop a plan to implement the solution, evaluate its outcome(s), and disseminate the findings. Problems identified are those that are appropriate to students’ specialty tracks: adult – gerontology primary care nurse practitioner, and family nurse practitioner.

Learning Outcomes

Each course in the MSN curriculum follows the Christ-centered mission of the SAU Nursing Department, which is to develop and empower advanced practice professional nurses. For SAU, the mission of graduate nursing education is devoted to integrating our faith and learning exemplified by the SAU Concept. This integration starts with the conviction that God is already in us and in the classroom, and we are engaged in blending or uniting our Christian beliefs with our intellectual pursuits of knowledge to interpret and inform our nursing practice NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

The SAU Model of Graduate Nursing Education incorporates Professional Skills, Critical Reasoning, Theory Application, and Evidence-Based Practice through application of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. The Essentials include: I. Background for Practice from Sciences and Humanities, II. Organizational and Systems Leadership, III. Quality Improvement and Safety, IV. Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice, V. Informatics and Healthcare Technologies, VI. Health Policy and Advocacy, VII. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes, VIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health, and IX. Master’s-Level Nursing Practice.

At the completion of NUR 681, the student will be able to meet the following learning objectives and AACN Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing that align with the SAU Model of Graduate Nursing Education.

Professional Skills

  • Critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice. Scientific Foundation – 1
  • Uses best available evidence to continuously improve quality of clinical practice. Quality – 1

Critical Reasoning

  • Develops new practice approaches based on the integration of research, theory, and practice knowledge. Scientific Foundation – 1
  • Advances practice through the development and implementation of innovations incorporating principles of change. Leadership – 5

Theory Application

  • Applies clinical investigative skills to improve health outcomes. Practice Inquiry – 1
  • Integrates knowledge from the humanities and sciences within the context of nursing science. Scientific Foundation – 2

Evidence-Based Practice

  • Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and outcomes. Scientific Foundation – 3
  • Disseminates evidence from inquiry to diverse audiences using multiple modalities x. Practice Inquiry – 5

NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice 


Required Texts

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. ISBN-13: 978-1-4963-8453-9

Repeating Textbooks

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Supplemental Resources on Blackboard

American Journal of Nursing. (2020, February 4). Evidence-based practice, step by step.

  • This web page is a collection of articles.


Bettany-Saltikov, J. (2012). How to do a systematic literature review in nursing: A step-by-step guide. Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education.


Melnyk, B. M., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2017). Implementing the evidence- based practice (EBP) competencies in healthcare: A practical guide for improving quality, safety, and outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau International. 

Grading Guidelines

Assignment Points Possible Points Earned Due
Discussion Boards (16 points x 7 discussions) 112 points Weekly
Section A 28 points Week 1
Section B 36 points Week 2
Section C 36 points Week 3
Section D 60 points Week 4
Section E 32 points Week 5
Section F 36 points Week 6
EBP Proposal Final Paper 36 points Week 7
Total NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice 376 points


A            95-100%

A-          90-94%

B+         87-89%

B            83-86%

B-          80-82%

C+         77-79%

C            73-76%

C-          70-72%

D+         67-69%

D           66%

U           lower than 65%

I             Incomplete


Overall Directions

  • Prepare all assignments according to APA (American Psychological Association) Style (2010). An abstract and Table of Contents are not required.
  • All assignments have a rubric. Please, review the rubric before beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • You are required to submit each paper assignment to SafeAssign and include the resulting report with the uploaded assignment. Refer to the directions in Blackboard.

Course Schedule

Week Readings Assignments
1 ●        Articles and Links (6) ●        Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

●        Discussion Board

2 ●        Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), Chapter 3

●        Articles and Links (2)

●        Section B: Problem Description

●        Discussion Board

3 ●        Articles and Links (3) ●        Section C: Literature Support

●        Discussion Board

4 ●        Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), Chapters 7, 8 ●        Section D: Solution Description

●        Discussion Board

5 ●        Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), Chapter 14

●        Articles and Links (2)

●        Section E: Change Model

●        Discussion Board

6 ●        Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), Chapters 9, 10 ●        Section F: Implementation Plan

●        Discussion Board

7 ●        Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019), Chapter 20

●        Article (1)

●        EBP Proposal Final Paper

●        Discussion Board

NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

Week 1


  • Evidence-Based Practice

Learning Objectives

  • Identify problems, issues, or concerns in the professional work setting that are amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format (population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, and timeframe).
  • Understand how to determine organizational readiness for change.
  • Determine feasibility of specific change projects.

Reading Due

  • Organizational culture and system wide interrogation of EBP survey, EBP beliefs, and EBP implementation scale in Appendix K of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019).


Examples of EBP Topics for Project

Assignments Due

  1. Acknowledgment Quiz

Points Possible: Ungraded

Due: Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


After reviewing the Textbooks & Information area, the student will complete a short quiz to acknowledge that he or she reviewed the syllabus, grading rubrics, and SAU’s Policy on Academic Integrity. Completion of the quiz counts for attendance in Week 1 of the course. By clicking Yes, you acknowledge that you completed and understood the required tasks NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.


2.    Evidence-Based Proposal – Introduction

This is the beginning of the Evidence-Based Practice Proposal, which will be completed by writing a section each week and editing the document with feedback from the professor each week. The final product is due in Week 7 and is the culmination of the course. Each week the section due will be graded and returned with suggestions for improvement. Students need to make the suggested changes and/or add to the document for the final grading process.

3.    Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment
Points Possible: 28 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


Before making a case for an evidence-based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation.

Complete an assessment of your clinical practice site using questions from the samples in the Week 1 Bb folder, “Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of EBP Survey,” “EBP Beliefs,” and “EBP Implementation Scale.” Use as many questions from these samples to accurately assess readiness for change in your organization. You will use personal reflection of your experience in the clinical setting. The setting may be your job site or a student clinical placement.


Develop an analysis summary of at least 250 words from the results of your questions addressing your organization’s readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry. Make sure to include the rationale for your answers on the questionnaire, incorporating details and examples. Also, explain how to integrate more clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organization’s weaker areas. The actual questionnaire results do not need to be included.


The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, revise Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment for your final paper submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


4.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Review the “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists” Appendix B in your course text. You should save this tool and use it throughout the development of the PICOT question, problem description, and literature review. Begin the development of your PICOT question using the following resource: Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, Appendix A: Template for Asking Clinical Questions.


Formulate your PICOT question and post it to the Week 1 Discussion Board. Respond to at least two other statements, providing feedback on their clinical questions regarding relevance to primary care practice. Review the statements to see if the clinical issue is clearly defined and that all aspects are identified. Also, refer to the “PICOT: Components of an Answerable, Searchable Question” Table 2.2 in your text, p. 40. If one PICOT statement has at least three feedback posts, move to another statement. You will be using the feedback to make revisions to your PICOT question before using it in your Section B of Final Proposal: Problem Description assignment.


Respond to at least 2 other statements, providing feedback on their clinical questions regarding relevance to primary care practice. Review the statements to see if the clinical issue is clearly defined and that all aspects are identified NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources.

Week 2


  • Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze practice versus research to recognize a change.
  • Assess stakeholders, team roles, and leadership skills needed to bring about change.
  • Create EBP objectives that are aligned to measurable outcomes.

Reading Due

  • Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019):
    • Chapter 3: Finding relevant evidence to answer clinical questions: Tools for Finding the Needle in the Haystack, pp. 55-92.
  • (n.d.). Topics.
    • This resource has topics that may give you specific information on change projects. It also has research reports, sources of data and tools useful to translating evidence into practice.
  • Stevens, K., Marcley, S., DeGrazia, M., & Schuler, E. (2019, July 12). The Stevens Star Model of Knowledge Transformation to improve care and outcomes [Video]. OPENPediatrics.

Assignments Due

1.    Section B: Problem Description
Points Possible: 36 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) on your proposed problem description for your EBP project. The paper should address the following:

  1. Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention. Identify the stakeholders/change agents and who or what organizations are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc. Use the feedback from this week’s (Week 2) Discussion Board post, and refine your PICOT question for the final proposal. Make sure that the question fits with your graduate degree specialization.
  2. State the purpose or goal and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. The objective should address what is to be gained. This is a restatement of the question, providing focus on how to answer the question.
  3. Provide supportive rationale that the problem or issue is an important one for nursing to resolve; use relevant professional literature sources.
  4. Develop an initial reference list to assure that there is adequate literature to support your evidence-based practice project. The majority of references should be research articles. However, national sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and others may be used when you are gathering statistics to provide the rationale for the problem.

Once you get into the literature, you may find there is very little research to support your topic and you will have to start all over again. Remember, in order for this to be an evidence-based project, you must have enough evidence to introduce this as a desired practice change. If you find that you do not have enough supporting evidence to change a practice, further research would need to be conducted NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section B: Problem Description for your final submission. This is a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Answer this question in a minimum 250-word post in the Week 2 Discussion Board: What strategies will you use in your new practice as an APN to review and critique literature pertinent to your practice? Respond to at least two others.

See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources.

Week 3


  • Critical Appraisal of the Evidence

Learning Objectives

  • Formulate research support.
  • Critically appraise the best available evidence for the proposed solution.
  • Recognize the validity and reliability of clinical recommendations for practice.

Reading Due

Assignments Due

1.    Section C: Literature Support
Points Possible: 36 pints
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


To begin, work through the reference list you created in Section B: Problem Description. Appraise each resource using the one of the “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists” located in Appendix B, pp. 708-722 of the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text in the course materials or other literature review tools such as the ones used in NUR 551 in the Johns Hopkins Model. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource (i.e., case-control studies, or cohort studies, etc.).


Develop an “Evidence Synthesis” table to organize and summarize the research studies. Using a summary table allows you to be more concise in your narrative description. Only research studies used to support your intervention are summarized in this table. Refer to the “Evaluation and Synthesis Tables” templates in Appendix C, pp. 723-727 of the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text, or you may use this table that uses the PICO to summarize the research studies:


Author, title,


Population Intervention Comparison Outcome Validity


Write a narrative of 750-1,000 words (not including the title page and reference list) that presents the research support for the project’s problem and proposed solution. Make sure to do the following:

  1. Include a description of the search method (e.g., databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and number of studies that fit your criteria).
  2. Summarize all of the research studies used as evidence. The essential components of each study need to be described so that readers can evaluate its scientific merit, including study strengths and limitations.
  3. Incorporate a description of the validity of the internal and external research.


It is essential to make sure that the research support for the proposed solution is sufficient, compelling, relevant, and from peer-reviewed professional journal articles. Please, submit the checklist information and the evaluation table you design for the instructor as well as the narrative that summarizes the information.


The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section C: Literature Support for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies? Which is the most important? Why? Submit answers in a 250-word post and respond to two peers.

See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Week 4


  • Analyzing Evidence-Based Practice Outcomes

Learning Objectives

  • Critique measurements for expected outcomes (validity and reliability).
  • Describe the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-based practice.
  • Explain why patient values and clinical judgment must be considered before applying the evidence in clinical decision making for an individual patient.

Reading Due

  • Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019):
    • Chapter 7: Integration of Patient Preferences and Values and Clinician Expertise into Evidence-Based Decision-Making, pp. 219-232.
    • Chapter 8: Advancing Optimal Care with Clinical Practice Guidelines and Evidence based Recommendations, pp. 233-256.

Assignments Due

1.    Section D: Solution Description
Points Possible: 60 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference list) for your proposed evidence-based practice project solution. Address the following criteria:

  • Proposed Solution:
    • Describe the proposed solution (or intervention) for the problem and the way(s) in which it is consistent with current evidence. Heavily reference and provide substantial evidence for your solution or intervention.
    • Consider if the intervention may be unrealistic in your setting, too costly, or there is a lack of appropriate training available to deliver the intervention. If the intervention is unrealistic, you may need to go back and make changes to your PICOT before continuing.
  • Organization Culture: Explain the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with the organization or community culture and resources.
  • Expected Outcomes: Explain the expected outcomes of the project. The outcomes should flow from the PICOT.
  • Method/s to Achieve Outcomes: Develop an outline of how the outcomes will be achieved. List any specific barriers that will need to be assessed and eliminated. Make sure to mention any assumptions or limitations that may need to be addressed.
  • Outcome Impact: Describe the impact the outcomes will have on one or all of the following indicators: quality care improvement, patient-centered quality care, efficiency of processes, environmental changes, and/or professional expertise.

The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section D: Solution Description for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.


Conducting research projects while ensuring the protection of human subjects is necessary. What are some methods to protect personal rights of someone in one of the groups that is labeled as vulnerable? Justify your rationale. Post your 250-word initial post and respond to two classmates.


See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources.



Week 5


  • Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Model

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the components associated with implementing evidence-based practice.
  • Differentiate between the following models for applying evidence-based practice: Stetler model, Iowa model, and the ARCC model NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Reading Due

Assignments Due

1.    Section E: Change Model
Points Possible: 32 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), critique change models for feasibility for your practice problem.


Review the resources that describe the following change implementation models:

  • Stetler model of evidence-based practice
  • Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration model (ARCC)
  • Iowa model of evidence-based practice to promote quality care


You will use one of these models in the actual implementation plan for Week 6. For this Week 5 assignment, analyze the above models for suitability to use in your proposed practice change described in the previous sections of your proposal.


Include the following:

  • Assumptions of the model – “assumptions, aims and other characteristics, which have implications for their use” (Nilsen, 2015) must be recognized in order to determine the best model to follow.
  • Evidence that the model can be used for your type of project (i.e., primary care versus acute care).
  • Able to guide the process of implementation for your project. In other words, you can use the model to create objectives for the process of implementation, and it will describe what you want to do in your project very well.

In addition, create a conceptual model of your project. This model may be a combination of elements from the three models above or a self-determined diagram that allows the reader to see your whole project pictorially. Submit a draft of the conceptual model you design in this week as an appendix on a separate page, so it can be reviewed by your instructor. The final version of the conceptual model will be due in the appendices of the final paper.


The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section E: Change Model for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:



2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Why is it important to incorporate a theory or model related to change when implementing practice changes? Does the benefit of incorporating a change model outweigh the time and effort it took to include it? Post your answer to these questions in a 250-word post and respond to two other classmates.

See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Week 6


  • Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Model

Learning Objectives

  • Using an EBP model describe a plan for implementing a change project.
  • Develop strategies to counter opposition and facilitate change.
  • Design processes to evaluate outcomes

Reading Due

  • Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019):
    • Chapter 9: Implementing Evidence in Clinical Settings, pp. 269-292.
    • Chapter 10: The Role of Outcomes in Evaluating Practice Change, pp. 293-312

Assignments Due

1.    Section F: Implementation Plan
Points Possible: 36 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Carry your implementation through each of the stages, phases, or steps identified in the chosen model. Include the following:


Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will not be submitting the consent or approval form(s) in this week with the narrative, the consent or approval form(s) should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.


Describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Although you will not be submitting the timeline in this week with the narrative, the timeline should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.


Describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Provide a resource list. Place this list in the appendices for the final paper.


Describe the methods and instruments, such as a questionnaire, scale, or test to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Develop the instruments and place in the appendices for the final paper. Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved. Describe how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the evidence. Address validity, reliability, and applicability. Describe strategies to take if outcomes do not provide positive results. Describe implications for practice and future research.


Explain the process for delivering the (intervention) solution and indicate if any training will be needed. Provide an outline of the data collection plan. Describe how data management will be maintained and by whom. Furthermore, provide an explanation of how the data analysis and interpretation process will be conducted. Develop the data collection tools that will be needed. Place all tools in the appendices for the final paper.


Describe the strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges. Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan. Address the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment, computer related costs, and other costs (travel, presentation, database access, consultation). Make sure to provide a brief rationale for each. Develop a budget plan. Place the budget plan in the appendices for the final paper.


The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus. Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine Section F: Implementation Plan for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

In a 250-word post, describe an evaluation plan that includes how the expected change outcomes will be measured and how the implementation process outcomes will be measured. Review page 285, Table 9.4. Please, use this table to show your plan and describe the plan in the 250-word narrative: NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice


Expected Change



Process Outcomes


Respond to two classmates.


See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources.

Week 7


  • Disseminating Evidence

Learning Objectives

  • Compile the seven sections of the proposal into a final formal paper.
  • Create an evaluation plan based on the project objectives developed during Week 4 assignment.
  • Develop an evidence-based presentation to present the major sections of the proposal to an audience of nursing professionals.

Reading Due

  • Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019):
    • Chapter 20: Disseminating Evidence through Publications, Presentations, Health Policy Briefs, and the Media, pp. 547-597.
  • Elsberry, L., & Mirambeau, A. (n.d.). Creating an effective dissemination plan. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Assignments Due

1.    EBP Proposal Final Paper
Points Possible: 36 points
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT


Throughout this course you have been developing a formal, evidence-based practice proposal to improve quality of care or improve healthcare outcomes. The proposal is the plan for an EBP project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting. Although several types of evidence can be used to support a proposed solution, a sufficient and compelling base of support from valid research studies is required as the major component of that evidence.


Proposals are submitted in a format suitable for obtaining formal approval in the work setting. Proposals will vary in length depending upon the problem or issue addressed, they can be between 3,500 and 5,000 words, approximately 11-16 pages. The cover sheet, abstract, references page, and appendices are not included in the word limit. A proposal with less than 11 pages or more than 16 will be charged a penalty in grading.


Section headings are required for each section exactly as outlined below. Evaluation of the proposal in all sections is based upon the extent to which the depth of content reflects graduate-level, critical-thinking skills.


This project contains seven formal sections:

  • Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment
  • Section B: Problem Description
  • Section C: Literature Support
  • Section D: Solution Description
  • Section E: Change Model
  • Section F: Implementation Plan
  • Section G: Dissemination of Evidence


The first six sections were submitted as separate assignments, so your instructor could provide feedback as noted above. Section G: Dissemination of Evidence is a new section to be included in the final paper/proposal but will not have feedback from the instructor. The final paper consists of the completed project (with revisions), title page, abstract, reference list, and appendices. Appendices will include a conceptual model for the project (figure, picture, or line drawing showing connection of key concepts), handouts, data and evaluation collection tools, a budget, a timeline, and resource lists.


The grading guidelines for this assignment are in the rubric section of this syllabus.


Submit work to the assignment link in Blackboard. Use the naming convention:


2.    Discussion Board
Points Possible: 16 points
Due: Initial post by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. EST. Two responses by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. EST.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation no longer than 10 slides with comprehensive speaker’s notes that cover all of the major sections of your proposal. The major objective of this presentation is to make the case for the project you want to do. You will need to post your presentation to the Discussion Board as directed by the instructor for class discussion and peer feedback.

While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA Style documentation guidelines. You are NOT required to submit this assignment to SafeAssign.


This discussion board is worth 16 points. However, the grading rubric is different than the other discussion board rubrics. See the grading guidelines for the Week 7 presentation discussion board in the rubric section of this syllabus.


See the Discussion Boards and Blackboard Netiquette policies in the Course Expectations of this syllabus. Include required readings and outside references for your Discussion Board post. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Your responses should be substantive and supported by cited sources NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Course Expectations

The MSN program writes all courses at the graduate level and reflects learner outcomes espoused by the Essentials of Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing, National League for Nursing: Core Competencies of Nurse Educators, National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties: Domains and Core Competencies of Nurse Practitioner Practice, Nurse Executive (KSA), and the Spring Arbor University graduate requirements. Online learning requires participatory, collaborative interactions between students and students-to-faculty. Seminar and discussion format promote metacognitive reasoning by requiring students to utilize reflective thought to synthesize and apply information within the context of advanced professional practice and expound on the ideas of others.


Spring Arbor University is a community of learners distinguished by our lifelong involvement in the study and application of the liberal arts, total commitment to Jesus Christ as the perspective for learning, and critical participation in the contemporary world. As an SAU student, you are expected to support the Spring Arbor University Concept. All students will work together in the Blackboard online environment with opportunities for group and face-to-face sessions. Online learning requires participatory, collaborative interactions between students and students-to-faculty. Seminar and discussion format promote metacognitive reasoning by requiring students to utilize reflective thought to synthesize and apply information within the context of advanced professional practice and expand on the ideas of others.


The MSN online graduate program design assumes that each student is a self-directed adult learner. Each student is responsible for completing all course requirements including but not limited to readings, postings, and written assignments on time and in a manner that reflects graduate level work. As adult learners, students bring life experiences and knowledge from a variety of venues into the learning environment. Building on this premise requires respect from fellow students as colleagues and faculty as facilitators. Students should actively participate in learning activities as individuals and collaborative team members. The goal is to facilitate learning for all within the community of learners.


As graduate nursing students, you are expected to have professional behaviors and actions grounded in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Practice, ANA Code of Ethics, and guidelines from state boards of nursing, which comprise the National Council of State Boards of Nurses (NCSBN) and the nurse practice act within the licensee’s state of practice. Licensure must be kept up-to-date and on file in the Graduate Office throughout the program. Any violation of professional nursing practice guidelines may result in disciplinary action at the academic and/or professional level as deemed by the university and nursing faculty.

Academic Integrity

Students will adhere to the policy of the university found in the MSN Graduate Handbook. The MSN program will approach problems from a Christian perspective that reflects both justice and compassion. Interactions should first take place between the faculty and student. The instructor, in accordance with policy, will determine sanctions.


Spring Arbor University expects that students and faculty will follow the principles of truth and honesty in all academic endeavors, including the preparation and presentation of lectures, preparation of class reports and papers, giving and taking of examinations, and in protecting the validity of assigned grades. This assumes that all work will be done by the person who purports to do the work, without unauthorized aids or assistance. Instructors will exercise due diligence in planning and supervising the academic program to uphold the principles of truth and honesty.

SAU-MSN Academic Integrity (SafeAssign)

SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention software tool embedded into Blackboard. This tool encourages students to submit original work that reflects the highest levels of scholarly integrity and to prevent instances of plagiarism. Students and faculty are to utilize SafeAssign for all written assignments submitted in this course NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

According to Merriam-Webster’s (n.d.) online dictionary, plagiarism is “an act or instance of plagiarizing, something plagiarized, the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person: the act of plagiarizing something.” It is also defined as using another individual’s product without proper citation. In other words, plagiarism occurs when you either intentionally or unintentionally present the words, thoughts, and ideas of another person as your own original work. Some examples include the following:

  • Copying and pasting,
  • Failing to cite sources,
  • Purchasing papers online,
  • Proofing and editing by another person that results in substantial edits, and
  • Using a paper from another course without citing self or others.


When a student submits an assignment to SafeAssign, the program generates an originality report. The originality report provides a percentage that indicates how much of the paper is attributed to other sources. The report also highlights the potential infractions and provides a link that allows one to compare the student’s work with other sources. Typically, a score of 15% or less most likely reflects original work; scores of 40% or higher are generally reflective of excessive reliance on outside sources.


Students have two ways to drop a paper into SafeAssign. A student may submit a draft paper (prior to the due date) to SafeAssign, review the originality report, and make corrections before submitting the final assignment. Faculty will not review the draft paper or make any suggestions for corrections. This optional step is an opportunity for students to improve their use of APA Style and grammar to build on scholarly writing skills. Once the student submits the final assignment, he or she will NOT be able to make edits or changes; the final assessment and the calculation of the assignment’s grade will use this final SafeAssign originality score. While instructors will interpret each report cautiously, typically a paper that receives a SafeAssign score of 21% or higher likely reflects over reliance on outside sources and could receive a zero. Therefore, students SHOULD SUBMIT DRAFTS of their papers and make the needed corrections PRIOR to submitting their papers for a grade.


When a faculty member has determined that plagiarism has occurred, he or she will follow the Academic Integrity policies. See the SAU Academic Integrity Policy, found electronically on the SAU Portal, for further information. The program may dismiss students with a pattern of plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Spring Arbor University, in compliance with Federal regulations and in support of our efforts to enable students to maximize their God-given talents and abilities, provides the Academic Student Connections (ASC) office to direct academic services for students with disabilities.


Students with disabilities may request accommodations as provided within federal law. Documentation and requests should be made to the Disability Services Coordinator as early in the semester as possible to prevent delays in accommodation. Students must fill out a Student Support Plan Request to start the accommodations process. Students may contact the ASC office (517-750-6481 or 517-750-6479). Further information regarding policies and guidelines can be found on the Students with Disabilities website.


Please watch the Academic Student Connections video to learn more about the accommodations process and the resources Academic Student Connections provides.

Attendance and Financial Aid

If the student drops the course or if the student is dropped from the course by the institution, recalculation of financial aid eligibility may be necessary. Students have until no later than the 7th calendar day of an online session to voluntarily drop from a course without financial penalty. A course dropped before the 7th calendar day also will not appear on a student’s transcript. After that date, students have until the midpoint in the course to voluntarily withdraw. A withdrawal results in a “W” in the academic record and may result in a partial refund on tuition. Withdrawing from a course after the designated withdrawal period deadline will result in a “U” on the academic record and no tuition refund. Upon discretion of an SAU online administer or the instructor of record, the program may withdraw a student in attendance of an online course if he or she does not log in or attend the course by the 8th day of the course and/or ceases to actively participate throughout the course. Any potential tuition refund will be based on the date of the withdrawal. An administrative withdrawal from a course, after the halfway point, will result in a “U” on the student’s academic record and no tuition refund. Academic programs may have requirements beyond those outlined in this policy for which a student will be accountable. Please review the Student Handbook for additional information NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Attendance and Participation Policy

In an online course, Blackboard records attendance when students log in and make a posting (i.e., discussion board, journal, wiki, blog) or interact within group interactions or submit written assignments and/or tests. This participation, as required by the syllabus guidelines, constitutes attendance. Failure to make the required postings, group interactions, or written assignments within the specified timeframe constitutes absence or tardiness. Blackboard records attendance when a student logs in and participates as outlined above and is automatically evaluated each week. Students must interact with Blackboard in order to qualify for financial aid.

Blackboard Netiquette

Professional role development includes learning and mastering the use of professional demeanor and communication patterns. Netiquette describes how to clearly and respectfully communicate in the online environment to direct professional communication. Words can convey many messages; when communicating online, body language, tone, and other non-verbal cues are not available to the recipient which may result in confusion or a misinterpretation of the sender’s intent. Therefore, students should apply netiquette guidelines to all online discussions and communication, including email, to avoid perceived disrespect, anger, rudeness, or yelling. Following are some basic netiquette guidelines:

  • Avoid the use of “ALL CAPS,” which could imply that you are shouting or yelling.
  • Reserve the use of italics, bolding, underlining, non-black, or non-standard fonts for specially warranted situations, if used at all. Employ SAU standardized font and type preset in email and Blackboard in all communications. Avoid changing fonts or type settings within single communications.
  • Include a subject, appropriate salutations, and a respectful closing in all emails. Provide a signature line that includes your name and title, when appropriate.
  • Use your assigned SAU academic email address for all course communications.
  • Avoid lengthy dialogs in emails; include pertinent ordered content pointed at addressing the subject of the email.
  • Avoid the use of emojis and images that may be misinterpreted.
  • Respond to emails in a timely fashion; the normal expected response time is within 24-48 hours of receipt, or sooner when possible.
  • Use positive tone. Tone reflects the attitude and intention of communication based on the way a message is written. Careful attention to tone by always using courteous words and expression can assure that the message is perceived as intended by the recipient.
  • Proof read all initial messages or responses carefully before posting or sending them to assure that what you said is what you mean.
  • Avoid the use of sarcasm or jokes that can be misinterpreted as hurtful or rude. The online community of learners includes a diverse population of students and faculty; such diversity can alter expected interpretation of such comments. Therefore, use language and terminology free of double meanings, slang, abbreviations, and sensitive or emotional connotations.
  • Honor the opinions and work of others. Respect the rights of others to disagree with your viewpoint.
  • Avoid replies to any message if angry. Anger inspires anger, so take time to calm down before responding.
  • Avoid intentional attacks (flaming) on individuals or groups within the learning community environment. Such behavior can include bullying, insults, or use of other disrespectful words. Flaming is a means to force one’s viewpoint on another person in a destructive way. The wholesome netiquette environment avoids flaming activities.
  • Write to the best of your ability for all communication. Always check grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and clarity of expression NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Course Evaluation

Students may provide feedback, comments, and suggestions to the instructor and program director throughout the course. Students will complete a formal online course evaluation as soon as possible at the end of every course. The instructor will not see the results until after he or she posts the final grades. Evaluations are utilized to provide evidence of course effectiveness and promote ongoing program improvement.

Discussion Boards (DB)

The course material or directions for the initial discussion board posting will make clear the expectations for discussions. The instructor will provide feedback for discussion threads to enhance learning. All postings should be meaningful, constructive, relevant, substantive, and follow online netiquette rules. In-text citations and references should follow guidelines provided by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).


Discussion board assignments are important learning activities for MSN students. Students use the online discussion board to interact with other students and faculty according to the assignment. Additionally, in regard to the discussion board assignments and responses, students will meet the following expectations:

  • Follow the appropriate syllabus and Blackboard course guidelines.
  • Utilize correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and style, which includes APA format. In addition to course textbook(s) and resources provided, you are required to cite a minimum of two additional outside scholarly sources to support your discussion. A typical, well-written initial post will consist of approximately 250 words or more (not counting the reference list) and will effectively utilize content from required readings as well as other professional literature sources. You will use integration and critical thinking by applying content from your resources into a well-written document.
  • Use concise language that reflects graduate-level interactions for all posts and responses. Include a greeting and your name at the end of each post. Composing a post as a Word document first may help avoid negative or inflammatory language, encourage use of the spelling and grammar tool, and saves work should there be an interruption prior to or during posting. Be encouraging but not superfluous in your responses. Well-written peer responses should be approximately 100-150 words each and include a minimum of one in-text citation and corresponding reference from the required readings and/or professional literature inquiry.
  • Postings are private and for class use only; they are not to be shared or posted to YouTube, Twitter, or personal Blogs. They are not to be distributed to anyone outside of the

Faculty Interaction

Students may contact the instructor through direct email via the address. The instructor will ordinarily respond within 24 hours, but no later than 48 hours. If the instructor must be absent, students will be notified of the absence and the instructor’s expected date of return. If necessary, the class will have an alternate substitute instructor.

Faith and Learning

The culture of advancing professional skills and evidence-based practice (EBP) demands integrity in doing assignments, practicing new skills and sharing concerns with each other. Each course seeks to promote a Christian perspective and worldview that recognizes the dignity and worth of each individual. Inherent in this belief is honor towards God and His creation. Faculty and students will speak the truth in love and in a manner that edifies one another. Compassion and encouragement are means of conveying a Christ-like attitude and promotes the tenets of the nursing profession. The nursing program at Spring Arbor University recognizes nursing as both a calling and a profession NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Inclusivity Statement

SAU students and faculty represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. The MSN program is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this community we ask all members to:

  • share their unique experiences, values, and beliefs;
  • be open to the views of others;
  • honor the uniqueness of their colleagues;
  • appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community;
  • value each other’s opinions and communicate in a respectful manner;
  • keep confidential discussions that the community has of a personal (or professional) nature; and
  • use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an inclusive environment in this course and across the SAU MSN community.

Late Submission of Assignments

Note that all due date times are EST/EDT. Students residing in other time zones should make a note of this. Assignments, projects, and group work turned in after the due date will receive a penalty based on the number of calendar days late. Assignments more than five days late will receive 0 points.

Late Point Deductions by Calendar Day

Calendar Days Late Penalty
One -10%
Two -20%
Three -30%
Four -40%
Five -50%


Assignments turned in more than five days past the due date will not be accepted. Assignments will not be accepted after the final date of the course. Students with extenuating circumstances (hospitalization, death in the family, etc.) should contact their instructors in writing prior to the assignment due date or as soon as possible following the emergency. Please, note that technical difficulties are not defined as extenuating circumstances. The instructor will exercise his or her professional discernment in deciding to accept the late work and what, if any, penalty will be assessed NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Naming Convention

Standardization of naming convention for assignment labeling is Course ID _ last name _ first initial _ assignment title and week that the assignment is to be submitted.

  • Style: NUR###_LastName_FirstInitial_AssignmentWk#
  • Example: NUR601_Doe_J_HealthInterview1


Note that the 1 designates the Week the Assignment is due in (i.e., Week 1).

Prayer Requests, Chapel, and Break Room

Participation in the online Chapel area is voluntary. Everyone is invited and welcome to enter at any time. Another area is the Break Room. As professional nurses, present problems in these areas to the faculty. Participants will use confidence, dignity, and respect for all individuals.


Quiz/Examination Settings

To better prepare students for taking national board examinations, the following guidelines are for quizzes and examinations accessed in Blackboard. Unless otherwise noted, each Blackboard quiz or test will follow the protocols listed below:

  • Students will access quizzes and examinations between Wednesdays at midnight to Sundays, 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT.
  • Students will see one question at a time.
  • Students are not permitted to backtrack to previous questions.
  • Students must complete each question before the next question will display.
  • Students’ answers will be auto-submitted.
  • Students’ questions will be presented in random order.
  • Students will see only the final test scores; item feedback and rationale will not be available.


NOTE: Students should be aware that there are some exceptions to these afore mentioned quiz/examination guidelines. Some courses allow for multiple attempts; other courses might use a publisher website with different guidelines. Always note designated time allotments for taking examinations. The course will address any deviation from the prior mentioned protocols, so always be sure to carefully review the quiz instructions in the assignment forum. A demonstration video on how to take quizzes or examinations is in Blackboard located under the Start Here tab from your course’s home page.

Rounding Policy

B- is the lowest passing grade for each assignment and for the final composite score in this course. The only time a score will be rounded up will be for the final grade. At that time, if the tenths place digit is greater than or equal to 5, the grade will be rounded up to the next whole number. Grades are reported on the final grade roster as a letter grade based on the earned whole number grade range, as indicated above.


Examples: A composite score or final grade for the course is 86.5. The student’s whole number grade will be rounded up to 87 = B+. A final grade average of 94.4 = 94 or A-. Please note, that final grades will be rounded using the first decimal place ONLY. The one-hundredth place will not factor into the final rounding of the grade. For example, a final grade of 86.58 will be rounded based on 86.5, which is rounded up to 87.

Technical Support

Students experiencing technical difficulties should contact the SAU Help Desk at 877-728-9880. The Help Desk is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m., Fridays 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 1:00-4:00 p.m., and Sundays from 1:00-10:00 p.m. (NOTE: All times are EST/EDT.)

Writing Standard

Students should use the textbook, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for all formal written papers and discussion board communications. Students should also use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA Style, and adherence to netiquette guidelines are expected for all discussion board (DB) postings and assignments. Faculty may deduct up to 5 points for APA Style or grammatical errors if not addressed in the corresponding DB or assignment rubric. If APA Style or writing style is a part of the DB or assignment rubric, that rubric will be followed for point application and/or deductions NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice.

Right to Modify

The Nursing program and faculty reserve the right to modify or alter course materials or curriculum according to the guidelines set forth in the Graduate Catalog. Students will be notified in writing of any changes and are responsible for adherence to subsequent changes.




The following rubric provides descriptions of each letter grade.


Score Indicators
4.0/A Assignment completed with exceptional effort and/or quality. Work shows that the student did over and above the expected. Student demonstrates desire to use the information to enhance their own learning or to apply the knowledge in advanced ways.
3.67/A- Assignment meets desired outcomes with some areas exceeding expectations.
3.0/B Assignment completed with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies. Work shows that the student did exactly what was expected with little or no additional assistance from the professor or only moderate amount of insight, or understanding.
2.67/B- Assignment completed with errors and did not meet some expectations.
2.0/C The assignment was completed but there are either errors or some missing or deficient parts. Ideas are incompletely explained and student does not effectively use supporting evidence. It took extended intervention with the professor to complete the assignment.
1.0/D Assignment completed with significant errors or noticeable deficiencies. The work provides no understanding or reflective thought about the topic. Ideas not explained clearly and no supporting evidence provided. Information presented in a disjointed, unpolished style, not at graduate level.
0.0/U The work was so substandard as to not be accepted by the professor.


Discussion Board Assignments Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Initial Post/ Response posts Includes all the elements of the assignment in a graduate level, academic format. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts Has significant errors or noticeable deficiencies. /4
Integration Incorporates significant discussion of how this assignment integrates with nursing practice. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies; Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts about how to integrate new information with nursing practice. The work provides no understanding or reflective thought about the topic. /4
Critical Thinking Includes all the elements of the assignment demonstrating a desire to use the information to enhance their own learning or to apply the knowledge in advanced ways. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies but lacks information about application to knowledge development. Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts especially about advancing knowledge of nursing role. Information presented in a disjointed, unpolished style, not at graduate level. /4
Style Includes all the APA style elements with accuracy. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies; Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts. The work has significant errors in APA formatting and writing style. /4
Total /16



Section A: (Week 1) Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Readiness level Provides excellent discussion of organizational readiness, staff readiness, and resource readiness NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Provides good discussion of organizational readiness, staff readiness, and resource readiness with only minor missing elements. Provides discussion of organizational readiness, staff readiness, and resource readiness with some missing elements. Provides poor discussion of organizational readiness, staff readiness, and resource readiness with several missing elements.
Project barriers Provides excellent information on barriers such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data. Provides good information on barriers such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data with only minor missing elements. Provides information on barriers such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data with some missing elements. Provides poor information on barriers such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data with several missing elements.
Project facilitators Provides excellent information on facilitators such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data and organizational culture. Provides good information on facilitators such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data and organizational culture with only minor missing elements. Provides information on facilitators such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data and organizational culture with some missing elements. Provides poor information on facilitators such as leadership, team members, ability to collect and analyze data and organizational culture with several missing elements.
Details/ examples Details and/or examples of organizational or project readiness are specific to the type of project planned and demonstrate understanding of organizational culture and readiness assessment. Details and/or examples of organizational or project readiness lack some specificity to the type of project planned and demonstrate minor flaws in understanding of organizational culture and readiness assessment. Details and/or examples of organizational or project readiness are not specific to the type of project planned and demonstrate some misunderstanding of organizational culture and readiness assessment. Details and/or examples of organizational or project readiness are not specific to the type of project planned and do not demonstrate understanding of organizational culture and readiness assessment.
Strategies for integrating clinical


Provides excellent discussion of organizational ability to utilize internal and external clinical evidence. Provides good discussion of organizational ability to utilize internal and external clinical evidence with only minor missing elements. Provides discussion of organizational ability to utilize internal and external clinical evidence with some missing elements. Provides poor discussion of organizational ability to utilize internal and external clinical evidence with several missing elements.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors.
Total 28 21 14 7



Section B: (Week 2) Problem Description Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Background of problem: story of the problem Provides excellent discussion of the reason for a needed change including a recognized standard/guideline or a quality of care issue or new evidence regarding a process or procedure. Provides good discussion of the reason for a needed change including a recognized standard/guideline or a quality of care issue or new evidence regarding a process or procedure with only minor missing elements Provides discussion of the reason for a needed change including a recognized standard/guideline or a quality of care issue or new evidence regarding a process or procedure with some missing elements. Provides poor discussion of the reason for a needed change including a recognized standard/guideline or a quality of care issue or new evidence regarding a process or procedure with several missing elements.
Background of problem: stakeholders Provides excellent discussion of the stakeholder perspective of a needed change including clinical evidence, patient concern, organizational goals. Provides good discussion of the stakeholder perspective of a needed change including clinical evidence, patient concern, organizational goals with only minor missing elements. Provides discussion of the stakeholder perspective of a needed change including clinical evidence, patient concern, organizational goals with some missing elements. Provides poor discussion of the stakeholder perspective of a needed change including clinical evidence, patient concern, organizational goals. with several missing elements.
Problem fits specialty Provides excellent discussion of the relevance of the proposed change to nursing advanced practice. Provides good discussion of the relevance of the proposed change to nursing advanced practice with only minor missing elements. Provides discussion of the relevance of the proposed change to nursing advanced practice with some missing elements. Provides poor discussion of the relevance of the proposed change to nursing advanced practice with several missing elements.
Goal statement The goal statement is specific to the PICO or the researchable problem, is understood by the stakeholders and can be measured by individual objectives. The goal statement lacks some specificity to the PICO or the researchable

problem and is understood by the stakeholders and can be generally measured by individual objectives.

The goal statement is only specific to some of the PICO or the Researchable problem, is not well understood by the stakeholders and can only be partially measured by individual objectives. The goal statement is not specific to the PICO or the researchable problem, is not understood by the stakeholders and cannot be measured by individual objectives.
Objectives Objectives are Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time bound. Objectives are mostly Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic or Time bound. Objectives are only partially Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic or Time bound. Objectives are not Specific, or are not Measurable, or are not Acceptable, or are not Realistic or are not Time bound.
Support for problem Excellent discussion of support for the problem and support for the problem solution from evidence. Good discussion of support for the problem and support for the problem solution from evidence with only minor missing elements. Some discussion of support for the problem and support for the problem solution from evidence with some missing elements. Poor discussion of support for the problem and support for the problem solution from evidence with several missing elements.
Reference list Sources are all pertinent and have obvious purpose useful to the topic; authors have appropriate credentials. Most of the Sources are pertinent and have obvious purpose useful to the topic; authors have appropriate credentials. Some of the Sources are pertinent and have obvious purpose useful to the topic or some authors have questionable credentials. Some of the sources seem not to be pertinent and have no obvious purpose useful to the topic or authors have inappropriate credentials.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors.
Total 36 27 18 9



Section C: (Week 3) Literature Support Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Search method/s Description of search strategy includes databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, number of studies that fit your criteria and correct broad to specific process. Description of search strategy is missing a few elements of the search that may make it hard to be unbiased. Description of search strategy is missing some elements of the search that may make it hard to be unbiased. Description of search strategy is missing several elements of the search that make it hard to be unbiased.
Research evidence summary: P Provides compelling and accurate evidence clearly linked to the topic and participants. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. Provides good evidence clearly linked to the topic and participants. The importance/ relevance of some pieces of evidence is stated but some clarity is missing. Provides some evidence linked to the topic and participants. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is not clearly stated. Provides very little evidence linked to the topic and participants. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is not stated.
Research evidence summary: I Provides compelling and accurate evidence clearly linked to the topic and intervention. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. Provides good evidence clearly linked to the topic and intervention. The importance/ relevance of some pieces of evidence is stated but some clarity is missing Provides some evidence linked to the topic and intervention. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is not clearly stated Provides very little evidence linked to the topic and intervention. The importance/ relevance of all pieces of evidence is not stated.
Research evidence summary: C Provides compelling and accurate evidence clearly linked to the topic and comparisons. The importance / relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Provides good evidence clearly linked to the topic and comparison. The importance / relevance of some pieces of evidence is stated but some clarity is missing Provides some evidence linked to the topic and comparison. The importance / relevance of all pieces of evidence is not clearly stated Provides very little evidence linked to the topic and comparison. The importance / relevance of all pieces of evidence is not stated.
Research evidence summary: O Provides compelling and accurate evidence clearly linked to the topic and outcomes. The importance / relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. Provides good evidence clearly linked to the topic and outcomes. The importance / relevance of some pieces of evidence is stated but some clarity is missing Provides some evidence linked to the topic and outcomes. The importance / relevance of all pieces or evidence is not clearly stated Provides very little evidence linked to the topic and outcomes. The importance / relevance of all pieces of evidence is not stated.
Research evidence summary: scientific merit related to problem Excellent summary of evidence from sources that have the best scientific merit and clearly make the case for the propose problem solution. Good summary of evidence from sources that have good scientific merit and make the case for the proposed problem solution with only minor missing elements. Good summary of evidence from scientific sources related to the proposed solution, but clearly missing some elements. Poor summary of evidence from sources that do not make the case for the proposed problem solution.
Validity description Excellent discussion of how the validity of the resources was verified. Good discussion of how the validity of the resources was verified with only minor missing elements. Discussion of how the validity of the resources was verified with some missing elements. Poor discussion of how the validity of the resources was verified with several missing elements.
Evidence Synthesis table Completes all the columns with comprehensive information required to summarize evidence. Utilizes the rapid critical appraisal tool effectively Completes the all the columns with basic information required to summarize evidence The table is incomplete with several missing elements. Does not address all the elements of the rapid critical appraisal tool The table is incomplete with several missing and incorrect information
APA Style &


Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
Total 36 27 18 9

Section D: (Week 4) Solution Description Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Solution description Excellent description of the problem solution consistent with current evidence and with appropriate references. Good description of the problem solution consistent with current evidence and with appropriate references but with minor missing elements. Description of the problem solution is not well referenced so hard to determine consistence with current evidence. Poor description of the problem solution and not well referenced.
Feasibility of intervention Excellent description of feasibility of implementation in practice setting including cost and training justification. Good description of feasibility of implementation in practice setting with some review of cost and training. Description of feasibility is lacking some key elements to determine how well it could be implemented. Poor description of feasibility of implementation, lacking specific budget or training details.
Consistency with culture Excellent description of how project fits the organizational culture or minor issues that need to be addressed. Good description of how project fits the organizational culture but no consideration for issues that need to be addressed. Description of how project fits the organizational culture is lacking specificity. Poor description of how project fits the organizational culture and no consideration for any issues that need to be addressed.
Expected outcomes: P Excellent explanation of expected outcomes with specific objectives regarding the participants / population. Good explanation of expected outcomes but the objectives lack some specifics regarding the participants / population. Explanation of expected outcomes is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding participants / population. Poor explanation of expected outcomes and is lacking proper format and / or clarity of purpose regarding participants / population.
Expected outcomes: I Excellent explanation of expected outcomes with specific objectives regarding the intervention. Good explanation of expected outcomes but the objectives lack some specifics regarding the intervention. Explanation of expected outcomes is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the intervention. Poor explanation of expected outcomes and is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the intervention.
Expected outcomes: C Excellent explanation of expected outcomes with specific objectives regarding the comparison intervention. Good explanation of expected outcomes but the objectives lack some specifics regarding the comparison intervention. Explanation of expected outcomes is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the comparison intervention. Poor explanation of expected outcomes and is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the comparison intervention.
Expected outcomes: O Excellent explanation of expected outcomes with specific objectives for the process of the project. Good explanation of expected outcomes but the objectives lack some specifics regarding the process of the project. Explanation of expected outcomes is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the process of the project. Poor explanation of expected outcomes and is lacking proper format and/or clarity of purpose regarding the process of the project.
Methods: Quality care The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes excellent measures to assure quality of care. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure quality of care with minor missing elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure quality of care but with some missing or faulty elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice does not include specific measures to assure quality of care.
Methods: Processes The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes excellent measures to assure a logical process of implementation. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure a logical process with minor missing elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure a logical process but with some missing or faulty elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice does not include specific measures to assure a logical process.
Methods: Professional expertise The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes excellent measures to assure professional expertise is followed. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure professional expertise with minor missing elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice includes measures to assure professional expertise but with some missing or faulty elements. The outline of how to translate evidence to practice does not include specific measures to assure professional expertise.
Outcome impact description: Quality care Outcome measures will evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on quality care very well. Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on quality care but have a few missing elements Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on quality care but have some missing elements. Outcome measures may not evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on quality care because of major flaws in describing the evaluation
Outcome impact description: Processes Outcome measures will evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on work processes very well NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on work processes but have a few missing elements. Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on work processes but have some missing elements. Outcome measures may not evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on work processes because of major flaws in describing the evaluation.
Outcome impact description: Professional expertise Outcome measures will evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on professional expertise very well. Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on professional expertise but have a few missing elements. Outcome measures may evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on professional expertise but have some missing elements. Outcome measures may not evaluate the impact of the proposed solution on professional expertise because of major flaws in describing the evaluation.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors.
Total 60 45 30 15




Section E: (Week 5) Change Model

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Model assumptions Excellent discussion of all elements related to assumptions of the implementation model. Good discussion of elements related to assumptions of the implementation model with only minor missing elements. Discussion of elements related to assumptions of the implementation model with some missing elements. Poor discussion of elements related to assumptions of the implementation model with several missing elements.
Evidence of suitability for project: Explains why the proposed intervention will work Excellent discussion of evidence for the suitability of the project related to why the intervention will work. Good discussion of the evidence for the suitability of the project related to why the intervention will work with only minor missing elements. Discussion of the evidence for the suitability of the project related to why the intervention will work with some missing elements. Poor discussion of the evidence for the suitability of the project related to why the intervention will work with several missing elements.
Evidence of suitability for project: Scope of project fits clinical setting Excellent discussion of evidence for the suitability of the project related to the scope of the project and fit with the setting. Good discussion of evidence for the suitability of the project related to the scope of the project and fit with the setting with only minor missing elements. Discussion of evidence for the suitability of the project related to the scope of the project and fit with the setting with some missing elements. Poor discussion of evidence for the suitability of the project related to the scope of the project and fit with the setting with several missing elements.
Able to guide implementation Excellent discussion of how the model will guide implementation. Good discussion of how the model will guide implementation with only minor missing elements. Discussion of how the model will guide implementation with some missing elements. Poor discussion of how the model will guide implementation with several missing elements.
Conceptual model: Concepts relate to problem solution Excellent discussion of the conceptual model related to the problem solution. Good discussion of the conceptual model related to the problem solution with only minor missing elements. Discussion of the conceptual model related to the problem solution with some missing elements. Poor discussion of the conceptual model related to the problem solution with several missing elements.
Conceptual model: Process and/or interactions make sense Excellent discussion of the conceptual model related to the process and interactions. Good discussion of the conceptual model related to the process and interactions with only minor missing elements. Discussion of the conceptual model related to the process and interactions with some missing elements. Poor discussion of the conceptual model related to the process and interactions with several missing elements.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors.
Total 32 24 16 8




Section F: (Week 6) Implementation Plan Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Setting & Access to Participants Excellent coverage of all elements related to participants NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Good coverage of elements related to participants with only minor missing information. Coverage of elements related to participants with some missing information. Poor coverage of elements related to participants with several missing pieces of information
Timeline Excellent coverage of elements related to the timeline. Good coverage of elements related to the timeline with only minor missing information. Coverage of elements related to the timeline with some missing information. Poor coverage of elements related to the timeline with several missing pieces of information.
Resources Excellent discussion of resources required for this project. Good discussion of resources required for this project with only minor missing information. Discussion of resources required for this project with some missing information. Poor discussion of resources required for this project with several missing pieces of information.
Methods & Tools Excellent discussion of methods and tools for this project. Good discussion of methods and tools for this project with only minor missing information. Discussion of methods and tools for this project with some missing information. Poor discussion of methods and tools for this project with several missing pieces of information.
Intervention Excellent coverage of all elements related to the intervention. Good coverage of elements related to the intervention. with only minor missing information. Coverage of elements related to the intervention with some missing information. Poor coverage of elements related to the intervention with several missing pieces of information.
Management of Barriers Excellent discussion of barriers to implementation. Good discussion of barriers to implementation with only minor missing information Discussion of barriers to implementation with some missing information. Poor discussion of barriers to implementation with several missing pieces of information.
Budget Excellent coverage of all elements of the budget for this project. Good coverage of all elements of the budget for this project with only minor missing information Coverage of all elements of the budget for this project with some missing information. Poor coverage of all elements of the budget for this project with several missing pieces of information.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style format, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors.
Total 36 27 18 9




(Week 7) EBP Proposal Final Paper Rubric

Element 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Section A Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section B Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section C Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section D Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section E Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section F Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
Section G Excellent coverage of all content and attention to recommended changes. Good coverage of all content and some attention to recommended changes. Some content is covered, or some changes have been made but some elements are still missing. Poor coverage of content and recommended changes have not been made.
APA Style (citations and format) Excellent use of all elements of APA Style, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references. Good use of all elements of APA Style, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of APA Style, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with some errors. Poor use of some elements of APA Style, including font, spacing, headings, citations, references with several errors.
APA Style (writing, punctuation, grammar) Excellent use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements. Good use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with only minor errors. Good use of some elements of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with some errors. Poor use of sentence structure, paragraph structure, logical progress of ideas, concluding statements with several errors.
Total 36 27 18 9




(Week 7) Presentation Discussion Board Rubric

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Initial Post/ PowerPoint Includes all the elements of the assignment in a graduate level, academic format; thoroughly but concisely presents main points of each Section of the project proposal in a well-organized manner. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies; adequately presents main points of each Section of the project proposal in a fairly well-organized manner. Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts; presents main points of the project proposal but not as sufficiently and not as well- organized. Has significant errors or noticeable deficiencies; does not sufficiently present main points of the project proposal or is not well- organized.
Integration Incorporates significant discussion of how this assignment integrates with nursing practice. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies. Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts about how to integrate new information with nursing practice. The work provides no understanding or reflective thought about the topic.
Critical Thinking Includes all the elements of the assignment demonstrating a desire to use the information to enhance their own learning or to apply the knowledge in advanced ways. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies but lacks information about application to knowledge development. Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts especially about advancing knowledge of nursing role. Information presented in a disjointed, unpolished style, not at graduate level.
Professional Communication Includes all the APA Style elements with accuracy. Includes most of the elements with very few errors or very minimal deficiencies. Includes errors or some missing or deficient parts. The work has significant errors in APA Style formatting and writing style.
Totals 16 12 8 4

NUR 681 Integration of Evidence for Advanced Practice

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