NUR 3036 Quantitative Research Article Critique

NUR 3036 Quantitative Research Article Critique

Rubric Template


Rubric Topic: Quantitative Research Article

A (100-90) B (89-80) C (79-70) F (< 69)

(5 points)



The topic is introduced, and the groundwork is laid as to the direction of the report. Readers are aware of the overall problem, challenge, or topic that is to be examined. The topic is not introduced, and the groundwork is not laid as to the direction of the paper. Does not adequately convey introduce the topic. Does not describe subtopics to be reviewed. Lacks adequate theses statement

Literature Search

(20 points)



Demonstrates a sophisticated critique of the sources reviewed; shows a deep understanding of the breadth of the subject. Demonstrates an accomplished critique of the sources reviewed. Demonstrates a less than acceptable critique of the sources reviewed. Inappropriate use of search terms. Demonstrates unacceptable critique of the sources reviewed. Inappropriate use of search terms.

Inappropriate use of search sites (e.g. Goggle, Yahoo vs. PubMed, CINAHL).

Determination of Level of Evidence

(25 points)



Accurately determined the appropriate level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal tool. Identified the level, however the one or two of the elements related to independent variable, control group, or random assignment was not appropriately identified.








Level of evidence misidentified completely, however an attempt was made to justify the level’s selection. Complete misidentification of level of evidence and justification for level.
Quality of Evidence

(25 points)



Accurately determined the appropriate quality of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal tool.At least 90% of the component questions were accurately identified and answered with the appropriate “yes”, “no”, or “NA”. Determined the appropriate quality of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal tool. At least 80% of the component questions were accurately identified and answered with the appropriate “yes”, “no”, or “NA”. Determined the appropriate quality of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal tool. At least 70% of the component questions were accurately identified and answered with the appropriate “yes”, “no”, or “NA”. Determined the appropriate quality of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal tool. Less than 69% of the component questions were accurately identified and answered with the appropriate “yes”, “no”, or “NA”.

(5 points)



The summary is well written, insightful and summarizes all the relevant sections of the paper. The summary section includes some discussion related to each section of the critique, leveling and quality of the research article.














The summary has elements of the relevant section; however, the flow and connection of each section lack a cohesive writing approach.











The summary is completely unfocused and lacks continuity for supporting the proposed level and quality of the research article.
APA and Grammar

(10 points)



Uses APA format accurately and consistently.

Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate.


Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page. Correct use of APA format per 6th edition, and including:

· Clear introduction and conclusion, overviewing and reviewing paper’s main topics

· Use of headings according to APA

· Appropriately formatted in-text citations and reference page

· Appropriately formatted title page.

Uses APA format with no more than 3 minor violations.






Sentences are generally clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills are competent with very few errors per page. Correct use of APA format when assigned.

Uses APA format with greater than 3 minor violations.






Sentences are occasionally wordy or ambiguous; tone is too informal. Grammatical skills are adequate with few errors per page. Adequate use of APA format when assigned.

Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA format.






Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation substantially detract from the paper


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