NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1

NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1

Week 7 Project

Child neglect, mistreatment, and abuse continues to affect a significant number of children each year. According to the World Health Organization child abuse is defined as child maltreatment or neglect. In the United States approximately 3 million children are affected and at least one child maltreatment investigation is conducted each year. Child abuse is an extremely important public health matter. It is estimated that 683,000 children are victims of abuse and 1670 of these cases ended in death in 2015 (Kuang, Aratani, & Li, 2018). There are multiple risk factors for mistreatment of children, these include children younger than 4 years of age, down syndrome with special needs, global developmental delay, multiple children, parental stress, single parent, low income, tobacco use by primary caregiver, and nonbiological transient caregivers in the home (Brown et, al., 2013). NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1


Chronic health conditions, physical disabilities, and developmental delays are the greatest risk factors for mistreatment (Kuang, Aratani, & Li, 2018).There are different types of neglect that providers encounter on a daily basis these comprise of nonadherence with health care recommendations, delay or failure to seek healthcare, inadequate nutrition, unmanaged morbid obesity, inadequate protection from environmental hazards such as smoking, violence, and car accidents, inadequate supervision with and without injury, unmet educational needs, newborn or childhood drug ingestion and exposure, abandonment, homelessness, and inadequate clothing or hygiene (Fong & Christian, 2012).

The ihuman avatar Tommy Acker has downs syndrome, growth and speech delay, is under the age of four, his mother is a single parent with a low- income job, who has three young children to support and cannot afford childcare. The mother has a boyfriend who sometimes is the caregiver of her children and they are both tobacco smokers. These factors increase Tommy’s risk of becoming a victim of child abuse. This ihuman case study was extremely complex and required excellent critical thinking skills. The chief complaint and physical findings especially the abdominal trauma can lead to multiple differential diagnosis. The delay in care should also raise suspicion since the caregiver’s story is inconsistent with the injuries. Since, Tommy has multiple health conditions in addition to his blunt abdominal trauma and change of condition, he was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for medical care and evaluation. NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1. Child protective services is involved to protect Tommy and provide his mother the proper support she needs to care for Tommy and her other little children. Education for pediatric ethics should be provided to healthcare providers on how to deal with ethical problems in different settings (Guedert & Grosseman, 2012). Additional research is required to identify, improve, and decrease the incidences of child mistreatment, abuse, and neglect (Bright et al., 2015).


Bright, M. A., PhD., Thompson, L.,M.D.M.S., Esernio-Jenssen, D., Alford, S., M.P.H., & Shenkman, E., PhD. (2015). Primary care pediatricians’ perceived prevalence and surveillance of adverse childhood experiences in low-income children. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(3), 686-700. doi:http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.1353/hpu.2015.0080

Brown, C. M., Girio-herrera, E., Sherman, S. N., Kahn, R. S., & Copeland, K. A. (2013). Low-income parents’ perceptions of pediatrician advice on early childhood education. Journal of Community Health, 38(1), 195-204. doi:http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.1007/s10900-012-9642-0 NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1

Fong, H., M.D., & Christian, C. W., M.D. (2012). Child neglect: A review for the primary care pediatrician. Pediatric Annals, 41(12), 3000-5. doi:http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.3928/00904481-20121126-08

Kuang, X., Aratani, Y., & Li, G. (2018). Association between emergency department utilization and the risk of child maltreatment in young children.Injury Epidemiology, 5(1), 1-8. doi:http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.1186/s40621-018-0176-5

Guedert, J. M., & Grosseman, S. (2012). Ethical problems in pediatrics: What does the setting of care and education show us? BMC Medical Ethics, 13, 2. doi:http://dx.doi.org.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/10.1186/1472-6939-13-2 NSG 6435 week 7 discussion 1

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