NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam

NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam

Question 1

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) made it so that:

A. All insurance companies have the same copays for patients.
B. Private insurance companies could not deny claims for preexisting conditions.
C. Each state had to enforce insurance regulations the same way.
D. Children could stay on their parents plan as long as they remained unmarried.


Question 2

Regarding sexual development, a five-year old should:

A. Not yet have any idea where babies come from.
B. Use slang words for sexual body parts.
C. Not yet understand about saying no to unwanted touch.
D. Know that “sex talk” is for private times at home.


Question 3

The largest organ of the body is the:

A. Heart
B. Lung
C. Skin
D. Liver


Question 4

A teratogen is:

A. A chromosomal disorder
B. A genetic disorder
C. An agent that results in, or increases the incidence of, a congenital malformation * (pg. 1151)
D. A term meaning a hand with only four fingers


Question 6

The movement with nystagmus may be:

A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Rotary
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C


Question 7

A child should be excluded from the childcare setting if he/she:

A. Is HIV positive
B. Has an exanthem but no fever or behavioral changes
C. Has diarrhea that is not contained by diapers or toilet use
D. Has nits that are being treated


NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam Question 28

A herald patch is present in 70% of the presentation of:

A. Tinea corporis
B. Roseola
C. Pityriasis rosea
D. Psoriasis



Question 29

The CDC recommends initial universal screening for congenital or birth-related hearing loss:

A. As a newborn
B. At the age of 6 months
C. At the one year well exam
D. Upon entering kindergarten


Question 30

Of the following topical corticosteroids, which is the highest potency?

A. Clobetasol propionate 0.05%
B. Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%
C. Hydrocortisone 1%
D. Betamethasone dipropionate 0.05%



Question 31

Cora is a first-time mother. Her baby was born at 40 weeks and weighed 8 pounds, 1 oz. Cora is breastfeeding her baby. The baby is voiding 6-8 wet diapers every 24 hours and is stooling 3-5 times/day. She brings her baby in for a 1 week check up and her baby weighs 7 lbs., 15 oz. Cora is upset at the weight loss. You explain to her:

A. It is indeed concerning. Babies need to gain weight steadily.
B. This is not something to worry about. Babies typically lose 5-8% of birth weight but should regain it by 10-14 days.
C. Babies do lose weight initially, but she should at least be back to birth weight by now. I will need to do a weight check tomorrow.
D. This is extremely concerning. We need to admit your baby back into the hospital.

NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam





Question 32

A developmental red flag for a six-year-old is:

A. Difficulty holding a pencil with penmanship
B. Problems throwing a ball
C. Unable to print name
D. Picture of self includes less than 8 parts




Question 33

Adelaide comes in to see you because she is concerned about her breast. She is breastfeeding her 8-week-old and her left breast is very sore. She has also noticed a “lump” in the lower outer quadrant of the breast that is warm and slightly red. She also feels very tired and “flu-like”. You examine the area and note the lump and that there is some reddish streaking on the breast by the lump. It is very painful to her when you touch the area. You tell her it appears she has mastitis, which is an infection of the breast that can occur anytime during lactation. You advise her to:

A. Stop breastfeeding or the bacteria may pass to the baby and make her very ill.
B. Nurse or pump more frequently to “empty” the breast.
C. Use warm compresses on the area.
D. B and C



Question 48

Otitis externa is:

A. A diffuse inflammation of the external auditory canal.
B. An infection of the tympanic membrane.
C. Also known as an infection of the labyrinthine
D. Commonly known as “swimmer’s ear”.
E. A and D


Question 49

Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis is defined as:

A. Involuntary urination at an age when toilet training should be complete.
B. Involuntary urination during waking hours only.
C. Nighttime wetting when child has normal daytime elimination with no concerns.
D. Involuntary stooling at nighttime only.


Question 50

In a child, the normal heart sounds are:

A. S1 and S2
B. S1, S2, aortic closure
C. S1, S2, S3, and S4
D. Mitral, aortic, pulmonic



Question 51

A hordeolum is also known as a:

A. Stye
B. Wen
C. Sebaceous cyst
D. Chalazion


Question 52

The mode of transmission for shigella is:

A. Respiratory
B. Fecal-oral
C. Skin contact
D. Contact with blood, urine, or saliva


NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam Question 53

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends handwashing for:

A. 10 seconds
B. 20-30 seconds
C. 40-60 seconds
D. 2 minutes


Question 54

An absolute contraindication to swimming is:

A. Otitis externa
B. Otitis media
C. Tympanic membrane perforation
D. A and C


Question 55


At birth, a newborn can see:


About 8-12”


With 20/20 vision


Across a room


About 20 feet



Question 56

Jonathan comes in with a wart on his finger. In discussing this with his parent, a decision is made to proceed with cryotherapy. When discussing the procedure with Jonathan and his mother, you tell them:

A. When I complete the procedure, the wart will be gone but you will need to keep the area covered for 48 hours to reduce the risk of infection.
B. There is a chance that one treatment may not completely resolve the wart and it may need to be retreated.
C. When you leave, the wart will not be gone. A blister will form over the next 1-2 days and it should gradually resolve.
D. B and C


Question 57

In a child with pectus excavatum, clinical findings may include:

A. Posterior depression of the sternum and costal cartilage
B. More protuberant abdomen
C. Anterior bowing of the sternum
D. A and B

NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam


Question 58

Justine has a three-month-old baby. She is breastfeeding and all has been going well. The baby is voiding 6-8 times every 24 hours, but Justine is concerned because the baby only has a bowel movement every 3-4 days. She is curious if the baby is chronically constipated. The baby is alert and appears happy. Exam is unremarkable. You tell Justine:

A. That is quite odd. We need to start the baby on some laxatives to get things moving.
B. This is common in babies. As many as 40% of infants do not stool every day.
C. This is quite uncommon in breastfed babies. We should do an abdominal ultrasound to see if there is an anatomical problem.
D. I am going to prescribe some glycerin suppositories for the baby to soften things up and get things moving.




1 points   


Question 59

Characteristics that are unique to multiple birth children include:

A. They function with more dependence and need more parental attention
B. Display less sibling rivalry than other types of families
C. Develop a special sibling relationship marked by loyalty and cooperative play
D. None of the above


NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam Question 97

The guidelines for indication of a tonsillectomy are:

A. At least one serious throat infection a year for five years in a row
B. At least three throat infections in the past year

NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam

C. More than seven episodes of throat infections in the past year, or more than five episodes of throat infection in the past two years, or at least three episodes per year for the past three years
D. One episode in the past six months of Strep throat


Question 98

A Grade VI heart murmur is:

A. Barely audible.
B. Moderately loud; no thrill.
C. Loud and present over a widespread area; no thrill.
D. Heard without a stethoscope.



Question 99

A fungal infection of the nails is called:

A. Onychomycosis
B. Herpetic whitlow
C. Paronychia
D. Tinea cruris



Question 100

A common name for a pertussis infection is:

A. Polio
B. Whooping cough
C. Chicken pox
D. Diphtheria

NRNP 6541: Primary Care of Adolescents and Children Midterm Exam

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