Molecular imaging technology

College of Health Professions

Diagnostic Services Department

Nuclear Medicine Institute


Fall Semester 2017

UF’s Mission: The mission of The University of Findlay is to equip our students for meaningful lives and productive careers.


COHP Mission: The College of Health Professions is committed to preparing exemplary future professionals who are leaders in their chosen fields through collaboration, innovation, and experiential learning.


NMI Mission: In conjunction with the mission of The University, our mission is to provide professional education and preparation in nuclear medicine technology so that highly skilled, knowledgeable, and caring individuals can provide quality patient care in the medical community.


Course Number/Title: NMED 477.01 Molecular Imaging PET

Credit Hours: 1

Class Time/Place: Times vary – See NMI Class Schedule – NMI Classroom 121

Prerequisites, Co-requisites and Course Description: Prerequisite: enrollment in the NMI program. Co-requisites: NMED 406, 416, 425, 435, 445, 455, 462, 465, 472, and 475. Radiopharmaceutical production and applications, imaging systems and procedures, and radiation safety for PET are discussed. Image reconstruction, data reduction, image analysis, and other computer applications for PET imaging are also covered.


Office Hours: By Appointment: MTWH 1200-1300 and Friday by appointment only.

Relationship to the Conceptual Framework: The student must understand the workings of the equipment utilized in a nuclear medicine department in order to obtain the best information for patient diagnosis.


Course Objectives:


  • Describe PET radionuclide production methods.


  • Describe the components of a basic PET unit and describe the process by which ionizing radiation interactions are detected and processed.


  • Describe various PET quality control procedures and analyze/interpret test results.


  • Understand basic computer principles as they apply to PET imaging.


  • Develop an understanding for the principles and concepts involved in the use of PET and coincidence imaging.


  • Describe the rationale and technical aspects for PET imaging procedures.


Required Textbooks and other materials:

Essential Nuclear Medicine Physics, Powsner & Powsner (Blackwell Publishing) 2006 (2nd ed) – Primary Text


Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging, Mettler & Guiberteau

(Saunders) 2006 (5th ed) – supplemental only


Instructional Strategies:

Case Analysis Library and Internet Research
Debate Practice/drill
Discovery/Independent Research Problem solving
Discussion/Questioning/Interviewing X Reading assignments X
Experiential Learning Role playing/simulation games
Field Experience Service Learning
Group Presentation Video/Audio Review and Critique X
Laboratory Experiences X Other
Lecture X


Methods of Assessment:

Abstracts Participation X
Attendance X Peer Evaluation
Capstone Project Portfolio
Case Study X Portfolio Lab Performance
Exams X Presentations X
Group Projects X Professional Evaluation
Homework Assignments X Quizzes X
Internet Research X Research project X
Journaling Other
Lab Performance X
Oral/written review of literature



METHOD                                         Points

Exam 1                                                   100

Case Presentation                               100

Attendance/Participation                  50

PET Final Project                                250

Total                                                      500


Grading Scale/Distribution:

Grade Points Grading Scale
A 4.00 93-100
A- 3.67 90-92
B+ 3.33 87-89
B 3.00 83-86
B- 2.67 80-82
C+ 2.33 77-79
C 2.00 73-76
C- 1.67 70-72
D+ 1.33 67-69
D 1.00 63-66
D- 0.67 62-60
F 0.00 Below 60
U 0.00


University Honor Code:  Each and every student of the University will adhere to the following Honor Code:

“I will not knowingly engage in any dishonorable behavior, cheat, steal, lie or commit any act of plagiarism during any academic work, course or endeavor. If I observe an act which I believe violates the University’s Honor Code. I may, at my discretion, report it to the appropriate personnel.”

Student Honor Code: “I acknowledge that I have fully complied or will comply with all aspects of the University’s Honor Code in submitting this work.”

Student Rights and Responsibilities Statement, Article VIII-Academic Dishonesty:

Course Policies and Practices: Class attendance is taken and tardiness is noted.  (See NMI attendance policy in the Student Handbook.)  Exams missed due to an excused absence can be made up at a designated time.  Make-up exams may be in a different format and may be more difficult.  The make-up exam cannot be taken during any regularly scheduled class time.  NMI has a NO EXTRA CREDIT policy.

Final Exam Date: In lieu of a comprehensive final exam, a final project will be issued to each student to be returned on final scheduled PET course date.

Special Services: If you are a student with a disability, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor and register with the Office of Disability Services ( at least one week prior to a needed service so reasonable accommodations can be made.

Course and Instructor Evaluation: Each student is expected to complete the course and instructor evaluation that is sent electronically to the student by the Office of the Registrar. The electronic notification comes in the form of an e-mail from the UF Registrar’s Office with the following subject line: Online survey for the designated course (e.g., BIOL 102).

Last Date of Attendance Policy: Students are required to attend all classes and hourly attendance will be taken. A student will be considered absent if he/she is not ready for class when the instructor begins lecturing. A percentage of total hours will be figured at the end of the course to determine the student’s attendance grade. (Example: Total class hours = 20, Student attended 18 hours of class…18/20 = 90% average). Participation will be considered by attendance and actively contributing to class discussion. Students who are not paying attention (i.e. sleeping, playing games, or causing disruptions) will have their grades compromised and will not receive credit for attending.

Federal guidelines state: the last date of attendance is calculated by the last time a student participated in an online discussion or made contact with a faculty member.

Tentative Course Outline:


PET Systems

PET Radionuclide Production/quality control

Patient Prep./History

PET Acquisitions




PET/CT Systems

Instrument/ patient artifacts

PET Oncology w/ RP’s











Exam #1





Case Study




PET Final Project



Tentative Course Outline (Course outline is subject to change throughout the semester)


E-Mail Etiquette: It is expected that all e-mail correspondence to any instructor will be conducted in a professional manner. When utilizing e-mail for this class, you should: (1) include the course name and number in the e-mail subject heading, (2) address the recipient in an appropriate manner, (3) utilize proper spelling, grammar and punctuation, (4) close with your full name and (5) name file attachments by including the course name and number, your last name and document title.

Due to continuing advancements in molecular imaging technology this syllabus is subject to change without prior notice.

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