Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment

Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment


Nurses make immense contributions to the wellbeing and health of patient outcomes and population health by providing safe, patient-centered and quality care. Nevertheless, nurses are working with inadequate staffing and heavy workloads, leading to preventable illnesses, injuries, and death, causing high nurse turnover and compromising population health.  Quality and safe care require health organizations to have a sufficient number of nurses along with manageable workload to facilitate delivery of the best care. The purpose of the assignment is to explore and critically analyze the Kotter’s eight-step model as a model that could be used as a guide for directing a practice change related to adequate nurse staffing and retention.

Description of the model

Kotter’s 8-step change model that consists of eight overlapping steps was developed by John Kotter in 1995.  Built on Kurt Lewin’s work, the model provides the…


Structure and Application of Contemporary Nursing Knowledge
Model Selection and Critical Analysis

For this assignment you will explore, identify, and critically analyze, a model that could be used as a guide for directing a practice change related to the future actions you identified in the Ways of Knowing assignment (Refer to order #219125). In addition, you will professionally reflect on your critical analysis and describe how selection and use of an appropriate model could positively influence implementation and sustainability of a practice change project at your professional organization.
Assignment Guidelines:

To begin this assignment you will first select a model. After you select the model, you will address each of the items below in a written scholarly paper. The items reflect critical questions to ask when selecting a model as described in Schaffer, M. A., Sandau, K. E., & Diedrick. L. (2012). Evidence-based practice models for organizational change: Overview and practical applications. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(5), 1197-1209.

1. Begin this assignment with an introduction. The introduction should include a discussion that provides:
• A brief succinct overview of the professional experience and future actions discussed in the Way of Knowing.
• A statement that explains the purpose of the assignment (e.g., The purpose of this assignment is to……).
2. After your introduction, discuss the following content using appropriate APA level headings:
• Description of the Model – Provide the name of the model. Then, identify the author of the model, and the date the model was established. Utilize primary rather than secondary resources.
• Purpose of the Model – Provide a descriptive summary of the purpose of the model. In your summary specifically speak to the context and situations in which the model is useful. In your summary clearly identify how the purpose of this model is linked to the future actions you identified in the Ways of Knowing assignment.
• Classification of the Model – Provide a clear description of the structure of the model (choose from the option of individual use or organizational processes as discussed by Schaffer et al.). In your description clearly identify how you arrived at your conclusion.
• Key Features of the Model – Provide a descriptive summary of the key features of the model. In your summary clearly identify how the key features of this model support the future actions you identified in the Ways of Knowing assignment.
• Steps of the Model – Provide a descriptive summary of the steps of the model.
• Relationships in the Model – Provide a descriptive summary of the linkages among and between the steps associated with the model.
• Assumptions in the Model – Provide a clear description of the assumptions associated with the model. In your description clearly identify why the accepting of the assumptions is necessary for successful application of the model to a practice change project. Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment.
• Application to Professional Practice – Provide a descriptive summary of your critical analysis findings. In your summary thoroughly discuss the application of the model for a practice change project at your professional organization regarding the future actions you identified in the Ways of Knowing assignment.
3. End your paper with a conclusion. The conclusion should present a brief summary of the key takeaway points of the paper. The conclusion should not present any new information.

Scholarly Writing Guidelines:
1. Grammar, spelling, and APA writing style will be graded according to doctoral level expectations. Please proofread carefully.
2. Your paper should be double-spaced with one inch margins, and include:
a. A title page and a reference page (Note: all in-text citations and sources listed on the reference page should be according to APA 6th edition).
b. Times New Roman 12 pt font throughout entire document.
c. Page numbers.
d. A running head.
e. APA 6th edition formatted subject level headings.


Model Selection and Critical Analysis Assignment


Nurses make immense contributions to the wellbeing and health of patient outcomes and population health by providing safe, patient-centered and quality care. Nevertheless, nurses are working with inadequate staffing and heavy workloads, leading to preventable illnesses, injuries, and death, causing high nurse turnover and compromising population health.  Quality and safe care require health organizations to have a sufficient number of nurses along with manageable workload to facilitate delivery of the best care. The purpose of the assignment is to explore and critically analyze the Kotter’s eight-step model as a model that could be used as a guide for directing a practice change related to adequate nurse staffing and retention Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment.

Description of the model

Kotter’s 8-step change model that consists of eight overlapping steps was developed by John Kotter in 1995.  Built on Kurt Lewin’s work, the model provides the eight major stages of the process of change. Kotter argues that neglect of any of the eight steps can be sufficient for the failure of the entire initiative (Kotter, 2012).

Purpose of the model

The purpose of the model is to assist change managers/ leaders’ remedies to avoid common mistakes during change implementation.  The two major lessons that Kotter’s model offer is that change goes via numerous stages and that serious errors can occur in any of the stages and negatively influence the change momentum.  The model offers steps that produce effective change  of any scale in a firm (Kayden et al, 2014), the  model is linked to the future actions I identified in the ways of knowing assignment in that it can assist organizations to undertake changes that will ensure that they are adequately staffed and nurses have manageable workloads. Healthcare organizations can change the funding policy by increasing investment in education of adequate number of nurses and providing work environments that value and support their practice Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment.

Classification of the model

Kotter’s model is a change management model because it has the basic steps of change management process. These steps include identification of the need for change, alignment and preparation of the team for change, implementation of change and sustenance of change. Biasi (2018)   asserts that Kotter identified that change is a procedure that moves through phases that build upon one another and may take time to execute. These steps have unique requirements with regard to leadership, participation, employee support, and communication.  Managers should follow all the eight steps or successful change to occur.


Key features of the model

Kotter’s model proposes a linear tactic to change through following several steps in a logical and ordered sequence. According to Uden et al (2015), the major eight steps of the model offer a path to successful implementation of change. Changing people’s behavior is regarded as the most important setback that can occur in all the phases. It is crucial to assist individuals feel and see the change so as to attain successful change. The model describes ways of implementing key change and also offers direction on conventional mistakes to avoid. The key features relate to my future I identified in that workforce planning in organizations need decision making that is driven by indicators showcasing data on patient outcomes. Practices that may overburden the current staff with heavy workloads along with demands that might further contribute to nurse’s turnover must be prevented.

Steps of the model

The first step of the model is the creation of a sense of urgency. This means that a leader creates a state that will make the organization to identify that a change is needed. The second step involves the building of an influential directing coalition, whose members have same attitude and vision towards creation of a universal goal or vision, and ways of attaining this goal.  The creation and operationalization of a vision is the third step of the model.  Operationalization is the concrete actions in regard to what individuals are doing and when the actions should be executed. The fourth step involves communication of the vision. Communicating the vision builds credibility and decreases skepticism. The fifth step is empowerment of people to act whereby individuals are offered the formal capability to act, entailing essential skills and required resources (Kayden et al, 2014).

The sixth steps involve planning for and creation of short-term wins, which need not be huge because change project usually comprises of numerous small phases of interdependent actions. The seventh step is consolidation of improvements with the aim of generation of more changes. It comprises of creation of additional short-term wins which makes the change to seem inevitable. the eight steps are to anchor and institutionalize the novel approaches. The aim of this step is to make change stick through and make it a portion of the procedures, routines, and culture of the organization (Kayden et al, 2014) Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment.

Relationships in the model

Kotter’s model proposes remedies for common errors that happen during implementation of new strategies in an organization.  The model suggests that transforming organizations should develop an artificial vacuum for establishment of a sense of urgency for people to accept and drive the change. The first three steps create the climate for effective change, while the next three steps engage an organization in change and enable it to carry out the change. The last two steps involve implementation and sustenance of the change. The steps of the model demonstrate that for successful change to take place, there should be a sense of urgency, commitment, clear vision, stakeholder engagement, a well-laid plan and clear and good communication (Kotter, 2012).

Assumptions in the model

The model is based on several bureaucratic and rational assumptions. The rational presumptions are that firms exist to attain goals that are established and function best when rationality triumphs over external pressures and personal preferences. The bureaucratic presumption is that the firm is hierarchical, with labor being specialized and administered by impartial and explicit rules that are carefully applied by experts. Thus, as long as these presumptions hold, and provided that there is no scarcity of resources, the coalition is influential, and there is the existence of a sense of urgency, change is, in reality, conceivable (Kayden et al, 2014).

Application of the model professional practice

Kotter’s model can be used in the nursing profession to leading transformational change.  As Curley (2013) alleges, Kotter’s model provides a framework for guiding transformational change. The model offers guidelines that can function as a road map for changing the care offered to patients and recreating an enthusiasm for the nursing practice in the organization Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment. The model can be used in my organization to influence staffing policies and managing workloads for nurses. Creating urgency entails involving leaders and people to feel and see why adequate staffing is necessary and why change in staffing policies needs to happen.


Kotter’s model is an influential change management model that can be used to direct changes in nursing staffing and retention in healthcare organizations. The model provides a framework for guiding transformational change. Through using the eight-step change model, leaders can create a climate for change, engage stakeholders in the change process and successfully implement and sustain change.




Biasi, K.  (2018). Solving the Change Paradox by Means of Trust: Leveraging the Power of Trust to Provide Continuity in Times of Organizational Change. Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment  New York: Springer.

Curley, M. (2013). Synergy: The Unique Relationship Between Nurses and Patients, the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care. Indianapolis:  Sigma Theta Tau

Kayden, S., Anderson, P., Freitas, R., & Platz, E. (2014). Emergency Department Leadership and Management.  Cambridge University Press.

Kotter, J. (2012). Leading Change. Brighton,  MA: Harvard Business Press.

Uden, L., Hericko, M., & Ting, I.  (2015). Knowledge Management in Organizations:10th International Conference, KMO  2015.  New York: Springer Model Selection and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment.

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