Literature Review and Introduction

Revision of Literature Review and Introduction

Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review revision assignment for Unit V. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to revise the introduction and literature review of your academic argumentative research paper, which you created a draft of in Unit IV.

Description: In this assignment, you will revise the introduction and literature review that you wrote for the Unit IV assignment. Revisions must be substantive and should be made in accordance with the professor’s instructions. The following parts of the assignment must be revised:


Introduction (9-12 well-developed sentences/approximately 350 words): For more details about what is expected for each of the following sentences, please see “Lesson 4: The Introduction.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The following components must be included in the introduction (in the following order).

Sentence 1: Introduce the general topic Sentence 2: Pro side (general)

Sentence 3: Con side (general)

Sentence 4: Narrow the scope (1)

Sentence 5: Examples of the narrowed topic Sentence 6: Narrow the scope (2)

Sentence 7: Specific controversy Sentence 8: Pro side (specific) Sentence 9: Con side (specific) Sentence 10: The thesis

Literature Review (800-900 words): For details about the structure of the literature review, you will want to review “Lesson 3: The Literature Review: The Process.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The link is below.

Literature review preface: This paragraph acts as a guide to what the reader can expect in the literature review. Literature review body: This section includes three to four body paragraphs that discuss the history, terminology, and both sides of the controversy (pro and con).

Literature review conclusion: The conclusion signals that the literature review is ending, but it also acts as a kind of preface for the body of the paper by restating the thesis statement and establishing your argument once again.

Demonstrate the avoidance of plagiarism through proper use of APA citations and references for all paraphrased and quoted material.

Implement techniques of editing and revising.

Example: Click here to access the example introduction and literature review. Note: The conclusion is not presented in this example; however, the literature review conclusion is a requirement of the assignment.

You may also seek out the guidance of the Success Center; the specialists are always there to assist you with your writing and comprehension.

please use the paper below for topic of assignment





Criminal activities have been on rise in the recent past. This has been attributed to the many by so many causes that have been prevalent in the contemporary world. The number of the criminal activities have really escalated off late owing to the increase in the population of the many unemployed people. The criminal activities have been happening in different places but the much distribution has mainly been in the crowded areas. This   effects of the criminal activities have been much mistrust in the people that one interacts with because of the broken trust that human beings have shown in the recent past. Insecurity follows suit because the criminal activities play a big role in threatening the security of everybody. This has made the law to be very active in taking effect whenever a criminal activity is committed, (Wexler, 2016).

The forces responsible for maintaining law and order have been forced to be more active in ensuring that they do their best when it comes to taking care of the innocent people who may be victims of the criminal activities. This is because security against any criminal activity is a right of all the citizens who live in a specific area. The justice system should also ensure that serious actions are taken to ensure that these actions of criminal activities are done with a lot of fairness so that the one who deserve to be receive justice. This strengthening of the administration of the justice system should be key so that those who commit any illegal action face the legal consequence that has been put in place. This has the effect of ensuring that the justice system is strengthened as well as promoting some levels of fairness to all (Barkow,2017).

Literature review

The crime rates issues have some legal solution based on the support that the law gives. This because every nation has the justice system that ensures that those who go centrally to the law have their legal share of the consequences that they have to encounter. The justice system is so fair such that it is always taking care of the even those who commit such crimes. The legal channels are properly followed to ensure that there is prevailing of justice to both the victims and the doers of the criminal offenses. This comes with some distinctions of the criminal activities ranging from the most serious ones to those that can be solved using the simplest means possible. There is a degree in which these criminal offenses are classified and this makes them to occur in different magnitudes, (Wexler, 2016).

The extent to which this happens translates to different courses of actions that are taken because all the offenses cannot be approached in the same manner .This calls for good approach of the justice system  has already been put in place to ensure that all that happens in the legal field is solved following the best legal mechanisms that guide the judicial administration of justice .The classification of the offenses that are within the criminal  justice system greatly helps in the proper interpretation of the legal measures that need to be taken to ensure that there is fairness to all  .It also helps to ensure that the there is some form of proportionality of the  administration of the punishment of those who perform actions and activities that are not allowed by the law. This greatly minimize the   complains that people may have (Barkow, 2017).

There has been a hot debate on whether  incarceration has any role in the  criminal justice system .So many controversial  statements have questioned the applicability of the justice system of sentencing people in prison. To some extent, this method is good as it helps in hiding the criminals who are big threat to the society from having the opportunity to keep on doing the criminal activities. It also greatly promotes   security in the long run because they absence greatly promotes peace in the community. The rise in the number of criminal activities   has proportionally increased the number of criminals who have been imprison. This is because it has been legal consequences of the activities that go against the law (Kadish, Schulhofer, & Barkow, 2016).

The increase in the number of criminal activities has really raised a key question on whether imprisonment is the only way to rectify the mess in the justice system. This is because despite the many efforts to ensure that there is law and order in the society, there has been much breaking of the law   through the criminal activities that have been on the rise of late. The people who keep on breaking the law seem not to have really learnt from the consequences that the other people who have gone to the prison for sentencing. This calls for better interpretation of the judicial systems to determine whether the sentencing of the criminals in the prison really can solve the criminal activities that they have been performing. This is because there seems to have some bit of lack of communication from both the judicial side and the criminal side, (Alexander, 2017).

The rise of the criminal activities has actually questioned the authenticity of putting the criminals in a prison for a sentence. This is because despite the action being repeatedly done by different judicial systems, it seems to bear fruits at a very slow rate. It is quite clear from most of the investigations that have been performed that the people who find themselves in the prison sentence have very little chances of changing mostly when the prison sentence time is longer. These people go through some tough corrective time that makes them to be used to prison life in most of the time. This aspect of the prison adapting to the [prison life makes it hard for them to become better citizens even after being released. This is because they are not in a position to be appreciated by the society the moment they live the prison life since they already have the perception that the society recognizes then as negative people (Noble, 2015).


It is therefore clear that incarceration is not the only means that can be used to reduce the number of criminal activities that occur in the society .Having failed the test of time, it calls for better mechanisms of restoring the justice and fairness that should be granted to the victims of injustice. Creating a room for communication between the criminals and those who are the administrators of justice can really help in restoration of the order in the society. This is because the criminals are human beings who can change when they are well approached. Societal education on how to maintain order by being law abiding citizens can also be a good way of ensuring that the law doesn’t go to the  last resort of  punishing.


Noble, D. R. (2015). The case of reintegration of women post incarceration. University of San      Diego.

Alexander, M. R. (2017). Correctional Recreation: An Overview.

Kadish, S. H., Schulhofer, S. J., & Barkow, R. E. (2016). Criminal law and its processes: cases    and materials. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Barkow, R. (2017). The Criminal Regulatory State. The New Criminal Justice Thinking, 33. Wexler, D. B. (2016). Getting Started with the Mainstreaming of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in     Criminal Cases: Tips on How and Where to Begin.

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