Lesson Plan Directions



Lesson Plan Directions


Assignment: You will successfully prepare an original lesson plan. This is a fundamental teaching skill and activity. Using the established lesson plan format, you will prepare and submit an original lesson plan suitable for the learners of your choice.


Lesson Topic: You can choose the topic for the lesson plan. Your lesson plan MUST meet the criteria as outlined below. Remember to include both essential health knowledge and a health skill in your lesson plan


As indicated on the attached Daily Lesson Plan Format, your lesson plan should include:


  • Audience/Grade Level
  • Minutes Required to Teach the Lesson
  • Health Topic
  • National Health Standard(s) and Healthy People 2020 Objectives(s) Addressed
  • Measurable Learning Objectives (at least one per activity)
  • Materials and Supplies list
  • Motivating Introduction
  • Content Outline (including both knowledge and skill)
  • At least two well described teaching strategies
  • Differentiation
  • Conclusions that signal the end of each strategy
  • Transitions that bridge to the next strategy
  • Lesson conclusion that focus students back on the lesson objectives
  • Assessment related to the behavioral objectives (all assessments listed on planning chart included)


Use of Resources: It is OK to consult resources, including textbooks and websites, when preparing your lesson. You should not, however, copy lessons from the course textbook chapters or any other source. If you use resources, give proper credit by listing them on a separate page using APA format.


Key Documents: They are 1) “Questions to Answer Before Preparing a Lesson Plan” 2) Assessment Planning Chart, and 3) “Daily Lesson Plan Format” 4) Lesson Plan Rubric. You should answer all questions on the first document. Doing so should provide you with everything you need to develop your lesson plan. You should follow the directions on the second document to clarify your assessment strategies. Finally, you should use all this input to construct your actual lesson plan. LIMIT YOUR LESSON PLAN TO THE TWO PAGES OF THE FORM. You can add a third page for references only.


How to be Successful: 1) you should complete everything on the “Assessment Planning Chart”, the “Questions to Answer Before Preparing a Lesson Plan” and the “Daily Lesson Plan Format” forms and hand these in. 2) Once you have completed your lesson plan, compare your work to the criteria listed on the lesson plan rubric and determine the level of quality you have achieved. 3) Additionally, you are not required to have a peer critique this assignment; however, having someone else review your work before you hand it in is always a good practice.












Questions to Answer Before Preparing a Lesson Plan

Adopted from Powerful Lesson Planning Models by Janice Skowron



  1. What health topic will be addressed by the lesson? At what audience/grade level?



  1. What National Health Content Standards and Healthy People 2020 Objectives will be addressed by the lesson?



  1. Specifically, what should learners know and be able to do by the end of this lesson? (Hint: these should lead to attainment of the Standards/Objectives listed above)




  1. How will I know that students achieved the lesson objectives? (Note: Use Assessment Planning Chart)




  1. What health knowledge will be included in this lesson (progression)? (Note: Knowledge can be information related to important health concepts and/or knowledge about a skill)




  1. Which health skill(s) will be included in this lesson?




  1. What teaching strategy(s) would be best for teaching the health knowledge in this lesson? (Hint: What will you do during the lesson?   How will learners be actively involved?)




  1. What teaching strategy(s) would be best for teaching the health skills in this lesson? (Hint: What will you do during the lesson?   How will learners be actively involved?)



  1. How will you differentiate the lesson for different learners?




  1. How will you conclude each strategy and transition (bridge) to the next strategy?




  1. What would be a motivating introduction to the lesson?




  1. How will the lesson conclusion return the focus to the learning objectives?





  1. What specific materials and supplies will be needed to teach the lesson?



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