Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061

Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061

CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

CAEX 6060 Week 1 Discussion: Your Experiences With Writing

Scholarly writing is an intricate component of your graduate work. A useful first step toward improving your writing skills is to examine your past experiences with writing, including your writing strengths and opportunities. From there, you can target your needs accordingly. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

For this Discussion, you will explore the various resources and guidelines outlining an effective writing process and some common writing terms. You will also review the current state of your writing skills and share thoughts and experiences with your colleagues. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study.

You will also use this Discussion to help tailor the individualized feedback provided by your Instructor throughout the duration of the course. Please be honest in your self-critique: it is the best way to make improvements.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review and complete the Self-Assessment found in the Learning Resources to develop your needs and goals for this course.
  • Reflect on your writing skills and identify two skill strengths and two skills for improvement.
  • Consider particular writing strategies that you currently using to build those skill strengths.

By Day 3 of CAEX 6060/60611 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Post a 1- to 2- paragraph reflection on your writing skills, identifying two writing skills that you want to improve upon during this course. You may also include two writing strengths or strategies that may support your current writing process. Try and incorporate the terms from the Walden University Writing Center website in the Learning Resource for clearer definitions. Be sure to connect your scholarly writing skills with professional and academic goals, as well. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5 of CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7

Return to this CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing:

Self-Assessment in Writing

Effective writing is important in the life of a student. The previous classes’ tasks have enabled me to acquire relevant skills in writing and acted as a foundation in my academic journey. Although I have fairly good writing skills in APA style, it has come to my realization that I am still lacking behind in correctly referencing secondary sources. For instance, I have a problem with correctly referencing secondary sources that are not books or articles; especially media sources such as TV programs, newspapers as well as interviews. Although these sources have current information, it has been difficult for me to reference them properly. Secondly, I have experienced difficulty in ensuring that my writing has a smooth flow of ideas from the start to the end. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study. Even though this is not a common issue in my writing, my instructors in previsions classes observed that I occasionally deviate from the theme while trying to give more information on a given subject. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

My writing has evolved over time. I believe that I have good understanding of the requirements of academic writing. For instance, I have good critical thinking skills that enable me to develop my points in a logical manner that convey the message in my writing more efficiently. I believe that this to be my strength because good writing starts with good organization of ideas. Jumbled up ideas are not only difficult to read but they do not attract the attention of the reader and thus make reading boring. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study.

In the learning resources, I believe that I will get much help in organizing my work more professionally through following the guidelines given in the resources on critical reading and brainstorming. I believe that when I have clearly understood the topic through critical reading and brainstorming, I can be able to organize my writing in a more presentable manner. I intend to join an active group discussion with my colleagues where we will be able to discuss various aspects on writing and how we can improve our skills in graduate writing. Furthermore, I will endeavor to work on private writing tasks to improve my writing skills…..

CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1 Assignments

Assignment 1: Introduce Yourself in the Class Café

To prepare for this Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061 Assignment:

Think about how you would respond to the request to “tell us a little bit about yourself.” Who are you, where do you live, and what are your personal, professional, and academic interests?

The Assignment:

  • Click on Class Café.
  • In the “Please Introduce Yourself” thread, click on the Reply button and introduce yourself to your classmates. You may choose to do so by writing 1-2 paragraphs or by posting a Kaltura video of 1-2 minutes. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study.
    • (Note: If choosing the video option, you must use Kaltura. Please see Kaltura Media Uploader in the left navigation menu for a tutorial if needed.)

By Day 4

Submit your written or video introduction to the Class Café.

Return to the Class Café later to read or view your colleagues’ messages and to continue these introductory conversations.

CAEX 8080/8081 Assignment 2: Writer’s Self-Assessment

By now you will have gained some insight into your specific writing skills. Through the Discussion, you may have found that your colleagues have similar writing strengths and areas for improvement. Please remember that the Discussion forum is a great opportunity to support each other as you work through the weeks’ Learning Resources and Assignments. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

In this week’s Assignment, you will build on the Discussion in which you analyzed your writing skills. You will cite specific examples of instructor feedback or past assessments that illustrate your writing skill opportunities and strengths. You may also reference any relevant feedback from Discussion responses you received this week.  This Assignment is designed to help prepare you for subsequent weeks’ work, when you will practice using strategies and skills to develop an effective writing process.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • In addition to addressing specific skills covered in the Discussion, consider writing feedback you received from other sources, such as past instructors or assessments. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.
  • Consider any specific issues, problems, concerns, and strengths. Use the Learning Resources for this week to guide you through your reflection.
  • Review common writing terms from the Walden University Writing Center website, found in the Learning Resources.

The Assignment:

Compose a 2- to 3-paragraph reflective essay examining your experiences with writing. Use the information in the “Writer’s Self-Assessment” document as a starting point but also consider feedback obtained from Instructors and other sources. Include all of the following:

  • Identify the strengths in your writing and why you believe these to be your strengths.
  • Elaborate on the specific areas for improvement you identified in your Discussion. Include examples. This is your opportunity to let the instructor know the types of issues you would like to address during the class. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study.
  • Describe any guidance on those areas from the Learning Resources, the Discussion, or (if applicable) your Graduate Writing I instructor. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.
  • Based on that guidance, briefly describe any actions you might take to further develop your scholarly writing.

Note: Do not submit the same content as your Discussion post. This Assignment should be more specific and include clear actions in support of improvement.

CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Are you ready to advance your scholarly writing? Do you want to become a more confident and effective writer? Are you willing to prewrite, draft, and revise (multiple times) your writing in a supportive environment? If so, you are in the right course.

You will spend the next 8 weeks working to advance your scholarly writing, receiving individualized feedback and group support. In this course, you will practice using writing skills and strategies for coursework, and have ample opportunities to use these concepts to practice as you draft and revise a 1-page evaluation of a selected journal article. In addition, at the end of the course, you will create a tailored plan based on you specific needs so that you can continue to make progress on your scholarly writing in your other courses at Walden. NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

During this first week, you will review the basic components of an effective writing process, analyze your writing needs, and begin to consider your writing strategy. If you successfully completed CAEX 6050: Graduate Writing I: Basic Composition Skills, then you can include a review of those skills in this first week.

NURS 6001 – Foundations for Graduate Study Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze previous experiences with writing skills
  • Connect scholarly writing skills with professional and academic goals
  • Share and support with peers

Photo Credit: Photo by Brad Sloan / Moment / Getty Images

Learning Resources-CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Required Readings

Document: Instructions for Writer’s Self-Assessment (Word document)

Laureate Education. (2015). Building an essay in Graduate Writing II[Infographic]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

Note: Please submit all assignments using the abovementioned APA Course Paper Template (6th ed.).

Document: Skill review of CAEX 6050 (Word document)

Walden University Writing Center. (2015b). Common writing terms: Overview. Retrieved from

Read the overview and view the “Terms” links. Students will become familiar with these terms by now but review to familiarity.

Zamarripa, E. (2015, July 27). What are you writing For? How your academic writing skills transfer into the workplace [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Required Media

Walden University Writing Center (Producer). (2013, June 2). WriteCast: The writing process (Episode 1) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Scroll through the Episode Archive to find the designated episode. Note that the episodes appear in descending numerical order.


Walden University Writing Center (Producer). (2015, June 27). WriteCast: How academic writing helps you beyond academia (Episode 23) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Scroll through the Episode Archive to find the designated episode. Note that the episodes appear in descending numerical order. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.


Rubric Detail-CAEX 6060/6061 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Exemplary Acceptable Approaching Acceptable Needs Significant Improvement
Clarity and completeness of ideas
(25%) – 5 (25%)
Clear patterns of idea formation. Compelling reasons, detail, and/or examples are providedCAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
(20%) – 4 (20%)
Idea formation lacks sufficient evidence and support. Reasons, detail, and/or examples are included but are not clearly linked to the idea.
(15%) – 3 (15%)
Evidence or support for ideas is poorly developed. Vague or unsupported reasons, details, and/or examples are given.
(0%) – 2 (10%)
No attempt has been made to tie ideas to evidence or logic. No reasons, detail, or examples are given.
(25%) – 5 (25%)
Grammar, punctuation, and presentation are exemplary.
(20%) – 4 (20%)
Grammar, punctuation, and presentation are mostly consistent with the conventions of academic English.CAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
(15%) – 3 (15%)
Grammar, punctuation, and presentation are not consistent with conventions of academic English.CAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
(0%) – 2 (10%)
Grammar, punctuation, and presentation are unacceptable for scholarly writing.
Addressing task
(25%) – 5 (25%)
Addresses all aspects of the task fully and completely.
(20%) – 4 (20%)
Addresses the task with occasional divergences and/or omissions.
(15%) – 3 (15%)
Attempts to address the task but leaves important areas of question unanswered.CAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
(0%) – 2 (10%)
Response does not address the task.CAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
Responses to other students
(25%) – 5 (25%)
Responds in a thoughtful or probing way to extend the conversation.
(20%) – 4 (20%)
Minimal response to two classmates.
(15%) – 3 (15%)
Responds to only one classmate completely or to two classmates incompletely.
(0%) – 2 (10%)
Does not respond or responds superficially.CAEX 8080/8081 Week 1: Introduction to Scholarly Writing
Total Points: 20

Rubric Detail

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout. Introduction to Scholarly Writing and Reading and Research Strategies Essay Assignment Papers Sample- CAEX 6060 6061.

Exemplary Acceptable Approaching Acceptable Needs Significant Improvement
Introduction in Class Cafe
18 (90%) – 20 (100%)
Student provides an appropriate introduction of 1-2 paragraphs or 1-2 minutes.
15 (75%) – 17 (85%)
Student provides an introduction of 1-2 paragraphs or 1-2 minutes, though some detail or focus is lacking.
10 (50%) – 14 (70%)
Student attempts to provide an introduction. Much detail or focus is lacking.
(0%) – 9 (45%)
Student provides a minimal introduction that is unclear.
Total Points: 20
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