Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

Nursing informatics is a modern high-level technical operation of nurses. Nursing informatics require computer skills, information technology, and data each day to successfully  evaluate systems, patient care practices, and healthcare initiatives. They analyze data to determine what is working effectively and what is not while using established findings to propose advancements, lead programs, and necessary changes (Mosier et al., 2019).  Nursing informatics should work jointly with other professionals in the medical fields, for example doctors, other nurses, occupational therapist, and psychologists, to ensure the quality of care (McGonigle &Mastrain, 2015). Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post.  Such interactions should be improved by ensuring that nursing informatics provide healthcare to patients in different settings, units, and departments while working with all medical professionals to guarantee successful patient-centered care.



Nursing informatics are involved in analyzing  data to improve patient care and enable healthcare facilities to establish novel and useful expertise. They research, suggest, and employ new technology while training other health professionals to use such knowledge in answering questions, providing care to patients, and monitoring results (Ng et al., 2018).  Contrary to nurses’ traditional tasks that centered only on providing one-on-one care to patients, nursing informatics advocate steps that should be taken to improve patient safety and outcomes in a given department, units, facility, or the entire healthcare system.

Some of the projects that could help nursing informatics to improve outcomes and effectiveness in healthcare organizations include enabling all stakeholders to have enhanced access to electronic records, diagnostics, and patient care plans. Some significant nursing informatics projects’ influential stakeholders include all nurses doctors, patients and their family members, the nursing association, lawmakers, and all medical professionals. Enhanced collaboration and communication among stakeholders make it simple to tackle healthcare work flows, facilitate coordination, and improve patient outcomes (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2015). Facilitation of data access will necessitates system integration, which will make information and analysis essential. Another project would be the improvement of clinical strategies, protocols, practices and procedures. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

Nurse informaticists should regularly gauge and assess how particular care delivery segments are performing while focusing on patient outcomes. They could advocate changes and improvement in poorly performing practices to guarantee positive patient outcomes. Moreover, nurse informaticists should provide training and learning anchored on unbiased data. They should train other health professionals on technology-based aspects and employ data to identify rampant problems in health institutions while consulting on the most successful means of resolving underlying issues (Ng et al., 2018). This will enable nurse informatics to generate highly targeted programs to address existing gaps between capacity and provider anticipations.

Projects undertaken by nursing informatics improve healthcare delivery outcomes by enhancing the selection and testing of new health devices that can offer vast quantities of patients’ medical data. Nursing informatics are characteristically positioned to fathom actual worth of data and give suggestions on the best practices of recording, accessing, and using it to ensure quality of care. Engaging them in the choice of valuable health devices will make sure that medical professionals have an added advantage in understanding how technological gadgets can improve diagnostics, care plans, and eventually, patient outcomes.  Nursing informatics projects also assist in the reduction of medical errors and unnecessary costs (McGonigle & Mastrin, 2015). Collaboration among nursing informatics, patients and their relatives, doctors, and other health professionals ensures a vast pool of decisions that make all stakeholders well-informed, which helps avoid mistakes. Additionally, the incorporation of regular staff training and development, process enhancement, and application of best practices will ensure the quality of care and prevent patient risks. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (Eds). (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.) Jones &Bartlett Publishers

Mosier, S., Roberts, W.D., & Englebright, J. (2019). A systems-level method for developing nursing informatics solutions: The role of executive leadership. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49 (11), 543-548. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

Ng, Y.C., Alexander, S., & Frith, K. H. (2018). Integration of mobile health application in health information technology initiatives: Expanding opportunities for nurse participation in population health. CIN: Computers, informatics, Nursing, 36 (5), 209-213.



Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post sample 2

At a level 1 trauma center, communication is exceedingly important.  In many circumstances, a maximum response time of 30 minutes from hospital entry to operating room table is necessary for a good outcome.  The data for incoming  traumas is recorded and protocol is adjusted to ensure a smooth transition from department to department.  This is the area where patient care communication is often dropped; the possibilities are not relayed to the involved teams causing  unnecessary uncertainty, and confusing delays.  Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post Following a patient physically prior to entry, and then throughout the assessment as well as testing areas would be beneficial to all.  Just as with the HIT initiative cell phone technology is recognized as playing a major role in improving  health care delivery.   Alexander, Ng, & Frith  (2018) There are many real time applications that can be utilized to improve patient care.

The greatest area for improvement that I see daily, is the actual “following” of a patient upon arrival.  When a trauma arrives  a beeper goes off to signal the severity of the injuries and then nothing is communicated unless it is sought.  This is where the cell phone technology would be beneficial.  When a patient left the ER to go for testing or to the SICU for observation, those waiting for possible interventions should be informed.  There are many studies trying to integrate continuity of care within the hospital; one being the HANDS care model.  Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post ” Underpinning the HANDS Method is a model which includes concepts adapted from the literature on high reliability organizations, such as nuclear power plants, air traffic control towers, and hospitals.”  Park, Murray, Delaney, Keenan, Yakel, & Marriott. (2006) With all of the technology of today the immediate hand-off information could be relayed to the appropriate parties. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

.     There needs to be an efficient way for nursing and supporting staff to be made aware of changes in patient care decisions.  Currently there is a “hurry-up and wait” style of communication without any end to the loop of information unless the operating room or other departments hunt down information for themselves.  If management could see the potential cost-saving measures that would not only create greater efficiency, but avoid near misses, and improve continuity of care that would have a much greater success in emergent care situations.   Studies to determine the points in which specific patient information should be shared with particular areas where there may be a  need for intervention, type of care, or termination of readiness.   “These data can potentially affect the productivity, efficiency, performance, effectiveness, cost, and value of nursing care when properly collected and used.”   Mosier, Sammie, Roberts, et al. (2019) Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post



Alexander, S., Ng, Y. C., & Frith, K. H. (2018). Integration of Mobile Health Applications in Health Information Technology Initiatives: Expanding Opportunities for Nurse Participation in Population Health. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing36(5), 209–213. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

Mosier, Sammie, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC, CMSRN, BC, Roberts, Wm., Dan PhD, RN, et al. (2019). A Systems-Level Method for Developing Nursing Informatics Solutions: The Role of Executive Leadership. Journal of Nursing Administration, 49, 543-548.

Park, H.-A., Murray, P., Delaney, C., Keenan, G., Yakel, E., & Marriott, D. (2006). HANDS: A Revitalized Technology Supported Care Planning Method to Improve Nursing Handoffs. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics122, 580. Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists Sample Discussion Post

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