Innovative Leader

Practices of an Innovative Leader From a Similar organization and how they Apply In Our Company.

Dr Enrique Hernandez, the McDonald’s Chief Executive Officer, and Director practice some activities that are innovative and could be of significant help to our company. One of them to employ the application of technology so as to share knowledge and collaborate. The collaboration is known to drive innovation and creativity. In our company, conferencing the technologies can assist in bringing individuals together virtually.

Another practice that Hernandez employed was the experimentation on risks. For instance, McDonald’s started experimenting on the mobile payment and ordering application that was utilized in 29 restaurants within the state of California. The test they carried out (pilot test) was going to expand on 51 more restaurants in Washington, Spokane on the 20th of March in the year 2017 (Tier, Mark 2017). Mobile ordering and payment were viewed by McDonald’s as a means of winning customers back after they had gone through four years of declines in traffic. The automation of the new orders is likely to cut the time taken for the transactions, freeing up the workers to perform tasks such as delivering food to cars or tables.

Sappington is said to have been planning a lot of tests so as to collect the feedback from the customers and work out kinks as well as streamline the integration together with the existing technology of the enterprise systems that is before rolling the completed application out before doing the same on the finished applications in almost all the 14,000 restaurants that have already been established in the United States (Tier, Mark 2017).  Also, in nearly 6,000 other restaurants in Canada, Germany, France and Australia as well as China before the end of this year.

Another practice that the CEO of McDonald’s has used is the fostering of generativist. That entails the practice of a company taking the time to mentor, connect, coach as well as developing its employees. Hernandez utilized this method to train and develop the employees if the company to assist them in refining their skills and grow from the position they currently is in or transitioning to new roles within the organization. The Hamburger University is McDonald’s worldwide centre of excellence where the company’s operations. Leadership development and training are carried out among the workers (Tier, Mark 2017). McDonald’s puts it a priority to encourage every employee to develop themselves as leaders as well as take the company to new types of heights.

Mc Donald’s also has developed a process review for the innovative ideas. Even those of the best ideas that are successful are not fully formed whenever they come up. The company has to go through the process of developing, identifying and refining the ideas which have the most of the potential in the market.

McDonald’s is said to have issued a request for proposal (RFP) for its business of advertisement that is creative in the United States of America for the very first time in many years. This entails that either both or one of the lead shops that are currently available is going to end up losing what their account is. Fast food chain is reported to have wanted to consolidate some of its work within a single shop, but the client is said to have opted to stick with a single holding company (Tier, Mark 2017).

Last week, McDonald’s reported having exceeded its projections for revenue for the first quartile, attributed largely to the success of the offering of the All Day Breakfast. The matter is being discussed currently on the level of the holding company (Tier, Mark 2017).

Various practices would be extremely helpful in our business if they were applied. One of them is the utilization of technology to convey knowledge as well as promoting collaboration throughout the company. The partnership is likely to drive and influence innovation and creativity, while the social media conferencing will be invaluable in bringing individuals together (or even virtually together) more often for the collaboration.

Experimentation of the risks of innovation would also be extremely useful. The experimentation will steer our organization towards an eventual destination that is through turns, twists and roadblocks. It would help us learn courageously and with an agility that will enable us to be persistent. Risk experimentation will allow us to ensure that the processes, systems and behaviors do not become barriers towards the risk testing. The key persons will have at the least, 15% of their time prototyping as well as explore the new ideas.

Generativist can help our firm to challenge the thinking of their team workers, in thinking, strategizing and developing behavior that is through the innovation. Also, it will stretch the individuals to innovate, create as well as envision the alternative features. People will be grown to develop an innovative culture.

Process review in our organization will ensure that the company is being run in the most efficient manner possible. We can as well identify the various areas which need improvement or even change so as to ensure that people contribute towards the delivery of the services which our clients expect.  Through carrying out the process review of the innovation, there will be guaranteed the flow of the paperwork and production that improves the communication lines that is both externally and internally (Yoder-Wise, Kowalski 2010)


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Sloane, P. (2007). The innovative leader: How to inspire your team and drive creativity. London: Kogan Page.

Stampfl, G. (2016). The Process of Business Model Innovation: An Empirical Exploration.

Tier, Mark. (2017). How to Spot the Next Starbucks, Whole Foods, Walmart, or Mcdonalds Before Its Shares Explode: A Low-risk Investment You Can Pretty Much Buy-and-forget. St Martins Pr.

Yoder-Wise, P. S., & Kowalski, K. (2010). Leadership. Philadelphia

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