Importance of Developing Global Citizenship Essay

Importance of Developing Global Citizenship Essay

The importance of developing global citizenship is significant because we need to constantly make ourselves do better than before to keep the community succeeding. The community must recognize the rights and responsibilities of being an active member of the community. Developing global citizenship means knowing how to maintain the multicultural communities, peace in the community, human rights, and international education. These factors can help keep importance of developing global citizenship in the community thriving.

Being a Global Citizen

After viewing the required video Globalization: What Is Happening to Us?(2010), it allows us to recognize that what we do today determines how it will affect the children in the future years. If we treat all people with respect that the future children and people grow more respect for other culture. This could save the world to keep growing. How we preserve the world differences in cultures can allow everyone to become smarter in the use of foods and preservation of the environment. We could adopt better and different processes to grow from other countries and our own to see a wider range of progress.

Antecedents and Outcomes

After reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller, it helped see the importance of developing better rights, responsibilities, and diversity in the economy.

you need to write a paragraph of 5 – 7 sentences explaining why there has been a disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship. Within the article, the authors address how specific schools of thought define global citizenship. It would be a good idea to paraphrase this information in your own words and cite the article per APA guidelines. Also, within this paragraph, you should provide your own definition of global citizenship after reading what other ideas are from the article.

Short Title of Third Prompt

Note: Based on the article, you need to write two paragraphs: a paragraph on each of the two outcomes of global citizenship you chose (intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world). 

Name of First Outcome Addressed (i.e. Valuing Diversity)

Within this paragraph you need to explain why this outcome is important in becoming a global citizen. It’s a good idea to first define the outcome in your own words and then provide a thorough explanation on why it’s important for your own development as a global citizen. Name of Second Outcome Addressed (i.e. Social Justice) Same instructions as the first paragraph above.

Short Title for Fourth Prompt First Personal Example on (Name First Outcome)

You need to write a 5 – 7 sentence paragraph describing a personal experience that has corresponds to the first outcome you addressed in the third prompt and has assisted or resulted in your development as a global citizen.

Second Personal Example on (Name of Second Outcome)

You need to write a 5 – 7 sentence paragraph describing a personal experience that has corresponds to the second outcome you addressed in the third prompt and has assisted or resulted in your development as a global citizen.

Short Title of Fifth Prompt

You need to write a 5 – 7 sentence paragraph that identifies two specific education courses and explains how each of those courses assisted or influenced your development in becoming a global citizen.


In this paragraph, you need to summarize the main points of this assignment and include a description of why this topic is important to address when it comes to the development of global citizenship. Typically a good conclusion paragraph consists of 5 – 7 sentences. Keep in mind that you should not share new information in the conclusion paragraph. This means that there should not be any in-text citations. You are basically summarizing what you have written.

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