How to Write a Narrative Essay

Writing essays is a common task for high school and college students to express their ideas and arguments on various topics. A narrative essay is one of the papers you might be required to complete throughout your academic. In this essay, you will use a predetermined structure to share insights about yourself and your experiences with the reader. To satisfy the readers’ expectations and keep them interested in your story, you must understand how to write a narrative essay and deliver a narrative about yourself.

In this article,  we’ll go over the definition of a narrative essay, the process of writing a narrative essay, different narrative essay examples, and cheat codes for writing a quality narrative essay.

What is a narrative essay and example?

The standard format for a narrative essay is five paragraphs in length and should tell a personal story. You play the role of the narrator by sharing thoughts and feelings about past experiences or plans. A hypothetical situation could also be described in the story. A narrative essay is meant to reveal more about yourself, your values, and your traits.

Writing skills such as formatting, sentence structure, and word variety can be highlighted, and the ability to captivate readers while divulging information about yourself can be demonstrated. You might be required to write and deliver an essay about yourself in your academic journey. The following are some narrative essay examples in which you might consider to write your personal experiences:

·         Completing and submitting your assignments

Composition courses like English often require students to respond to a given prompt with a narrative essay. Students may be issued a letter grade and constructive criticism to help them further develop their writing skills.

·         Winning your first award

The faculty may require a narrative essay detailing the nominee’s qualifications for the award to qualify. Students with the highest GPAs from each graduating class will be considered for the Student of the Year award. The winner will ultimately be decided by the student who writes the most compelling narrative essay on what education means to you.

·         College application

Many universities and colleges require applicants to submit standardized test scores and academic transcripts, but some also require applicants to write personal essays as part of the application process. The prompt might ask for a five-paragraph essay detailing the student’s career goals and the industries they hope to break after completing their degree.

How to select the best narrative essay topics

There are two possible scenarios to consider for you to understand how to write a narrative essay: either you will be given a topic to write about, or you will be given free rein to select your own. Your instructor will require you to follow a specific or general prompt when they assign you a particular topic.

Here are some specific prompts:

  • Describe your most recent trip in writing.
  • Share your thoughts on the final year of your high school education.

Here are samples of open-ended topics to consider:

  • Compose an essay about a time when you couldn’t find a way out of your predicament.
  • Describe a short, unexceptional incident that had a tremendous influence on your life.

Every compelling tale has its central conflict, and a narrative essay is no exception. Essays that focus on encounters with challenges, turns, and discoveries are more interesting to read and provide more insight into the author’s personality and worldview. Keep in mind that the admissions committees reading your narrative essay are looking for more than just good writing; they want a sense of the type of person they’re considering admitting.

It’s best to pick a topic and an event you have encountered that illustrates the qualities the prompt asks for, like endurance, dedication, writing under duress, etc. Don’t forget that whatever you decide to write about is merely the jumping-off point for your paper. The focus of your essay may change from the one you had when you began writing it, as many students discover they have creative and original thoughts as they write the first draft.

How do you write a narrative essay introduction?

To begin with, your instructor or professor will initially provide a prompt. Your lecturer will instruct you in this manner before assigning the task. With this in hand, you can gather informative arguments for your paper. Assuming your essay doesn’t have a title, think of one and plan to approach the narrative.

Consider how you would describe the events in your story to a friend. Separate it into a series of sequential steps and write it in a way that invites the reader in by using vivid language and lots of specifics. Those reading your work should find it interesting but not tedious. They need to be curious about what happens next in the story.

How to write a narrative essay outline and structure

A narrative essay still needs to have a coherent structure, even though you aren’t making the act of arguing or proving one’s position. As a profound narrative essay writer, your story needs to be understood to help the reader grasp the main point you’re trying to make.

Your essay will be graded on how well you deal with the assigned topic and how well you organize your thoughts. Although a narrative essay lacks the strict structure of other college essays, it is still beneficial to outline your story in bullet points.

Developing an essay outline is the first step in writing a quality narrative essay. Below are some of the factors you should consider:

  • The introductory paragraph of your narrative
  • What are the main ideas or details you hope to convey?
  • The final twist in your story
  • What tempo and tone you’ll be using

The first person, “I,” is the preferred pronoun when writing a narrative essay. A standard font like Times New Roman in size 11 or 12 is recommended for readability, as are the standard margin sizes and spacing requirements for an essay of this type. Paragraphs should be double-spaced, and margins should be 1 inch.

Think about the parallels between your story, archetypes, and well-known figures from history and literature to spark your imagination. Use these analogies to support your argument and provide more perspective for your particular experience.

How do you write a narrative essay?

Are you wondering what are the 5 parts of a narrative essay? You can use the steps below as a guideline for composing a story and incorporating it into an essay:

1.      Select a topic

Your first task in writing a narrative essay is settling on your discussion topic. The topic you decide on should allow you to tell a story demonstrating your strengths as a candidate or student. If a scholarship committee enables you to choose your topic, you can use this opportunity to shine a light on your academic prowess or volunteer work. Consider what aspects of your story might pique the interest of your target audience.

Depending on the assignment’s requirements, you may need to refine your focus. Your professor may assign you a topic, so you’ll need to consider what in your background best responds to the question. If you’re supposed to write about a time you learned something new, for instance, you can think back to the most formative experience you’ve had that involved learning something new and fill five paragraphs with specifics.

2.      Develop an essay outline

The next step is to develop an outline that will serve as the blueprint for your story’s presentation. After zeroing in on a topic, it is important to have a paragraph to help you expand on the salient points. A narrative essay will likely have multiple sections; an outline can help you flesh out your plan and complete the paper more quickly.

In situations where you are writing about a time you overcame adversity, your outline will guide you through setting the scene in the second paragraph, detailing your efforts in the third and fourth paragraphs, and concluding by discussing the implications of what you’ve learned.

3.      Use first-person pronouns

Since you are the focus of a narrative essay, you must write your narrative in first-person. Write from a first-person perspective, using words like “I,” “me,” and “we.” Think about how you would explain everything if you had a face-to-face discussion with someone.

Readers are more likely to be moved by and impressed by a story in which they can relate with the main character. One way to add depth to your writing is to reveal the author’s internal emotions and thoughts.

4.      Employ ingenious language

You can add flair to your narrative essay by carefully crafting your voice. You should try to avoid repeating yourself too often. You should consult a thesaurus in search of alternate words that do the same job of drawing in readers and illustrating your points.

For instance, you can use “perplexing” or “bewildering” instead of “confusing” to express your confusion. Using simple words can help make your writing easier to read. Strike a chord that allows your points to come across clearly while allowing your readers some room for imagination.

5.      Edit and proofread your paper thoroughly

The final step is ensuring your narrative essay is free from errors. Consider taking a break and returning to the paper later, which can help you be more alert and catch mistakes you may have overlooked.

You can also utilize premium proofreading tools on your computer to help you recognize and resolve any spelling and grammatical errors you might have left behind. They may also suggest word changes to help your essay flow more smoothly and concisely. Make sure each paragraph is no more than five sentences, and think about emailing a draft of your paper to a mentor for feedback.

Tips for writing a narrative essay

1.      Choose an influential topic with conflict and a clear “moral.”

Choose a meaningful story that sheds light on your personal growth if you have the freedom to do so if you are writing an essay about a topic of your choosing. Simply put, your story should have a central message that ties into your arguments.

2.      Make use of an outline to plan your narrative flow and set up your key points

An outline is not as necessary for a narrative essay as an argumentative essay, but it is still helpful so that your story is well-structured and organized. Consider the hook you want to use to get readers interested and the conclusion you want to draw.

3.      Keep your writing simple, concise, precise, and accurate

Narrative essays benefit from descriptive language, but excess information is unnecessary. Constantly use formal, correct vocabulary and grammar. Adding details that back up your story’s central message is also important.

4.      To check your work for mistakes, forward your paper to a close friend or relative

It is essential always to plan to edit and proofread your work before submitting it. Get a second opinion from someone you trust on whether or not your narrative essay makes sense and is engaging. It’s crucial if your essay is meant to answer a question posed in the prompt. Having a second set of eyes to review your work helps ensure you’ve adequately addressed the question or prompt.

To wrap it up

Thanks to our professional narrative essay writers, the elephant in the room, “how to write a narrative essay?” has been solved easily. You can also improve your writing skills and gain more insights into writing a narrative essay by following the above tips. At, we have a reputation for providing students with the best narrative essay writing services.

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