HE325 Nutrition Mid-term Study Guide

HE325 Nutrition Mid-term Study Guide


  • Be able to list 3 reasons why we eat the way we do and which ones influence you
  • Know the 6 classes of essential nutrients
  • Know the definition of a kilocalorie
  • Know what balance, variety, and moderation are
  • Know what nutrient density means and be able to list examples
  • Be able to draw the new “Choose My Plate” food guide, including labeling each section
  • Know the definition for digestion
  • Know how many calories per gram carbohydrates contain
  • Be able to determine which foods are a source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, and simple sugars
  • Know what the four functions of glucose are in the body
  • Know what the functions of glycogen are
  • Be able to give examples of simple sugars
  • Be able to give examples of alternative sweeteners
  • Be able to list three ways to decrease simple sugars in the diet
  • Know the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber and foods which contain each of these
  • Be aware of the health benefits of fiber
  • Know how much fiber we need if taking in 2000-2500kcal/day
  • Know how many calories per gram protein contains
  • Know the roles of protein in the body
  • Know the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids
  • Know the difference between complete and incomplete proteins and be able to list an example of each
  • Know what the term “complimentary proteins” means
  • Know what the three groups of complimentary proteins are and be able to list foods in each group as well as combinations that would fulfill the definition of a complimentary protein
  • Be able to distinguish whether soy is similar in quality to animal protein
  • Be able to distinguish between the variety of vegetarian styles
  • Know how many calories per gram fats/lipids contain
  • Know the “other name” for omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids
  • Know what the functions of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are
  • Know what the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are
  • Be able to list some food sources high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Know the difference in saturated fats in foods (firmness, melting point, etc.)
  • Be able to list five ways to lower the amount of saturated fat in a person’s diet
  • Know the functions of triglycerides
  • Know the functions of cholesterol
  • Know what foods cholesterol is found in
  • Know the difference between LDL and HDL and what each stands for as well as the difference between the two (the function of each)
  • Know what hydrogenation does to liquid oils
  • Know how trans fatty acids effect cholesterol levels


  • Be able to make out a daily menu/diet for someone who wants to cut some of the saturated fat out of their diet and increase the amount of fiber they are taking in








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