HCBN7106 Transition to Registered Nurse Practice

CRITERIA A+ A AExemplary (80-100%) B+ B B- Proficient (65-79%) C+ C C- Developing (50-64%) D E Unsatisfactory (0-49%)
Client Profile (5%) Comprehensive
discussion of client
profile. All areas
Full discussion of client profile,
areas addressed with a few
Broad discussion of the client,
some areas vague and/or with
Client profile lacks clarity. Significant
gaps in information about the client
Definition, epidemiology, &
pathophysiology of diagnosed
condition/s (10%)
discussion with
comprehensive critique
Well discussed. Includes
appropriate epidemiological
Broad discussion. Includes
appropriate epidemiological
Lacks clarity. Some elements missing.
Investigative procedures and
medication (5%)
Comprehensive and
critical use of relevant
information sources.
Well developed, logical and
All the required elements
present. Broad discussion.
Lacks all the required elements. Not
related to the actual client.
Comprehensive nursing
assessment and identification
of salient issues (40%)
assessment with
identification of issues.
Full assessment. Welldeveloped with identification of
Assessment brief with some
areas not addressed. Some
issues not identified.
Lacks clarity.
Some required elements missing.
Management (including care
planning [NCP]) (25%)
discussion and analysis
of nursing issues; NCP
comprehensive and
includes all elements.
Well-developed discussion of
nursing issues; NCP well
developed and includes all
Minimal discussion of key
issues; NCP has minimal
evidence of planning,
intervention, rationale &
Significant gaps in the required
elements. NCP shows minimal/no
evidence of planning, intervention,
rationale & evaluation. Not related to
assessment and/or significant gaps.
Ability to integrate literature


and reference appropriately
Extensive range of
literature (including
research) used and
skilfully applied and
integrated throughout
the assignment.
Excellent referencing as
per APA (7th), in-text
and/or reference list.
Evidence of good literature
searching skills and an ability
to integrate a range of literature
(including research) throughout
the assignment. Very few
errors in referencing as per
APA (7th), in-text and/or
reference list.
Limited range of literature
(including research) used and
integrated throughout the
assignment. Some errors in
referencing as per APA (7th),
in-text and/or reference list.
Integration of literature poor. Many
sources not cited and/or errors in
referencing (in-text and/or reference
Presentation and clarity of
expression. (5%)
Excellent assignment
that draws together all
components in a logical
and reasoned way. No
grammar, syntax or
spelling errors.
Points and ideas are clear and
fluently expressed and lead to
a reasoned and supported
conclusion. No or minor
grammar, syntax and/or
spelling errors. Formatting at
expected standard.
Points are generally clear and
fluently expressed. Limited
analysis. Few or minor
grammar, syntax and/or
spelling errors. Some
formatting errors.
Structure lacks clear direction or
argument. No analysis. Many grammar
and/or spelling errors. Poor sentence
structure and/or use of paragraphs.
Poor formatting, e.g. no page numbers,
no wide margin (left or right side), over
or undersized font, spacing issues.
Marker: Grade: Date:
Student ID: ______________________
Name: _________________________
Bachelor of Nursing
HCBN7106 Transition to Registered Nurse Practice
Case Study Assignment – written component 50% of grade
Weighting: 100%

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