Federal Public Health Service, Surgeon General and CDC Essay Example

a topic report about the following



  1. What are the roles of the federal Public Health Service?What does the Surgeon General do? What does CDC do? How is each organized? What regulations do they each enforce and what policy do they each make?


Topic Report Format:

  • 14-page (double spaced)report using 12 point Times New Roman font, standard margins
  • Proper in-text citations and list of Sources Consulted in APA format. Pages will be numbered and each section will have the heading in bold print. Be sure that all the points in each section listed below are covered in your paper.


The paper will have the following topic headings typically found in academic reports, and be used as dividing points within the paper:


  • Background: description of issue or program (typically 4 pages)
  • Methodology: description of the method you used to create the analysis(see Rosenbloom’s

discussion of program evaluation methods, lecture on program analysis) (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Literature Review:  what did you read about your topic that was written by other authors? Write it as an essay with citations, not as an annotated bibliography (2-3 pages)
  • Analysis: the impacts of this issue in the context of the political situation, community situation, societal concerns, preceding/ existing policies or programs; who were the stakeholders involved in the policymaking and how was the balance of power represented in the policy development outcomes so far. The analysis must both support your recommendation and acknowledge all sides of the issue(e.g., opposition, alternatives)(6-

8 pages).Be sure to include appropriate references to Constitutional and legal issues related to your topic. Remember that this is a RESEARCH REPORT, not an argument or legal brief, so you are providing a balanced and supported view, not arguing!

  • Conclusion: Summarize the significance of the topic tied to your analysis. (1 paragraph).


The paper will be evaluated using the following criteria:


Criteria Points
a) The professionalism with which the report is presented: clarity, appearance, grammar,

spelling, appropriate word choice, “voice”.

b)The comprehensiveness and care with which the topic being analyzed is described,

including citing the appropriate Constitutional and legal issues.

c) The demonstration of understanding of relevant public administration concepts that

can be used to explain the topic and its context, impact, and policy outcomes.

d)The quality of analysis providing links between class discussion and readings and the topic 6
e) The quality of critical thinking demonstrated in the Analysis section. 6
f)The appropriateness of the references selected and the analytical bridge to the paper

topic, including correct in-text and sources consulted citations.

g) The APA format was properly used for all citations 2



Topics Report   


Because the text focuses on federal public administration, the research papers will have a state and local government focus. Resources include academic journal articles,credible non-academic periodicals such as The Economist, NewYorker, Time, academic analytical books, staff reports and government documents on the topic, newspaper articles and editorials about the topic, and interviews of elected and appointed officials familiar with the topic. The paper will be written in academic report format,with a “Sources Consulted” list and appropriate citations throughout.






Federal Public Health Service, Surgeon General and CDC







The health system in the United States has witnessed tremendous growth over the years. We have come know it is a system that is perhaps the most developed as well as effective across the world. However, what most individuals within the United States and beyond do not understand is that the health system is complex as it can get. Indeed, one could say that this has contributed to its success in ensuring a healthy nation while also putting the country at risk. This is because the many interconnected components must function as expected at all times to ensure that we have a healthy nation. Often, the health systems comes out as involving all public and private as well as voluntary entities that have contributed to the delivery of vital public health services within the United States jurisdiction. In fact, the concept of health system oversee that the various components or entities contribute to the health as well as wellbeing of the society. Once, the health system in the country was viewed as consisting of official/government public health entities but such a perception has transformed over the years to include other public sector entities (for instance schools, land-use agencies, environmental protection entities) as well as private-sector agencies. This has meant that the health system in the country is involved in various works meant to ensure public health. From educating the public on injury prevention through monitoring outbreaks of diseases and implementing initiatives to curb their spread, the public health system make the lives of those living in the United States safer as well as healthier. People may not realize it but the health system is ever-present in citizens’ lives. Indeed, at some point in one’s life health system is all but important. This includes pregnancy, at birth, and throughout childhood and adulthood. This is because health system involves the efforts, art, science, as well as approaches that are used by different sectors of society to oversee assurance, maintenance, protection, promotion, and improvement of people’s health. In fact, the health system in the United States goes past assuring the conditions of public health because the inclusion of private-agencies means that businesses and employers, academic, the media and others play a critical role.

As signified above, the mission of the health system revolves around promoting the physical and psychological health of communities as well as populations, to prevent ailments, injury, and disability. This means that the health system may focus of a smaller number of individuals as evidenced through the integration of local/state level agencies. The health system in developed countries such as the United States becomes a complex as well as multi-faceted web with the common aim of protecting the health of a population. It is noted that this system comprises of an infrastructure that enables delivery of services to the masses. In the United States, the infrastructure allows the crucial public health functions to be undertaken and comprises of myriad units and or organizations. For instance, within federal’s department of HHS (Health and Human Services) there are various agencies including the primary ones for public health such as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the NIH (National Institutes of Health), HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), as well as AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality). As far as public health policy is concerned, primary leadership rests with the Surgeon General –the chief of the United States Public Health Service- as well as the CDC (California Health Policy Forum, 2007). Whilst most federal public health activity falls under HHS department, a number of agencies in public health are also involved. This includes USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Department of Defense and others. Worth noting, is that there are responsibilities for public health functions at various levels of government including state and federal. Most authority, however, is at the state level. Often, the federal government influences public health practice by funding decisions as well as setting national policy. This translates into providing leadership as well as shifting focus on public health challenges. On the other hand, states engage in numerous activities to protect public health. These activities range from safety enforcement as well as sanitary codes to carrying out inspections and mandating the reporting of various illnesses to state authorities. In addition, such activities as compelling quarantine or isolation and licensing facilities and workers are undertaken at the state level. Regularly, states delegate authority for various functions to local governments at the forefront in responding to health emergencies.

Evidently, the public health system governing the country is complex and inter-agency relationships are at the core of its success. In fact, not one agency functions in isolation because the core aim remains to protect the population against diseases that continue to threat societies across the world. The department of HHS thus works together with various agencies meant to ensure public health. An in-depth look at some of the agencies and their roles in ensuring overall public health can reveal the manner in which the agencies are interlinked. Worth noting, is that their policies may seemingly be structured differently but the core aim of ensuring public health overrides. Some of the components that will be explored in this paper include the Surgeon General, the federal Public Health Service, as well as the CDC. These agencies lie at the center of United States’ health system and are some of the most important in protecting the public against diseases and ensuring wellness. Altogether, public health remains a global issue and the United States is no exception. It is in the best interest of a country to ensure that her citizens remain healthy. The United States is among the many nations that adopted United Nation’s declaration on health (California Health Policy Forum, 2007). The declaration accepts that citizens’ health is a human right that ought to be preserved by the governments.


The methodology used in this paper to analyze the aforementioned agencies involves exploratory research. This methodology has been chosen because the areas of study are not only wide but also the fact that the intention is to merely explore the given questions. Often carried out to determine the nature of a problem, the methodology used in this paper is meant to provide a clear picture of the agencies under focus. This means that such a methodology is crucial to making people understand a problem and or answers to a question. A number of considerations are made when using this methodology including the researcher’s willingness to change direction due to revelation of fresh information and or insights. In particular, exploratory methodology of research is handy in situation where a researcher has an idea about a given topic (s) and embarks on a journey to understand it better. This has seen exploratory methodologies of research labeled as initial research because they involve laying the groundwork for better understanding of an issue or a topic. Often, exploratory methodology of research involves questions that necessitate insight and this may include new topics. Worth noting, is that new angles about a topic can result out of fresh information found through exploratory methods of research. This includes new theoretical perspectives as well as fresh ways of measuring something. Nevertheless, the tactic that will be employed in this case involves article reviews. The tactic will include extensive search for related materials in academic databases as well as respectable publications over the Internet. Such sources often provide researchers with rich sources of information that can be built upon to answer questions. This will be helpful in providing insight into the agencies including their roles, organization, relationships, as well as the kind of policies they make or enforce.

Literature review

Scutchfield and Keck (2003) claim that one of the most crucial federal organizations in public health, involves the public health service. This is an arm of the federal security agency. In fact, the public health service assisted the creation of state health departments through giving grants-in-aid, providing advice and consultation on various problems, as well as loaning expert personnel. For instance, if a specific state was witnessing an unprecedented outbreak of disease the public health service would make available exerts to trace the starting place. This included suggesting means of dealing with the spread of an illness. Scutchfield and Keck (2003) insist it must be said that a key stimulus to the growth of public health practice came in response to the challenges associated with the Great Depression through the New deal as well as 1935s Social Security Act. Out of the public health viewpoint, the Social Security Act signified a significant step forward. As Scutchfield and Keck points out, title v of this act provided for an initiative of grants to states including child health services among others. In addition, title vi expanded financing of the public health service as well as allotted federal funds to states assisting them to develop the public health services. Nevertheless, Halverson et al (1998) claim the public health service in the United States has an established history of providing health care services. Established in 1798, the agency grew to become the predominant unit in charge of developing public health programs, sub-agencies, as well as services at a federal level. This underlines its role in the public health system, and it is evident that the agency is among the most crucial in the U.S. in fact, the services are designed to not only examine the health status of the nation but also to meet the identified needs in the health system. In 1996, the public health service agency was recognized and placed under the DHHS to play the role of creating a more efficient as well as client service-oriented unit. Altogether, these are some of the key roles played by public health service agency.

The Surgeon General’s role in the American health system is also crucial. A longstanding docket in U.S government history, Surgeon General previously played the role of heading the Public Health Service including all programs, financial management, as well as administrative duties. Satcher (2015) notes that this changed in 1968 and in modern times, the Surgeon General serves as United States’ chief health educator through providing citizens the best scientific information on improving health as well as minimizing injury and illness risk. According to Ray (2014), the modern roles associated with Surgeon General include articulating scientifically based health policy examination as well as advice to the government (especially HHS secretary) on the full variety of crucial public health system challenges facing the country. Another crucial role played by Surgeon General involves administering PHS commissioned corps – a uniquely flexible and expert career force of health professionals- who are ready to respond to long-term and short-term health needs of the public. Ray (2014) also notes that Surgeon General’s roles include providing leadership as well as management supervision for commissioned corps’ involvement in emergency preparedness as well as research properties. Another role involves fulfilling statutory as well as regular departmental representational responsibilities on a range of federal panels and governing units of non-federal health agencies such as the National Library of Medicine, American Medical Association, Armed forces Institute of Pathology, and Association of Military Surgeons. Altogether, these are some of roles for Surgeon General.

CDC is renowned in the country and beyond for its crucial role in ensuring public health. Halverson et al (1998) contends that the agency mission revolves around promoting health as well as quality of life through preventing and controlling injury, disease, as well as disability. It has centers across the country and some of its roles include providing statistical information for guiding actions as well as policy to support the health of the citizens. This role is through a division known as the National Center for Health Statistics. What is more, CDC’s roles include running the all-important National Center for STD (sexually transmitted disease), HIV (human immune-deficiency virus), and TB (tuberculosis) prevention (Brunette, 2011). This division plays a particularly crucial role in the health system because it provides surveillance, prevention studies, as well as programs to prevent and or control STDs, HIV infection, and TB. Halverson et al (1998) also notes that CDC’s roles include prevention as well as control of disease, birth defects, and disability resulting out of association between individuals and the environment. This is achieved through its division known as the National Center for Environmental Health. In addition, the agency has a division named the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, which establishes programs for reducing injury, disability and related costs, as well as death outside the workplace. Another role associated with CDC is strengthening the community observation of public health via information networks, overseeing laboratory quality, and via conducting practice research. This is achieved through CDC’s International Health Program division or office. The National immunization program, on the other hand, is tasked with immunization programs throughout the country. In sum, CDC roles are wide-ranging and sometimes may focus on such groups as infants and adolescents with the core aim of promoting health. This includes promoting healthy personal behaviors among citizens.


The federal public health service, as aforementioned, is crucial to the functionality of the health system as a whole. Its roots can be traced back to the colonial period in the United States when there were repeated epidemics of such diseases as cholera, smallpox, and yellow fever. For instance, an epidemic in Philadelphia in late 17th century nearly shutdown the federal government and such health crisis brought about the idea of municipal boards of health. These boards comprised of respected citizens who were authorized to act in society’s interest in implementing quarantine, evacuation, as well as other public health interventions. Indeed, early role of the federal government in combating diseases led to modern-day U.S public health service. It was established as the Marine Hospital Service that continued to evolve to include a range of public health services including sub-agencies, programs, as well as services. The services were designed to examine nation’s health status. In the mid-1990s, the goal accelerated towards a more efficient as well as client service-oriented agency and the public health service was not only reorganized but also placed under the all-inclusive domain of DHHS. As far as its organization is concerned, the agency is well placed in the health system of the nation to assess public health needs and provide for means to meet them. The agency is directed through the Office of the Secretary as well as the Deputy Secretary who oversee the Assistant Secretary of Health, the Assistant Secretary of Management and Budget, Planning, and Evaluation Assistant secretary, Legislation Assistant Secretary, as well as the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs. Worth noting, is that the Office of the Secretary directs several key public health agencies including Administration on Aging and Administration for Children and Families. The organization can be classified into four major units including the NIH, the Office of the Surgeon General, the Bureau of Medical Services, as well as the Bureau of State Servicers. The federal public health service has come a long way to its present state in terms of regulations involves. The New Deal as well as the Social Security Act of 1935 can be viewed as some of the foundations leading to this agency. As an example, title VI of the Social Security Act provided for expanded financing of the public health service agency. In fact, federal as well as state expenditures for public health increased significantly immediately following the Great Depression. In turn, this fueled expansion of local or state health units. In recent times, the agency was recognized trough the Public Health Service Act (1944) in which the federal government sought to introduce compact as well as orderly arrangement of existing regulations related to public health. Thus, some of the regulations that are made and or enforced by the agency include providing authority to make grants in aid to research companies for study of a disease. What is more, the agency authorizes expansion of all federal-state public health programs including calling for the establishment of specific control programs such as those involving tuberculosis. Altogether, it is evident that the federal public health service occupies a central role in the public health system because its policies are far-reaching both at federal and state levels.

An analysis of the Surgeon General docket ought to include public health service agency because for many years it headed the agency. The focus revolved around controlling infectious diseases, which was significant to safeguard American soldiers who were located in endemic areas and to safeguard the American public once infected soldier returned home. However, the focus of Surgeon General changed after the creation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare –later the DHHS. The Surgeon General reported to the secretary of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and later to the assistant of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Eventually, Surgeon General was awarded back the responsibility for the public health service. The aim was to ensure that an office in the long administrative line of the health system would assume the role of overseeing public health focus (Haley and Kreek, 2015). In fact, the modern office of the Surgeon General involves issuing reports from time to time calling to action or communicating on matters of significance to the health of the citizens. In essence, Surgeon General is within the health system to help it focus on matters that continue affecting the public health system. For instance, modern times have seen Surgeon General associated with helping the American public to act on such matters as alcoholism and smoking. Without a doubt, these represent some of the key issues affecting the health of American people. In terms of organization, Surgeon General’s office falls under the Public Health Service agency within the all-inclusive DHHS. In fact, Surgeon General’s office is one of the several administrative units under the Public Health Service. What is more, the organization of this office includes a Deputy Surgeon General as well as up to three Assistant Surgeons General who are tasked with several bureaus. Staff officers with the position of Surgeon General’s assistant are responsible for the administration of sanitary and dental engineering activities. Indeed, U.S Coast Guard’s Medical Director has the position of assistant Surgeon General within the Public Health Service. This reveals the fact that the Surgeon General occupies a significant position in the country’s health system. Seeing that Surgeon General’s office is within the Public Health Service agency, laws or regulations governing the latter apply to Surgeon General. These include the Public Health Service Act, which has far reaching significance as far as public health matters are concerned. The Surgeon General is associated with creation of virtually all policies on public health in the country. This is because the office is expected to generate reports from time to time detailing the challenges the public health system faces. Nevertheless, the fact that the Surgeon General is involved in public health leadership at the highest level by serving as an advisor to the government (especially the secretary of Health and Human Services) indicates the office’s involvement in policy enactment. In addition, the office oversees regulations governing Public Health Service’s commissioned corps and informs the country about crucial public health issues. In fact, all Surgeon Generals have been involved in public health policy formulation through championing specific issues. For instance, Talley and Travis (2014) note that Surgeon General J. B. Richmond championed for formulation of “Healthy People” policy on exercising, environmental factors, and nutrition.

CDC is among the most crucial agencies in the public health system of the nation. This is because the agency can be attributed to health practitioners needs to improve association between academic and the practice community as well as to ensure competent public health. This includes a competent workforce capable of delivering public health services. It opened the doors in mid-1940s as the Communicable Disease Center. It was a new component of the Public Health service. Initially, the agency was concerned with controlling the spread of malaria in the country but it great to include many other crucial roles over the years. In fact, the agency is the leader in public health matters as enshrined in its mission to collaborate to develop the expertise, information, as well as tools that communities require safeguarding their health (Public Health Reports, 1944). In particular, the 19th century saw the agency come of age through continuing applications of classic field-oriented epidemiology and via the development of fresh methodologies. As an example, the disciplines of decision sciences and health economics were merged to generate a fresh area of emphasis in prevention effectiveness. Worth noting, is that such an approach involved making rational choices about public health interventions. This indicates that recent years have seen the agency more involved in prevention strategies of public health. Nevertheless, a number of legislations over the years have contributed to CDC’s emergence as a leader in public health locally and globally. These include the crucial Public Health Service Act, which has far-reaching significance in U.S public health system. In fact, under section 361 of the act the Secretary of Health and Human Services has authority to undertake measures meant to safeguard the entry as well as spread of communicable diseases. In turn, the authority for undertaking such functions has been delegated to CDC. Indeed, the federal regulations authorize CDC to not only detain but also medically analyze as well as release individuals entering the U.S. This also includes individuals travelling between nations who may be suspected to have communicable diseases. On the other hand, states have police authority functions to safeguard the health, safety, as well as welfare of citizens. This implies that states have regulations to enforce the use of quarantine and isolation, and breaking such orders is often a criminal misdemeanor. What is more, if quarantinable illnesses are identified or suspected, CDC enforces policies on federal isolation and or quarantine order. The agency is falls under Health and Human Services domain, which is an inclusive department with secretaries and deputy secretaries. As with other agencies and units in the Public Health Service line, the core aim is to oversee public health improvement. In sum, CDC occupies a key area in American health system and collaborates with other agencies in DHHS to protect the health of all citizens.


The Health and Human Services domain in the U.S is wide-ranging and it remains crucial to the wellbeing of Americans and beyond. More so, it contains such crucial divisions as the Public Health Service, Surgeon General, as well as the CDC. These agencies, as evidenced in this paper, are crucial to delivery of health services to the population. They play numerous roles in delivery of health services to the public including developing as well as applying illness prevention and control, occupational safety as well as health, and environmental health. This includes injury prevention as well as overall health promotion. Worth noting, is that the various agencies collaborate to ensure that quality healthcare is delivered to American population. The various divisions must function as one entity to ensure that the core aim of ensuring a healthy America is realized. This brings in the idea of a system in which the federal public health service, Surgeon General, as well as the CDC play crucial roles in ensuring effectiveness. Nonetheless, the role are often undertaken at the federal level but can be delegated to state levels in which actors or sub-units engage target groups and communities. This paper has evidenced that the different divisions or agencies have evolved over the years to become effective, as we know them. Thus, it can be predicted that transformations in their roles will continue to evolve as the country seeks to come up with a model most likely to minimize or eliminate issues facing the health system.



Scutchfield, F and Keck, W. (2003). Principles of public health practice.USA: Cengage    Learning.

Halverson, P et al. (1998). Managed care and public health. USA: Aspen Publishers.

Talley, R and Travis, S. (2014). Multidisciplinary coordinated caregiving. USA: Springer Science & Business Media.

Public Health Reports. (1944). Public Health Service Act, 1944. Retrieved from             http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1403520/pdf/pubhealthrep00059-   0006.pdf

California Health Policy Forum. (2007). Understanding the United States public health system.    Retrieved from             ttp://www.cahpf.org/godocuserfiles/207.chi%20brief%20united%20states.pdf

Satcher, D. (2015). The past and future office of the Surgeon General. Annals of Internal             Medicine, Vol. 162 Issue 6, p 450-451.

Ray, L. (2014). The role of the Surgeon General. Retrieved from http://woman.thenest.com/role-  surgeon-general-14602.html

Haley, S and Kreek, M. (2015). A window of opportunity. American Journal of Public Health,     Vol. 105 Issue 3, p 457-463.

Brunette, G. (2011). CDC health information for international travel 2012. USA: Oxford University Press.

Plein, C. (2014). An uncertain federalism. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration.   Vol. 37 Issue 3, p 350-377.


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