Families Health Assessment Part I

 Family Health Assessment Part I

Analysis of Findings

Family Structure

The family selected for the interview exercise is a nuclear family comprising two adults and three children. The adults have been married for 13 years and are aged 41 (male partner) and 42 (female partner). The three children, two boys, and one girl are aged 9, 6, and 4. The family is Caucasian and are residents of the suburbs of Tacoma, a Suburb built-up area of Seattle in Washington State. The family is middle income with both parents working different jobs in healthcare Family Health Assessment Part I. From the interview with the parents, it emerged that the family regards itself as liberal Christians.  


A Summary of Health Behavior of the Family

Interviewing the parents on a list of issues whose details are shared in the appendix revealed that the family is generally healthy and has nurtured positive health behaviors. For instance, it emerged that the family constantly seeks medical care for each of its members and is covered by private health insurance. The fact that the parents work in healthcare prompts them to regularly have all members of the family regularly checked. At home, it emerged that the parents have developed a pattern of healthy behaviors such as requiring everyone to engage in physical exercises within the house and outside. An added practice that is part of the family tradition is sleeping sufficiently especially for the children, the challenge with the parents’ sleep patterns are directly related to work as they have to balance their hours at work and the few that are left are partly used to carry out chores around the house and caring for the children. The interview revealed two important issues about the family; communication and nutrition. Family Health Assessment Part I Recognizing that their three children are still young and developing, the parents have made it a habit to engage with them constantly during mealtimes where they advise on issues such as sexuality, safety in school and at home, and self-perception. Communication is two-way for them and the three children are allowed to ask about issues they have at home and school. There exists a policy on the type of food that members take during breakfast, at school, and during dinner time. Easting of snacks is limited to weekends only and the parents monitor the nutritional values of all food consumed within the household.

 Functional Health Pattern Strengths and Problems

There are two functional health pattern strengths that were identified. Closely monitoring what the foods children consume by analyzing their nutritional benefits is a huge plus (Damaceno & Chirelli, 2019). Family Health Assessment Part I Maintenance of good health is a practice that involves consuming a balanced diet, avoiding junk food, and engaging in physical exercises. The second strength identified is the choice to participate in physical activities. Exercising and performing household chores, especially for the children is important. Exercises help alleviate metabolism which is important in sustaining good health. A key barrier to health especially for parents is the amount of time spent sleeping. The long working hours away from home leaves the parents with limited time for sleep and interacting with their children. A second barrier to health identified is finance. While the family is covered by insurance, this is only to a certain extent limiting the type of medical care they can seek. A third barrier that was identified was the distance the family is from the hospitals. While the family resides in Tacoma, the insurance provider specifies the healthcare organizations that the family can seek medical care from and it is a long distance away from home Family Health Assessment Part I.

Family Systems Theory Application

Haefner (2014) has explained that family systems theory considers the family unit as an intricate social system that, among other things, is able to impact or initiate change in its members. Drawing from this, the family systems theory can be used to solicit a change in the interviewed family. Parents can use their position as the leaders of the family to influence change through what is referred to as experiential communication (Werner et al., 2018). Considering that the two parents are experienced in their respective fields in healthcare makes them valuable in communicating personal health ideals to their children and between themselves. Family Health Assessment Part I The second way in which family systems theory can be used to influence change is parental authority. Parents have authority on their children and they are able to dictate appropriate practices that children should adopt and practice.


Damaceno, M. J. C. F., & Chirelli, M. Q. (2019). The Implementation of senior health care in the family health strategy: the view of professionals and managers. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva24, 1637-1646. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-81232018245.04342019

Haefner, J. (2014). An application of Bowen family systems theory. Issues in mental health nursing35(11), 835-841.

Werner, N. E., Jolliff, A. F., Casper, G., Martell, T., & Ponto, K. (2018). Home is where the head is: a distributed cognition account of personal health information management in the home among those with chronic illness. Ergonomics61(8), 1065-1078. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2018.1435910


Interview Question

  1. Values/Health Perception

Do you often seek medical care?

Is your family healthy?

Do you trust the healthcare system in the country?

  1. Nutrition

Are you particular about the nutritional values of the food you take?

Do you have a habit of reading nutrition labels on food items?

Do you have a policy on snacking?

Family Health Assessment Part I

  • Sleep/Rest

For how long do you sleep each day?

How long after meals do you sleep?

Do you snore during sleep?

  1. Elimination

How regular is your bowel movement? / how often do you have bowel movements?

Is there a distinct odor in your bowel movement?

Does your bowel movement have a particular color?

  1. Activity/Exercise

Do you engage in physical exercises?

How often do you participate in physical activities?

Family Health Assessment Part I

Which exercises do you perform? How regular?

  1. Cognitive

How would you rate your intellectual ability?

Do you think you have a sharp memory or not?

Do you ever feel confused and how often?

  • Sensory-Perception

How good or poor is your eyesight?

O you have any hearing or taste impairment?

On a scale of 1-7, how would you rate each of your senses?

  • Self-Perception

What perception do you have about your self-image?

Are you positive about the future and the unknown?

What do other people think and say about you?

  1. Role Relationship

How would you describe your marriage?

Does your family hold meetings and how regular are they?

Would you classify the communication among family members as fair?

  1. Sexuality

How open are your family and yourself about sexuality?

How open are you about same-sex relationships?

Are you exposed to sexual health education?

  1. Coping

How do you deal with stressful situations?

Have you sought mental health care?

Is there any mental case in your extended family?

Family Health Assessment Part I


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