Evidence-based Practice Proposal Paper

Evidence-based Practice Proposal Paper


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete their MSN EBP proposal.  Students will apply faculty feedback from prior work demonstrated through correction of prior submissions of the proposal; and submit a fully corrected copy based on feedback from their faculty on prior graded course assignments.  This assignment includes the final sections of the proposal which is the solution impact and translation of the results.


Course Outcomes

This Evidence-based Practice Proposal Paper assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO#1 Integrate evidence-based practice and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings.  (PO 1, 2, 7, 9)

CO#2 Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve healthcare outcomes. (PO 1, 2, 7, 9, 11)

CO#4 Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies.  (PO 1, 2, 6, 9)

CO#5 Analyze research findings and evidence-based practice to advance holistic nursing care initiatives that promote positive healthcare outcomes. (PO 2, 4, 7, 9, 10)



Description of the Evidence-based Practice Proposal Paper Assignment

For this assignment, the student will review all prior work and assignments for the course preparing a corrected and complete MSN EBP project proposal based on faculty feedback provided on each assignment.  This assignment includes the final sections of the proposal which is solution description and translation of the results.

Criteria for Content

  1. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page and Appendices) should be at least 15, but no more than 30 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  3. This paper is a complete correction of all prior assignments that combined become the MSN EBP project proposal. All corrections and suggestions made by faculty on prior work is to present. Students will explain the evaluation plan and discuss how the results from the proposal will or would be translated into practice and disseminated throughout their specialty track.
  4. The paper should be presented in the following ordered sections:
  • Title Page
  • Overview of Selected Evidenced-based Practice Project
  • Application of area of interest to specialty track
  • Nursing issue with supportive evidence
  • Evidence-based practice question
  • Research literature support
  • Theoretical framework
  • Change model
  • Research approach and design
  • Sampling
  • Data collection methods/processes and analysis of data
  • Solution impact
  • Translation of results
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendix A: Research Critique Table
  1. Assignment Revision: The student is to include the information from Week 4 assignment (Refinement of Research Literature, Framework, Design and Sampling).  All revisions identified from faculty feedback are to be included.  The conclusion from Week 4 should be removed.
  2. Information from Week 5 assignment (Data Collection Methodology and Analysis) is included even though faculty review is not yet complete. By including this information, prior to faculty review, the entire EBP project proposal is complete.
  3. Solution Impact: In this section, the student assumes that a positive outcome was determined by collected data and identifies a process by which the practice change will be evaluated. Using the selected change model, the student will provide a detailed planfor implementation of the results.  Outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project are presented.  In addition, the student will identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project.


  1. Translation of Results: In this section, as an advance practice nurse in your specialty track, you present how you would provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track. An explanation of how to overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results is required.  A comprehensive discussion of the resources needed to implement your results is also required.  Possible ways to disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track is to be presented


  1. Conclusion: For this section the student is to present the key points of the entire EBP project proposal.  Self-reflection upon the learned that occurred from this writing this assignment is required.


Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should not exceed 30 (thirty) Points willbe lost for not meeting these length requirements.


  1. Headings are required and these should be formatted following APA requirements


  1. Title page, body of paper, reference page(s), and appendixmust follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.


  1. Provide your references, formatted in APA style, as a reference page.


  1. This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of 24% or less must be obtained; this is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students.  Any other level of similarity index requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time.  To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged.  The final submission will be graded by faculty.  If a TurnItin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.


Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Refinement of Research Literature, Design and Sampling (from Week 4) 10 12 ·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignmentconclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Solution Impact 20 12 The required content for this section includes:

·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project

Translation of Results



20 24 The required content for this section includes:

·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track


Conclusion 10 24 ·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Paper Specifications 5 6 ·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding30pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A

APA Format (6th edition) 10 10 ·         Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.


·          One deduction for each type of APA style error

Citations in Text 5 6 ·         Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Writing Mechanics 5 6 ·         Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.
Total  85 100 %  


          Grading Rubric


Assignment Criteria



Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points =  65 Points


Data Collection Methodology and Analysis Assignment Paper Revisions

10  Points 9 Points 8 Points 4  Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignment conclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignment conclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements

·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignment conclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Presentation of

information in one two, or three  of the following elements fails to meet expectations:


·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignment conclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory infour or more of the following elements:


·         Week 4 Assignment is revised based on faculty feedback

·         All corrections for each section of the paper have been completed

·         Week 4 Assignment conclusion has been removed

·         Completing the MSN EBP Proposal has been added to the bottom of Week 4 assignment, but before the content from Week 5

·         Information from end of Week 5 assignment has be added to the bottom of Week 4, but before new content of Week 6 assignment

Solution Impact


20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project

Presentation of

information in one or two  of the following elements fails to meet expectations:


·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:


·         Apply each step of the selected change model to this EBP project to show how results will be implemented

·         Detail the how the results of this EBP project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in selected MSN specialty track

·         Define outcome measures that will be used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project

·         Identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project


Translation of Results


20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track


Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track


Presentation of

information in one or twoof the following elements fails to meet expectations:


·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track


Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

·         Explain, as an advance practice nurse, how you will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track

·         Explain how you would overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results

·         Explain the resources you would need to implement the results of your EBP project

·         Discuss, as an advance practice nurse, how you disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track


Conclusion 10 Points 9 Points 8  Points 4  Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Presentation of

information in two, three or four of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in five or more of the following elements:

·         Provides a summary of key elements of your EBP proposal

·         Provides a self-reflection by the student regarding what was learned from writing this assignment.

Paper Specifications 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 0 Points
This section included all of the following:

·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 30 pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A

This section included three of the following:

·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 30 pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A

This section included only two of the following:

·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 30 pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A

This section included only one of the following:

·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 30 pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A

This section included none of the following:

·         Paper meets length requirements of not exceeding 30 pages excluding title and reference pages

·         Headings are present and consistent with APA format.

·         A dictionary (except for Definition section), required textbooks for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

·         References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

·         Research Critique Table is added as Appendix A


Possible Points = 20  Points




APA Style

10  Points  Points  Points   Points  Points
APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page,

·         running head,

·         body of paper (including citations and headings), and

reference page

·         One deduction for each type of APA format error

0 to 1 APA error was present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page,

·         running head,

·         body of paper (including citations and headings), and

reference page

·         One deduction for each type of APA format error


2 –  3 APA errors were present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page,

·         running head,

·         body of paper (including citations and headings), and

reference page

·         One deduction for each type of APA format error

4 – 5 APA were are present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page,

·         running head,

·         body of paper (including citations and headings), and

reference page

·         One deduction for each type of APA format error

6 – 7 APA were are  present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

·         title page,

·         running head,

·         body of paper (including citations and headings), and

reference page

·         One deduction for each type of APA format error


8 or greater APA errors were present





5  Points 4 Points 3  Points 2  Points 0 Points
There were 0-1 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information  that contributed to knowledge

Permission to use references older than 5 years was obtained from faculty.

There were 2-3  errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

Permission to use references older than 5 years was NOTobtained from faculty.

There were 4-5 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge



There were 6-7 errors in the crediting of ideas, and informationthat contributed to knowledge There were 8 or greater errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge


Writing Quality

5  Points 4 Points 3  Points 2  Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6thedition of the APA manual 3 – 4errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual


5 – 6errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual


7 – 8errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual


9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual


Total Points _____of 85 points


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