ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers

ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers

Welcome to your course guide

See the Additional Resources link on the left for help with the final project.

If you have APA questions please contact the Writing Center.

ENGL 1001 Required Course Readings

The readings required for this course are your textbooks. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

See the Additional Resources link to the left to learn how to find outside sources required for your final project.

Other Readings

Optional or supplemental readings may or may not be available in the library. Find further information about optional readings here.

How to find outside resources for the final project

Research is a skill that needs to be learned and is beyond being able to search Google. Academic research conducted online utilizes databases that include articles and books that are protected by copyright and are not freely available online. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

The 5 Steps for Successful Research

1) Identify the topic or research question.


2) Break topic into keywords.

3) Create search strategy using keywords.

4) Brainstorm related terms and modify search strategy as needed.

5) Evaluate results and select articles.


Watch the brief video below showing how to complete these steps for your final project. To the right you will find links to the databases suggested for researching this topic when you get to step 3.

Understand the Database Search Page

Databases may be confusing when you first try using them. But understanding how databases work is essential to growing your research skills. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

There are three search components in most databases:

  • Search Boxes
  • Limiters
  • Field Searching

The following video will help you learn the basics of database searching. The video references this guide if you’d like to learn more: Keyword Searching: Finding Articles on Your Topic.

Understand Databases video demonstration

Recommended Databases

The topic always dictates what database you should choose.

The topic of this assignment is within the broader topic of Education. Below are the 2 recommended databases for researching education topics. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

Why Use Boolean?

Boolean operators connect your keywords to create a logical phrase that the database can understand.

They tell the database exactly what you want to find.


Boolean Operator What it Does How to Use
AND Finds articles that use BOTH keywords. adult learning


online courses


Finds articles that use EITHER of the keywords. Use the asterisk (*) to find different word endings. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.


adult learn* ORadult students

Excludes articles that use the keyword.


NOT masters programs


For more information about each operator and truncating with the asterisk, see the boxes to the right.

Boolean terms

Boolean terms (sometimes called Boolean operators or command terms) connect your keywords to create a logical phrase that the database can understand.  This may involve telling the database to look for multiple terms or concepts at once, which will make your search more precise. Or it may involve searching for alternative terms that will bring back more results.

Using Boolean terms helps to create more precise and powerful searches with a higher percentage of relevant results.

This page will show you how to use the Boolean terms ANDOR, and NOT in your searches. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

Boolean terms: AND, OR, NOT


Boolean Term What it Does How to Use
AND Find items that use BOTH keywords. adult learning AND online courses
OR Find items that use EITHER of the keywords. adult learners OR adult students
NOT EXCLUDES items that use the keyword(s). NOT masters programs

Note: You do not have to capitalize and, or, and not in your searches.


The AND operator:

  • connects different concepts
  • limits your search
  • reduces results


school leadership AND at risk students AND academic progress

Finds articles that have information about all three of these topics.


The OR operator:

  • finds different ways to phrase a concept
  • expands your search
  • increases results


school leadership OR at risk students OR academic progress

Finds articles that may talk about any one of these topics (does not have to include them all).


The NOT operator:

  • excludes results with the keyword
  • reduces results


school leadership NOT at risk students

Takes out articles with the term used with NOT.

WARNING: Use NOT with caution. It can remove relevant results.

Truncate root words

Truncation allows you to search any ending on a root word.

For example, if your topic uses the word teenagers, then you may also want to search:

  • teen
  • teens
  • teenager

The root word is teen. To truncate and search teen with any ending you would enter:


The asterisk at the end of the root word tells the database to search for that word with any ending. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

This expands your search to find more articles.

Use Boolean terms

Type in one concept per search box.

The advanced search in most databases defaults to automatically use AND between the search boxes. Leave the default. The database will find articles that include both concepts.

Use OR inside the search boxes to add synonyms or related terms to the search. Because the database will only search for the exact terms entered, using OR helps find the different ways an author may have phrased the concept. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

For best results, only use the OR within a search box. The AND is placed automatically between the search boxes.

An example search for violence on television using boolean terms might look like this:

First search box: TV or television or mass media

Second search box: violence or aggression

Introduction to keyword searching

Keyword searching is the process of choosing search terms and entering them into the database search boxes to locate information on your topic. This guide will walk you through how to select and combine keywords in the Library databases to find articles on your research topic. Specifically, this guide will cover how to:

  • decide on a research topic
  • identify a relevant database
  • select appropriate keywords
  • connect keywords using Boolean operators

More information

Picking effective keywords is just part of the database search process. To learn more about using the Library databases, please refer to our guide:


You may also find the following guides helpful as you learn how to find what you need in the Walden Library:


This recorded webinar focuses on how to pick relevant search terms:

What is peer review?

Peer review is a scholarly form of review used by journals only for journal articles. After an article is sent to an academic journal, the editor sends it to several peer reviewerstypically scholars in the fieldfor evaluation.

These peer reviewers examine the paper’s methodology, literature review, and conclusions. They note the existence of bias or other flaws. The peer reviewers may accept the article, require rewrites from the authors, or reject the article. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

If you are asked to find articles that are peer-reviewed, what you are really looking for are articles from a peer-reviewed journal.

Peer review can also be called:

  • blind peer review
  • scholarly peer review
  • refereeing or refereed


Search Tip:  Peer-reviewed journals may also contain items that are not peer reviewed, such as letters to the editor, opinion pieces, and book reviews. Even if you check the peer-review limiter box, you still need to examine the items carefully to be sure they are articles. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

Verify peer review

Search Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory to verify peer review.

Learn how to verify peer review in Ulrich’s.

  1. Enter the journal title (not the article title) in the search box in Ulrich’s.
  2. Click on the Search icon and find your journal in the search results.
  3. Look for the refereed icon, shaped like an umpire’s jersey, indicating the journal is peer reviewed. It displays on the left side of the page, near the article title. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

Check the journal’s website

Journal websites will typically discuss editorial processes, including peer review.

This information is often listed in the following areas:

  • about us
  • editorial policies
  • instructions for authors
  • submission guidelines

A simple Google search for the journal will usually locate the journal’s website.

Examples of Editorial Policies:

Are dissertations peer reviewed?

No. While dissertations are closely supervised by a dissertation committee made up of scholars, they are still considered student work.

Dissertations are often included in scholarly writing, although they are used sparingly. If you are unsure if you can use a dissertation in your assignment or literature review, talk with your instructor or chair. ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

ENGL 1001
Literature and Composition 1

3.0 Credits


This course introduces short stories and the novel through examples of the genres drawn primarily from the twentieth century. The course is not a chronological or historical survey of literature. Instead, it examines the general characteristics of fiction by focusing on short stories and a novel. This course also provides a review of basic grammar, punctuation, and instruction in composing critical essays. ENGL 1011 (Literature and Composition II) is the continuation of ENGL 1001 and focuses on drama and poetry.


English 12 or equivalent


This course satisfies the first half of the introductory English literature and composition requirement of TRU-OL degrees. Students with credit for ENGL 1021 or ENGL 1019 may not take this course for further credit. Students with credit for ENGL 1001 may not take ENGL 1061 or ENGL 1999 for further credit in some programs.


After you complete this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify and correct faults in sentences and paragraphs.
  • Describe the components and basic structure of a short story and novel using specific examples from works studied in the course.
  • Identify and discuss the literary patterns in a short story or novel.
  • Read prose literature beyond the factual or literal level, for example, on a metaphorical level that reveals the human condition.
  • Write coherent and focused critical essays on literary texts and topics. Apply analytical techniques in a critical essay.
  • Apply analytical techniques in a critical essay.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Short Stories

ReadingsAlice Munro: “Royal Beatings”

Charlotte Perkins Gilman: “The Yellow Wallpaper”

James Baldwin: “Sonny’s Blues”

Module 2: Characterization


Amy Tan: “Rules of the Game”

Willa Cather: “Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament”

Module 3: Setting


Margaret Atwood: “Death by Landscape”

Doris Lessing: “To Room Nineteen”

Module 4: Plot


Richard Ford: “Great Falls”

Herman Melville: “Bartleby, the Scrivener”

Module 5: Point of View


Raymond Carver: “Cathedral”

Ernest Hemingway: “Hills Like White Elephants”

Module 6: Style


William Faulkner: “Barn Burning”

D.H. Lawrence: “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter”

Module 7: Theme


Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

Maximum Completion

30 weeks.

Required Text and Materials

  1. ed. R.V. Cassill et al. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. 8th ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 2015.
    Type: Textbook, ISBN: 978-0-393-93775-6

Bundled with:

  1. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice, A Norton Critical Edition. 4th ed. New York: Norton & Co, 2016.
    Type: Textbook, ISBN: 978-0-393-26488-3

Bundle ISBN: 978-0-393-62641-4

  1. ed. John Hodges et al. Harbrace Handbook for Canadians. 6th ed. Toronto: Nelson, 2003.
    Type: Textbook, ISBN: 978-0-176-22509-4

Bundled with:

  1. Connor, William. Harbrace Workbook for Canadians. 6th ed. Toronto: Nelson, 2003.
    Type: Textbook, ISBN: 978-0-176-22510-0 ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers,

Bundle ISBN: 0-17-623430-6

Open Learning Faculty Member Information

An Open Learning Faculty Member is available to assist students. Primary communication is by phone if you are taking the print-based version of the course and through the “mail” tool in the Learning Environment if you are taking the web-based version. You will receive the necessary contact information when you start your course.


In order to successfully complete this course, students must obtain at least 50 % on the final mandatory examination and 50 % overall. It is strongly recommended that students complete all assignments in order to achieve the learning objectives of the course. The total mark will be determined on the following basis: ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers.

Assignment 1: Diagnostic Essay 5%
Assignment 2: Critical Essay 15%
Assignment 3: Comparison and Contrast Essay 15%
Assignment 4: Research Essay on Pride and Prejudice 25%
Final exam * 40%

ENGL 1001 – English Composition Essay Assignment Papers



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